Lego Monkie Kid x OC x Ninjago

Por JessicaMGarcia4

34.9K 708 384

Meet Akira. She seems to be a normal girl by their looks, but she isn't. She's a powerful girl who can fight... Mais

Character Info
A Hero is Born Pt.1
A Hero is Born Pt.2
A Hero is Born Pt.3
Teleported into a different dimension?!
Rise of the Snakes Pt. 1
Rise of the Snake Pt. 2
Never Trust a Snake
Can of Worms
Tick Tock
Once Bitten, Twice Shy
The Royal Blacksmiths
The Green Ninja

The Snake King

1.4K 36 25
Por JessicaMGarcia4

Akira P.O.V

Everything was quiet for the last couple of weeks after sabotaging the Serpentine's gather and making sure that they won't unite. Right now, I was laying on my bed with the black cat I found sleeping on my stomach and I patted his head. While lost in my thoughts, I heard my door opening, and I saw Ruby coming in

"Hello, Ruby" I greeted

"Breakfast ready" Ruby said and I'm so proud of her. Her speech is proving quite well

"Thank you for telling me, Ruby" I said as I patted her head and I carefully set the cat down onto my pillow, and I left my room with Ruby holding my hand

Dining Area

When we got to the dining area, I saw the ninja giving Lloyd some questions  about how to defeat a Serpentine

"First, I'll stomp on their tail, then when he turns, thunder clap to the ears! Then, when he's stunned, I'll disarm" Lloyd said

"Too late, he's already hypnotized him you and now you're under his control" Cole said

"Or he's already put you in a squeeze" Zane said

"Or spit on you with his hallucinatory venom. Trust me, bad stuff" Kai said

"No kidding" Monkey King said as he stuff food in his mouth

Lloyd looked disappointed when he got the question wrong, and then I saw Wu entering the room with a box in hand

"Ah, Uncle, what's the best way to stun a Serpentine if you don't know what they are?" Lloyd asked

"Sadly, it was the Sacred Flute that the nine of you carelessly lost" Wu said as he poured tea into his cup

"Hey, no, no, no, we didn't lose it. Pythor stole it" Jay said

"Yeah! So don't blame us!" Mei shouted

"Whatever the case, without it, I fear we have nothing to combat their powers. We may have prevented them from uniting in the past, but they will try again, and one day they will be stronger" Wu said as he sipped his tea

"Don't worry. I'm almost reached my full potential and when I become the Green Ninja, we're not need any magic flute" Cole said

"But didn't Wu say the Sacred Flute was the last one in the world?" I said as I fed Ruby some fruit as she happily ate it, and Cole looked away from embarrassment

"Back to the topic at hand, you're gonna be the Green Ninja? Ha ha! Don't make me laugh" Kai said

"I thought it was decided that I was destined to become the Green Ninja" Zane said

"Oh, the only thing decided about you, Zane, is that you're weird" Jay said and they started arguing

'Geez. Can't I enjoy my meal without hearing these dumb arguments for once?' I thought as I continued to eat my breakfast

"Hey, Uncle, what's in the box?" Lloyd asked and the ninja looked at Wu's direction

"The ninja's new uniform" Wu said as he removed the box's lid and revealed new suits for the ninja, and they each took a uniform

"Whoa! They've got armor!" Jay said with excitement in his tone

"I love the gold highlights!" Kai said

"Battle claws!" Cole said

"The material is really light and breathable" Zane said, and both MK and Mei looked at Zane with a deadpan look

"Really? That's what you care about? The material?" Mei said

"Yeah, don't you like how cool it looks?" MK asked

"Come on, you two. Leave Zane alone" I said

"Nothing for me?" Lloyd asked looking a bit sad

"Oh... Um..." Wu was looking around "You get... Uh... The box" Wu said as he handed Lloyd the box, and Ruby went towards Lloyd

"Can we color it?" Ruby asked

"Sure" Lloyd said

Then the alarms went off in the control room, and we all ran to the control room to check the scanners

"Sorry to break up the moment, boys, but a small faction of our slithering friends are stirring up trouble over at Mega Monster Amusement Park" Cole said

"Did you say..."

"Amusement Park?!" Both MK and Mei asked excitedly

"Uh, yeah?"

