Fully Booked - Remus Lupin

By TheFanFictionGoddess

1.6K 87 31

Its been two years since the marauders have graduated. James and Lily are married with a baby on the way, an... More

001 - turmoil
002 - hogwarts
003 - toads
004 - sister
006 - sprout
007 - letters
008 - dreadful
009 - defeat
010 - detention
011 - intent
012 - improvements
013 - distractions
014 - assurance
015 - birthday
016 - hogsmeade

005 - lake

93 5 0
By TheFanFictionGoddess

Morning came all too soon.  Getting to bed so far after curfew was already taking a toll on me.  Jeni had to push me out of bed and onto the cold stone floor to wake me up.

"Ow."  I moaned, face against the smooth floor.  "I'm awake.  Thanks Jeni."

"You're welcome.  You really need to stop those late night romantic strolls with Remus.  You're all grumpy in the morning now."  She quickly dodged out of the way of my hand, swiping at her ankle.

"I was studying.  We're friends.  Leave it alone."  I picked myself up, stumbling to my wardrobe for a clean uniform.

"Alright, alright.  You're just friends.  But seriously, you need to start getting to bed on time.  You won't be able to keep up this for much longer."  She tossed me my hair brush and I ran it through my brown waves.

"I know.  I'll try.  There's just so much to do!"  I pulled my hair back into a ponytail and grabbed my bookbag.  "Let's go eat.  I desperately need some coffee."

We traipsed downstairs, meeting up with Henry in the common room.

"Good to see that Jeni managed to wake you up."  He said as a way of greeting.

"Yeah.  Nearly strained my arm dragging her onto the floor."  Jeni rubbed her shoulder.

"I'm sorry my existence is such a burden."  I sassed, sticking my tongue out at her.

We ate our breakfast in the great hall.  I glanced up at the head table and was taken by surprise when I saw Remus seated next to Dumbledore.  They seemed to be deep in conversation, and Remus looked exhausted.  I hoped it wasn't because of me.  He must have sensed me staring, because he broke his gaze away from the headmaster's and locked eyes with me.

I gave him a small wave and a smile causing him to grin back.

"You seem to know Lupin pretty well."  Henry commented, noticing the interaction.

"A little.  He's been walking me back when I leave the library late.  That way I don't get in trouble."  I shoved a bite of eggs into my mouth.

"Are you ready for double potions once again?"  Tia takes the seat diagonal to me, plopping down beside Henry.

"No.  I did get my essay done at least.  I'm not sure it's very good though."  I patted my bag to make sure it was there.

"Maybe you should talk to Sprout.  She might have some resources to help you catch back up."  Tia suggested, and I bristled a bit.  I don't want everyone to think I'm dumb, especially my head of house.

"I'll be fine.  I just need to work harder."

We made it through potions class, with a functional, but not perfect potion.  Slughorn looked a bit disappointed in my work, but didn't comment.  I left the class feeling pretty discouraged.  I was trying so hard, but I couldn't figure it out.

I took extensive notes during transfiguration, but once again failed the bird assignment.  Only myself and one other student had yet to complete the task.  It didn't feel great.

At lunch, I didn't participate in the conversation, instead choosing to review my transfiguration notes to try and figure out what I was doing wrong.  Perhaps it was my wand grip?  Or maybe I wasn't flicking firmly enough?  I wasn't sure.

"Tessa!"  Lauren waved a hand in front of my face.  I tore my eyes away from my book to find everyone is staring at me.

"What?"  I asked, clueless.

"We've been trying to get your attention for the past minute."  Henry chuckled, getting nods from the rest of the group.

"Sorry.  I'm just trying to troubleshoot a bit."  I gestured to the cover of my book.

"We were just talking about heading down the lake for some destressing after class.  You coming?"  Lauren recapped and I considered it.

"But I have so much to do."  I protested, worried about my time management.

"Girl, please."  Jeni put an arm around my shoulder.  "You need to take a break before you burn out.  It's only week one.  You've got time."

I did not feel like I had time.  I felt like every moment that was ticking by, I owed it to my family to be doing my best.  If I failed as a witch, what was the point of all their sacrifices?

"I don't know..."  I still hesitated.

