Adventure Guys

By TheIkariWarrior

2.8K 27 0

Wealth. Fame. Power. Gold Roger, the king of the pirates obtained this and everything else the world had to o... More

Romance Dawn part 1
Romance Dawn part 2
Romance Dawn part 3
Romamce Dawn part 4
Romance Dawn part 5
The Cure part 1
The Cure part 2
Orange Town part 1
Orange Town part 2
Orange Town part 3
Orange Town part 4
Orange Town part 5
Orange Town part 6
Orange Town part 7
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Thor part 2
Thor part 3
Thor part 4
Thor part 5
Thor part 6
Thor part 7
Thor part 8
Syrup Village part 1
Syrup Village part 2
Syrup Village part 3
Syrup Village part 4
Syrup Village part 5
Syrup Village part 6
Syrup Village part 7
Syrup Village part 8
Syrup Village part 9
Syrup Village part 10
Syrup Village part 11
Syrup Village part 12
Syrup Village part 13
Syrup Village part 14
Call of Cthulu part 1
Call of Cthulu part 2
Call of Cthulu part 3
Star Wars part 1
Star Wars part 2
Star Wars part 3
Star Wars part 4
Star Wars part 5
Star Wars part 6
Star Wars part 7
Star Wars part 8
Star Wars part 9
Baratie part 1
Baratie part 2
Baratie part 3
Baratie part 4
Baratie part 5
Baratie part 6
Baratie part 7
Baratie part 8
Baratie part 9
Baratie part 10
Baratie part 11
Baratie part 12
Baratie part 13
Baratie part 14
Baratie part 15
Baratie part 16
Baratie part 17
Arlong Park part 1
Arlong Part part 2
Arlong Park part 3
Arlong Park part 4
Arlong Park part 5
Arlong Park part 6
Arlong Park part 7
Arlong Park part 8
Arlong Park part 9
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Arlong Park part 16
Arlong Park part 17
Arlong Park part 18
Arlong Park part 19
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Arlong Park part 22
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Lougetown part 2
Lougetown part 3
Lougetown part 4
Lougetown part 5
Lougetown part 6
Lougetown part 7
Lougetown part 8
Season 1 epilogue
Bumblebee part 1
Bumblebee part 2
Bumblebee part 4
Bumblebee part 5
Bumblebee part 6
Five Nights At Freddy's part 1
Five Nights At Freddy's part 2
Five Nights At Freddy's part 3
Five Nights At Freddy's part 4
Five Nights At Freddy's part 5
Five Nights At Freddy's part 6
Five Nights At Freddy's part 7
Morbius part 1
Morbius part 2
Morbius part 3
Morbius part 4
Morbius part 5
Morbius part 6
Morbius part 7
Morbius part 8
Morbius part 9
Hellboy part 1
Hellboy part 2
Hellboy part 3
Hellboy part 4
Hellboy part 5
Hellboy part 6
Godzilla part 1
Godzilla part 2
Godzilla part 3
Godzilla part 4
Godzilla part 5
Godzilla part 6
Godzilla part 7
Godzilla part 8
Godzilla part 9
Hazbin Hotel part 1
Hazbin Hotel part 2
Hazbin Hotel part 3
Hazbin Hotel part 4
Hazbin Hotel part 5
Hazbin Hotel part 6
Hazbin Hotel part 7
The Avengers part 1
The Avengers part 2
The Avengers part 3
The Avengers part 4
The Avengers part 5
The Avengers part 6

Bumblebee part 3

22 1 0
By TheIkariWarrior

*Luffy, Morbius and Bumblebee walk through the Redwood forest.*
Morbius: Must suck being cooped up in a VW all day, huh? Is there anyone that can help you? Do you have a family? You know, like a mom, dad, siblings?
Luffy: Robots have families?
Morbius: Well... I'm not sure.
*Some electric sparks come out of Bumblebee's chest.*
Luffy: Looks like something oh his is broken.
Morbius: Let's see if I can fix it.
*Morbius removes a chest piece off Bumblebee to look at his circuitry.*
Morbius: Whoa. Can you lay down, please?
*He lies down on his back to allow Morbius to fix him.*
Morbius: I think maybe there's something-
*But suddenly, there's a hologram of Optimus Prime that projects from Bumblebee's chest.*
Luffy: It's a ghost!
Morbius: It's a hologram, idiot.
*The hologram plays a message but it comes out scrambled.*
Optimus: B-127, I pray this message finds you. Our war rages on. ...planet Earth... ...survival...

