i don't wanna be, แต’โฟแต‰ แต—สณแต‰แต‰ สฐโฑ...

By scxtts

3K 132 8

Welcome to Tree Hill, where the basketball court is the heart of the town and drama lurks around every corner... More

โคท title page.
โคท copyright
โคท extras, one.
โคท extras, two.
โœง*ฬฅหš ๐ฌ๐ž๐š๐ฌ๐จ๐ง ๐จ๐ง๐ž. *ฬฅหšโœง
โคท i. pilot.
โคท ii. the places you fear most.
โคท iii. are you honest?
โคท iv. falling all in you.
โคท v. all that you left behind.
โคท vi. just another story to tell.
โคท vii. love is embarrassing.

โคท viii. looking for more.

136 11 2
By scxtts

✧*̥˚ chapter eight: looking for more. *̥˚✧

Jamie had been outside with Madison, having just returned from a brief trip to her house, when he spotted Jennifer leaning against her dad's car. Madison, engrossed in her phone, excused herself and headed inside, but Jamie felt an inner reluctance to rejoin the gathering just yet. Social events often made him feel like he was holding his breath, surrounded by a multitude of faces and conversations. It just wasn't his thing anymore.

Despite his generally easy-going nature, Jamie struggled with the overwhelming feeling that engulfed him in such social scenarios. It was easier to drown out the noise in his games than within a crowd of unfamiliar faces at a party. He found solace in solitude, in quietness, or sometimes in the cool embrace of the outdoors, where he could breathe freely.

The situation felt awkward, standing outside alone, especially since Jennifer was also there. But Jennifer seemed at ease, and upon noticing Jamie, she greeted him, "Jamie, right? Maddie's boyfriend?" Her playful tone accompanied a pointed finger in his direction. "I'm sorry if I got it wrong. There are so many pretty faces to remember at this new school."

Jamie chuckled lightly, "It's okay, you got my name right. I'm not Maddie's boyfriend, though. We're just... friends."

Jennifer smirked, "Sure," then remembered something crucial, "Did you know our parents are old friends?"

Jamie raised his eyebrows in surprise, "They are?" The revelation caught him off guard, given that he hadn't been aware of any prior connection between the Jagielski's and his parents.

Jennifer mused, mostly to herself as she recalled old printed photographs, "Yeah, it's weird, right? I'm pretty sure your parents looked after me when I was a baby, since my mom had me while my dad was still in high school." She vividly remembered a photograph of herself as a baby in a car seat, surrounded by familiar faces, some of whom were present at the party.

Jamie chuckled, a warm smile on his face, "Glad to know I'm not the only kid whose parents were still in high school when I was born." His own birth to teenage parents was a cherished part of his identity.

Jennifer laughed heartily, "It's a lot more common than you think."

Their conversation flowed easily, and Jamie soon found himself leaning against the opposite car, enjoying the unexpected connection. Jennifer shared her reason for being outside, explaining that she needed a break after spending time with Parker, who had received a phone call and left her behind, "He's the only one there, that I could actually talk to, other than my family. So, when he got that call and left - I didn't know where else to go."

Jamie nodded in understanding, before he apologetically admitted, "That was me. I called him. My cousin and Eve got locked in a closet, so I had to call him to get them out of there." He then sighed as he continued, "It's not the first time someone got locked in that closet."

Jennifer sighed, "He did say that Evelyn was in trouble. I thought..."

Almost like he knew what she was thinking, he dispelled her overbearing thoughts by telling her what he so clearly observed, "He really likes you." He told her, not an ounce of doubt in his tone - only clarity.

Jennifer raised an eyebrow, curious. "Good to know," she acknowledged, her thoughts swirling.

Because he could see that she was thinking, and knew that she had probably noticed the unspoken dynamic that everyone else tries to ignore, Jamie continued with a small reassuring smile, "It's complicated. Eve and him were... really close last year. But I've never seen him like this before."

     "Like what?" Jennifer asked.

     "Before last week, he was only hyper-focused on the game. Last game, he was hyper-focused on you," Jamie confessed with a playful smirk, "Girl, you got his attention. He's only known you for like a week, and he's already looking at you."

     "Girl?" Jennifer teased with a smirk.

