🐾Wild Thief💎

By GothNebula

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For over a century, Cat burglars became infamous into stealing. Every woman as cat burglars were the best but... More

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By GothNebula

Badass and thief Cat Noir is one of my strengths in Miraculous fanfics. Harley Quinn's craziness and Catwoman's thievery inspired me a lot. Especially Cat Noir's flirtation makes me laugh along with his cat puns.

Characters belong to (c) Zagtoon.


At a robbery at the jewelry store, three criminals were robbing the place at night and they already knocked out the guards.

"Just keep your eyes sharp. Every night is always the same when he comes" The criminal said.

"He dresses in leather catsuit. I thought that's a woman's thing" Criminal 2 said while putting the expensive jewelry in the sack.

"He's the first man to become a cat burglar. No shit. This is the 21st century" Criminal 3 said.

They all exclaimed by turning around when they see a man in a tight leather catsuit and mask admiring the beautiful jeweled mask at the glass display.

"Evening boys" He said with a sassy smooth voice and glances at them, "Are you admiring me again? I'm flattered" he smirked.

"It's him! The cat burglar!" Criminal 1 shouted.

"Meow, I prefuuuuurrrrr to be called Cat Noir" Cat Noir gently claws the glass counter with his claws, "By the way, I was here first. Litter-ally"

"Let's get him!" The criminals all tried to attack him.

Cat Noir purred in delight and claws them all one by one until they can't seem to fight with their bare hands. They tried to shoot him but he was very agile and fast than an average man. He jumped around like a cat and jumped on the criminal's shoulders to lock his legs around his neck.

"Never underestimate the black cat of this city" He taunted the criminal before throwing him over.

"Okay! Okay! You win! Just stop giving bad luck already!" The others said.

"Just as I thought" Cat Noir grabs their loot.

"What the bloody hell?!" The injured criminal tries to stand up.

"Call it my bad luck. Break a mirror, that's 7 years bad luck" Cat Noir chuckled and hears the police sirens blaring, "And another bad luck for you all to be in jail. Au revouir!" He laughed and walks out of the store and leaves.

"Damn you Cat Noir!" Criminal 2 yelled.

He went in the alley just in time when the police cars came to the robbery store. His black cat Plagg jumped on his shoulders with a piece of jewelry necklace in his mouth.

"Good boy. You made Daddy proud" He took the jewelry from Plagg.

"Meow" Plagg nuzzled on his neck.

"Now let's get back to our lair shall we?" He walks towards a secret hideout.

It was an abandoned warehouse filled with stray cats guarding it outside but inside was filled with advanced technology by catwomen that raised him well to one day become a cat burglar.

"I'm home" Cat Noir tossed the duffle bag on the table.

"Ah, the lovely prince of thieves has arrived" One of the catwomen said.

"Ha ha, so funny. I may be young but I still got nine lives, ladies. What are you all doing here?" He asked.

"We came to make sure that your mother's death hasn't got to you too much" They said.

"I'm doing fine, girls" Cat Noir said.

"Last time you were not. She was the best cat burglar your age and you are now following her paw prints" Another said.

"Technically she retired when I was 14 years old to teach me how to be a thief. She was very innocent and never killed anyone. She's far too much like my grandmother" Cat Noir goes to the fridge to grab milk, "My father was responsible for her death because of his madness and he was too stubborn to think she deserves something more than being a thief!" He yelled angrily.

"He will pay dearly one day for his crimes" The cat leader said.

"I assume you all put a dark spell on him. Good. It makes me feel better" Cat Noir said, knowing that catwomen were once witches and why they have cat powers.

"Of course, as punishment for him killing her we did curse him" The catwoman leader said.

"For all eternity until he dies? Good" Cat Noir drinks his milk, "When is my ritual again? I know that my powers need to be evolved since I'm 18 years old" Cat Noir said.

"We'll begin tonight, dear boy" The leader said.

"Good. Because I'm not a very patient cat" Cat Noir finished his milk.

"We can see that, kitten. You waited a long time for this" They said.

"And again, I don't fight like a woman" Cat Noir denied.

"Of course not" They replied.


Later on, Cat Noir was preparing himself for the ritual. He was laying down calmly on the table so the women can put black and green powder around him. Black for cat and green for human. To combine his instincts into one.

"Now, let's begin" The leader said as Cat Noir closed his eyes.