"We wanna go too! We wanna go to the Amusement Park!!" Both MK and Mei said

"C-Calm down, you two. We're not going there for fun" Kai said

"Can I go with you too? Let me make things up, I can help" Lloyd said

"I'm sorry, nephew. You will stay here, where it's safe" Wu said and Lloyd looked sad

'I guess Lloyd really wanted to go the Amusement Park' I thought

"Excuse me, Wu. If you want, I can watch over Lloyd at the Amusement Park while the ninja fight the Serpentine" I offered

"Are you sure? I don't wish to bother you" Wu said

"It's fine. Plus Lloyd deserves to have some fun while he's still young" I said as I messed with his hair "And I'll be able to defend myself since I know how to fight"

"Alright. You may take Lloyd to the Amusement Park" Wu said and Lloyd started to happily cheer

"Do you guys want to come along too?" I asked MK, Mei, Red Son, and Monkey King. I would ask Pigsy and Tang but they'll won't be able to fight that well and Sandy said he refuses to fight

"We wanna go too!!" Both MK and Mei said

"I don't mind going if my beloved will be there" Red Son said

"Amusement Park, huh? It does sound fun" Monkey King said and he felt something tugging on his pants. He looked down and saw Ruby "You wanna come too?" Ruby nodded quickly

"Okay. Let's get ready to go everyone" I said "Ninja team, you go on ahead and do your thing. We'll meet up later" Then the ninja went ahead and they also decided to wear their new uniforms

Timeskip~ No One P.O.V Mega Monster Amusement Park

When Akira and the others got to the Amusement Park, they also saw the Serpentine already tied up

"Wow. The ninja sure work fast" Mei said

"No kidding" MK said as we started walking towards them

"Yo, you four worked quick on the situation" Wukong said as the group approached them

"Actually, they were already like this when we got here" Kai said as he and the other removed their hoods

"What do you mean by that?" MK asked

"The Samurai came did the job before we even got here. So not cool" Jay said with a pout

"Samurai? You mean the big robot that sprayed us with the sleeping gas?" Mei asked

"Yeah, that guy! Whoever he is, he's stealing our thunder!" Cole said

"And we just got these cool ninja suits... Argh! I'm gonna say it, I hate the Samurai!" Jay said and Lloyd pulled on Akira's skirt

"Can we go on the rides?" Lloyd asked

"Sure. Let's go" Akira said as she grabbed Lloyd's hand and started heading towards the rides

"What do you wanna do, kiddo?" Wukong asked Ruby, and she pointed at the games with prizes "You want to win a prize?" Ruby nodded and they made their way to the games. As they were looking at the many games, Ruby saw a set of plushies. It was two monkeys, a bull, a blue lion, a winged eagle and a elephant

When Wukong saw the set, he looked a bit sad

"I want them!" Ruby said as she ran towards the booth

"Ello little girl" A man with blue skin and wearing fake mustache greeted Ruby

"Want to win these lovely set of plushies?" A another man with orange skin asked, and Wukong knew who they are and sighed

'Not these two again' Wukong thought as he looked at Jin and Yin

"To win the prize, you need to shoot down the moving target" Jin said

"And if you shoot down the target, you win the prize! Wanna test your luck?" Yin asked as held out the toy gun with rubber darts loaded. Ruby happily grabbed the toy gun and hopped on the high seat

"All right..."

"START!" Both Jin and Yin shouted as the timer started and Ruby started shooting, but the moving target was moving very fast. After many times of trying to hit the moving target, Ruby finally hit it and the timer went off

"Alright! Way to go kiddo!" Wukong said to Ruby

"Oh too bad. Better luck next time" Jin said and Ruby looked confused

"What do you mean by that? She hit the target" Wukong said

"But the target needed to fall all the way back" Yin said and Ruby's eyes started to swell up in tears

"Uh oh, looks like someone got a frowny face. Better luck next time" Jin and Yin said as they started to laugh. At that moment, Wukong felt something snap

"Alright. My turn" Wukong said

He saw MK walking around with Mei and he called him over real quick. Then MK summoned the staff and handed it to Wukong. Both Jin and Yin felt really scared. Wukong stepped a couple of feet back and extended the staff. Wukong destroyed both the booth and the target. Wukong grabbed the plushie set and gave it to Ruby who looked very happy

"Thank you, big brother!" Ruby hugged Wukong's legs and let out a happy chirp. Wukong smiled softly at her and picked her up

"You're welcome, kiddo" Wukong said as he hugged her

Next couple of days

For the next couple of days, the ninja made it their mission to capture the Samurai and prove who's the destined Green Ninja. Of course they each took turns watching Lloyd

Kai dropped off Lloyd at a arcade along with Akira who volunteered to watch over Lloyd while he and the rest of the guys were busy looking for the Samurai

