Bumblebee x Sam Sister Reader...

By NatashaPalma

42.1K 1.1K 271

When Y/n was young the Witwicky adopted her as their own she doesn't remember anything about her past but wha... More

Ch 1
Ch 2
Ch 3
Ch 4
Ch 5
Ch 6
Ch 7
Ch 8
Ch 9
Ch 11
Ch 12

Ch 10

635 20 1
By NatashaPalma


I sat still felt really uncomfortable with the cuffs being to tight and scratching the flesh of my wrists.

Then we watched the man pulling out a plastic bag with Sam's phone in it.

I mentally raised an eyebrow.

"So, LadiesMan217," the man said as he turned around to face us while holding the phone up.

"That is your eBay username, right?" He asked.

I looked at Sam with an embarrassed expression and his face paled.

"Yeah, but, you know, it was a typo and I ran with it," Sam explained and I rolled my eyes.

"What do you make of this?" man asked and he hit a button on Sam's phone.

"My name is Sam Witwicky, okay? And my..." The phone started to play a recording of Sam's voice and the fancy man smirked.

"Is that you?" He asked.

"Yeah, that sounds like LadiesMan," Mikaela said sarcastically.

I glared at Sam.

"Last night at the station, you told the officer your car transformed.... Enlighten me," the man said and Sam gulped.

"Well, here's what I said, okay? 'Cause this is a total misunderstanding that my car had been stolen..." Sam assured and the man gave him a smirk.

"Really?" He asked.

"...from me, from my home, but it's fine now because it's back! It came back!" Sam continued

Mikaela and I eyes widened at his slip up.

"Well, not by itself," I said and Mikaela nodded.

"Well, no," Sam agreed.

"Because cars don't do that because that would be crazy," I laughed and the man and his goon started to laugh, so Sam and Mikaela started to laugh out of nerves.

The man stopped laughing and looked at us with a crazed yet bored expression.

"So what do you kids know about aliens, huh?" The tension thickened to the point were you could cut it with a nice and Sam jumped into the conversation.
"Oh, you mean, like a Martian? Like what, E.T? No," Sam said and I nodded.

"It's an urban legend," Mikaela said

"Yeah," I agreed.

"You see this?" The man pulled out a shiny golden badge and flashed it to us.

"This is an I-can-do-whatever-I-want and-get-away-with-it badge," he said angrily.

"Right," Sam noted but I glared at him.

"That's abuse of power and illegal asshole!" I glared growled and he smirked at me.

"Yes it is. I'm gonna lock you up forever, all of you," he threatened and I leaned back in the seat, defeated.

"Oh, God. You know what? Don't listen to him. He's just pissy 'cause he's got to get back to guarding the mall," Mikaela said

"You, in the training bra, do not test me. Especially with your daddy's parole coming up," man said
and Mikaela's jaw dropped.

"What? Parole?" Sam asked as Sam and I looked at her, waiting for an explanation.

"It's nothing," Mikaela assured but her voice waved in sadness, fear, and anger.

"Oh, grand theft auto, that ain't nothing?" man pressed.

"You know those cars my dad used to teach me to fix? Well, they... They weren't always his," Mikaela said sadly, she was clearly ashamed but she still loved her father.

"You stole cars?" Sam asked sadly and Mikaela's eyes watered slightly.

"Well, we couldn't always afford a babysitter, so sometimes he had to take me along," Mikaela said.

"She's got her own juvie record to prove it! She's a criminal. Criminals are hot," man said and he looked at Mikaela then me inappropriately.

"Not as hot as the sweet and innocent," man said and he looked at me with a smirk and I glared at him.

"Leave my sister alone, pervert!" Sam yelled at him and he turned back around to face the road.

"That'd be a real shame if he had to rot in jail the rest of his natural life," man said

I looked at Mikaela.

"Don't worry. No matter how high up you are, you can't change the basic laws, do the crime and serve the time. He can't keep your father locked up without justifiable cause," I told Mikaela and the man smirked at her.

"You wanna bet? It is time to talk!" He yelled and the car hit something, making the windshield shatter and the car swerve to the side.

The car spun around the road and they all felt something push it to the side and both of the men screamed as the car spun around and crashed into a cement barrier.

"Big! It's big!" The pervert yelled out and I smirked at Sam.

'Optimus?' I mouthed and he nodded with a grin. The two windows up front were smashed in as Optimus' hands forced came in and latched onto the roof of the car.

"No! No, no, no, no!" The two men cried when Optimus lifted the car up high. The two men started poking their heads in and out of the car and panicked when they couldn't see him.

"I can't see it! I can't see it!" They panicked.

