A to Z omegaverse (COMPLETED)

By ecrivainerouge

1M 35.3K 12.6K

[ F A N F I C T I O N ] WARNING! SMTS AHEAD! (R - 18!) Under editing but feel free to read! An encounter be... More



3.1K 93 45
By ecrivainerouge

People began to scream and scurry away from the scene but there were those who remained loyal to each other's side. Butlers, guards, and securities stood tall along their respected heads with nothing but their easy-to-forget names. However, the only head who was fighting was Naobito Zenin.

"Fushiguro. Tonight there is no Fushiguro or Zenin pact." Naobito growled, the tighter he clenched the grip of his gun the harder his jaw grind. "And right now, we are just two separate clans with no laws binding us. So, as a father of the child you've used, I can do this."

He fired a series of shots and was followed by his men. The ends of the barrels of their guns sparked from the heat and friction as both sides ratted each other.

Mai pushed the screaming Naoya under the table as the shoot out arose. She held him close to her, trying to lull him while calling Maki, "Where the fuck are you?! It's raining bullets!" she yelled on her phone.

"Go somewhere safe!" Maki yelled from the other line as she cleaned her things up. She can hear the guns firing from the background which made her tense up. Her hands were shaking and lips were trembling, she was inserting her laptop in her bag but her hands were hindering her.

"There is nowhere safe, fucker! If there is, they would have taken Naoya there." Mai hung up the phone and decided to join the riot. She got her gun and fired at guys who were getting close to them.

She had her pistol with her with nothing but five bullets and an extra so technically all she could do was to stop 6 men from going near them. She painfully scoffed at her deduction, "Six out of, how many? A hundred?"

She looked at Naoya hopelessly, "I guess I should've brought more ammo." Thus, she ran ahead but before she could take a second step, a hand on her wrist stopped her.

"Don't go! Don't leave!" It was Naoya, begging her not to go. "You'll get hurt!"

Mai was usually annoyed by men begging about something because to her that's another way to lower yourself. But now that she can see Naoya begging her to stay, a thought goes through in her mind that maybe, just maybe, those who beg were ready to crawl for someone else's sake.

She halted from her tracks and kneeled in front of him, "Here hold this." She gave him a gun with 3 bullets in. "If someone you don't know got near you, shoot them." Her voice was calm yet her demeanor was in a hurry. She tried not to show him any hint of emotion but, Naoya was not dumb not to notice.

There was no guarantee that after this night, they'll see tomorrow. "Stay by Naobito's side." And she ran ahead.


On the other side of the uproar, everyone was thinking and doing the same thing. Shoot till the other side surrenders. No one remembers how it began and all they had to do was aim and pull the trigger if they wanted to survive.

"What the hell happened? Who the fuck provoke Naobito like that?!" Megumi roared to the person beside him as he continued fighting with an armalite. He had some gushes and his clothes were soiled.

"I don't know, but if I really get a hold of the neck of whoever did that, I'll strangle him to death!" A girl with brown hair and had the same gun replied. "Because of them we're in this hell and the pact was cut."

"We have to stop, we can't be doing this shit. It'll go around the world. We have to talk to Naobito."

"Tell that to the person who provoked him. Now that the tiger has awakened, I don't think he'll stop until he has his meal." Tsumiki Fushiguro groaned as a bullet flew past her cheek which grazed her skin in the process.


Inside the computer room where all the computers in the setting were being controlled, Maki was hyperventilating but still trying to process everything. She never expected that this would be the outcome.

She was sure that Naobito would never lose his cool and the worst thing he could do was to break the bond and leave. That's all but...

"I didn't mean this to happen." She muttered over and over as the firing in her background continued and showed no sign of stopping. "All I want is to break the bond and I will handle him myself but... it's all my fault."

Her mind finally broke down when she realized that because of her somewhere out there someone was dying. Her twin sister was there fighting for her life and she was the reason for all of it and she can imagine how frightened Naoya might be right now.

She doesn't really care about Naobito but those two, "I... I put them in danger." She bit her lower lip and cupped her mouth as she tried to swallow the anxiety building up in her. Her heart was pounding in her chest and it echoed in her ears to the point she couldn't even hear her own heaving.

Tears were swelling up in her eyes. She was blaming herself too much that she ended up punching her own head, "It's your fault! It's your fault, it's you–"

A loud bang from the door shook Maki's core, "Open it! Please! I know someone was in there."

