Star Wars Rebels: The Rise of...

By darrelswonderland

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The Clone Wars had come to an end, and after the Jedi Order fell, the Republic became an Empire. Ahsoka and D... More

Chapter 1: Siege of Lothal (Part I)
Chapter 2: Siege of Lothal (Part II)
Chapter 3: The Dark Lord Strikes
Chapter 4: The Lost Commanders
Chapter 5: Relics of the Old Republic
Chapter 6: Always Two There Are
Chapter 7: Brothers of the Broken Horn
Chapter 8: The Haulcraft
Chapter 9: Wings of the Master
Chapter 10: Mission to Belsavis
Chapter 11: The Future of the Force
Chapter 12: Legacy
Chapter 13: A Princess on Lothal
Chapter 14: A Trip to Tatooine
Chapter 15: The Protectors of Concord Dawn
Chapter 16: Stealth Acquisition
Chapter 17: Shroud of Darkness
Chapter 18: The Mystery of Chopper Base
Chapter 19: Twlight of the Apprentice (Part 1)
Chapter 20: Twlight of the Apprentice (Part 2)
Chapter 22: Steps into Shadow (Part 2)
Chapter 23: Journey to Valkoria VI
Chapter 24: The Holocrons of Fate
Chapter 25: The Antilles Extraction
Chapter 26: Hera's Heroes
Chapter 27: The Last Battle
Chapter 28: Back on Lothal
Chapter 29: An Inside Man
Chapter 30: Visions and Voices
Chapter 31: Ghosts of Geonosis

Chapter 21: Steps into Shadow (Part 1)

179 3 5
By darrelswonderland

Ezra Bridger and several other members of the Spectres, including Zeb, Zalo, Sabine and Chopper, break into the Imperial prison on the planet Naraka in order to rescue their occasional ally Hondo Ohnaka. The rebels climb under a walkway, where there are two patrolling Imperial stormtroopers. Wren pulls a stormtrooper down by his leg while Bridger attacks the second and throws him down the ravine.

"Gotta hand it to you, Zalo, this was a pretty good plan," Zeb said. "You've been on a roll."

"Hey, I'm just getting started, buddy," Ezra replied.

"Freeze, Rebel scum!" Another stormtrooper exclaimed, but Zalo swiftly delivered a roundhouse kick, knocking the trooper off the ledge.

"You may have gotten better, Ezra," the figure said, approaching the Rebels. "But I'm way ahead of you."

"Z, do you always have to show off?" Ezra asked his best friend.

"I take after my father," Zalo replied, "Now let's get moving."

The rebels proceeded toward the prison entrance, managing to avoid detection by the spotlight, while Ezra contacted Chopper.

"Okay, Chopper, come down," the younger teen said. "No rockets, it's too loud. Now jump."

Chopper leaped off the cliff, narrowly avoiding the spotlight, but Ezra used the Force to catch him mid-air and gently set him down.

"Chopper, open this door, hurry!" Ezra ordered, as the droid quickly unlocked the entrance. The rebels rushed inside and remained out of sight as they approached a cell.

"6609, this is it," Ezra said. "Sabine, you're up."

"Ugh, I still can't believe we're here to break this guy out of prison," the Mandalorian expressed.

"I'm more surprised that Ezra still trusts him after what he did to us last time back on Lira San," Zalo commented.

"Trust me, we need the information he has," Ezra defended.

"You heard the boss," Zeb chimed in. "Open the door."

"Don't encourage him," Sabine pleaded, continuing to work on unlocking the door.

"The last thing we need is for his ego to get worse," Zalo remarked.

"He's in here because of us," Ezra reminded them.

"Keep telling yourself that, Ezra," Sabine responded, finally unlocking the door. Inside the cell, they found Hondo and a little pig-like creature.

"Who's the Ughnaught?" Zeb asked, puzzled, as Hondo stepped forward.

"Purple guy, Mando girl, Zalo Tano, and Ezra Bridger, my, look how you two have grown," Hondo greeted the Rebels. "Ah, I knew you two wouldn't let your old partner Hondo rot in this prison."

"Hondo, it's good to see you," Ezra said warmly.

"You better have the intel you promised," Sabine snarled at the pirate.