"Shift your weight towards the front!" man ordered and everyone and they all obeyed. Optimus started to shake the car up and down and everyone, including Sam, Mikaela and I started screaming and trying to grab onto anything to keep themselves steady.

I looked up at the roof and seen it started to concave and break, she then realised that Optimus was trying to pull the roof off.

Suddenly roof snapped off. The car fell down and crashed onto the ground making them all bounce up and down.

We stare at the two men raised their guns and tried to find.

Optimus he was shining his truck lights making it impossible to see him.

It was like trying to look at the sun. The bright light shut off and Optimus looked down at the men with a menacing expression. His towering height  and overpowering size making him that more terrifying.
"You A-holes are in trouble now," I smirked and she smiled up at Optimus.

"Gentlemen," Sam got their attention and the two men looked at him.

"I want to introduce you to my friend, Optimus Prime," Sam said and he looked up at him proudly. The two men slowly looked at him but Optimus' expression remained un-readable.

"Taking the children was a bad move," Optimus growled, paying no attention to the several men surrounding the car with powerful guns pointed up at him. Well, powerful against a human...An autobot? Not so much.

"Autobot's, relieve them of their weapons," Optimus ordered and said Autobot's jumped down from the bridge, each flipping and somersaulting in mid air, clearly trying to show off and intimidate. Bumblebee and Ratchet pointed their guns at them.

"Freeze!" Ironhide pulled out his rather impressive and large canons and the men started panicking.

"Whoa! Whoa!"

Jazz hand extended some kind of magnet and he spoke loudly, "Give me those!" At those words his magnet activated and every single gun was sucked out of their hands and collided onto Jazz's magnet.

The Autobot's circled them men and the fancy man tried to calm the situation.

"Whoa! Whoa!"

Optimus Prime got down on his hands and knee's so he wasn't towering over them and the fancy man gulped, still intimidated.

"Hi, there," he gulped and he waved his hand a little.
"You don't seem afraid. Are you not surprised to see us?" Optimus question and the fancy man gulped again.

"Look, there are Seven protocols, okay? I'm not authorized to communicate with you except to tell you I can't communicate with you,"  man explained.

"Get out of the car," Optimus ordered and he nodded.

"All right. Me? You want me to get..." man trailed off and I rolled my eyes.

"Now!" Optimus boomed and all the men flinched.

"All right, all right. Get out. Hey. All right, I'm... I'm getting out. I'm getting out. You see?" man said

they all started to get out of the car. One of the men gently grabbed a hold of my upper arm and helped me out, seeing as her hands were cuffed

Bumblebee noticed pointed his larger gun at the man making him flinch.

"Bee,it's okay" I smiled.

Bumblebee stand down slightly.

'Thank you' I mouthed to the man and he nodded.

"Very nifty how you put us down without really killing us," the man said as he stumbled out of the car.

I look at Mikaela made her way around the car to Sam and I.

her hands already free of the cuffs. I spun around and Mikaela started to pick the lock and the cuffs came free.

I rubbed my wrists and while watched Mikaela remove Sam's cuffs and listened to what he said.

"You're good with handcuffs, too, now, huh?" Sam asked angrily

I looked at Mikaela sadly.

"You weren't supposed to hear all that," Mikaela whispered and Sam walked away once his cuffs were off.

"Yeah," Sam scoffed and he pulled me away gently.

"This is real!" The man said

I watched him as he looked up at each autobot, studying them all individually.

"Sam, I have a record because I wouldn't turn my dad in. When have you had to sacrifice anything in your perfect little life?" Mikaela asked and Sam looked down guilty.

she had a point.

"Sam stop being asshole leave Mikaela she doesn't want to tell you about her family problems because you will be judging her right now let's focus on something other then her personal life" I said pointed my finger in the direction of the man.

as the three of us walked up to him.

"Big guys. Big guys with big guns, huh?" He mumbled, looking nervously at the guns still pointed at them.

"What is Sector Seven?" Sam asked

The man looked at him outraged but didn't say anything.

"Answer me!" Sam pressed.

"I'm the one who asks questions around here. Not you, young man!" man yelled, clearly trying to act like he was still in charge.

"How'd you know about the aliens?" Mikaela asked.

"Where did you take our parents?" Sam asked.

"How did you know we were in contact with the Autobot's?" I asked

The man glared at us.

"I am not at liberty to discuss it," man said.

"No?" I smirked and reached into his pocket, fishing around for his badge.

"Hey. You touch me, that's a federal offense," man said

"Do-whatever-you-want and-get-away-with-it badge, right?" I smirked and I looked at his ID and badge.