*Flashback, Bumblebee's escape begins its ascent into space and off Cybertron. Optimus jumps off the launch tower and grabs onto a seeker in its jet mode before it crashes into the ground. He then begins fighting the Decepticon soldiers on the ground.*
Soundwave: Ravage, eject!
*A Jaguar like Decepticon called Ravage ejects from Soundwave's chest like a mini cassette and attacks Optimus. He manages to shake the Cassette Bot off but is surrounded by more Decepticons.*

Starscream: Nowhere to run, Optimus Prime.
*They then proceed to gang up on him.*

*In the present*
Optimus: ...your mission...soldier...I...
*The hologram disappears.*
Luffy: Are you okay?
Morbius: Who was that? That voice said something about a war.
Luffy: Do you remember anything?
Morbius: Is the VW Beetle some kind of disguise?
Luffy: Are you hiding from something? Are you scared?
*Bumblebee tries to play audio from the radio on him but nothing comes out but static.*
Luffy: It's broken.
Morbius: I think I can help. Just need to do some research first.

*Later that night, Morbius returns to the Merry after buying a new car stereo.*
Morbius: Alright, I'm back.
*He finds Luffy and Bumblebee watching The Breakfast Club.*
Morbius: No way. Are you actually watching it?
*Bumblebee does a fist bump in the air like in the ending of the movie.*
Luffy: I brought it out here so he can watch. Usopp has a bunch of movies for us to watch. Did you get it?
Morbius: Yup. Guy at the thrift store said it should be easy to install.
*Morbius then proceeds to remove Bumblebee's stereo and replace it with the one he bought.*
Luffy: Does it work?
*They turn it on and it plays Take On Me by a-ha.*
Luffy and Morbius: It worked!
*Bumblebee moves to the beat of the music.*
Luffy: You got some moves.

*Morbius returns from below deck to grab some mixtapes.*
Morbius: Made these a long time ago. Music can help you say what you're feeling.
Luffy: Which reminds me. We need to get a musician soon.
Morbius: That's the least of our needs.
*Morbius puts in a tape that plays Girlfriend In A Coma by the Smiths. But Bumblebee ejects it a few seconds after it plays.*
Morbius: Not a Smiths fan. Ok, try this.
*He then puts in another tape that plays Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley. But he also ejects it immediately after playing.*
Luffy: Doesn't like that either.
Morbius: This might take a while. Perhaps I need to do some more tinkering. I'm not really good at this.
Luffy: But you're smart. You'll figure out.
Morbius: I guess. That is the point of science, to do trial and error until eventually on succeeds...
*Bumblebee starts to mess with some shelves, and he finds what he thinks is a tape, but it's actually...*
Morbius: Woah! Woah! Woah! Don't touch that!
Luffy: Huh?
Bumblebee: Mm??
Morbius: It's a... private thing.
Luffy: What is it?
Morbius: It... was... something very important.
Luffy: How important?
Morbius: ... I...
Luffy: You can tell us. Bee won't say anything right?
*Bee nods*
Morbius: well... This isn't a tape. It's got something else inside.
*He pulls out a picture*

Luffy: Who is that?
Morbius: ... My uh... Mother.
Luffy: Woah. You have a mom?
Morbius: Had...
Luffy: Oh.
Bumblebee: Mm?
Morbius: I was found outside the doorstep of an orphanage. I was only a baby and the only thing with me, was the box I was in, the blanket I was wrapped around in, and this message and photo with it.
*He turns the photo around to reveal a message and reads out*
Morbius: "I love you son, but I can't take care of you. They'll do better than I could. You'll find the answers one day. I know you will, angel." - Wendy.
Bumblebee: ...mmm
Luffy: Woah...
Morbius: I didn't get to know who she was. What her lullabies sounded like. Any warm hugs or kisses... I don't know why she left. But the urgency of this message implied something bad happened.
Luffy: What happened?
Morbius: Years later I found out she died in a car accident. Hours after she left me at that orphanage... she was running away from something, that's what the police said. Who or want, I don't know... but she loved me enough to protect me by leaving me behind. And years later... I still don't have the answers.
*Bee makes some sympathetic buzzing noises. And goes over to hug Morbius*
Morbius: Hey... Well, I never got to say goodbye. Never got to know her. But maybe... if I only had just one moment... to get to know her... It'd be enough.
*He sheds a few tears. Even Luffy joins in to give him a pat in the back, as Bumblebee comforts him.*

