100 chapter voltron fanfic or...

By PotatoPowaaa

3.5K 102 1.3K

aka the result of voltron hyperfixation aka voltron if it was a shitty sitcom very mature themes More

hi guys
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100

Chapter 91

27 1 15
By PotatoPowaaa

"What is that woman's issue?" Hunk sighed, taking a seat. "I hate having to lecture her. She's literally almost 30 years old, and she's still acting like a teenager."

Shay looked at him. "I think you're being a little bit unfair. She said herself she tries to avoid me so she doesn't say anything she'll regret. And anyway, I did ask."

"She literally said she hates you."

"I asked her, to be fair. I didn't want her to lie to me. And, Hunk, I think you're being unfair to yourself."

"What do you mean?"

Shay sighed. "You're still grieving Maeve. I know, you insist everything is okay now. But... I can accept it. You loved her. Even if there wasn't much time for it to develop, you're still grieving what you had."

Hunk said nothing, and Shay wrapped her arms around him.

"Please tell me about her."


Maeve made her way through the lounge. It was one of the public ones: having little affiliation with the Galaxy Garrison had meant she had no access to the private ones. There were families around, screaming children, men drinking, women talking, and some movie playing.

She found a seat by the window, and gazed outside. There was a steady drumming of rain on the frosted window, and she wished for nothing more than to see the little droplets running down the window; imagining a race, commentating it in her head. She'd grown out of that behaviour by a few years, but she wished for the luxury of option now.

She rested her forehead to the cold glass, her eyes closed.

"Hey." she heard a voice, and looked up to see the yellow Paladin, looking down at her.

"What are you doing in here? Don't you have a cool sexy paladin lounge?"

"Yeah, but it's a little too quiet at the minute. Shiro's doing dad things with Kassy, Lance and Keith have run off somewhere, the Alteans are... boring, Pidge and Rora are with their family. I thought I'd come in here and be around people, if everyone is with their families. I saw you sat here, are you okay?"

Maeve nodded. "Yeah. It's raining out there. Hard."

"Is it?"

"Mmhmm. Rest your head against the window, you can hear it."

Hunk took a seat next to her, listening. "It's been so long since I heard the rain."

Maeve nodded. "I love the rain. Always have. When I was a kid, I would put on these pink sparkly rain boots, and I'd just dance for as long as it was before Kassy would yell at me to get back inside."

"You really like the rain, then?"

Maeve nodded. "I'd kill to not be trapped in here. I'd love to be out there right now."

Hunk looked at her. "Follow me." he took her hand.

"Man I don't really know is telling me to go with him. Sounds fun."

She was lead down multiple corridors, up some stairs; the two hid from a guard for a few minutes, and then they were rushing up some stairs. They lead to a darkened corridor, which lead to yet another set of stairs: rickety, old, wooden stairs.

"Jesus Christ, this place must be ancient. The Garrison is so technologically complex, what is this place?"

"Classified, apparently." Hunk pointed to a sign on the wall. "But you'd be surprised what being a Paladin of Voltron let's you get away with."

The two ran up the stairs. Hunk opened a door - and they were on the roof of the Garrison, the pouring rain hitting them.

"Oh, my God!" Maeve laughed. "I've not been outside in months!"

She climbed up, standing up, eyes towards the sky. Hunk joined her by her side. He took her hand.

"May I have this dance?"

Maeve laughed, wrapping her arms around his neck, and the two danced in the freezing rain.

"You're the best, Hunk." she smiled.

He grinned. "No, no. You are."

The two were silent, just the sound of the falling rain around them.

"Why did you do this for me, Hunk?" Maeve murmured.

"Because. You looked so sad. And it's not fair to be cooped up in there like a chicken. It gets small after a while."

"No, no, really. We don't know each other. Not really."

"Because... because I want to know you." Hunk mumbled. "Dammit, I really want to know what story's behind those eyes. I look at you, your eyes seem to be telling me a thousand things at once. I want to gaze into them forever."

She gazed into his eyes for a moment, and kissed him.

The moment went on for a moment. "Thank you, Hunk." she murmured.

"All you're missing now is some sparkly pink boots."

The two laughed breathlessly, and hand in hand, returned into the warmth of the Garrison, soaking wet.

"Let's keep the roof our little secret." Hunk said. Maeve nodded.

"We'll have to dry off, then."

They ran into Lance, who stared at them both. "Jesus. You two are soaked, did you shower with your clothes on?"

They exchanged a glance. "Yes." They said in unison.

"Together?" Lance asked.

"No." They replied in unison.

"Hm, weird." Lance shrugged, and wandered off.

"Goodnight." Maeve smiled, and ran off towards her bunker.

The next morning, Kassy found Hunk sat alone in the cafeteria, smiling to himself like a fool. She slid towards him.

"Hey." she said melodically.

"Morning, Kassy."

"So, how've you been? Been up to anything... interesting?"

"No." he answered, not meeting her eye.

She stared at him, uncomfortable prolonged eye contact. "You've got a happy expression on your face. I know someone with a matching one."

"Oh really? Who?"

"Ah, that's for me to know and you to find out."

Kassy smiled, sauntering off, as Maeve came into the cafeteria with that same expression on her face.


"Hey, guys! Lance here, and welcome back to another episode of Adventures in Voltron Road! Now, here I am with Altean royalty Princess Elrine, and her fiancé Lotor, who we didn't like but I guess we need to cope with him now."

"Oh! Hi!" Elrine smiled at the camera, tossing her blonde hair. "I'm Elrine, daughter of Coran, cousin of Allura, mother of this thing, fiancé of Lotor... that sums it up pretty much."

Lotor said nothing. Lance spoke again. "So, today, I'll be interviewing all members of Voltron Road. Our question today is... do you prefer boobs or ass? Elrine, Lotor, what are your answers?"

Elrine thought for a moment. "Probably boobs."

Lotor looked up. "Um... I can appreciate a... pert behind."

"Excellent! Let's leave these two in peace." Lance found Keith next. "Mr McClain, today's question for you is... do you prefer boobs or ass?"

Keith stared into the camera. "I'm not attracted to women. So, my favourite is waist. Tiny, slutty, femboy waists."


Rora emerged by Keith's side. "What are you guys talking about?"

"Whether we like boobs or ass more. What's your answer, Rora?"

"Tits." she yawned and went inside.

Lance went around the rest of the Paladins. The answers were as followed:

Shiro: boobs
Kassy: boobs
Pidge: ass
Hunk: ass
Allura: ass
Coran: feet
Romelle: both at the same time

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