Needed to be said 18+

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" Cheers!"

Everyone at the table took chugs of their beers, meat sizzled on the grill in the center of the table.

" To a great year!" Kiba stumbled over his own feet, falling into Naruto's lap. Beer spilled onto the restaurant floor, the waitress looked on from afar in annoyance.

" Fucking shit, dude!" Naruto shoved him off, getting up from his spot on the floor. His pants were covered with beer and the odor of smoke and meat. He noticed Sasuke, reading a book in against the wall, looking completely sober.

He grabbed two shot glasses and a large bottle of liquor and came up to him, sitting down uninvited.

"Care to share a drink with me?" He sloshed around the translucent substance in the tinted bottle. Sasuke blocked his airway when he got a waft of his pungent beer breath. In disgust, he scooted away from his former teammate, now colleague.

Ever since he returned to the village, the tension between them grew with the close distance. The two never spoke, only the past would come up if they ever did. Unspoken words that one hold to himself, another oblivious.

"No." He bluntly replied, trying to concentrate on his book. Naruto pouted, pouring himself a cup.

"Fine! Then, I'll drink your portion for you! To great friends!" He chugged the shot glass sloppily and began to pour another. Sasuke grabbed the bottle away from him, setting it aside on the table.

"That's enough for you, you're smashed." Naruto poured back the harsh liquor, letting his burning warmth crawl down his esophagus.

" You don't know annnnnnyyyy..." His head tilts back and his arm fall flat on his side. A soft snore came from him, signalling that he had fallen asleep.

Sakura looked over from her table, gauntlet of beer in hand. Boy, the girl could hold her liquor. "Could you take him home? You could take that chance to leave, as well."

Sasuke was hesitant but consider the benefits of the leaving the wild animals to wreck the restaurant and not being blamed for any holes put into the walls, ceilings, or bodies.

"Fine." He heaved himself off the ground, storing his book away in the pocket of his vest. Sasuke looked warily at the mess of a human on the floor and wonder if the pros did overrule the cons.

Looping his limp arms over his shoulders, he lifted him off the ground and onto his back. Naruto groaned and rested his head on the nape of his neck, drifting in his drunken slumber.

The restaurant wasn't far from his house but the walk felt tiring. Sasuke kept a steady pace, walking down the quiet street. He can hear the quiet snores and breathing against his ear, keeping him company.

'This isn't as bad as I expected.' He thought. But just as he was enjoying the moment, Naruto began to stir.

"...Sas- Where arrrree you taking me?" Naruto muttered in his sleep, tightening his grip around his neck.

"Home." Sasuke lifted him up higher on his back. Naruto kept quiet after that, the wind cooling the sweat that accumulated around his hairline.

"....I missed you..."

This caught Sasuke off guard, but he continued on, pretending to be unaffected. "Hn."

Naruto tightened his arms around him. "Answer me properly, teme! Why are you leave me?"

He thrashed, falling off of his back. "Why?! What the fuck, dude?!"

Tears threatened to fall from his red eyes. He furiously rubbed at his eyes, in hopes of hiding his tears. " You meanie..."

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