Yesterday's Demons {BOOK ONE}

By FanGirlingSoHardxx

25.5K 961 39

Harleen Swan a unique girl is about to come to a full realization when she meets her mate Klaus. THE VAMPIR... More

Yesterday's Demons
Chapter I~ Birthday
Chapter II~ Attraction
Chapter III~ Feeling Of Belonging
Chapter IV~ High Emotions
Chapter V~ Black Out
Chapter VI ~ Mikaelson's Manor
Chapter VII ~ Is It True?
Chapter VIII- Bonding and Problems
Chapter IX
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
.Chapter XIV
Author's Note
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII


798 33 1
By FanGirlingSoHardxx


"Come on we are going shopping!"Rebekah said walking into Klaus's room. She heard a groan, and turned to see Klaus sitting in a chair.

"Lovely."Klaus said smirking at his sister.

In return she let out a huff, rolling her eyes,and placing her hands on her hips.She pointed a newly painted baby blue finger at him. "You aren't going just me and Harley. We need to find ourselves a beautiful dress for this wedding!Besides don't you have suits? I thought so. "Rebekah said glaring daggers at Klaus.

Klaus smirked at his younger sister before laughing.

"Yes darling, I do have quite a few suites. But you do realize that I barely wear suites anymore. It's a bit outdated to walk around in a suit everyday ,every second."Klaus explained.

"Tell Elijah that."The two Mikaelsons' looked up to see Harleen. Her hair was up for once in a bun. Rebekah scrowled looking at her.

"Darling, you look like a little boy who just crawled out the trash."She said srunching up her nose. Harleen looked down at herself. She wore joggers that were now brown with dirt. A tank top that was also muddy, and covered in mad. Black converses that were way over due for cleaning.
Harleen shrugged.

"See what I mean? We need to go shopping!"Rebekah yelled at Klaus who only looked full heartly amused.

Harleen looked between the two siblings. "What? I like to get dirty outside it's fun! Besides I was practicing my powers outside with Bonnie while Kol watched. I think Kol likes Bonnie."Harleen said bluntly.

Rebekah looked at Harleen blankly while Klaus' smirk only grew bigger. "Someone likes the little witch."He muttered with a small chuckled.

Rolling her eyes Rebekah turned to Harleen with a stern look. "No more getting dirty for you."She said.

"Yes ma'am."Harleen muttered.

"Besides love, if you want to get dirty.We can always get down, and dirty in the bedroom."Klaus winked at Harleen who blushed all types of shades red.

"I think I'm going be sick just because the likes of you two."Rebekah muttered.

Harleen groaned. "Do I really have to do this?"She questioned throwing her head back.

"You must don't know our sister. She's crazy if I must say."Kol said with a chuckle.

"O I know Rebekah's crazy."Harleen sang sarcastically.

Thrity minutes ago Rebekah dragged Harleen, and the other Mikaelson siblings out shopping. Yay! Note the sarcasm.

Harleen let out a dramatic breath in frustration. Elijah who was sitting on one side of her chuckled. Suddenly, Klaus and Rebekah entered the room. Rebekah was beaming while Klaus looked like he wanted to kill her.

"Niklaus."Elijah greeted his younger brother politely. The two then shared a look.

"Why must we-"Kol said paused gesturing to his siblings around him,"attend some wedding for some useless human we do not know."He finished.

"No offense Harls."He added quickly not wanting to anger his prank buddy.

"Honestly non taken. "Harleen said not a bit bothered at all. Which was certainly new for her. Through out years she would always stand up for Bella because obviously Bella couldn't herself. She always had her back, and always will. And besides Harleen didn't really want an Original angry at her so she kept her glory thoughts to herself.

Rebekah looked down at Kol. "Because this is the perfect way for our family to meet Harley's. Klaus can at least get a on good terms with her father. Second, when was the last time we attended a wedding?"Rebekah ranted.

No answer.

She did have a valid reason in Harleen's opinion.

"We then it's a sealed deal!"Rebekah exclaimed.

She looked over to Harleen. "Let's get started with you "She said dragging her away.

"When does the torture end!?"

Harleen stepped out of the dressing room with a noticeable frown on her face.

"This dress is so tight! It's like a second skin."She growled looking at Rebekah who now sat next to Klaus.

Rebekah tilted her head looking at Harleen. "Turn around." She ordered.

Muttering curses under her breath she obeyed.

"She's right. Next dress."Rebekah spoke drinking out of a glass.

"It's just too..."Klaus trailed off leaning back in the chair.

"Slutty?"She questioned batting her eyelashes. "Come on I'm going to a wedding not a strip club."She cried.

And with she ran back in the dressing room, and slammed the door shut behind her.

Kol turned to Rebekah. "That was dress eighty two."He said annoyed.

Rebekah rolled her eyes. "Okay! We still haven't found the dress just yet!"She complained.

"Bloody hell."Klaus muttered.

After what seemed like centuries Harleen stepped out.

Rebekah gasped while Klaus smirked."That's the one baby!"

She had on a dress that was all black in the breast area, and it went down in different shades of purple. The bottom part of the dress was silky like water.


Two hours later Rebekah had compelled the lady at the resister to give me the clothes for free. With that Rebekah ordered her to take the clothes home while Harleen, and Rebekah continued shopping.

"Do you like this?"Rebekah asked holding up a pink mini dress. Harleen shook her head, and pretended to vomit.

Rebekah just growled, and walked away.

"Hey little inhuman."A familiar voice behind Harleen.

She let out a loud gasp, and turned around. There in all his cocky glory stood Damon Salvatore.

Harleen rolled her eyes at him. "What.Do.You.Want.Damon?"She asked not in the mood to be around him.

"Can't I just say hey to a friend?"Damon asked.

"Hey Damon."Harleen said looking around for Rebekah.

"Why are you here?"Damon asked looking around, "Who tied the knot?"

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