"Yes, we do," Hondo replied confidently.

"I'm sorry, 'we'?" Zeb questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, me and my business associate, Tarba," Hondo clarified. "You wouldn't believe the secrets he knows."

"You're right, I wouldn't," Zeb scoffed, crossing his arms. Meanwhile, Tarba began speaking in his own language, conveying his thoughts to Hondo.

"What fun, now we're rescuing two people," Sabine muttered sarcastically, her frustration evident.

"Hey, twice the fun," Ezra exclaimed as two stormtroopers appeared behind him.

"Look out!" Sabine shouted, drawing her blaster along with Ezra and Zalo. They swiftly retaliated, firing at the troopers while running. The rebels and the pirate continued their escape, with Ezra reaching out to contact Hera.

"Specter 6 to Ghost, change of plans. We need a 44 scoop at the landing platform," Ezra urgently relayed.

"On my way, Specter 6," Hera responded, acknowledging the request.

The group of rebels and pirates swiftly entered an elevator, seeking refuge from the pursuing stormtroopers. Sabine handed one of her blasters to Hondo.

"Here, make yourself useful," she remarked with a hint of annoyance.

"Oh, Mandalorian," Hondo said, inspecting the blaster. "I could get a lot for this on the black market."

"You will be giving it back," Sabine growled, her tone leaving no room for negotiation.

As the elevator reached its destination, the rebels burst out, engaging in a fierce firefight with more troopers. Amidst the chaos, Hondo managed to shoot down a lone trooper.

"Oh, I'm keeping it," the pirate stated defiantly.

"No, you're not!" Sabine declared, determined to reclaim her blaster.

"Come on, this way!" Ezra called out as he and the others sprinted forward. Just as they were about to make their escape, three troopers blocked their path.

"Hunter, time to slice 'n' dice!" Ezra yelled, determination in his voice.

"Now you're speaking my language!" Hunter responded with enthusiasm. Both Jedi ignited their sabers, but this time, Ezra's blade shimmered in an emerald green hue. With swift and precise movements, the two Jedi expertly parried and deflected blaster bolts back at the troopers. Meanwhile, Tarba, in his haste, raced ahead of everyone, only to be met by the devastating fire of a walker, causing an explosion that filled the air.

"Well, I guess the deal is off," Hondo lamented, realizing the loss of their business associate.

As the walker continued its assault, firing upon the group, Ezra swiftly directed his companions to take cover, urging them to fight back. Amidst the chaos, Zeb shouted, acknowledging their dire situation.

"Karabast! We're cut off!" Zeb exclaimed, frustration evident in his voice.

"We need to make a move, or we won't stand a chance!" Sabine exclaimed, her resolve unshaken. She swiftly threw a bomb at the troopers behind her, causing a powerful explosion upon impact. Taking advantage of the distraction, Chopper quickly closed the door, providing a temporary barrier.

"Don't worry, Sabine," Ezra assured her, his voice filled with confidence. "I got us into this; I'll get us out."

"You're acting like you have a choice," Hunter interjected, his focus still on fending off the advancing troopers.

Ezra chose to ignore his friend's remark and instead tapped into the Force, channeling his abilities to take control of the walker. With a swift motion, he manipulated the massive machine, causing it to turn and unleash its firepower upon the troopers, buying the group a moment of respite.

In the midst of the chaos, Sabine removed her helmet, revealing a striking change in her appearance. Her hair, now styled anew, featured a mesmerizing blend of milky white at the top, transitioning into pink in the middle, and ending with vibrant purple at the bottom. Most of it was elegantly combed to the right side of her head, reflecting her unique and rebellious spirit.

The others watched with awe and anticipation as Ezra skillfully maneuvered the walker, causing it to walk off the edge, plummeting into the abyss below.

"When did Kanan teach you that?" Sabine inquired, her curiosity piqued.

"He didn't," Ezra responded, his voice tinged with a somber tone.

Zalo couldn't help but feel a shiver run down his spine upon hearing his friend's words. An unsettling feeling of concern washed over him as he observed Ezra closely.

"What's happening to you, Ezra?" Zalo pondered silently, his thoughts filled with worry.

