Bumblebee x Sam Sister Reader...

By NatashaPalma

42.1K 1.1K 271

When Y/n was young the Witwicky adopted her as their own she doesn't remember anything about her past but wha... More

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Ch 11

600 24 3
By NatashaPalma

This is u ☝🏽I made it myself 😁


Bumblebee POV

"Sam Mikaela what the hell are you guys staring at?"
y/n asked

Still no answer

"Wait why my voice sounds different?" Y/n asked again as she look at Sam and Mikaela still in shock

They're starting at her so she slowly looks down at her hand to see not actual hands instead she see her hands were grey,and her knuckles had plates of light blue steel, almost like built in brass knuckles.

She look around at her body to see she isn't human anymore but an Autobot

She smiles at me as she ran to me

I smiled at her but was snapped out of my trance when an order was screamed out by someone that sounded a lot like Seymour,

"She's one of them! Bring it down!"

My happy expression was crushed

My blue irises widened at Seymour said

I started to struggle more ferociously, even to the point of attempting to rip the helicopters from the sky.

I couldn't do such thing with such little room to move, I didn't have enough leash to rip my arms back, pulling the helicopters from the sky.

I glared at the men with the ice guns that didn't run I started to fight back, desperate to protect her.

But I felt bonds tighten as the helicopters flew me back a few meters, pulling the metal bonds tighter. I fell back to the ground, but didn't submit this time, I continued squirming and whining loudly.

I looked at her in fear and whined for help when the
helicopters headed toward her

I whined as load as I could, begging for my friends to come out from hiding and save her. They could leave me trapped in this bonds for all I cared, as long as they saved y/n.

I gave up hoping for help, and was forced to watch y/n face the humans wrath. On her own.

"Get out here y/n!" I said in my radio

"No I'm not leaving you bee!" Y/n shouted slowly getting closer me but I look up at the two helicopters flying towards her, slowly, menacingly. As the helicopters circled her, the soldiers moved into formation, circling around her with their guns pointed up at her.

Y/n flinched at all the guns pointed at her

One of the helicopters fired a metal rope at her, and it wrapped around her wrist.

Y/n panicked as swung around and gripped the rope with her other hand and pulled down as hard as she could.

The helicopter was wrenched from the sky

Y/n finally untangle the rope from her wrist.

"Fire!" Seymour screamed.

Y/n flinched at the sound of gun fire. Shots rang out all around her, and y/n could feel the bullets strike against her metal skin. After a few moments of continues firing

Y/n looked at the soldiers in front of her realized that the bullet were doing no damage to her. The bullets were so tiny compared to her new size, that they barely even dented her skin. It was like someone throwing plastic, hollow, balls at her, it was painless. She could barely even feel it!

that their guns were useless against her.

She ran over them as the men continued to fire at her but it bother her, not anymore.

Y/n pushed herself forward, using most of her concentration to not fall over, and made her way to me.

She was almost to me  when one of the helicopter flew by her and fired one of the metal ropes at her. It wrapped around her legs and she tumbled to the ground.

She sat up and spun around to face her legs, the rope was wrapped around her shins and she couldn't move them.

The helicopter started to fly backwards, dragging her away from me.

"No! No! Stop!" Y/n screamed as she tried to break her bonds but they were to tight.

I whined to see two helicopter heading towards her as both helicopter fired a metal rope at her, and it wrapped around her both wrist.

Y/n look at Mikaela who's staring at her and Sam violently fighting against the men holding him.

Y/n slowly looking at something?

I could see my friends hiding on top of the bridge. Out of the soldiers sights, but they could still see everything.

Y/n looked at them in disgust

Y/n lost sight of the Autobot's 

The men wrapped in suits of plastic ran towards y/n attacking her with the icy fog,

Y/n screamed in pain

I whining loudly as Y/n laid still, in to much pain to move was too much for her as she slowly turn back to herself

She looks at me as She fell unconscious

As all the men around her standing on a ledge with guns pointed at her.

Sam Pov

I stared at y/n unmoving body

Everything was in slow motion, and he couldn't hear a sound. Not Mikaela's screams, not the sound of feet pounding against the concrete, not the sound of the helicopters blades slicing the air, not even Bumblebee's cries of pain and anguish. All he could do was stand still, his joints locked in place, and watch the scene unfold before him.

The men wrapped in suits of plastic ran back towards Bumblebee and continued attacking him with the icy fog, but Bumblebee didn't seem to care. He was staring at y/n

I noticing anything else. While the men in plastic attacked Bumblebee, the swarm of secret agents ran towards y/n

They all crowded around her pointed their guns at her every man's finger hovering over the trigger button, prepared to fire mercilessly at any moment.

I was snapped out of my trance when an order was screamed out by soldier declared into his speaker

'Target has returned to human form. I repeat, target has returned to human form.

"Get away from her! Leave her alone!" I screamed, but no one cared

'Is the target dead, soldier?' Seymour asked, speaking into his radio loud enough for Sam to hear.

Tears leaked from my eyes and I stopped fighting, desperate to know that my sister was still alive.

'Negative, sir. Target is unconscious. What are your orders?' The solider said.

I started crying tears of happiness. Bumblebee, hearing the information as well, relaxed. Extremely relieved and at peace knowing that she was still alive.

'I want the big one frozen and ready for transport! And take the other one to base, inform your superiors of it's alien status' Seymour said

I glared at him and started struggling again.