They all said their incantations to the cat goddess to be bless this boy to become one, giving him to be the member and only cat man of the feline family. Cat Noir slightly twitched while they chanted. The feline goddess entity ghost meowed as it takes a look at the cat man. It used cat soul to combine with his human soul as the powder from both glowed around him. Cat Noir opened his eyes and they were green with cat pupils.

"Did it work?" They asked.

"Look at his eyes" The witch said.

"Yes, it did" They noticed.

"He's one of us now" The woman said.

"The only man to be a cat burglar" Another said.

"I feel different and stronger" Cat Noir said.

"And definitely hungry for fish" The witch hands him a dead salmon fish.

Cat Noir snatched it and ate it. Very hungry for fish meat that he didn't realize how delicious it was.

"How do you feel?" The witch asked.

"I feel better, stronger and faster!" Cat Noir leaps to test his speed.

He also ran around the room and noticed he got faster. Faster than an average man.

"It worked!" He said in excitement.

"Indeed, but don't get in too much fun with it. You need to balance your human and feline nature" The witch said.

"I understand but I always wanted to squeeze through tight spaces without getting stuck and use night vision to see" Cat Noir pets his cat Plagg.

"Good. Well, use them well" The witch said.

"I'm a very wild feline thief. I don't like to be petted or tamed" Cat Noir purred.

"I know" The witch said.


The next day, Cat Noir wakes up from his cats meowing at him that it was time to go and explore as his civilian self during the daytime.

"Well, time to go" He picks up some casual clothing.

As always, he's into goth punk clothing that makes him very badass in style. Just not too much to make him look like a vampire.

"Perfect, or should I say puuuurrrrrfect?" He looks in the mirror.

"Meow!" Plagg meowed that those puns are annoying.

"Come on, get used to it, Plagg" He said to him.

Much later he was strolling out in Paris. No school education but was homeschooled by his mother. No job but a thief to steal and get money. And no real home but wild like a stray cat. He loved the freedom but still missed his mother.

"Oh, mother. If only you were still around" He thought while walking.

Being a thief was fun and all but sometimes he wants something more than that. He just doesn't know what. He came across someone who likes to change disguises to get away from the law she committed years ago.

"Hello, Cerise" Adrien glared coldly as they head in the alley, "I know it's you. Cats can detect evil like you"

"I got the cleverness of a fox" Cerise showed herself.

"No shit" Adrien growled lowly to summon street cats behind him, "It's no wonder they kicked you out of the cat burglary club years ago because you like to lie a lot. Far too much"

"It's what I do, to get what I want" Cerise smirked.

"But you're betraying your other self too. Your life will punish you one day" Adrien glared.

"Hmmm....and I do like to tame you, pussy cat. You're still an outlaw in Paris" Cerise chuckled.

"The superior one. Get her my kitties!" Adrien sent his cats at her.

"Okay! Okay! I get that you're angry!" Cerise backs away.

"Leave before I cause more trouble for you" Adrien warned her.

"Like the last time I tried to put a bomb near the Lourve? It wasn't my fault" Cerise lied.

"It was! You deliberately placed it there and set it to two minutes" Adrien didn't buy it.

"And you disarmed it. Come on! No one got hurt!" Cerise protested.

"Don't play coy with me, Cerise. I know you hate to be exposed to the public. The witches removed the blessing from you because you are not worthy! My mother raised me to be special, even if I'm not a woman like the rest of the catwomen but I'm the first catman in history" Adrien snapped his fingers to tell the cats to stand down.

"See you later, cat boy" Cerise turns away and leaves but got startled when Adrien appeared in front of her.

"Do not call me cat boy. The next time you fool me again, my claws will rip your tongue out" Adrien hissed like a cat.

"And I thought you're a gentleman to the ladies at the nightclub" Cerise smirked.

"Not to you!" Adrien glared at her.

"Intimidate all you want but you're still an outlaw, kitty cat. Everyone will always see you as a monster" Cerise leaves the alley.

"Wait and see" Adrien scoffs.


After doing some shopping for food and clothes and dropping them off at his lair, he dresses up as Cat Noir to head to the nightclub, even it's it's still day time.

"Ah, look girls. It's Cat Noir" The girls noticed him.

"The handsome outlaw"

"The sexiest feline"

"Hello ladies" Cat Noir winks at them and walks in seeing the DJ preparing the music, "Meow. Have you ladies prepared this for me?" He asked seductively.

"Are you kidding? They are fans of yours" The DJ said.

"Really? I've been very infamous as the best thief in Paris" Cat Noir purred.

"One with a handsome face" The DJ said.

"And very dangerous" Cat Noir meowed.

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