"Yeah. Brave now all of a sudden, with her big alien friend standing over there," he said and she glanced at him.

I read the ID and badge, Sam and Mikaela reading as well.

"Our parents would be at the base. Where is Sector Seven?" I said, glaring at the man I now knew was called Seymour Simmons.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Seymour smirked and I looked up at Bumblebee.

He flipped a cap up, and a can or something popped out and hit Seymour in the back of his head.

Seymour reached up and scratched his head when liquid came out Bumblebee and sprayed down onto his head.

I chuckles at him as he urinating on him.

"Hey!" Seymour yelled as he got drenching in robot urine.

"Bumblebee, stop lubricating the man," Optimus said

Bumblebee snapped his cap shut and stopped peeing on Seymour.

"Get that thing to stop, huh?" Seymour yelled but Bumblebee had already stopped.

As I cuffs every men's to each cuffed to the other men I grinned and I joined Sam.

I look at Mikaela about to be cuffed to Seymour, who would be cuffed to the pole.

"All right, tough guy, take it off," Mikaela said, walking up to Seymour.

"What are you talking about?" Seymour asked

I smirked, knowing where this was going.

"Your clothes, all of it, off," Mikaela clarified.

"For what!?" Seymour cried confused and angry.

"For threatening my dad," Mikaela explained and Seymour's eyes widened. Seymour pulled off his jacket and glared at her.

"Little lady, this is the beginning of the end of your life. You're a criminal. Let's face facts. It's in your gene pool," Seymour taunted as he stripped down to his silk pink and white boxers and soaked superman singlet.

"Those are nice," I smirked and Mikaela grinned at me.

"Now get behind the pole," I ordered and Seymour reluctantly did so.

I cuffed Seymour to the pole.

"This is such a felony, what you're doing," the men  said. Mikaela secured the men to Seymour.

"I will hunt you down, okay?" Seymour threatened.
"He'll hunt you down," the men repeated.

"Without any remorse!" Seymour said.

"No remorse!" The men said.

the three of us backed up and started to walk away when they heard the sound of a helicopter.

"Shit," I sighed, seeing several helicopters and a amount of black cars.

"Optimus! Incoming!" Ironhide yelled

Ironhide and Jazz jumped forward. The two Autobot's pushed something into the ground.

I watched as a blinding light went off and the oncoming cars stopped and swerved on the road, losing control. Without any warning

Bumblebee pull me backwards.

"Ahhh!" I screamed, and Bumblebee gently set me down behind him, before he turned around and faced his largest guns at the oncoming cars.

Sam and Mikaela joined me behind Bee.

"Pretty sure Bee have feelings for you" Mikaela said

"Mikaela!" I said blushing having butterflies in my  stomach.

"Autobot's, roll out," Optimus ordered.

Bumblebee looked at me, not wanting to leave me alone

"Go bee I be fine!"

he nodded and transformed with the others and drove off, acting as decoys.

Optimus leaned down to us  and held his palm out.
"Up you get," Optimus ordered. Sam and Mikaela jumped on, then I  hoisted up into the middle.

Optimus started to stand up and lifted us up higher

she latched onto Optimus' thumb.

Optimus gently shoved Sam and Mikaela onto his shoulder I  jumped onto Optimus' shoulder.

Optimus started running and ducking.

I looked up as a helicopter flew over us. Optimus got to the end of the bridge and started running, his strides were long and fast, and I could feel the road crumbling beneath them with each large step
"Optimus following us! Lose it!" I yelled and Optimus ducked down another street.

I smirked when Optimus made his way under a bridge.

"It's coming! What do we do!" I whispered when the helicopter slowly made it's way to the bridge.

Optimus grabbed onto the cement blocks and hoisted himself up in the bridge so he couldn't be seen. Problem was, he was lying horizontal way and I was slipping.

I watched as the two helicopters flew under the bridge, but they didn't leave, they hovered around the area, and I was close to slipping.

"Sam?" I cried, looking down then up at Sam with wide eyes.

"Hold on," Sam whispered and I nodded. Trying not to let go.

"Easy, y/n. Hold on tight," Optimus said and I nodded.

Then I heard screeching of familiar tiers

I look to see Bumblebee heading this way

I looks back at the helicopters make their way back under the bridge and I tried to pull myself up but I lost my grip and fell.

"Ah!" I screamed as I fell but Sam latched onto my wrist and Mikaela helped keep Sam steady.

"No! No! No, Sam! Sam, don't drop me!" I begged and Sam looked at me with fear in his eyes.

His hand started to slip and my eyes filled with tears that hadn't yet fell from eyes.

