Chapter I~ Birthday

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September 13
Mystic Falls

Today was the day of their birth. It was the twins' birthday. However, they weren't together with each other.

"Happy birthday ☺" A voice screamed.

The brown haired girl looked up from where she was sitting on her bed. She smiled at her blonde friend.

"Thank you."She said smiling brightly.

"Get up, Harley!"Blondie yelled jumping on her bed furiously. Harleen sighed before rolling her eyes.

"I am up. I'm awake aren't I?"She questioned looking at her friend. Caroline rolled her eyes before pulling Harleen out of bed. She fell down with a 'oof'.

Caroline looked at her brining,"We have a big day ahead so get ready!"She said excitedly.

Harleen let out a huff, but got up anyway. She didn't want to see Caroline angry cause angry = scary Caroline. Harleen made her way to the bathroom as Caroline walked out. Well correction Caroline skipped out of the room.


Harleen was all set, and ready. She didn't know what Caroline had planned , but she did know that she would be thankful anyway. Beside Caroline along with the Mystic Falls let Harleen in with open arms. However, it did take some time getting used to Damon's ways.

She walked out the front door when she saw Caroline and Bonnie. They both stood leaning on a car with grins on their faces.

Harleen happily joined them. "Where to?"She questioned getting in the backseat of the car while Bonnie rode shotgun, and Caroline drove.

"You'll see." Caroline said as she drove off.

Harleen stared out the window not exactly sure where they were going. Sometimes she was very impatient when it came to certain things. "Are we there yet?"She asked playfully.

Bonnie shook her head at Harleen. "No Harley."

Harleen let out a dramatic noise, and kicked Caroline's seat. "Hey!"She yelped. This went on for the next twenty five minutes until they were finally there. They were at the Mystic Grill.

Bonnie, and Caroline hoped out the car quickly while Harleen took her time getting out. When they entered Harleen was highly disappointed the place was empty... "Well this sucks."Harleen muttered quickly to herself.

With grins on their faces Caroline and Bonnie looked at each other then-"HAPPY BIRTHDAY HARLEY!"

Harleen gasped as she saw people jump out with party halls, and confetti. She laid a hand on her heart with a big smile on her face. "For me?"She question in shock.

"Yes."Caroline said before giving Harleen a small push forward.


A hour later Harleen was having a great time. She dancing around wildly as if there was no tomorrow.

Suddenly Harleen heard a chuckle behind her. She almost turned around immediately. She broke out in a huge smile once she saw who it was. "Jer!"She screamed lunging herself at the Gilbert. Jeremy hugged her. After a couple of seconds that felt like minutes Harleen pulled away.

"You must be Harleen Swan."A voice said making Harleen turn. There was a girl beside Jeremy who looked similar to him.

Harleen nodded. "I go by Harley."She said as if she was daring anyone to call her Harleen again.

The girl nodded looking at Harleen. "I'm Elena." She said.

Harleen nodded once. So she was Elena. The girl who had the two Salvatores in love with her. The doleganger. The one who always had her friends in danger. The one who is now a vampire.

Harleen felt undoubtedly uncomfortable around Elena. She sent a smile her way before walking away. She made her way towards the bar, and sat down.

"Happy Birthday Harley."Harleen looked up to see a guy with blonde hair, and blue eyes. She smiled. Matt.

"Thanks M."She said with a nod. Matt then walked away and came back a few minutes with a margarita in hand. He sat it down in front of Harleen. She smiled before jumping up and down excitedly. Matt let out a chuckle, and walked off.

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