Their attention quickly shifted as more troopers emerged from the prison, their blasters blazing, targeting the rebels and Hondo.

"Get ready to jump!" Ezra exclaimed, his voice resolute.

"Jump? What does he mean, jump!?" Hondo questioned, his confusion evident.

Just in the nick of time, Hera descended in the Ghost, swooping down to rescue the rebels and Hondo. They swiftly boarded the ship, finding safety within its confines. Zeb, Ezra, and Zalo made their way to the cockpit, joining the others.

"Was that Imperial walker helping you out?" Hera inquired, her eyes searching for an explanation.

"Yeah, this one used his Jedi mind powers on the pilot," Zeb remarked, pointing at Ezra. "Pretty wizard, eh?"

"I did what I had to do," Ezra stated firmly, a hint of determination in his voice. Hando and Sabine soon joined them in the cockpit, adding to the chaotic atmosphere.

"Ah, Captain Syndulla," Hondo greeted with appreciation. "I appreciate the rescue. I expect full payment, even though Tarba tried to betray us."

"There's a shock," Zalo interjected, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

Confusion filled the air as Hera sought clarification. "Wait, who's Tarba?"

"Hando's former cellmate, who almost jeopardized the mission," Sabine explained. "Unfortunately, he didn't make it."

"Ezra, did you know about this?" Hera turned her attention to the younger teen.

"Not exactly," Ezra replied, his voice laced with a mix of guilt and determination. "But Hondo and I had a deal."

"Ezra, it's your responsibility to be aware of all the details," Hera reprimanded sternly, her voice firm.

"I was responsible for what I knew!" Ezra retorted, his voice rising in intensity. "We went to get Hondo, and here he is!"

Ezra paused in his tracks, ready to leave, but Zalo intercepted him, his presence a calming influence on his friend. "Ezra, you need to chill," the hybrid advised, prompting a sigh of exasperation from the young Jedi.

"I'm sorry about Tarba," Ezra expressed, his voice laden with remorse, as he retreated to his room, seeking solace within its confines. Meanwhile, Hondo took a seat beside Hera, engaging in conversation with her.

"Ah, the flaming spirit of youth," the seasoned pirate remarked, a hint of admiration in his voice.

"It's not all bad," Hera responded, her tone carrying a sense of optimism.

Later, on Atollon, the Ghost crew, along with Sato, Rex, and Zalo, gathered together, discussing the terms and agreements for obtaining the valuable information from Hondo.

"So, how much do you intend to pay me for this intel?" the pirate inquired, his eyes gleaming with anticipation.

"Being rescued from that prison wasn't enough?" Hera countered, a touch of incredulity in her voice. "What else do you want?"

"Okay, I'll bite, Hondo. What do you want?" Zalo chimed in, curious about the pirate's intentions.

"Ah, I was thinking more along the lines of a ship," Hondo revealed, a mischievous glimmer in his eyes. "You know, your father's Haulcraft is a beauty of a ship..."

"Forget it!" Zalo exclaimed, his tone resolute, while the Ghost crew echoed his sentiment in unison. Hando couldn't help but chuckle at their immediate rejection of his proposition.

"I'm kidding, of course," Hondo chuckled, his laughter filling the air. "But I do need a ship, nothing too fancy, just one with a roomy cargo hold, hyperdrive, shields, and weapons. After all, I am a wanted man."

"If your intel checks out, then we have a deal," Zalo stated firmly, his gaze fixed on the pirate.

"Very well, I offer you the planet Yarma, with its intricate and elusive cloudy maze," Hondo announced, activating a hologram that displayed the galaxy. He then revealed an Imperial base known as Reklam Station. "It's a secret Imperial salvage yard, where thousands of Republic starfighters are being melted down for scrap," the cunning pirate explained, the hologram showcasing the Y-wings.

"Y-wings!?" Rex exclaimed in shock. "Haven't seen those babies since the Clone Wars."

"But can they still fly?" Hera inquired, her curiosity piqued.

"Those bombers may be old, but they have proven to be quite useful in combat operations," Rex answered, a glimmer of nostalgia in his eyes.

