Bad Friend: 1.

By Fknotkf

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Just another Firskhao >< More

21. (Ending)


373 28 4
By Fknotkf

Happy reading!!

Khaotung fell sick after comeback from Pawin's house that time, for the past two days he had just been at home without doing anything. That was because Mrs. Thana forbade him to study too.

Khaotung just watched television, read books, then slept and ate every day.

There was also First sometimes, accompanying him who was bored to the point of almost going crazy because these few days his activities were just so-so, where not going to school anymore.

"Khaotung, do you want to eat some mangoes?" Mrs. Khana was seen entering the neighbor's house carrying a white plastic bag filled with large mangoes.

"Oh auntie, I was just about to ask mom to buy me a mango."

Khaotung excitedly got up from his seat on the sofa and followed First's mother into the kitchen to meet Mrs. Thana who was busy making lunch.

First wasn't at Khaotung's house at the moment, he was still at school but you could be sure First would come home to Khaotung's house first rather than his own.

"Khao, how come your classmates haven't visited yet?" The mother asked while busy chopping onions beside Mrs. Khana who was peeling fruit.

"Tomorrow," Khaotung replied. He looked impatient as he waited for the mangoes to be put into his bowl.

Khaotung is actually feeling better, the heat has gone down and yesterday's dizziness has disappeared. It was just his mother who was overdoing it, she said it was better for Khaotung to rest completely for 2 more days to make sure if he had really recovered.

His mother's decision was supported by his father, parents First and First himself so Khaotung had no choice but to stay at home.


After eating a few pieces of fruit with his mother and Mrs. Khana, Khaotung then asked permission to go to his room. He said he wanted to eat his mangoes while watching YouTube, he didn't want to disturb the two parents who were chatting.

"I have an idea to match our two son."

Like First, Mrs. Thana choked on her water as soon as her friend uttered that sentence without warning.

"What, match them?" Mrs. Thana asked, confirming. Her hands were now busy cleaning her chin from the drinking water that had spurted here and there.

"Why? You don't like it? Is it because First is not as smart as Khaotung?"

"I was surprised because I was actually looking for the right time to say that."

The two young mothers seemed pleased that their thoughts were always on the same frequency.

Then the two excitedly discussed the future of First and Khaotung's arranged marriage, the lavishness of it all and so on.

They even put First and Khaotung's willingness to be together as a couple or not aside, it's like the two of them are more concerned with their own happiness, you moms.

Leaving the two moms behind, we see Khaotung now.
Khaotung apparently went to check social media first and found that today his friends including First were hanging out.
Again, the class chat group was very quiet today.
He don't know when they changed their habit of planning to go hang out in class in person instead of talking endlessly on chat. It was obviously because Pawin made them a new class chat group without him.

Khaotung looked further down his social media and found First's account, he found that his friend took more pictures with Pawin than with anyone else.
Khaotung was very upset to see this, had First been included in Pawin's group chat?
Khaotung was even more upset when he read the caption First had written for Pawin.

"Nice new friend he said. He's hell, stupid." Khaotung cursed.


A notification popped up on Khaotung's social media.

Firstkp:  I'll have to bring you here later, it's really like nature's version of you, hehe. @KhaoKhao.

After seeing the post, Khaotung suddenly changed his frowned mood into an indistinct smile.
Especially after seeing that the comment section of First's post was now filled with witty comments from his friends, and Khaotung never left any comments on First's posts, so he just turned off his phone and was busy enjoying his mango while watching First's room.

This was Khaotung's last day of rest, yesterday he had been visited by his friends including Pawin and Marc. They were still sweet to Khaotung, but he was still annoyed that they didn't plan to tell him about the new class chat group that was created without him.
Right now, Khaotung was waiting for Aje at a shopping center, not only to give his the book he borrowed, but also to go play with him.
He had some free time and Aje also said he didn't have any lessons right now, so he could go with Khaotung.


Khaotung raised his head, then found Pawin walking towards him.

"Oh, Paw. Back from school yet?"

Pawin nodded his head. "I'm going to see my mom, what are you doing?"

"Waiting for a friend," Khaotung replied.

"Friend? Who?" Pawin asked again, pleased that Khaotung did not immediately mention his name. "First?"


Khaotung and Pawin then turned to a boy wearing a different uniform from Pawin.
Aje, he then ran over to Khaotung who waved back.
Seeing that made Pawin surprised, meeting Aje again and worse, now he came to see Khaotung.

"Hey, Win. We keep running into each other lately." Aje greeted in a sarcastic tone.

"That's because my mom works here," Pawin replied.

Aje just laughed, he had forgotten about that.

"Do you know who he is?" Aje asked, this time speaking to Khaotung.

"I know, First told me."

Aje laughed again, this time while patting Pawin on the shoulder. Aje apologized that his friends could not keep unimportant secrets like he could.

"I have to go to that shop first, want to come or wait here?"

"Just wait here," Khaotung replied, then Aje left Khaotung and Pawin who had been holding back their emotions.

"Since First already told you, what do you think?"

"The lie about your old school?" Khaotung asked back.

"About your friend being a bully," Pawin replied with a flat face.

Khaotung then shook his head. He had no comment about Aje.
Khaotung didn't know what the actual incident was like because he knew Aje well.
Furthermore, he also explained that he couldn't trust someone who lied on the first day of introduction.