Jamie laughed, "My masculinity slipped," he joked, "But seriously, he's a good guy, doesn't usually warm up to people quickly, which is why this is actually pretty surprising, you know?"

     "Thank you," Jennifer said sincerely. "Think I should maybe go inside, find him again."

     "You go ahead," Jamie agreed. "It was nice to meet you, Jagielski."

     "You too, Scott," she replied before heading inside.

While watching Jennifer return inside safely, Jamie had unintentionally found the sight of Evelyn sitting alone on the first roof outside the window of his room and raised his eyebrows. She hadn't noticed him, but he knew she'd been on there before with him when they were kids when they needed a place no one would look for them, away from their parents' supervision, of course. He knew that something was obviously bothering her, prompting her to go there.

With a small heartful sigh, he decided that he'd go in and check on her.

Evelyn sat on the rooftop, her thoughts a tumultuous sea crashing against the barriers she had carefully constructed. She could feel the weight of the world on her shoulders, the heaviness of life's uncertainties pulling her down like an anchor. She gazed at the moon, seeking solace in its gentle glow, wishing she could pour out her heart to its silent embrace.

She was alone, wrapped in the jacket her dad had given her to fend off the cold. She had too many things running through her mind. Parker being one of them, Logan being the other, her... situation being the most prominent. She couldn't help it but she knew she needed to be far away from everything so that at least she'd have the mental capacity to handle those thoughts.

It didn't take long for her to be pulled from her thoughts when she heard a knock on the window of Jamie's bedroom—the same window she had climbed out of to reach the rooftop. Her eyes met Jamie's as he skillfully climbed out the window and smiled at her before sitting beside her. "It's been so long since we came out here last, I don't think I even remember it," he commented with a small sigh, bringing his knees close to his chest and wrapping his arms around them.

Evelyn rolled her eyes playfully, "We were ten, and your room wasn't always a pigsty."

Jamie laughed before he could see it all come back to him, "Oh yeah, I remember. You were three feet tall and dyed strands of your hair with colored chalks, right?" Evelyn nudged him playfully for bringing that up, it was a phase of her life that she wished her mom didn't let her go through. She had possibly been one of the most messiest children to ever walk the playgrounds of Tree Hill, with her tie-dyed colorful shirts and rainbow colored hair that she had experimented with after seeing her Aunt Peyton dying her hair to a lighter blonde.

     "Didn't you also use to do the same?" She asked while raising her eyebrows at him.

He shook his head defensively, "You and Lily were always trying to make me your model subject for all your fashion ideas. I was merely a victim." He playfully feigned being wounded, a wide smile recalling their childhood. "Though I'm not gonna lie, the blue and grey combo? I looked like the coolest superhero in fifth grade with that hairstyle."

Evelyn laughed, "That was my idea. Lily thought you'd look better in red and grey."

After their nostalgic banter, Evelyn's solemn feelings returned, and Jamie pondered how to comfort her. He considered what words might ease her burden, but since he wasn't sure what troubled her, it was challenging. So, he opted to ask, "Is it the stars that you want?"

She immediately understood his meaning, having been asked that question before on this very rooftop. It was an offer to let it all out, or if not, to provide a shoulder to cry on. Frowning, struggling to contain her sorrow, Evelyn shook her head, "No, it's the moon." To the ten year old Jamie, 'the Moon' meant that Evelyn wanted to be comforted. She didn't want to talk, but she wanted to be listened to. She just wanted everyone to hear the things she'd leave in the silence.

Jamie sighed and leaned closer, wrapping his arm around her, letting her head rest on his shoulder. He felt the weight of her unspoken words, the burden she carried, but he knew she would share when she was ready. For now, all he could do was be there for her, just like they used to be for each other when they were kids, navigating the trials of growing up in Tree Hill. In that moment, the silence spoke volumes, and the comfort of their long-standing friendship provided a solace that words couldn't express.

Eventually, though, Evelyn had felt comfortable enough to say something, "I told Logan," She admitted. Jamie wondered what she was talking about, before he remembered that there was only one thing that seemed to loom over Evelyn's life, an experience that she never wanted anyone outside of her family to know about. He gulped as he wondered why she would tell Logan about it. They were barely close, Logan and Evelyn never even ran in the same social circles.