"He could've at least dropped us off at a better arcade" Lloyd complained

"There, there. It won't be so bad" Akira reassured him as she patted his head

As they were about to enter the arcade, Lloyd heard something in the alleyway

"Akira, I hear something" Lloyd said as he and Akira went to the alleyway and peeked over the corner, and they saw the Serpentine and the Hypnobrai Leader, Skales

"I hear he found it. And everyone is gathering again" Skales said

"Impossible. The Lost City does not exist" A Fangpyre Serpentine said

"Well, it isn't lost anymore. Ha ha. And I heard there's gonna be a fight" Skales said catching the other Serpentine's interest

"Fight? Count me in!" The Fangpyre Serpentine said as he and the other Serpentine started heading to the bus

"All board! Next stop, Ouroboros" The Serpentine entered the bus one by one

"We need to get on that bus" Akira said

"But how?" Lloyd asked and he saw a shop that has Serpentine disguises. After the purchase, both Lloyd and Akira were wearing Serpentine hat, glasses, fangs and maracas. The both of them rushed to the bus before they left. Lloyd entered first and Akira entered second, then she was stopped by Skales

"Hey, you, hold it right there" Skales said and Akira got nervous thinking she was caught "Last one in closes the door"

"Right. I apologize" Akira said as she closed the door and hurried to take her seat, but failed to noticed that Skales was watching her

'Weird. Why do I feel attracted to her like I do towards the Akira girl?' Skales thought but shrugged his shoulders, started the bus and left the city


By the time they got to Ouroboros, it was already dark. Akira and Lloyd took their seats on the stands of an arena, they noticed Pythor talking to Skales

"Just do as I've said, and I promise you will be my second in command. Forever" Pythor said and Skales bowed, and they both put cotton balls in their ears before Pythor took the stage "I bring you together to The Lost City of Ouroboros, before the statue of our very own Great Devourer, to speak of unity" Pythor said

"Where are the fights?" One of the Serpentine asked looking upset

"Where is the big show?" Another Serpentine asked

"Slither pit! Slither pit! Slither pit!" The Serpentine chanted and Pythor looked annoyed

"Argh! You want a show? You want to see a fight? I ask for your allegiance, but you will not give it. So I will take it!" Pythor said

"What are you..."

"Saying?" Fangtom asked

"I challenge the four tribe Generals for their staffs and their allegiance at once!" Pythor said, surprising everyone

"I fought hard for this staff and will not give up easily!" Acidicus said

"There's no way he can defeat the four of us at once" Skalidor said as the four tribes started attacking Pythor. Without the Serpentine or the generals noticing, Skales passed the Sacred Flute into Pythor's hands and started playing it

"Oh, he's using the Sacred Flute against his own" Lloyd said looking surprised

"Well, he does look the type to use dirty tactics like that. So I'm not surprised" Akira said with her arms crossed

"My ears!" Skalidor covered his ears in pain and dropped his staff

"It hurts!" Acidicus said as he also dropped his staff along with Fangtom and Skales tossed his staff to where the other staffs that are on the ground. Pythor picked up the four staffs and claimed victory

"Bow to your master! Bow to your master, Serpentine!" Pythor ordered and they did as he said

When Lloyd tried to bow, he dropped his maracas to the ground. He and Akira tried to escape, but they were caught by the Serpentine

"Where do you think you're going?" The Serpentine asked as he removed the Lloyd and Akira's disguises

"Lloyd? And the lovely Akira~" Pythor said and Lloyd gulped while Akira glared

The next day - MK P.O.V

We were eating breakfast, but I noticed that both Akira and Lloyd aren't here. Are they sleeping in? Mei would've told us, so where are they?

"Trying to find out the Samurai's identity is more of a nuisance than snakes. Any luck with you?" Cole asked Jay

"The guy's elusive. He's like a ghost. One moment he's there, the next he's gone" Jay said

"I am starting to believe we might never catch him" Zane said

"I think it's safe to say, none of us are closer to proving we're the Green Ninja" Kai said

"Why don't you just give up? It's obvious none of you will be able to catch him" Red Son said as he ate his food, then Sensei Wu entered the room

"Looks like iron is sharpening iron. I feel you are getting closer to your True Potential" Sensei Wu said as he lightly squeezes Cole's arm

"Ow!" Cole cried from the pain

"Where is my nephew and miss Akira? I thought they were with you" Sensei Wu said

"I did noticed them not being here for awhile, but I was waiting to see if someone else notice" Tang said as he continued to eat his meal and I felt an irk mark on my head

'Why didn't Mr. Tang tell us anything?!' I thought

"And you didn't think about telling us?!" Red Son shouted as fire bursted from his hair