*Agent Burns holds a meeting at a military base with Dr. Powell, General Whalen and other military leaders.*
Burns: I say this with all due respect. Have you lost your damn mind?
Powell: That was with all due respect?
Whalen: The man's got a point, Doctor. Our satellite network is at the forefront of our national defense.
Powell: Sir, please. It could be a once in a lifetime opportunity. Can you imagine the advances an alliance with these creatures might bring? The event in California was just the beginning.
Burns: I imagine the advances. An advance on Washington. New York. An advance on Chicago! That's not gonna happen. They literally call themselves "Decepticons." That doesn't set off any red flags?
Whalen: Enough! From both of you.
Powell: Sir, we're talking about the most advanced robotic system ever seen. More advanced than anything from Stark Industries. If we tell them no, they'll just take their technology to the Russians instead. Or the Chinese. Do you really want to go down in history like that?
Whalen: Fine. We'll help them find their fugitive. And when it's done, you can do all the experiments you want. Hmm?
Burns: Yes, sir.

*Shatter and Dropkick wait where army vehicles are parked on the base they're at.*
Dropkick: I'm bored. How long are we supposed to wait here?
Shatter: They can be useful. Better to let them work for us.
Dropkick: Fine. But then I'm killing them.
Shatter: You're a child.
*Dropkick removes a sheet that covers an anti aircraft vehicle and begins scanning it.*
Dropkick: Oh. Very interesting.
*After he replicates the missiles from the vehicle, he picks up the barrel of a flamethrower.*
Shatter: That's terrifying. If you wanted to poke someone's eye out.
*He then turns it on.*
Dropkick: Or melt them.
*Dr. Powell enters.*
Powell: Good news. My superiors would be happy to work with you for a common cause. Please, follow me.
*But he realizes the door he came from is too small.*
Powell: Or we'll try the way we came in.

*Powell and Burns guide them to the base's control center.*
Powell: Gentle... Uh, Robots. Welcome to Sector 7.
Dropkick: How kind of you to finally allow us in.
Powell: We're very happy to have you here as friends.
Shatter: Thank you, friend Powell.
Powell: My superior has agreed to grant you limited access to our satellites. In addition, you're welcome to use all of our technology here. It's the largest super-array of Crays on Earth.
Shatter: We thank you for your hospitality. Tell me, those vocal communication devices you use, do they function worldwide? The telephones? Yes, why?
*Shatter smirks.*

*Back on the Going Merry, Bumblebee messes with the radio.*
Morbius: You got to pick a station, man. I know there's a lot of choices.
Luffy: Just play something, Bee.
Morbius: What are you trying to do?
Usopp: Hey, guys I'm back-
*Usopp climbs onto the Merry but sees Bumblebee in his robot mode. Who quickly transforms into his vehicle mode.*
Usopp: What the-
*Luffy quickly covers his mouth.*
Luffy: Be quiet, Usopp!
Usopp: What is that?! Is that the car?!
Morbius: Just breathe.
Usopp: Oh, man. What's going on here?
Morbius: Look, I know what you saw was a little crazy. I can explain... Yeah, I can't explain.
Usopp: The car Nami bought for you is a robot?!
Luffy: Yeah.
Usopp: Don't act like it's a casual thing!
Morbius: Look, you cannot tell anyone what you just saw.
Usopp: Why not?
Luffy: Cause he'll get taken away.
Usopp: Maybe that's for the best.
Luffy: But he's nice, Usopp.
Usopp: "He"?
Morbius: It's a long story. But what we're saying is, he's more than a car. He's our friend. So please don't tell anyone.
Usopp: Even Zoro, Nami and Sanji?
Luffy: Even them. Promise?
Usopp: Fine, I promise. But I have a bad feeling about this.
Luffy: Bumblebee, you can come out now.
*Bumblebee transforms back into his robot mode and waves at Usopp.*

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