But then he thought about when Logan had called him. When he learned that Eve and him were locked in the closet together. His mind honed in on the word together. With courage, he quietly asked, "Is it because you're with him now?" He watched as she slowly moved away from him, and then when she shook her head and pursed her lips at him, he nodded, "Did you want to tell him?"

     "I don't know," She muttered solemnly, "I just, I haven't spoken about it in so long, I don't have anyone to tell - it just felt nice to have someone listen to me, to have someone I could talk to." She admitted, "But then I got a little defensive and threatened him if he told anyone, he won't tell anyone, right?" Jamie tried to hide his smile when she admitted she was a little defensive, Evelyn's defensiveness was by no means little.

     "He won't," He said confidently before he decided to say something that he wished he said before, "Eve, you know you can still talk to me right? I know we don't hang around together at school but - I'm not ashamed of you, of being your friend. I've never... you know I'm never leaving you," He stated, staring at her dead in her eyes to make sure that she knew. When he saw her eyes soften, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a hug.

She rolled her eyes but deep down this was what she needed. She felt tears start to fall and reached up from behind Jamie's back to wipe them away before he could see them. Jamie knew Evelyn had needed the hug, especially when he felt how tightly she'd been holding him, "You stink." Evelyn muttered into his shoulder, her voice small but still could be heard. Jamie laughed but didn't move back, at least until she did first.

She scrunched up her nose before her eyes widened, "You bad boy." She said, and with surprise, Jamie let out a small confused chuckle.


Evelyn hit him lightly on his shoulder, "That's Maddie's perfume," she muttered to herself before she looked back at him accusingly, her finger pointed at him, "You're back together with her, aren't you? You guys are dating again, I mean, why else would she let you into her bedroom?" Her eyes were suddenly full of amusement and underlying excitement at the thought.

Jamie looked around himself incredulously, wondering how she knew that specific detail and then remembered the phone call from when Evelyn was trapped inside the closet, he had mentioned it, "Wait, no, no, that's not -"

Evelyn let out a small scoff, "You said, and I quote 'I'm on the way to Maddie's, it's a long story.' on the phone earlier. You're out here, comforting me over my messed up life while holding the God awful juicy secret that you're dating the captain of the cheerleading team again."

     "Co-captain," Jamie corrected, but then when he noticed Evelyn's glare, he gulped and then folded, "We... we kissed but it was - it was accident. We're not together, she just - we agreed it was a mistake and we'd just forget about it."

Almost like a complete 360 degree turn, Evelyn frowned and hugged Jamie, "Oh Jay, I'm so sorry. I know you really liked her." He was taken aback by it but nonetheless hugged her back again. It was highly likely that her quick reactions were due to her state of mind at the moment but regardless, now that he thought about it, he actually really needed that hug too, "She's missing out on you, you don't deserve this."

     "I don't know about that," Jamie laughed before they both moved away from each other again, and then he felt the cold breeze brush upon his skin and shivered, "How are you not cold out here?" He asked.

Evelyn tugged at her jacket, "Dad gave me this jacket, almost like he knew I was going to come out here," she admitted. Jamie nodded before he glanced through the window into his bedroom, wondering if he should quickly grab a jacket and go back out to sit with her again, at least then he'd kill two birds with one stone. He'd be keeping her company in the silence, while also avoiding the social interactions he would have to face otherwise downstairs at the party all while being snug in his warm jacket.

But then he noticed a new figure had walked into his room, seemingly in search for something or someone. It was Brooke. Once she and Jamie had made eye contact, he knew then that Brooke was looking for Evelyn and decided that he'd give them some time alone. He turned to Evelyn, "Hey, I think I'm gonna go back inside for a bit, text me if you need me okay?" She passed him a small smile and nodded before letting him go.

      "Thanks, Jay." He nodded at her tapping her lightly on her shoulder in goodbye before escaping back inside to his room, where he had been face to face with Brooke.

Brooke leaned against the doorframe, a mischievous twinkle in her eye as she surveyed the chaos that was Jamie's room. Clothes were strewn across the floor, and a stack of textbooks teetered precariously on his desk. It was a teenage boy's version of organized chaos, and Brooke couldn't help but chuckle.

