Boys Discipline School for Mi...

By BooBlahBlahBlah

218K 2.2K 2.8K

Leo is not one to follow the rules, living in a big city, he can go wherever, especially with a rich father... More

Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Random Thing
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10

Chapter 9

15.7K 175 72
By BooBlahBlahBlah

Hello again everyone! Ok so for a reminder this chapter is focused on Kaiden (Leo's brother) just after Leo leaves.




Something smells good.

I lift myself up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes, flicking the bed sheets of myself, I slip my way out, feet gently touching the ground as I amble my way to the kitchen.

Once standing in the door arch looking straight on to the kitchen, reality hits me like a brick as I see someone completely unknown to me taking control over the kitchen. Yes, this isn't uncommon in my house, we've always got someone randomly around, whether their passed out on the floor after another one of Leos parties or from one of Dads business meetings, or one of Dads many booty call partners, but there's always someone inviting themselves.

Theres been multiple times that randoms have invited themselves into my room, which has been very awkward and annoying.

It always makes me feel unsafe and disgusted, it feels as if someone has seen the darkest parts within me, my room is my only reasonably private space and I hate when people invade it like it means nothing.

The stranger looks up, dark eyes locking with mine, stopping their movements, stepping away from the counter, hands placed together behind his back, nodding his head down to me.

"Good morning sir."

I stare in shock for a minute. "Who are you and why are you here?"

"My name is Andrew Robert Campbell sir, and I have been placed here to guard, protect and help you by your fathers orders."

A minute of silence passes.

"...So kind of like a babysitter?" I question.

"For a less professional way of explaining, yes I could be described as such."

Babysitter? My fathers never gotten me a babysitter before. He'd leave for hours, sometimes days and he's never had a babysitter look after us. Why now? Why would he get one when I'm old enough to look after and protect myself?

Andrew continues to stand professionally still and upright as I try and process the confusing information.

"Wait, what time is it?"

"9:27 sir."

"What?" I gasp.

I rush to Leo's room. His doors left open, bed unmade, although that's not anything different, a few things look to have been knocked to the floor.

He's gone, I missed his leaving. I'm a horrible brother, I wasn't there for him. He would have been so scared and frustrated, I could have calmed him down or something or maybe I could have convinced Dad not to make him go last minute.

I open Leos drawers, nothing seems to be missing. Did he take any clothes or anything?

His chargers still here. Moneys still here. Everything's still here. He didn't take anything.

I sit down on the edge of his bed in despair.

"Breakfast is ready when you wish to eat sir." My head bolts to the sound, my spirit jumping from my body as Andrew breaks through my thoughts.

"Um, yes, ok, thank you."

He nods once again, exiting from the door frame back towards the kitchen.

I take one last look around before heaving myself up towards the eating area. I don't feel like eating however I don't want to make Andrew mad because I'm not apreacting his hard work.

As I reach the dining table I see a plate neatly stacked with pancakes, ice-cream is scooped elegantly on the top, a gravy boat with syrup is placed on the table under a placemat. Utensils on either side of the plate are organised, and skillfully set.

I look up towards Andrew who's standing at attention near the wall staring straight ahead.

How could someone so fierce looking make something so elegant? And why would he bother to make it look so good when it's just me, he doesn't have anyone to impress and it's not like I'm going to talk to my father about him. My dad barely talks to me normally, so it's not like that's going to change.

I slowly sit down, I don't know why I feel as if I should be cautious, but it makes me a little uncomfortable that he's just there, it'd be more normal if he was eating to or just simply not around me. That's one thing I like about Leo's shitty friends, they either acted like I wasn't here, so I could just do what I wanted, squeeze my way through places, get some food and no one'd care or notice, they were all to busy caring about themselves or doing something ridiculous to show off, or they'd include me at random times, which was usually really annoying and sometimes degrading, but nonetheless it wasn't exactly as awkward as this.

"Are you going to eat?" I seat myself in the chair as I inquire.

"No sir, I've already had the required meal for this morning." Andrew continues to deadpan look at the wall.

"Oh, ok."