"No! Leave her alone! Don't you touch her! Stay away from her!" I screamed and he started kicking, punching, scratching, even biting, but nothing was realising him from the mans hold as he was dragged backwards with Mikaela.

"Put him in a car with his little criminal friend," Seymour ordered and Sam struggled as he and Mikaela were pushed into one of the many sleek black cars. All he could do was sit there and watch as men gets y/n

I slowly allowed my attention to slip to Bumblebee and he watched in sadness as the plastic men continued the assault, but Sam's attention was captivated by Mikaela.
"Oh. My. God y/n!" Mikaela gasped quietly and I looked at her.

"What?" I panicked and I looked back at my sister.

I realised what made Mikaela so nervous and started to smash my fist at the window.

"Get your fucking hands off her!" I screamed viciously as a soldier carried my naked sister from the cement Dirt smudging her face, and her hair was in a filthy tangled mess. I looked around, to see her ripped, tattered clothes and remembered them tearing as she transformed. I continued struggling, screaming, and fighting, even as the car started and drove him away from y/n.

Optimus Prime pov

"Hang back. Let me check it out," Jazz ordered the other Autobot's as they drove up to the middle of the bridge.

I got clear view of Bumblebee being frozen, while an unconscious and naked y/n was bounded and carried to a car as they cover her up with a blanket.

The other Autobot's stayed back while Jazz climbed down to me.

"Optimus," Jazz spoke as he made his way down to me

but I ignored him.

"Are we just gonna stand here and do nothing?" Jazz asked confused, I kept walking and Jazz continued jumping from colum to colum to keep up with me.

"There's no way to free Bumblebee and Speedlift
without harming the humans," I said sadly looking at Bumblebee writhe around on the ground as his joints slowly stiffened, then to the car preparing to take his lost friend, Speedlift away.

"But it's not right. They..." Jazz started to argue but I cut him off. "Let them leave." I bent down and delicately picked up the glasses that Sam dropped when he rushed to his sister after she slipped from his grasp.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Sam Pov

I sat calmly in the flying helicopter, seated next to Mikaela, and across from a blonde women and an African American man. I fidgeted in my seat, but kept my cool.

I looked the blonde women in the eye and she gave him a smile.

"So..." I said, trying to start up a conversation.

"What'd they get you for?" She asked.

"I bought a car. Turned out to be an alien robot. And my adopted sister turned into a gigantic alien robot, half an hour ago," I said casually.

"Wow," the African American whispered.

"Who knew?" I shrugged sarcastically.

Optimus Prime pov

The Autobot's climbed along the edges of the empty Observatory, eagerly awaiting my orders.

Ironhide and Ratchet were ready to do what my ordered to be done next, while Jazz paced back and forth, away from me, impatiently waiting for my to order them to storm the government and take their two autobot friends by force.

But no such order would be given

"Please, let this work," I begged quietly, and I lifted the glasses lenses to my orbs.

"Fire it up, Optimus," Jazz said sarcastically. Trying to contain his anger till they had found the cubes position.

My blue lasers shot out of my orbs and struck the glasses, projecting a shimmering blue, rotating Earth.

"The code," I said, relief flooding his circuits.

"The code on these glasses indicates the All Spark is 230 miles from here," I stated, my lasers turned off, and the Earth projection disappear.

"I sense the Decepticons are getting ready to mobilize," Ratchet warned, his voice rough and concerned.

"They must know it's here, as well," Ironhide said.

Jazz glared down at his friends, furious that everyone was ignoring the fact that Bumblebee and Speedlift had been captured.

"What about Bumblebee? What about Speedlift?" Jazz said.

"We can't just leave him to die, and let Speedlift become some human experiment!" Jazz argued.

"It will happen in vain if we don't accomplish our mission!" I growled, angry that Jazz was ignoring his previous order to 'let them leave'.

"Bumblebee is a brave soldier. This is what he would want. And as for Speedlift, she won't suffer. Ignorance is bliss, there is only so much to learn from an Autobot in human form. Especially one that doesn't remember," I explained.

"Optimus that's bullshit! You know, Bumblebee would want us to do whatever it takes to save Speedlift!
she can't remember anything is all the more reason to save Speedlift and Bumblebee! The humans won't believe her she can't remember anything! They'll attempt to torture information out of her, and she'll have no information to give!" Jazz cried.

"Why are we fighting to save the humans?" Ironhide asked me.

I sighed as I starting to agree with Jazz that their first priority should be their own kind.

"They're a primitive and violent race," Ironhide continued.

"Were we so different?" I asked solemnly.

"They're a young species. They have much to learn. But I've seen goodness in them. Freedom is the right of all sentient beings. You all know there's only one way to end this war. We must destroy the Cube, If all else fails, I will unite it with the spark in my chest," I said sadly.

I slightly opened the compartment that contained his shining spark.

"That's suicide. The Cube is raw power. It could destroy you both," Ratchet explained

I  looked at him knowingly.

"A necessary sacrifice to bring peace to this planet. We cannot let the humans pay for our mistakes," I said sadly.

I turned at looked at each of my loyal friends,
"It's been an honour serving with you all," I said.

Jazz looked at his close friend sadly and gave him a discreet nod, a common sign of respect.

"Autobot's, roll out!" I ordered and I jumped from the building.

"We rolling!" Jazz said.

He had decided to let the matter drop, already made up his mind. If Optimus was to die along with the cube, as the leader of the Autobot's he would rescue Bumblebee and Speedlift. And if everything was to be fine, along with Optimus' life, he would go rogue, and do it himself.

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