"Come on, Aunt Brooke, it's a canon event. Every teenage boy has these moments," Jamie quipped, attempting to defend the state of his room.

Brooke arched an eyebrow and crossed her arms, her lips curling into a sly grin. "Oh, I've seen messy rooms before, but this? This is like the epic saga of untidiness. It's like your room has its own gravitational pull for clutter."

Jamie laughed, realizing that his attempt at justifying the mess had fallen flat. "Well, you know, I like to keep things interesting."

Brooke couldn't resist the opportunity for a witty comeback. "Interesting, huh? What is this, some kind of chaotic art installation? I can almost hear the avant-garde music playing in the background."

Jamie smiled, "And here I thought I was just being a trendsetter in teenage room design."

"Oh honey," She sighed playfully before she rolled her eyes, "Just try not to lose your socks in the artistic abyss, alright?" Brooke leaned forward to ruffle his hair only for him to pull back and playfully glare at her which she only laughed at. She then flickered her gaze to Evelyn's figure outside of Jamie's window on the roof.

Now sporting a worried frown, she asked, "How is she doing?"

Jamie glanced at Evelyn on the roof, who was gazing at the stars, lost in her thoughts. "She's been a bit quiet since earlier. You know, teenage stuff. I think she just needed some space."

Brooke nodded understandingly, her playful expression softening into one of concern, "I'm gonna go talk to her," She announced as Jamie nodded, before she then turned to look at him one last time when she passed him.

     "By the way, your mom and dad are looking for you. Something about you leaving the party to go to Maddie's? They're mad but if your mom starts going crazy, call me so I could remind her what her and your dad were up to when they were your age, you got that?" Jamie nodded with a laugh before he then decided this would be the time for his departure, to leave Brooke and Evelyn to talk.

Evelyn's reverie was interrupted by a soft knock on the window — she turned to see if it was just Jamie coming back but instead she was met with another face. The familiar, warm eyes of her mom greeted her, accompanied by a reassuring smile. Watching her mom struggle to climb out was an unexpected source of amusement, and Evelyn couldn't help but giggle.

      "Hey, this is not funny. It shouldn't be this hard to get out there," Brooke chided herself, finally managing to join Evelyn on the rooftop. She held her jacket tightly against the chill in the air.

Evelyn, still smiling, responded, "That's the whole point of this hideout." She then turned back to gaze at the stars, like she had been before - still stuck in this constant solemn place that she can't seem to get out of.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Brooke commented, attempting to break the silence. She knew Evelyn needed space but also wanted to let her know that she was there if she needed to talk.

     "Yeah," Evelyn responded softly, her voice carrying a mix of emotions.

Brooke decided to tread carefully. "I can't pretend to understand everything you're going through, but I want you to know that I'm here for you. You can talk to me about anything."

Evelyn sighed, her smile fading slightly, "I'm sorry, Mom."

     "What for?" Brooke asked.

     "Not coming home, worrying you and Dad all the time, not listening to you," Evelyn listed, her voice filled with regret. "I could list them all, but it'll probably take all day."

Brooke looked at her daughter with a mixture of understanding and a hint of playfulness in her eyes. She reached out to gently cup Evelyn's cheek, her touch warm and reassuring, "Eve, sweetie," Brooke began, her tone serious yet laced with a touch of humor, "First of all, being a teenager is practically a job description for not coming home and worrying your parents. It's in the contract somewhere, I'm sure."

Evelyn chuckled softly at her mom's attempt to lighten the mood. "But seriously," Brooke continued, her expression becoming more sincere, "I know it can be tough, and we've all been there. Your dad and I just want you to be safe and happy. And sometimes, not listening is part of growing up, too."

     "I don't want to lose you," Evelyn admitted with worry. "I don't want to go back to living with her, not when she gave me up. I can't do that."

     "You think I want you to do that?" Brooke asked, her tone filled with empathy. "Of course I don't. I love you, Eve. You're the one and only mini-me, the daughter I've always wanted. I don't want to lose you either."

     "Then why did you tell me to go with her?" Evelyn asked.

     "Whether we like it or not, this case is still happening," Brooke explained. "Your mom has the right to fight for custody over you, and considering that she's now healthy and sober, she's fit to look after you. She wants you back, she's willing to fight for you, and no matter what, she'll always be your mom."