"I'll help you with the transfig thing."  Jeni coaxed.  She had managed to do that work already, and her help could be beneficial for me.

"Fine.  But only for like an hour."  I conceded, earning a happy whoop from Lauren.  I supposed a break could be good for my mental health.  Some nice friend time would also give me a chance to catch up with everyone some more.

The rest of the afternoon passed in a constant state of stress for me.  I fell asleep during history and almost killed my plant during herbology.  By the time the end of classes arrived, I was rapidly blinking away tears.  I stepped out of the greenhouse, taking a deep breath of the warm September air.  A group of first years hurried by, excitedly chatting about getting to use brooms for the first time.

As I watched them pass, I felt a stab of longing in my chest.  I missed when things were easier.  Back in first year when my family wasn't in danger because of me.  Back when magic was exciting to learn, and not complicated and daunting.  I sat down on a small stone wall and closed my eyes, the soft breeze whisking my hair around my face.


Remus put his book on complex counter curses down and prepared for the after class rush.  Students eager to get their work done before dinner flooded into the library for a quiet place to study.  He gathered abandoned books off of tables to shelve as the students began to trickle in.  As he scooped a pile off of one of the tables by the window, he glanced out at the courtyard below.  He smiled to himself when he saw Tessa sitting on a stone wall, basking in the afternoon sun.

He wondered if she would be stopping by again tonight.  He enjoyed her company.  And even though her study habits had been ruining his sleep schedule, he didn't mind walking her back to her dorm every night.  It reminded him of sneaking about the castle after curfew with his friends back in his school days.

Tessa sat there for a few minutes, lost in her thoughts.  Then her friend, Jeni, approached her.  The two girls embraced and left the courtyard, arms linked.

Realizing that he just stood there watching this girl like a creep, Remus quickly scuttled off to continue his work, cheeks flushed with embarrassment.


The lake was crowded with Hufflepuffs.  Kids from first through seventh years showed up.  Some of the students laid on blankets in the grass, some were playing games, and a few risked wading into the water.

The sixth year Hufflepuff girls were all sprawled out on Tia's giant purple blanket, enjoying the snacks that Jeni and I picked up from the kitchens.  I munched on a cookie while Henry and Eddie waded in the water.

"Tess!  Get in here."  Eddie called from where he stood calf deep.

"Nope!  I'm good here."  I hollered back with a friendly wave.

"Come on!  It feels so nice!"  Henry joined in, splashing the water my way.  It fell drastically short.

"But whyyyyyy?"  I whined, stretching out my legs.  To be honest, I was starting to think about it.

"We can splash Eddie!"  He threw out this rather convincing argument, and I caved.  Besides, that did sound like a lot of fun.

"Alright!  Here I come!"  I jumped to my feet, sprinting into the shallows of the lake, splashing both boys in the process.  The cold water shocked me to my core.

"Hey!"  Henry tried to block the spray with his hands, but failed miserably.  Eddie just stood there, letting it happen.

"I thought you wanted to splash?"  I teased, sinking down in the water until it reached my chest.  My tee shirt and shorts were soaked at this point, so I just committed.

"I wanted to splash Eddie!  You're going to pay for that, Tessa Downing!"  Henry started wading my direction, arms swaying back and forth in the water.  Squealing, I started scrambling away.

"No, no, no!"  I tried to escape, but he was much faster than me, quickly over taking me. 

"Time for revenge."  He laughed gleefully, frantically splashing me with both hands.  Eddie, not wanting to pass up such an opportunity, joined in.

"This is not what I signed up for!"  I sputtered, trying to blink the water out of my eyes.

"You should have read the fine print!"  Henry and Eddie worked together to send a wave at me, knocking me off of my feet.  My whole head goes underwater.  I popped back up, spitting out the gross tasting lake water.  My wet hair fell in soggy limp strands around my face, clinging awkwardly.

"This means war!" I cried, pumping a fist into the air. "Prepare to die!"

Thus ensued chaos. I started kicking water with my feet, attempting to get a bigger splash. Unfortunately the boys quickly copied my strategy and I started losing.

"Jeni! Gondor calls for aid!" I shouted to her where she sat in the grass.

