Not A Single Peep 18+

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Should I make like a slice of life type thing with them in high school??? That would be adorbs! And plus they're both horny pubescent teenagers!

Also it's been awhile since I've been pervy so PERVY SAGE MODE IS RAGING LIKE A BONER!!!!


7:00 pm

Thunder roared loudly in the sky. Everyone ran for cover, others casually passing under their umbrellas.

" Shit!" Naruto cried out, holdin his bookbag over his head. Sasuke covered his head with his navy jacket.

" My house is close. Let's go!" Naruto grabbed onto his arm and rushed down the sidewalk.

He dragged him up the stairs outside of the complex towards his door. The painted numbers were crooked and rusty. " Here we are! El casa nombre 143!" (A/N Does anyone know what these numbers mean? ♡3♡)

" It's numero. Nombre means name." He lightly dried off his hair with the dry part of his jacket. Naruto swatted him away and unlocked the door. He skipped in, kicking off his soggy sneaker and sock. Sasuke came in behind him, taking his shoes off decently. He looked around the foyer, one pair of shoes, one pair of slippers, no pictures.

Naruto ran back, holding a dusty pair of bblue in-door slippers. " I don't have people over often. But Iruka comes by sometimes and always leaves slippers." He smiled sheepishly, dropping them on the ground. It was nerve-wracking, having someone over and that person was your boyfriend.

" It's fine. I'm the same...sort of." Even thought he never had guest to his hhouse, he always had multiple slipper on hand in case his current ones got worn out. The slippers' foam was old and deteriorating, not unpleasant but noticeable. He was guided through his living space to the one bedroom.

His kitchen and bedroom were both complete messes but what was odd was the living room. When the two walked through the living room, Sasuke got a good look around. It was bare, the couch was still covered with plastic. The TV was an older model, very old.

Sasuke sat down on the bed, Naruto leaving to grab towels. The rain was beating down hard and the wind was beginning to pick up. He could try to make it home when the rain settles, but that won't be anytime soon. It's monsoon season. His feet felt disgusting, the feeling of the wet socks clinging onto them. He slipped them off, the humid air brushing over his pale toes.

" Dry yourself off with this, teme." He tossed the towel into his arms. He hesitated for a moment, taking in the image....Penguins. He threw it over his head and rubbed it against his scalp.

" You could sleep here if you want 'cause it's going to be rainy for awhile." Naruto said sheepishly, he rarely had company over, so he didn't know to prepare. Should he bring him tea like how they did in Sakura's manga? That's a stupid thought, he didn't have tea.

" Might as well."

He smiled and rummaged through his drawers." I think I have clothes you could wear and we can dry off your clothes on the line."

He threw him a pair of blue pants and black t-shirt. " Do you want to borrow underwear, too?" He swung a pair of colorfully printed boxer briefs from his finger. Sasuke cringed and decline. The dobe definitely had no fashion sense.

The pant fit his waist but didn't reach his ankles, Naruto was much shorter than him but the shirt fit well. A loud knock came from outside and Naruto went to answer it, leaving him to either read comics or stare at the wall. Both sucked.

He heard another voice from down the hall and feet scampering around. Naruto poked his head into the room.

" Iruka's staying over!" He whispered. " He got into a fight with his partner. But he got us food, too." He disappeared again and Sasuke followed after, hiding his disappointment.

The brunette man grumbled to himself as he cut the ingredients. He didn't want to ask what happened, but whatever it was, it was in the way of his plan.

11:30 p.m.

Sasuk stared at the ceiling, listening to the clock hand moving around and around. He had to wait til Iruka to sleep to initiate.

Quietly, he sat up from his bed and climbed in beside Naruto, who woke up.

"Sasukeeeeeeeee?" He droned. " Are you cold?" Naruto adjusted himself, wrapping his arms around him. Sasuke kissed his lips, moving down to his clavicle, creating swollen red marks on his skin.

" Mmm, let's not do this, Iruka's in the other room." He covered his face with a pillow. Instead of stopping, he grazed his upper thigh against his crotch.

" If we stay quiet, he won't find out."

" No!"

His finger hooked into his waistband and pulled it down. " Then if you masturbate in front of me, we won't go all the way." He smirked, brushing a finger over his boxers.

Naruto blushed. " No way, asshole!" He hissed under his breath. Sasuke rubbed himself against him, Naruto shuddered, feelig his hand touch his butt. " Ok! Ok! Fine!"

He shoved him away and hesitantly reached down into his boxers. Sasuke urged him on with his eyes. It was embarrassing but he didn't want Iruka to wake up. With a steady pace, he wrapped his fingers around the base and working his way up to the tip and back down, friction building up his forced erection. Pre-cum dripped from the top, lubricating his dick, making it easier for him to jerk off.

" Al..most there.." His hand was knocked away. Sasuke prompted to get on top off him, taking off his pants.

" You promised you wouldn't!"

" It's fine I'm not going to put it in." He kept his legs on the side but moved his torso to face him.

" Squeeze your legs together." He was confused but did it anyways, as long as he didn't put it in. Sasuke reached into his mouth with his fingers as a seductive show, building up saliva before wiping it around his member. He positioned in between his butt and thighs pushing into it. Naruto shuddered, feeling him rub his hard cock against his. He began to thrust into it, getting equal pleasure as his partner.

Naruto covered his face with a blanket, scared of leting out any noises that would wake Iruka. With every jut of his hips, Naruto felt more and more aroused. Even if he didn't enter him, just the movements made him shake to his core. He sped up, his hips slapped against his butt, making an erotic noise. He tightened his thighs toogether as much as possible.

" Hurry, Sas'ke. Fu-!" He pumped himself, feeling himself about to spill on his sheets. Sasuke was sounding out of breath, his chest rose and fell heavily. Narto finally gave in and cum flowed in streams out, dripping onto his bed. After a few more pumps, Sasuke gave in, too. He dropped down beside him under the covers while he grab tissues from above his bed to wipe off the mess.

" I'm glad it's Sunday 'cause I probably couldn't wake up in time for school." Narto joked, catching his breath.

" Even if we don't have sex, you still don't make it on time."

" Just sleep, will ya?" He giggled, snuggling in between his arms.

Mornig came, Naruto was woken by the sweet smell of waffles and bacon. He climbed out of bed and over Sasuke, dragging him out with him to find the source of the smell.

" Irukaaaaa~ Are you making breakfast?"

" I am." Kakashi turned around to give him a grin. Iruka sat at the table, reading the newspaper.

Naruto cringed at his appearance." Why the fuck are you wearing that? And why are you here?" The apron was pink and frilly with ruffles at the end, a bear right in the middle.

" I came to apologize and stayed the night." He handed them two coffees. " By the way, did anyone hear a lot of noises last night?"

Iruka ripped his paper in half, Naruto spilling his hot coffee on the floor. But Sasuke simply replied,

" Not a single peep."

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