Evelyn's frustration surfaced. "I only knew her for three months. I didn't even know what colors were, I couldn't even talk or walk back then."

Brooke looked at Evelyn, her eyes reflecting both seriousness and understanding. "Eve, I know this is incredibly tough. It's a situation no one should have to go through, especially not a remarkable kid like you - who's had to deal with so much already. Life can be a real drama sometimes, huh?"

Evelyn managed a small smile amidst her worries, appreciating her mom's attempt to lighten the mood.

     "But hey," Brooke continued, placing a hand on Evelyn's shoulder, "We're in this together. We've faced challenges before, and we'll face this one too. We'll fight for what's right and what's best for you. Remember, you're not alone in this battle, okay?"

Evelyn nodded, feeling a bit reassured. "I know, but you know, it's just... scary and with everything else on top of that, it's like a huge ticking time bomb."

     "I know," Brooke said, her voice gentle. "It can be scary, but sometimes that's how we find out how strong we really are. And if there's one thing I've learned in life, it's that love and family, the one we choose and the one we're born into, can win even the toughest wars that we're fighting."

Evelyn looked into Brooke's eyes, finding comfort in her words. "I love you, Mom. Metaphors and all."

     "I love you too, mini-me," Brooke replied, giving Evelyn a warm hug. "You're my daughter, and nothing can change that." And then after a few seconds, she curiously asked, "So now that that's over, you wanna tell me which boy you've been spending the last couple of nights with? Or girl?"

Evelyn widened her eyes, unsure if she was ready for that conversation to which sent a broad message back to Brooke who glared at her slightly, "If it's my mother, I will gladly send you back to her, Eve. You know we don't go to grandma on bad days, the only thing she know how to do is go window shopping with you."

Evelyn smirked, "Yeah but... window shopping makes me feel better. So, I mean, is it really that bad?" Brooke only shook her head with a smirk, knowing that her daughter was just like her. Back to the question she asked, she knew Evelyn wasn't ready to tell her yet so she let it go for now, keeping it in mind to ask her again the next day.

With that, they sat together, embracing the uncertainty and the love that bound them, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead as a united family. In the moonlit stillness, they sat side by side, the quietude of the night allowing their unspoken fears to dissipate. It was a moment of shared vulnerability, a reminder that they were not alone in their struggles. The moon bore witness to their unspoken confessions, providing a sense of peace and belonging that carried them through the tempestuous sea of their emotions.


Jamie watched the scene unfold, the lively chatter and laughter that surrounded Parker as he interacted with the crowd. He couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy mixed with curiosity about what made Parker so effortlessly charming to everyone around him. He did notice how almost every minute or so, Parker's gaze would flicker to a particular spot and followed the gaze over to Jennifer who had been sitting beside Lily and Madison, all of them engaged in conversation alongside little twelve year old Lydia who had just looked happy to be involved in the girls' discussions.

Jamie figured that since his Aunt Peyton couldn't make it, it meant that Lydia had been left to socialize with girls that were far older than her. She didn't particularly enjoy hanging around the younger boys, he was sure she had a personal vendetta against the Baker boys. But it was nice that she had the girls to talk to, to fill that void of her girlhood - and to make up for Sawyer not being there. When those two were together, they were a nightmare to him but they only had each other and he admired that.

In the midst of his internal debate of where he should go, Parker's gaze met his, and Jamie found himself nodding in acknowledgment. Parker offered a friendly smile in return before beckoning him over to join him. Jamie made his way through the bustling crowd, reaching Parker's side just as a burst of laughter erupted from their group. He greeted them with a casual grin, the jovial atmosphere contagious. As he settled into the conversation, Jamie couldn't help but admire how at ease Parker was in this social setting, effortlessly engaging with everyone.

     "You're finally here to join the party, huh?" Parker teased, nudging him playfully.

     "Hey, someone's gotta bring some charisma to this gathering," Jamie shot back, feigning offense before turning to Jennifer, who had caught Parker's eye again. Jamie subtly pulled him away from the group they were with before he muttered, "Speaking of charisma, check it out, Jennifer's already charmed herself in with our girls." He knew he didn't have to say anything and Parker would still find the view interesting enough to not look away.