"If we can steal a squadron's worth of them, they would be key in building a strike fleet capable of achieving our next objective: destroying the Empire's factory on Lothal," Sato declared, his voice filled with determination.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Ezra interjected eagerly. "Let's go get them!"

"Not so fast," Hera interjected, placing her hand on Ezra's shoulder. "We need to ensure that Hondo's intel is accurate."

"You still don't trust Hondo, given our history together?" the old pirate questioned, a hint of offense in his voice. "You wound me, madame."

"Ezra," Hera called, turning Ezra to face her. "Sato and I entrusted you with this mission, and your success has not gone unnoticed. It is with great honor that I promote you to the rank of Lieutenant Commander for this mission."

"Lieutenant Commander? A promotion?" Ezra's eyes widened with excitement.

"You've earned it, kid," Rex chimed in, his voice filled with admiration.

"Way to go!" Sabine congratulated him with a smile.

"Congratulations!" Zeb boomed, his enthusiasm evident.

"Nice work, bro," Zalo said, patting Ezra on the back.

"Kanan would be proud of you," Hera added, her voice filled with genuine pride.

"Yeah, well, he's got a funny way of showing it since he's never around," Ezra muttered, walking away with a mix of frustration and sadness evident in his eyes. Zalo watched his friend with a heavy heart, empathizing with his feelings.

Later, Zalo went to Ezra's room and entered without hesitation.

"Zalo," Ezra greeted, jumping down from his bunk. "Hey, what are you doing here?"

"Is it wrong for me to want to talk to my best friend?" Zalo asked, leaning against the wall.

"No," Ezra replied, trying to reach for his cadet helmet. "But I need to get ready for the mission."

At that moment, Zalo sensed something was off.

"What are you hiding, Ezra?" the hybrid questioned.

"Nothing, just getting my helmet to clean," Ezra deflected, but Zalo knew he was lying. Using the Force, Zalo called the helmet to him and discovered the Sith Holocron tucked inside, with its top twisted open.

"The Sith Holocron? You opened it!?" Zalo exclaimed in disbelief.

"Yeah, I opened it. So what?" Ezra retorted.

"Ezra, only someone who embraces the Dark Side can open this," Zalo said, his gaze fixed on his friend.

"Well, the knowledge I've gained from it has been helpful," Ezra defended himself.

"You're using it!?" Zalo's voice grew louder.

"Yeah, and maybe you should too," Ezra responded defiantly.

"Ezra, this path you're on, it leads to darkness, a darkness that may consume you," Zalo warned.

"Well, that Holocron has helped me win battles, one after another. I've been using it for good!" Ezra argued.

"Acting out of anger only leads to hatred," Zalo countered, taking the Holocron from his friend's hand. "I can't let you keep this."

"Fine! I don't need the Holocron. Just like I don't need you or Kanan," Ezra snapped in frustration.

Zalo turned back to look at his friend. He sighed as he left Ezra's room.

Later, Zalo went looking for Kanan and found him meditating on a hill. The Jedi was dressed in a dark green tunic and light green pants, his shoulder plate was missing, and his lightsaber hung securely from his belt. A green mask covered his damaged eyes, and Zalo slowly approached him, taking a seat in front of him.

"I know it's you, Zalo," Kanan spoke, a faint smile gracing his lips.

"How have you been, Kanan?" Zalo asked, genuine concern in his voice.

"I've been better," the older Jedi admitted. "But I sense you didn't come here to talk about me."

"We've got a problem," Zalo said, his tone serious. "And by 'we,' I mean you. I just found out that Ezra has been using the Sith Holocron."

"That's impossible," Kanan replied, disbelief evident in his voice.

"I'm afraid it's true," Zalo said, placing the Holocron into the older Jedi's hand, allowing him to feel its dark presence.

"I can't believe this..." Kanan whispered, his voice filled with sadness.

"Kanan, I want you to keep this Holocron as far away from Ezra as possible. We can't let this thing corrupt him any further," Zalo pleaded.

"I will," Kanan promised, determination resolute in his voice. As Zalo got up and began to walk away, Kanan called out to him. "Hunter."

Zalo halted in his tracks, turning to face the blind Jedi. "Yes?"

"Thank you," Kanan said sincerely.

