Tokyo Mew Mew: An American Me...

By TheBlondeAdventurer

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Whenever Tokyo Mew Mew finds out about another Mew, they are in a panic. What if they don't get to her first... More

Chapter 1: Beating the Aliens to America!!
Chapter 2: Who do I trust??
Chapter 3: Decisions and Betrayal
Chapter 4: Back to Japan!
Chapter 5: Changes that come with a new school
Chapter 6: Promises
Chapter 7: Why me???
Chapter 8: Confessions
Chapter 10: Getting back on track
Chapter 11: Surprise!!
Chapter 12: Staying Alive
Chapter 13: Coming back to a scary situation
Chapter 14: Unexpected Visits
Chapter 15: Getting ready for a fight
Chapter 16: A new ally?
Chapter 17: The First Fight
Chapter 18: Battling For What?
Chapter 19: A Deadly Encounter
Chapter 20: Fate?
Chapter 21: The Finale

Chapter 9: The easy days

1.3K 57 16
By TheBlondeAdventurer

Sorry it's been a few days since I've last updated, but things are just a tad busy, even though I'm on spring break!! *sigh* Oh well, here's the next chapter. Sorry that it's so short, it's a filler chapter :/


Heirii’s Point of View:

As I stared at everyone, I felt ashamed of what had just happened. Putting my head down, I start walking away, only to feel a tug on my arm. I swivel around, seeing Pudding pulling me back. “Thank you onii-chan!! I was so scared! You saved me.” Her gleeful tone usually puts me in a good mood, but now I just stared back at her blankly. “Your welcome, but I’m no hero Pudding.” I say, and her face turns into one of confusion and shock. “Wha? What do you mean?” she tries asking me, but I release her grip from my arm, letting it fall by her side. “If I get mad that easy, and that happens, what’ll I do if I get that mad at you guys?” Her face drops, and I sigh knowingly. “It’s okay. Really, I’ll just go. You were better off without me anyway.” I spin around, taking small strides to get away from this huge disappointment. “Heirii wait!” I groan as I hear Ichigo call me, glancing over my shoulder. “What?!” I yell, getting annoyed. Why would they want to stop me? “Please stay.” She pleads, and I shake my head, chuckling at her. “I’m nothing in this war, and that proves it. Shirogane was right, I let my emotions get in the way.” I tear up; mad at myself for just admitting defeat. Mint jumps in on it, saying that I was wrong. I snort, “Sure, give me reason to prove me wrong.” Kisshu, who’d been staying quiet this entire time, finally spoke up. “You just risked your life for someone you love. That’s what this war is about. I understand that now, because of you.” My eyes widen in shock, perplexed that he had just stood up for me.  “Wha?? I-I don’t understand!” I say confused. He smiles at me, stepping closer. “You do mean something to this, and you’re what keeps us even basically. I understand your point of view Heirii.” I stand there in shock, trying to let what he has told me sink in. “So for now, we’re going back. But don’t worry, we’ll meet again.” He says winking, and he and Taruto take off, disappearing as they fly in the sky. Now what? I stare back at the girls, who are watching me woefully. “So…what do we do?” I ask timidly, knowing that just a second ago, I was going to walk away from them, leaving them forever. I still debated it, but I waited for their response. “Now, we just recover, and take it easy. You heard Kisshu, he’ll be gone for a while.” Ichigo says, and I half smile. “Fine…I’ll stay, I guess.” I say forwardly, and I’m greeted with a massive group hug. “Why do you guys care for me so much? I can’t wrap my mind around it, really.” I ask, giggling at them. “Why wouldn’t we?” Zakuro says, and I shrug, not knowing how to answer. We leave the scene, going back to the café. Shirogane and Keiichiro stand up from where they were sitting, and rush over to us. “What happened?” Keiichiro asks worried, looking at each of us. “Umm…I’m not really sure.” Lettuce says, scratching the back of her head nervously. I sigh, stepping forward. “I defeated a Chimera Animal, and then they arrived. One of the aliens took Pudding captive, and I…I don’t really know how to say what happened.” I say, stumped, looking towards the girls for help. “She got so angry, and she stabbed her rod into the ground, and a huge red light shot up from it, illuminating her. She fought back, setting Pudding free and making the alien go away. But that red light followed her everywhere, it was like Mew Aqua, but…red?” Ichigo finishes for me, and I look at her gratefully. Shirogane’s eyes widen in surprise, looking at me perplexed. “Why are you looking at me like that?” I ask, shying away from him. He just continues to stare at me. “Come with me, now.” He orders, turning around and walking away. I huff, but follow after him as he leads me into the basement. “What do you wa-” I start, but he slams me into the wall, holding my hands over my head. I start to panic as he loomed over me with a frightful expression on his face. “How did you do that?” He asks coldly, glaring at me. “D-do what?” I stutter, scared out of my mind. “How did you make that light appear?!?!” He yells this time, making me flinch back.  “I don’t know! Why would you expect me to know?!” I spit back at him, and he clenches his teeth. “Power like that isn’t in a normal Mew. If you’re that powerful, then you are considered a danger to everyone, because you won’t be able to control it.” He says through gritted teeth. I freeze. I won’t be able to control myself? What the heck does that mean? “Whatever!” I yell, throwing him off of me, spinning on my heel and storming out. “Heirii wait! You forgot something!” He calls, and I pause, turning around just in time for me to see something being thrown at me. I caught a red jewel, almost like a ruby. I look at Shirogane with raised eyebrows. “That goes with your rod, you’ll figure out how to use it.” He turns away, slamming the door to the basement. I growl, stomping back upstairs. “Ugghhh!!! The nerve of that guy!” I say aggravated, earning me some weird looks. “What?” I snap at them, but immediately feel guilty. “Sorry, he just…ugh. Makes me so mad!” I confess, and Keiichiro comes to me and places a hand on my shoulder. “It’s okay Heirii. He really doesn’t mean harm.” I scoff, rolling my eyes. “Yeah, sure he does. Can I have tomorrow off?” I plead, and Keiichiro laughs. “Tomorrow the shop is closed!” I slap myself mentally, remembering Sundays are our days off. “Oh yeah. Bye guys.” I mutter, waiting for Ichigo at the door. Going home, we didn’t really say much, and it was a bit awkward. “Tomorrow, do you want to go do something?” She asks suddenly, and I nod my head. “Yeah, I’d love to get away from this for a little bit.” We plan a day to the spa, and going to a lake about two miles from her house. “I can’t wait! Goodnight!” I call, climbing into bed. She mutters a goodnight, sleep already consuming her.