"Sam, don't! Sam, don't! I'm slipping! I'm slipping!" I yelled.

"Hold on!" Optimus yelled but it was no use, I had slipped from Sam's grasp and was falling down to my death.

"Y/n!" Sam screamed as I fell and Optimus pushed his legs out trying to get her to land on them. I missed his feet and fell down.

"Bumblebee!" I screamed and just as I was about to hit the cement, Bumblebee transformed in mid air and caught me. Bumblebee held on to me tight and didn't flinch when his body collided with the cement.

he only cared about was making sure I was safe.

"Bee?" I cried, the tears finally falling from my eyes.

I latched my arms around his neck, though I couldn't wrap them all the way around. Bee used his gigantic hand to hold me close, before Sam ruined the goddamn moment.

"Y/n!" Sam yelled.

I pulled away as bee was disappointment I ran to Sam and Mikaela.

Sam pulled me into a tight hug and I cried, my tears soaking his shirt.

"I'm so sorry, y/n. I-I...I thought I lost you, I thought you were going to..." Sam trailed off not able to say the words and I hugged him tighter.

"It's not your fault. It's alright, I'm alright...We're alright," I promised and I pulled back. Their family moment was ruined when a helicopter flew towards us, seemingly aiming for us but Bee jumped in front of them and held his arms out, protecting them.

"Stop! Stop!" Sam yelled as they circled Bee. A metal line of some sort shot out of the helicopter and circled tight around Bee's wrist, tugging him to the side. The other helicopter aimed it's metal rope at Bee

I waved my arms around trying to get the helicopter's attention.

"Wait! No!" I screamed out but they didn't listen. The metal rope shot out and circled around his other wrist, pulling it, so he was being tugged both ways.

"No!" Sam and I yelled out. The kept flying around so Bee was constantly being tugged and pulled and couldn't break free. Sam, Mikaela and I watched helplessly as another rope tangled around Bee's legs, causing him to topple over and fall roughly on the cement. Bee whined loudly.

the desperate and fearful sound bringing tears to my eyes. It was disgusting and horrid and frightening. And seeing him being attacked like this was breaking my  heart. Bee continued to whine as several of the shiny sleek cars drove towards us, circling Bee and Sam, Mikaela and I.

"No! No! Stop! Stop!" Sam and I begged when the cars stopped a few feet away from them.

I watched as a swat team ran towards us, their guns pointed at us.

I looked at Bee, only to find him already watching me.

"Get down on the ground! Get down!" I heard the swat team yell but I couldn't move. I was captivated by Bee, I couldn't turn away,

Sam and Mikaela get down on their knee's out of the corner of my eye, but I still couldn't move.

"I said get down!" I heard as a man yell before I felt someone kick the back of my knee's and I fell  to the ground. Bee whined louder.

I look up at bee and tried to reach out to him but the men grabbed my wrists and pulled me back up.

I was pulled backwards, bee wasn't standing, just sitting up, desperately trying to break free his wrist's bonds so he could help me, but nothing was working.

"Look, he's not fighting back!" I heard Sam yell out, but it was met with deaf ears. I was forcefully pulled back and I found myself next to Sam and Mikaela as they were pulled backwards too.

I screamed in heartbreak when several men ran forward with what appeared to be dry ice or something in an aerosol form.

I watched the men spray the white ice at Bumblebee and I could physically see his metal skin start to ice over. It was slow and obviously painful for Bee,

Sam, Mikaela and I were being pulled backwards, though they never stopped fighting.

"Stop hurting him!" I screamed but nobody listened. The lights from the helicopters turned on, making me see the scene so much clearer.

hurt so much to see Bee reach out to me! Not Sam, not Mikaela, just me!

"Bee!" I yelled.

Sam pushed his guard away. I watched Sam ran to one of the men freezing Bee and pulled the ice from him and turned it against him.

A man tackled Sam to the ground as Sam was pulled back to Mikaela and I

"No Stop it!" Mikaela yelled.

Bee let out a loud whine.


I ripped the cuffs off I look at my wrists in shock quickly got out of it and pushed the men really hard and I ran towards Bee, but I didn't get very far

I got tased by one of the swat team members

I fell to the ground in pain feeling electric going through me effective my body

"Ahh!" I screamed and Bee watched me in sadness.

I felt my whole body on fire.

I reached out my arm for Bee and cried again as another amount of pain rippled through my body.

As I didn't noticed my body was chaining itself my clothes started to rip, as I slowly growing

My weak arm grab Taser in my back I rippled the Taser out of it I hiss in pain

I turn around to face Sam and Mikaela

Sam, Mikaela and everyone watched her in shock compression.

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