Parker lowered his gaze, and for a moment, all banter seemed to fade as he brought them back up to watch Jennifer. There was a certain grace in the way she carried herself, a magnetic charm that captured his attention. "Yeah," he murmured absentmindedly, "She's something else."

Jamie grinned mischievously, recognizing the signs of his friend's budding crush. "Uh-oh, I think Parker's smitten. Look at him, he's lost in a trance of infatuation."

Parker snapped back to reality, flushing slightly at Jamie's comment. "Oh, come on. Can't a guy appreciate someone's company without being accused of falling head over heels?"

Jamie chuckled, patting Parker on the back playfully. "Hey. Appreciate away. Just don't trip over your own feet in the process."

It was then when Parker remembered that he hadn't seen Evelyn, or Logan, since he let them out of the closet. He actually couldn't stop thinking about it since, and therefore wondered... and asked, "Hey, Jamie, have you seen Evelyn around?" His concern was evident in his eyes as he scanned the surroundings - wondering if she'd come back since.

Jamie hesitated for a moment,"No, I haven't seen her," he replied, choosing to protect her privacy. He knew what their dynamic was, he knew that Parker wasn't the best thing for Evelyn right now, not when she was as vulnerable as he'd seen her. He figured his Aunt Brooke would be the best person for Evelyn to be around instead, at least then she'd have some hope of feeling better.

Parker sighed, a flicker of worry still in his eyes. "Alright, thanks." There was no reason why he should think about it too much. Evelyn wasn't his responsibility anymore, she wasn't his to think about at all. He shouldn't even be mentioning her or thinking about her at all. With a soft sigh, he pushed all thoughts of her out of his head.

He then turned his attention back to Jennifer, who was engrossed in her conversation with the other girls. The way Parker's expression softened at the sight of her was not lost on Jamie. On one hand it made him bitter because of all he'd known about Parker's last relationship but on the other hand, it was nice to finally see Parker happy about something.

     "If you look at her too long, she might just melt." Jamie teased, nudging Parker playfully.

Parker rolled his eyes, trying to hide his smile. "Oh, come on. You're not one to talk. I've seen the way you look at Madison."

Jamie grinned, unable to deny the truth. "Okay, fair enough. I actually have an update on that."

Parker turned to him curiously, his eyebrows raised, "Would this maybe link to why your parents have been looking for you for the past ten minutes?" Jamie's eyes widened at the thought, and he subconsciously found himself looking around the room for his parents to see if they were still looking for him. Parker laughed, "I'm kidding, but - now I really want to know."

After building up the courage to say something, finding it hard to even open his mouth to admit what had happened, he finally fought it, "We kissed, I took her to her house because she needed something and we were in her bedroom and I noticed that she still had my sweatband from when I was like five and we were talking about it and one thing led to another... and we kissed."

With a wide smile, Parker congratulated Jamie, "Finally! The boys have been waiting for this to happen for years!" Jamie frowned, not seeming as happy as Parker would've expected him to be, and so Parker asked, "What happened after?"

     "She said it was a mistake, that we should forget it happened because we're better off as friends."

Parker frowned too, and tapped Jamie's shoulders lightly and comfortingly, "I'm sorry, man."

Jamie stared at Madison in the distance and sighed, "Yeah. Me too."


✧*̥˚ hunter's notes *̥˚✧

sorry for the late update, i got writers block for like three weeks. i feel like this is probably the shortest chapter of mine so far. it's like 4500 words, or something like that. not even a properly planned out chapter either 💀.

please vote and comment for more, even if it's just something that you want to see in future chapters like an idea or whatnot or if it's a question about the characters etc. i don't even mind having a lil bit of a discussion around oth. i gotta wait for my friend to finish all nine seasons otherwise :c

please point out any mistakes, plotholes etc. i would appreciate it.

you guys will get to meet older!rachel, i might just add a little bit of older!brooke's career building, or older!haley's job at the cafe, or even older!jake who, in this book, is a mechanic. but you guys will certainly see older!rachel and see the dynamic between evelyn/jasmine/marcus/parker in the next chapter.

stay tuned.

much love,

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