"You're welcome," Zalo replied. "And Kanan..."

"Yes?" Kanan inquired.

"Don't let your blindness stop you from being who you are," Zalo advised, his words carrying a profound meaning. With that, he walked away, leaving Kanan to contemplate the weight of his words.

Zalo boarded his father's Haulcraft, a sense of familiarity and nostalgia washing over him. As he made his way through the ship's corridors, he couldn't help but feel a bittersweet longing for his parents, Darrel and Ahsoka. He knew they were out there, somewhere. He feels that they did survive their encounter with Vader back on Malachor V.

Reaching the cockpit, Zalo took a seat in the captain's chair, surrounded by the controls and displays that he had grown up observing. The droid mod, a unique AI droid companion that Zalo had customized, greeted him with a series of beeps and whistles, a familiar and comforting sound.

"Hello, Zalo," the droid mod chirped. "It's good to see you back in the pilot's seat. How may I assist you today?"

Zalo smiled at the droid mod, appreciating its presence. "Hey there, buddy," he replied. "Just taking a moment to gather my thoughts before I head off with the others to gather some Y-Wings. It's been quite a journey, hasn't it?"

The droid mod beeped in agreement. "Indeed, it has been eventful. But we make a great team, don't we?"

Zalo nodded, his gaze shifting to the holographic image of his family that adorned the cockpit. "We certainly do. And you've been there with me every step of the way since Malachor. I'm grateful for your support."

The droid mod emitted a cheerful beep, its mechanical form displaying a hint of warmth. "I'm here to assist you, Zalo. Together, we'll navigate through any challenge that comes our way. Your parents would be proud of the person you've become."

Zalo's eyes sparkled with gratitude. "Thank you. I hope they return soon. It's been too long since we've been together as a family. But until then, we'll keep fighting and making a difference, just like they taught us."

As Zalo prepared to leave the Haulcraft for their next mission, the droid mod paused, its optical sensors focusing on the young hybrid.

"Zalo, before you go," the droid mod chirped, "I wanted to ask if you'll be returning soon to have another flying lesson in the Haulcraft. It has been a joy assisting you in honing your piloting skills."

Zalo's face lit up with a mix of excitement and fondness. "Absolutely," he replied. "I've always cherished our flying lessons together. It's not just about the technical aspects; it's the feeling of freedom and connection that comes with soaring through the skies. Count on it, my friend. We'll have more adventures in this old bird."

The droid mod emitted a series of cheerful beeps. "I'm glad to hear that, Zalo. I'll be here, ready to assist whenever you decide to return for another exhilarating flight."

Zalo nodded, a sense of anticipation building within him. "I'll be back, and we'll make new memories together. The lessons we've learned in the cockpit extend beyond flying. They've taught us about resilience, trust, and the importance of holding onto our dreams."

With a final pat on the droid mod's metallic exterior, Zalo turned toward the exit of the Haulcraft, ready to face the challenges that awaited. But as he stepped out, he couldn't help but look back, a glimmer of excitement in his eyes.

"Until next time," Zalo said with a smile. "We'll continue our journey through the stars, and I'll return for more flying lessons, my faithful companion."

As Zalo walked away, the droid mod hummed contentedly, knowing that their bond would remain strong. The Haulcraft would patiently await their return, ready to take flight once again and guide them toward new horizons, both in the vastness of space and within their own hearts.

The droid mod beeped in agreement once again, understanding the shared determination. Zalo glanced at the holographic image once more, his heart filled with hope. He whispered to himself, "I'll continue your legacy, Mom and Dad. We'll be reunited one day. For now, let's make the most of every opportunity."

With renewed purpose, Zalo and the droid mod prepared for the upcoming mission, ready to face the challenges ahead. They shared a silent understanding, knowing that their bond and the strength of their purpose would guide them through the galaxy, bringing them one step closer to the day when they would be reunited with their loved ones.

Later, Ezra and his fellow rebels, including Zalo, Sabine, Rex and Ohnaka, travel to Reklam Station on the Phantom.

"We can't jump to Yarma from here," Sabine said. "We'll have to exit hyperspace at the Sereeda Waypoint and plan a new jump."