"I don't know what that means, but I'm coming!" My best friend jumped to her feet and crashed into the water. The two on two splash match began, and there were no winners in the end. Just a bunch of sopping wet losers.

Exhausted but laughing, we dragged ourselves out of the lake. The chill from the water setting into our bones.

"Anyone know a drying spell?" I asked, teeth chattering.

"Yeah. I got you." Eddie picked up his wand from the blanket and quickly dried all of us off.

"Thanks." I flopped down, snagging an apple. "That was fun. I needed the break."

"I know you have a lot to do, but if you die of stress and exhaustion, you'll fail all your classes." Henry grabbed my apple from my hand and took a bite.

"Hey, I was eating that!" I snatched it back, wiping the area where he ate from. He just shrugged, satisfied with the single bite. "Rude."

We spent the rest of the afternoon lounging in the sun with the other Hufflepuffs, talking about anything but school and the war. It was the first time in a long time where I felt I could relax.


Jeni and I sat in the Hufflepuff common room, working on the transfiguration.  We had stolen some spoons at dinner and were using them.

"You really have to visualize what you want.  Think of it as a real life creature, not as a spoon."  Jeni said, guiding my hand through the wand movement.  "Avifors!"

A beautiful blue bird popped into existence, chirping happily.  Jeni waved her wand and turned it back.

"Now you try."

"Alright."  I steeled myself, determined for it to work this time.  I closed my eyes and envisioned my bird as clearly as I could.  Blue bird, gray speckles, and a white beak.  I imagined the bird sitting on the able in front us, ruffling it's feathers.  "Avifors!"

I opened my eyes only after a cast the spell.  To my delight, I got the closest I had ever.  The bird was almost exactly as I pictured.  Blue feathers, with little gray speckles.  It ruffled it shiny feathers, peering at the two of us curiously.  The only thing I hadn't manage to get correct, was the beak.  It was black.  But the progress definitely encouraged me.

"It's so close!"  I squealed happily, startling the bird.  It took off, and I hastily cast the reversal before it could escape.  The spoon fell to the floor with a clatter and I scooped it up.  "I'm going to keep trying."

"You're doing great.  You really just have to bring your imagination to life.  Project what you want."  Jeni gave my shoulder a squeeze, and I grinned.


It took several more tries, but each bird was still so close to what I imagined, that I didn't get discouraged.  After about a dozen or so tries, I get it right.

"Jeni!  That's it!  It's my bird!"  I gently pet the little creature in front of us and it nuzzled into my hand.  "It's she so sweet?"

"She's adorable."  Jeni agreed, grinning as well.  "You did great!"

"Thank yo so much for your help.  I wouldn't have been able to do it without your help."  The little bird hopped into my hand, and suddenly I didn't want to change it back.  "Do you think it would be okay if we kept her?"

"The bird?"  Jeni's eyebrows shot up in surprise.

"Yes.  Please?"  I begged, giving her big puppy eyes.

"If it poops on me while I sleep, you're dead."  She sighed, shaking her head.

"What should we name her?"  I asked as I carried my new friend to our dorm.

"I don't know.  Maybe something that pays homage to her origin."  Jeni followed me down to our room.

"That's a great idea!  Hello little Minerva!"  I cooed at the creature.  Minerva seemed to like her new name and chirped happily in response.

"Seriously?  Minerva?"  Jeni's loud laugh echoed off of the hallway walls.

"It's perfect."  I beamed as I entered our dorm.  All the other girls were sitting in the middle of the room, surrounded by books.

"Hey.  How'd the bird stuff go?"  Lauren asked us.

"Great!  Everyone, meet Minerva!"  I held up my baby girl for them all to see.

"She's so cute!"  Lauren gushed, jumping to her feet to meet the newest addition.  Yasmin just smiled at my attachment to the ex-spoon.

"You're keeping it?"  Tia rolled her eyes.  "If you plan on keeping every creature we transfigure this year, we're going to have a zoo in here."

"Not all of them.  Just Minerva."  I promised, stroking her wings.

"You better not."  Tia grumbled before coming over to pet her.  "She is pretty cute."

"You hear that, Minnie?  She said you're cute."

Minnie chirped happily.

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