I wake up, seeing Ichigo was gone. I get up and get dressed, preparing for the spa. I found myself really excited. I’d never really done anything like this before. Walking downstairs, I spot Ichigo sitting across the table eating eggs. “Good morning sleeping beauty.” She smirks, and I laugh at her. “Yah, I guess I decided I should get up.” I shrug, and she giggles. After eating, we set off to the spa. The ladies there were extremely nice, and after we got in, they left us in peace. “Ahh…I could really get used to this.” I say sighing. “Don’t, because I only have one coupon.” Ichigo mutters, causing both of us to start giggling. “Thanks for taking me here. I really needed it, and I know you could’ve been with Aoyama.” I smile at her, and she gives me a half-hearted smile back. “What’s wrong?” I question immediately, and she sighs. “He’s been telling me about these bad dreams he’s been having, someone saying ‘it’s time’ or something like that. The last time he had dreams like that, it was bad.” She says, her eyes filled with worry. “I’m sorry Ichigo. I hope everything is alright, but I don’t think he’s that bad of a person. He doesn’t mean to cause harm, does he?” I ask, and she shakes her head fervently. I laugh “I didn’t think so. But nonetheless, monitor how he acts, just to see if he’s acting different.” I suggest, and she smiles at me. “Thanks Heirii. You’re wise when you want to be.” She winks, and I scoff. “Pshh, nah!!” we both end up in a fit of giggles, and sit back and relax the rest of our time in the spa. When we get out, we walk over to the lake, sitting down to get out our food. Eating was silent, because we were busy stuffing our faces. I lay back contently, staring up at the sky. I feel the wind blow through my hair, and I smile. I hear Ichigo sigh happily beside me. “You’re right Heirii. I could get used to this.” We laid there for a while, enjoying each other’s company and just relaxing, which neither of us had done in a long time. If only everyday were like this, it would be perfect…if Kisshu were here… 

How'd you like it? Was it too short and did it make sense? Idk, that's why I'm asking you! Oh, and thank you for almost 80 reads!! :D 


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