"I thought Cole was gonna pick them up" Kai said

"I went to the arcade, but they weren't there. Jay was-"

"Don't bring me into this!" Jay said

"Sensei, we have not seen them" Zane said

"We must find them" Sensei Wu said and we all left the Bounty except for Pigsy, Tang, Sandy and Ruby

We arrived at the spot where Kai dropped off Lloyd and Akira

"Lloyd? Akira? They were right here. Someone must've seen them" Kai said and Mei suddenly remembered something

"Oh yeah! I totally forgot!" Mei pulled out her phone and it showed a video of Lloyd

"There's Lloyd! But wait who's filming this?" Jay asked

"Akira" Mei said

"How is she filming this?" Zane asked

"I put small cameras in all your clothes" Mei said

"Wait... Does that mean..."

"You saw everything...?"

"Yep! And I must say you looked good in the dress and wig" Mei said, and Jay groaned in embarrassment

Mei continued playing the video from Akira's camera, and they saw both her and Lloyd entering the bus and later on captured by the Serpentine. After finishing the video, the group went to the alleyway and they saw tire tracks on the ground leading out of the city

"Let's follow those tracks!" I said as I pulled out staff and created vehicle out the stuff around them, and Mei hopped inside and she dragged Red Son inside the vehicle. The ninja changed their weapons into vehicles and Monkey King transformed into an eagle and we took off

As we followed the tire tracks, we saw something coming up ahead

'Is that... a city?' I thought to myself

"What is this place?" Cole asked

"Looks like a snake city" Jay said

'Better than a city of spiders' I shuddered at the thought

"Let's get a closer look" Kai said and we all sped up

Lost City of Ouroboros

When we got to the city, I jumped out of my vehicle along with Mei and Red Son, and I put the staff away,  while the ninjas vehicles changed back into weapons and Monkey King changed back to his form. We jumped on top of the buildings since we don't want to get by the Serpentine. Then we heard cheers coming from the arena up ahead

"Follow the noise" Monkey King said and we went towards the cheers are coming from

Once we got to the arena, we saw that big purple snake guy

"Looks like Pythor has successfully united all of the tribes" Zane said

"I know we ruined their last get-together, but that's no reason to not get an invitation. My feelings are hurt" Cole said, and in the corner of my eye I saw Lloyd in the cage with Akira

"Guys! Look!" I said in a whisper

"There's Lloyd and Akira" Kai said

"Whoa, and look at who they worship" Jay said as he pointed at the statue of a huge snake

"Let me guess, that's the Great Devourer?" Monkey King asked

"Looks like it. All the more reason to get both Lloyd and Akira out of here. This comes to an end today" Kai said as he pulled out his Golden Weapon along with the other three and we charged ahead, but we were later trapped inside a cage that fell from above

"Ah! The ninja and your friends! They came for us!" Lloyd said

"Yeah, but who's gonna save them?" Akira asked

"It looks like we've caught the main event" Pythor said as he laughed and took the ninjas weapons away

'Guess it's a good thing I didn't pull out the staff, but then again they won't be able to lift it up unless it's me, Monkey King and Akira. Which I'm still surprised that she was able to lift it up' I thought

After we were released from the cage, the Serpentine had us in chains as they dragged us out to the arena

"Main event? What do think he meant by main event?" Jay asked nervously

"We're probably gonna get eaten" Red Son said blunty

"Nnnnnnnnnoooooooo!!!! I don't want to get eaten! I'm not even tasty looking!" Jay said

"Will you stop your screaming, peasant!?" Red Son shouted

"Well, you can't blame him cause you did freak him out, Red boy" Mei said and I nodded in agreement

"Kai, you may be right. Things really may come to an end today" Zane said

"Uh... Don't worry. The Samurai could still come around and save us" Jay said trying to sound hopeful

When we got to the arena, Pythor started to speak

"You say you wanted a battle, and I give you one! I give you ninja vs Samurai and a demon couple!" Pythor announced

'Demon couple?' I looked confused

Then the gates in front of them started open revealing the Samurai in the first gate and removed the chains. In the second gate, everyone heard a loud roar

"Unhand me and my wife at once! I'll make you pay for putting me and my wife in chains!" The voice shouted

"That voice...!" Red Son looked like he recognized the voice and I recognized the voice too. The the gates busted opened to reveal DBK and Princess Iron Fan 

"Father! Mother!" Red Son called out to his parents

"Son?!" His parents looked relieved to see their son safe

'Guess they do care about him. Then again I heard parents have their own way of showing it' I thought