I awkwardly continue glancing at him, picking up a knife and fork, I slowly cut into the stack, taking a gently bite as I watch him.

The taste is filling and sweet, I quickly cut another bite, shovelling it into my mouth.

"Be careful, I don't want you to choke." Andrew declares.

I reconcentrate my attention to him, I properly chew the food in my mouth, before dragging my fork around the food, gently stabbing the pancakes. I continue to think about Leo. How he's probably enraged, how he's brought nothing with him. Maybe I could pack some things for him and send them off, maybe I could even go and visit him, I'm sure as soon as he can he'll give me a call or send a letter. It'd help if I knew where he went in the first place. I'm sure I could ask someone and find out, maybe this guard knows.

I gently clear my throat. "Um, w-would you happen to know where my brothers gone?" I ask politely.

For the first time since I've sat down his eyes look into mine.

"Your brother was sent to a disciplinary centre in the hopes to recover and better himself from his behaviour and bad influences around him."

"So where is he?"

"I'm sorry sir however I don't know where he was sent to, even if I did though I wouldn't be able to disclose that information."

"So you have no idea where he could be?"

"No sir."

I continue moving my fork around the plate, making little shapes from the melted ice-cream, tearing of little bits of the pancakes.

"Stop playing with your food." He interrupts.

I huff, leaning back in my chair, my eyes glare into the side of Andrew's unconcerned face. His light brown hair suits his features, his face is neatly shaven, brown eyes continuing to remain on the wall. He's wearing a basic black and white suit, he has a fair build, bigger then me but not bulging. He's tall, looks to be maybe in his late 20's, why's he so serious though?

"What's you're problem?"

"What?... N-nothing." I shake my head, grabbing my plate, finding room in the fridge where I can put my leftovers, I turn to leave the kitchen, seeing Andrew behind me.

"Why are you following me?" I snap.

"I'm here to protect and monitor you."

"Who gave you these orders?"

"You're father, Mr Owens."

"He's never done anything like this before. Why now?"

"Maybe because he's worried your brother will try and reach out or escape and visit you. Your father just wants to make sure you stay well, remain going to school, and continue to be healthy."

I walk off, not saying anything. My father doesn't care about that stuff, I'm the least of his worries, I'm not even one of his worries or one of his thoughts, I don't think he even realises he has another kid sometimes, and when he does it's just because I've done something wrong or something he doesn't agree with.

I don't think we've ever had an actual dinner or lunch or breakfast together that hasn't just been silence, an argument or some horrific event.

I march to my room, Andrew's heavy steps can be heard from behind, I slam the door after me as I enter my room.

Andrew's foot sticks between the door and its frame.

"Don't slam the doors." He warns.

"This is my house, I can do what I want!" I yell back.

"This isn't your house this is your fathers and I won't let you disrespect it or disrespect me."

My eyes are sharp, glaring straight into Andrews, my jaw is clenched tight, my body is stiff, leaning against the door in an attempt to close.

"Move!" I snap.

"Ask politely." He grunts.

"Please move." I whisper.

"Louder Kaiden."

That's the first time he's used my first name, it feels weird to hear him say. The way the name rolls of his tongue makes me freeze in awe.

"..P-Please move."

"That's move like it." He unwedges his foot from the door, I slowly and gently close the door as Andrew takes a step back.

I stay still, hand stuck on the door for an extra minute before I move myself away in a daze.

Sitting on the bed, eyes wide.

Why do I feel shocked?

I lightly tap my cheeks.

I groan, flopping myself back, arms covering my face.

I miss Leo.


wow another chapter no way!

This is Kaiden and the bodyguards chapter, If you don't remember it's when the guard walks back into the house as Leo and his father + the other bodyguard drive off. I'm pretty sure this happens in chapter 2.

I'm not sure if I like this chapter idk I can't concentrate that well at the moment but I hope all of you liked it, I was thinking about adding and writing chapters on the side characters too. so yeah yay

Anyway don't forget to have some water, eat some food, you're all beautiful and I hope you all have a fantastic night! <3

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