The voice outside was anxious and seemed like crying but Maki couldn't move a single muscle. All she could do was clutch her hair and sat there. Her mind was occupied with a lot of unforgiving thoughts that made her legs go numb. Even though her ears heard everything, she couldn't understand a thing.

The scream made by the woman was immediately silenced by a loud bang. The voice was gone.

Toji on the other hand knew that it's coming. But he never expected that both sides would have high quality of arms with them. All he thought was there would be minimal firearms since no one would have expected this kind of situation.

He was hiding behind a ruptured wall as he tried to contact Maki with his earpiece but he received no response. They should've rendezvoused by now and settle this but he couldn't reach her.

He was in the middle of mutiny yet his mind still wondered about the certain h/c headed woman. He wanted to find her, hold her, and make sure she's safe but this night needed him. And if was to choose what to follow; his heart or his mind, he'd definitely choose his heart.

Everything in his life was insane and the only one who made him feel normal was Y/n. He shook his head to clear the thoughts of finding her. Because if he didn't settle this, there's not a place where she would be safe.

He wanted to be with her for as long as he could. However, if he needs to lay down his life so this could all stop and for her to be safe, he will not hesitate. It was a swim or drown situation but it's a game he's willing to risk everything.

He scoffed at the thought that never crossed his mind before, "A Toji Fushiguro, ready to die for someone? What a fool."

He pressed a button on the remote control he had in his hand and that's when all the lights turned off. Now all of them were in the dark, yet the moonlight was enough for them to see through the night.

This time, a solid metal was slowly rearing up in between the two clans. The fire had finally ceased yet that metal wall was not enough to distinguish the furry from each side.

"What are you doing?! Why are you stopping? Fire!" Nero bellowed. To which they obeyed.

Toji thought that this was going to stop them and buy some time for the Zenin to escape but now. He saw the bullets slowly but surely rapturing the iron wall in between them, "Shit, this will not hold long."

He wanted this to end but he didn't want a blood bath, thus, he showed up on the enemy's side with his hands in the air.

"Use this instance to get out of here!" He yelled. "You are in territory of Fushiguro any moment now the backup will be here. I can't promise that I can help you then." His voice was loud as it was the necessity because all of the gunfires and the sound of impact of the bullets on the wall made it hard to hear.

"A Fushiguro! Kill him!" A man shouted when he saw Toji and all of the guns darted in his position. The only thing that was obstructing Death's scythe from reaping Toji's soul was the moment of pulling the triggers.

Toji accepted his faith from the moment he realized he loved but it was not on his plan to die if not needed.

He knew that they would not hear whatever he said as long as he's a Fushiguro but he did what he had to do.

"Wait!" Naobito tried to stop them but it was too late. They fired.

"Toji!" A shout had caught Toji's attention before he felt being pushed out of the way of the blazing bullets.

"Megumi!" Toji roared as he saw how the countless bullets pierced his body leaving holes with blood gushing out of it. The fire ceased and he crawled to Megumi who was gasping for air, "Hey, hold on, medics are on the way." He tried to reassure him but it was all too late.

It happened so fast, he never even heard any last word. His death was not like how we see in the movies. No words of goodbye, no sign of pain.

Toji was still in shock, he was not really fond of Megumi since they've never really been that close until these past commotions happened but he still caught the bullets for him, "Thank you." His eyes narrowed and his brows furrowed as he tried not to show any emotion but he couldn't help but think that, "Was I that important and was worth saving?"

Toji didn't get the chance to know him better but from what he had done for him, he knew he was the best Fushiguro ever existed. Greater than what they call the great Nero.

"I told you to stop, didn't I?!" Naobito shouted at his men as he stood in front of Toji who was holding Megumi in his arms. He fired off a few shots killing his own men in the process as a sign of pure anger and a warning not to take his words lightly.

He looked at Toji who was putting a coat over Megumi's body, his eyes were closed as if he was just sleeping. Naobito didn't care about it either because he had seen that a lot of times; either the body of an enemy or his comrade.

But what made him stunned was the fact that Toji didn't retort. He didn't take a gun and raised it against them.

"What do you want, Fushiguro?" Naobito's gun was lowered but his deadly bloodlust was all over the place.

