Chapter XII

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Two Weeks Later
Mystic Falls

"No Liz I'll be fine. I already found this apartment."Harleen said looking up at Elizabeth Forbes. Caroline's kind mother, and the one who let Harleen stay with them.

Elizabeth gave Harleen a look her brown eyes shinning. Over the last two weeks Harleen has gotten closer with The Mikaelsons, but no one knew not even Caroline.

This was Rebekah's idea actually. To move out of the Forbes' house hold and into the Mikaelson's. She thought it was much easier that way. Klaus could spend time with his mate, Kol could use some prankster time, and she could have a somewhat human friend.

Elizabeth looked up at Harleen frowning. "Are you sure?"She questioned. Harleen mentally laughed she could definitely see the similarities with Elizabeth Forbes and her father Charile Swan. They both worry to much, and are cops.

"Yes, ma'am. "She said nodding her head. "I am sure. I'm eighteen years young. I want some space. I'm practically a adult now, and I want to do what's right for me."Harleen explained doing slight hand gesture.

Elizabeth nodded,"If you are 100% positive go ahead. But, you can always come back if you feel like it."Liz said.

Harleen smiled. "Of course."She said nodding.

She looked down at her phone, and saw the time. Her eyes grew widen in realization. Shitty shitty shit! Fucky fucky fuck! Harleen thought frustrated. She was late. Late with practice with Bonnie.

"Liz I gotta go I'll catch up with you laters."Harleen said before dashing out of the Starbuck's.


"Your late."The witch said as soon as she saw Harleen approaching her. Harleen scrowled at her.

"Yeah Bon Bon I know. I have to talk to Liz remember?"Harleen asked.

Bonnie nodded as she mentally had a flashback. She knew. She knew about Klaus and Harleen. Plus the mating thing, and the Mikaelsons being undaggered. It was a witch thing per say.

She didn't like it but, Harleen was her friend. And as long as the Mikaelsons don't hurt her, and no one else that she cares about all is good. "What she say?"Bonnie asked with a rasied a eyebrow.

"It was hard but, she eventually agreed. I mean she thinks of me as her own daughter, and Carebear just left. You know?"She said.

"Right."Bonnie nodded in understand or at least what Harleen thought was understanding.

Harleen clapped her hands together once. "Let's get started shall we?"

Bonnie nodded.

"Love, we don't mean to be a bother but may we stay and watch?"A familiar voice asked.

Harleen immediately looked up and saw Klaus , and Kol. She smiled at them before looking at Bonnie with a questioning look.

"No."She said.


"What did I just say?"

"Please Bon Bon? They won't cause any harm I promise!"

Bonnie let out a huff, and rolled her eyes. "Fine!"She said giving in.

Harleen smiled at her before looking at Klaus. He flashed in front of her making her gasp. Bonnie rolled her eyes.

"Hello, love."Klaus greeted. Harleen blushed, and smiled at him.

Bonnie was still surprised about all of this to be honest. Klaus has not hurt her, or had any kind of sexual activities with her other than a couple of kisses.

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