"We have to fight the Samurai and Red Son's parents?! But we don't even have our Golden Weapons, and he has that hulking thing of armor! It's not fair!" Jay complained

"You need help fighting the Samurai?" DBK asked as he and Princess Iron Fan headed towards us

Yes we do. May we ask for your assistant?" Zane asked

"Very well. We shall help you" Princess Iron Fan said as she pulled her giant fan

"That fan is huge!" The ninja exclaimed

"I know right?" Monkey King said

"You...!" DBK growled

"Sup bull king. Nice to see ya again" Monkey King said and both DBK and Princess Iron Fan glared at him

"How about you save fighting each other for later!" Akira shouted

"Yeah! What she said!" Lloyd shouted

They're right

"Let's focus on the fight against the Samurai for now" I said as I summoned my staff and Mei pulled out her sword

"Perhaps he can join our team to fight our way out? After all, Red Son's parents joined our side and he hates the Serpentine too" Zane said and the Samurai threw a spinning disk towards us and luckily we dodged in time

"You might wanna scratch that" Mei said as the Samurai threw another spinning disk towards us again and we moved away

"Ha ha! Missed me!" Jay said, but was hit in the back of his head by the weapon and groaned in pain and we all winced in pain

"That's gonna leave a mark" I said

"No kidding. Even I felt that" Monkey King said

Then the Samurai pulled out his sword and charged at us. Mei went in front of us and blocked the attack

"Tornado of Creation?" Zane asked

"Tornado of what now?" I asked with a confused look, and the ninja went into position





"Ninja, go!"

They merged together and a colorful tornado appeared, and every object, weapon and snacks were absorbed into the tornado. And a giant slingshot was revealed

"Care to do the honors, big guy?" Cole asked DBK, and DBK pulled the slingshot band back with a giant boulder and let it go. When the boulder hit the Samurai, he went flying towards where Pythor and Skales are. With the Samurai down, we charged in to strike, but spikes came out from the ground, stopping us in our tracks

"No fair!" I shouted

"Yeah! Play fair!" Mei shouted

Then the floor started go side-ways suddenly. We started to fall down, but we managed to grab hold onto the spikes before we fell inside the dark pit

"Can this get any worse?" Cole asked looking annoyed

"We must continue to make it appear that we are fighting for real" The Samurai said

"Wait a minute, we're not fighting for real?" I asked looking confused

"Keep up the charade and hold on to my EXO-Suit!" The Samurai said as we held onto the suit except Monkey King, DBK and Princess Iron who just left us in the arena, and I'm still confused on why they didn't take us with them

The Samurai pressed a button on his suit and we started flying up, but the engine started to sputtering

"There's too much weight!" Kai said

Then the Samurai ejected himself out from his suit and we flew out of the arena

"I can't believe he just saved us" Cole said'

"He stole our thunder again!" Kai shouted

"Ah! I hate the Samurai!" Jay shouted

Timeskip~ In the dessert

After crash landing in the dessert, I looked around to see if everyone is alright, everyone is here, but I noticed that Kai isn't with us

"Kid!" I looked up and saw Monkey King landing near us "You okay!"

"Yeah! We're okay" I said

"No thanks for your help" Mei said

"We do apologize for that" Princess Iron Fan said as she appeared from her whirlwind along with DBK

"Father! Mother! I'm relieved to see you both are alright" Red Son said

"We're also relieved to see that you alright" Princess Iron Fan said

"But how did you guys get here? I mean how did you get to this world?" I asked

"We saw a portal appear and we were sucked inside" DBK said

"And the next thing we knew, we woke up here" Princess Iron Fan said

"Looks like we have more guests to share in the Bounty" Zane said and we heard the EXO-Suit's engine turning on and leaving

Then not long after, we saw both Kai and Akira walking down from the sandy hill

"Akira! You're okay!" I said

"Yeah. I apologize for making you all worried" Akira apologized

"But where's Lloyd?" Mei asked

"He's still with the Serpentine. He helped me get away from Pythor and the Samurai saved me. I feel like I failed protecting Lloyd though" Akira said looking sad and I placed my hand on her shoulder

"Don't worry, Akira. We'll save Lloyd one of these days" I said

"Yeah, like the kid said we'll save him. But for now, let's head back to the Bounty. I'm exhausted" Monkey King said

After a long day, we all made back to the Bounty, introduced DBK and Princess Iron Fan to Sensei Wu, Ruby clinged onto Monkey King the moment we got back, ate a lot of food and we slept like a log

To be continued in Tick Tock

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