"I want you to go now," Toji replied, his eyes never left the corpse, "It won't be safe for the both clans. Our backup was a minute away from here. You'll be annihilated."

"By the way you speak, you're either telling us to surrender or threatening us." Zenin's eyes were keen. He was not the one who surrendered first in a war and never the one to get carried away by a threat. And for him to hear Toji speak like that he knew something was up. "Why are you doing this? Are you behind this?"

Toji couldn't answer the second question, "I'm tired of following the rules of a murderer. That's all." His voice was cold, it was so frigid that even Naobito felt a chill down his spine.

That kind of anger was something. He thought that all this time, there was only one kind of anger and it was like a blazing fire ready to consume everything but this; it was like a frozen ocean.

Dark, with nothing to see underneath but hopelessness and demise.

"Choose your words, Toji. You know that now you're disowned by the Fushiguros. And as a Fushiguro yourself, Zenin are willing to hunt you down."

"Don't care anymore." He said and pulled his own gun from his belt. "Just go."

It was dark but Naobito could see Toji as the moonlight shone upon him; illuminating everything.

"You're really going to betray your own blood?"

"I have been betrayed by my own blood long before I even know how to count my age. Tonight, I'll straighten it up."

Naobito can see all his pent up emotion as he trod down to where the rest of the Fushiguros were. His head was low and his hand held his gun in a firm grip and his finger was dangerously hovering above the trigger.

Naobito's eyes grew wide, "That can't be..."

"Are you one of them now?" Endeavour asked as he saw him emerge from the other side of the iron wall; the enemies' side.

"I am on no one's side."

Endeavour's heart quenched when he heard him, for as far as he knows not choosing his own family means betrayal. "You know that the punishment of betrayal to your clan was..."

"I don't care anymore, just do your fucking job and I'll do mine." In an instant he held his gun and pointed it to Nero's head, without any second thought, he pulled the trigger. All of them were stunned and no one was able to speak nor move because none of them expected that.

The blood splattered on Toji's face and on the ground but that didn't bother him. Not even the putrid smell or the stickiness of the blood bothered him. His face was stoic, his demeanor was cold, he was like... like he was before he met her.

Nero's body dropped dead on the ground and bathed in his own blood.

The whole Zenin clan saw what happened. Naobito had his mouth wide open when he saw what he did.

Endeavour's eyes were shaking and his jaws were agape. He gripped his gun and pointed it to Toji, "What have you done?!" His voice brought men to their senses and held their guns up to him as well.

His hands were shaking and his eyes were looking at him but it seemed like he was looking past him. Endeavour was in trance.

His body was reacting the way he was trained to react but it was evident in his face that he was in loss. "Throw your guns away. Surrender. Now!"

Toji didn't obey any of his words and just looked at him straight in the eyes. He could see that Endeavour was tired, afraid, sad, and angry at the same time. But what he couldn't explain was the sick smile on his face.

"What have you done to the Great Fushiguro?!" He cried, tears were cascading from his eyes as he yelled that but the smile was still there. He really was lost.

Endeavour's wife, held his hand and slightly gave it a force to push it down, "Darling, please. Stop it. There's no need for it." Her voice was soft.

But Endeavour's eyes were glued to Toji, his orbs were dull as if he's looking somewhere far, "Surrender now..." he muttered before finally collapsing on the ground, holding his head, murmuring to himself.

His wife hugged him, enveloping him in her fragile arms and patting his head, "Shh, it's gonna be alright, Mahal*." She tried to kiss away the confusion and pain he's feeling. She knew what he felt even though he didn't say it.

A tiny click of gun's hammer was heard which gained Toji's attention, "Y-You killed the head of the Fushiguro Clan." A stuttering voice caught their attention. "Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, you reap what you o-owe."

The barrel of the shotgun that was pointed to Toji, there were those who were against that action but there were those who agreed. Ruckus arised as they confront each other on which side they should obey.

But in the end, those who wanted Toji dead won the argument. For as a clan member, they're respecting their rules.

The guy who was holding the gun was scared as he saw Toji's cold eyes looking at him. There was no sign of resistance from him yet he felt scared. His trembling finger was just a millimeter away from the trigger when a hand pulled the barrel down.

It was Endeavour, "No, let me."

*Mahal is a filipino word meaning Love

Now that I realized it, how did you guys found this story? 

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