SasuNaru Oneshots

By Sasu_Naru

209K 4.7K 3.9K

An assortment of Sasuke x Naruto content to please anyone's thirst for this perfect ship. More

Kyuubi Has Needs
The Birthday Texts
Until the Rain Stops
Group Date Malfunction
Shopping with Uchiha Sasuke
Master of Seduction
Low Tolerance Pt.1
Low Tolerance Pt.2
My Biggest Secret
Love on Stage
Not A Single Peep 18+
Make The Sky Red
Blue Eyes
Box of Ecstasy +18
Virgins 18+
I Kissed A Girl...I Hated It
Needed to be said 18+
Years in Days
Fever pitch
Motel +18
Trauma Pt.2
End :(

May Heat

7.4K 168 138
By Sasu_Naru

The sun was low in the sky, beating down on the civilians of Konoha. Two boys, victims of the excruciating heat, sat on the roof of the school, closed for summer break.

" Here ya go, teme." Naruto handed the other a popsicle. He held his own in his hand, his shirt unbuttoned down his chest. Sasuke took it and quickly unwrapped the cover.

"Why are we here anyways? It's hot." He complained, licking his blue popsicle. Naruto sat down on the floor next to him.

"We're watching the first sunset of summer break." He smiled cheekily. Sasuke wasn't as amused.

" Isn't it like any other sunset." Naruto shook his head." No, it's not. It's special!"

Sasuke sighed, fanning his face with his notebook. " We do this every year, can't we skip this year, Konoha's having its biggest heat wave in years."

" No, it's our last year of high school plus there's something I need to do." He stared at him strangely, what did he need to do?

They sat in silence as they waited for the sunset. Their popsicles melting at a fast rate. Naruto chuckled to himself, leaning back against the roof railings.

" Man, all the good times we had up here...when we ran from the teacher, the day you were trying to escape the mob on Valentine's-"

" The time you shoved me over the railing."

" No, I didn't! Stop making up lies! I accidentally bumped you." Naruto waved his popsicle in his face, the liquid dripped down his hand. Sasuke pushed his arm away, the popsicle splattering on his shirt.

" But although you're a jerk sometime." Naruto glanced over at him. " I admire you."

He joked " Do you have a crush on me or something, baka?" He bit off a small bit, letting it melt in his mouth.

" Hmm...maybe I do.." Naruto stared off at the sun, just barely sitting on top of the mountains and trees. Sasuke paused, looking over at him. He thought he was most likely joking, but his face showed no signs.

" I mean, we've known each other since the day we were born and we're always together. And I'd feel incomplete without you...I guess that would be the definition of love, right?" Naruto gazed at him, his eyes seems calm and a deep sea blue, contrasting with the deep orange light bouncing off of his skin." Do you feel the same?"

" About what?" He tried to play it off as though he didn't understand what he meant.

"....nothing." He sighed, finishing off his treat and tossing the stick aside. He stood up and stretched his arms, his crinkled shirt was stained with mild yellow drops. He danced lazily around, making his stretched shadow move. His blonde hair was slicked back fron sweat but was still able to maintain its spikey exterior.

Sasuke watched quickly from the sidelines as he watched the sun disappear and reappear from behind him, not that it made a difference. Even though, Naruto covered the sun, he was equally as radiant.

" Sasuke, could I ask you a favor?" He stood closely in front of him. Sasuke stood up to face him directly. " What is it?"

" Kiss me." His face grew red up to his ear but his voice didn't waver. " If you're too disgusted by me being a homo, it's fine."

" No, I'll do it." Naruto's eyes seem to sparkled, but it might've just been his imagination playing tricks." Close your eyes."

Narto did as told, his palms sweaty. Sasuke leaned forward, geting a closer look at his delicate lashes. His lips grazed over his cupid's bow, until he finally placed his lips onto his. The feeling sent electricity through to their fingers and toes. Naruto's heart wanted to explode in those few seconds that seemed to last for hours. To Sasuke, it felt like his body was burning.

They pulled away, in time to see the red sun halfway behind the trees.

" What was it that you wanted to tell me, Naruto?"

" Oh..yeah..." He hesitated.

" I'm going abroad...for 4 years. I'm leaving tonight." Sasuke's heart dropped a little.

" That's great, call me when you get back."

" I won't call you. I don't want to see you." He opened the door that lead back down into the building. " This is my last goodbye to you, Sasuke. Good luck with your life."

It's been 5 years since then. He regrets not chasing after him, holding him close and telling him ' I love you'. But, it's too late, he can't reverse back to that day in May.

All that's left is the cold


Or is it ' To be continued'?. Let me know what you guys think.


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