"Don't take too long; that's mining territory," Hando warned. "If they spot us, they'll alert the Empire and jeopardize my pay—I mean, the mission."

"We'll be in and out before they even know it," Sabine reassured, and she initiated the jump to hyperspace.

Later, the Phantom emerged from hyperspace at the Sereeda Waypoint, and the crew prepared for their next move.

"Okay, Chop, you're up," Sabine instructed. "Program those coordinates before—"

Sabine's voice was abruptly interrupted by a stern voice coming through the speaker.

"Attention shuttle craft, you are entering a mining craft clearance zone. State your business."

"Please excuse the interruption, Captain," Ezra responded calmly. "We'll be on our way as soon as we calculate our next jump."

"We will not authorize any jump until you state your business!"

Suddenly, two yellow TIE fighters materialized on either side of the Phantom, their presence menacing.

"If you do not slow your speed, we will open fire!"

"Sabine, get us out of here!" Ezra commanded urgently, sensing the escalating danger. Sabine swiftly accelerated, attempting to outrun the pursuing fighters, but their relentless barrage of fire made it clear they were hot on their tail.

"Being in prison is bad!" Hando exclaimed, his voice filled with apprehension. "But where they will send us is worse!"

"Hang on!" Sabine shouted, her focus unwavering, skillfully dodging the incoming blasts. Chopper managed to blast one of the pursuing TIE fighters out of the sky, creating a temporary advantage as Sabine expertly maneuvered the Phantom, eliminating the second fighter.

"Chopper, we're here. Charge the hyperdrive," Sabine instructed.

"Wait, we should destroy the transport before they contact the Empire," Ezra suggested, his determination evident.

"They probably already did," Zalo interjected, recognizing the reality of the situation.

"No, we're not leaving any witnesses!" Ezra declared firmly, his conviction unwavering.

"That's not our mission, Ezra!" Sabine countered, her voice reflecting the weight of their responsibilities.

"She's right, Lieutenant," Rex chimed in, offering his wisdom. "The important thing here is to proceed with our mission."

"Fine, make the jump," Ezra growled, reluctantly conceding to their reasoning. Sabine promptly initiated the jump into hyperspace once again, their destination awaiting their arrival.

The rebels approached the planet Yarma, but to their surprise, there were no Imperial ships visible on the scopes.

"No Imperial traffic on the scopes," Sabine reported, with Zalo standing close behind her. "But no sign of the station either."

"It is down there, my friends," Hondo reassured them. "And those ships are ripe for the plunder."

"There's no telling what we're flying into," Sabine expressed her concerns.

"For all we know, the Empire could be waiting for us down there," Zalo added, voicing his own apprehension.

"Let's find out. Take us down," Ezra firmly commanded, determination evident in his voice.

The Phantom descended into the atmosphere, and as they approached, Reklam Station came into view.

"There it is," Sabine announced, pointing at the imposing structure. "Reklam Station."

"Chopper, get a reading on those bombers," Ezra ordered, as a small hologram of the station appeared before them.

"Y-wing bombers, and they look like they're in decent shape too," Ezra observed with a hint of excitement.

"Yeah, but according to the scan, there are only 15 left," Sabine remarked, her tone tinged with concern, as one of the bombers disappeared from the display.

"Correction, make that 14," Zalo noted grimly. "Looks like they're being destroyed."

"We need to move in now!" Ezra declared urgently. "There won't be any left if we wait."

"Hold on! Our orders were to recon the station, not go after the ships," Zeb interjected, raising a valid point. Rex, the seasoned clone, stepped forward, suggesting an alternative course of action.

"We should advise Captain Syndulla," Rex proposed, emphasizing the importance of following the original plan.

"What if the Empire tracks our transmission?" Ezra countered, confident in his own decision-making. "I was given command of this assignment. I know what the objective was, and I am changing it. We're going in now. That's an order!"

The rebels and Hondo exchanged concerned glances, unsure of how to proceed. Sabine, in particular, turned her gaze towards Zalo, silently hoping that he would object to the order and offer an alternative perspective.

"As you wish... Lieutenant," Zalo responded, his tone firm and resolute, acknowledging Ezra's authority and aligning himself with the decision.

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