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It's not very sexual, just cute, i guess. It's sort of short



Today started out like usual, Sasuke had gone out for a jog at the buttcrack of dawn. Naruto woke later at 8, finally getting up to make ramen. Naruto grabbed the kettle from the stove, hissing and dropping it quickly onto the counter. He grabbed his ear to cool off his red fingers.

Sasuke entered the kitchen soon after he burned his fingers. He went straight up to him, muttering to him.

"Seriously, how can you be so stupid and burn yourself?" Naruto pouted, putting his hand to the side to cover his embarrassment.

"Shut up." He turned away to pick up the kettle again but was turned back around.

"Yah! Let go."

"If you leave it, it's going to hurt." Sasuke pulled his hand under the faucet and turned on lukewarm water.

"You seriouly think a tiny burn is going to bother me? I'm a guy, ya know." He roughly yanked his hand away, drying his palm on his sweatpants.

Sasuke smirked and sarcastically replied, "Yes yes, Naruto, you're a man."

Naruto growled, but Sasuke simply thought of it as cute. Naruto left the kitchen to fume in the living room. Sasuke followed after him. Angrily, Naruto plopped down onto the couch and watched tv.

Sasuke wrapped his arms around his neck but Naruto shoved him off. He grabbed onto him again and pinned him down onto the couch. Naruto flailed around underneath, biting him and punching him.

"It's not fair! You're bigger than me!"

Sasuke leaned in, "And I'm sure you like how "big" I am, big man."

Naruto blushed and tried to shove him off again. Sasuke chuckled, hugging the tantruming blonde. "Perv perv perv!"

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