"Have you been told by First why I did it?"

"That doesn't make sense," Khaotung replied. "Why did you hide it? It was easier for you to make friends instead of using money."

Pawin tried to keep his cool by showing his smile, then denied Khaotung that he used money to make friends in their class.

"After knowing the fact that your friends are bullies and I'm a victim, is that all you think about, Khao?"

Khaotung nodded his head again without hesitation. "What do you expect from a friend who doesn't believe that his friend is not a bully?"

Pawin then let out a disgruntled sigh as he shoved both hands into the pockets of his uniform pants.

"No wonder I felt familiar when I first saw you. You remind me of Aje," Pawin said.

"You're not the first person to say that," Khaotung replied, then walked away from Pawin's presence to meet Aje, who had just come out of the shop he had visited.

Pawin looked at the two with a look of hatred, how could people like them have such undiminished happiness, he thought.


"You don't want to wear a jacket?"

"Why, it's hot."

First nodded his head, it was indeed hot. It was so hot this early in the morning, but First quickly reminded Khaotung that he had just recovered so it was better to wear a jacket to school.

"I'll die of heat, First."

Khaotung and his arguments always managed to irritate First.
He just nodded and reminded Khaotung that if he got sick again then First would be too lazy to take care of him.

"Hey, my mom takes care of me!"

"Then which Khaotung whined to me two days ago asking me to stay over and watch him sleep because he was scared?"

Khaotung just chuckled, it was the day he had a high fever and thought he might die that night. Usually, men when sick always exaggerate when it's just a cold. But hey, there were many cases of people dying from seated wind, and Khaotung was terrified.

"That must be handsome Khaotung," Khaotung replied and got on First's bike.

"Do you really not want to wear a jacket? Should I get you one or use mine?"

"Ai First~"

"Just use mine, you idiot."

First then took off his jean jacket and asked Khaotung to put it on immediately.
It's still early in the morning, the heat is still fairly healthy but Khaotung's body is still vulnerable so it's better to prepare an umbrella before the rain.
Having just arrived in class, Khaotung was immediately attacked by Louis and Neo who arrived first. Thankfully, Khaotung was healthy and back in the classroom even though he didn't really do much other than cursing when the kids started to lose their minds.

"Uh, Khao. Your stool moved."

Khaotung looked confused after sitting on the bench that he thought still belonged to him.
Louis then explained that yesterday their teacher had reshuffled the seats, Louis alone who was sitting at the back was suddenly moved to the front with Joong.
Soon Pawin appeared and he immediately went to the bench where Khaotung was sitting.

"Ah, now that bench is occupied by Pawin."

Khaotung then turned his head to Pawin, who smiled at him.

"But if you still want this bench I don't mind, you can have it." Pawin kept smiling at Khaotung. "I can use your bench there."

Khaotung then turned his head to the bench Pawin was pointing to, still at the front but in the corner near the window.

"Mr. Nan will reprimand me if I don't move," Khaotung said then stood up from his seat.

Louis nodded his head, it was true. After all, Joong also moved Khaotung's seat and Pawin's seat yesterday, it was because Joong knew that Khaotung really liked his seat just moved.

After Khaotung moved, Pawin immediately sat in Khaotung's former place, right at the front in the middle row, the center of attention in this class.

First was about to approach Khaotung, but Pawin called out to him making the tall man return to Pawin's seat.
The two seemed to be chatting about their new hangout, no longer a coffee shop or just a roadside hangout.
It was Pawin's recommendation and the boys including First liked the place, although they said it was far away but it was quite satisfying to visit.

"Are you going there again later?" Pawin asked with his sweet smile.

"It's a nice place, so I should go there again," First replied. "You've been there many times, right?"

Khaotung then turned his head to First and Pawin who were engrossed in conversation, followed by Neo and Louis who both joined Pawin's bench and talked about the green place yesterday.
Khaotung could only see their backs from where he sat, Pawin had managed to get everything from Khaotung.
That also applied to Joong and Dunk, both of whom only greeted Khaotung casually as soon as they entered the classroom and then joined in the conversation with Pawin.

But only Marc slid straight to Khaotung's bench, he just came and immediately asked about his condition, even though last night Khaotung had told Marc that today he would go to school.

"If you don't feel well again just let me know," Marc said.

First also turned his head to Marc who was talking to Khaotung, he wondered since when did the two become so close? Was it possible that Marc and Khaotung had been chatting more on social media? It was because at school Khaotung played more with Louis and Joon and after school of course Khaotung was only with First.

"Ah, I have something for you."

Marc took out the bottle of Vitamin medicine that he bought yesterday from the pharmacy.
Marc chatted with Mrs. Thana yesterday and he was thinking of buying Khaotung some vitamins, but from yesterday Khaotung said that his father always forgot to buy the vitamins so Marc bought them.

"Gosh Marc, I'm troubling you."

Khaotung looked happy with the vitamins Marc gave him, that's because he really needed them. He cursed his father for forgetting to buy vitamins for two days in a row.

"I also bought you some water," Mark said and took out his water bottle.

Khaotung chuckled and thanked him for being considerate, Marc then turned his head to Pawin's bench and saw that his friends who were usually with Khaotung were busy with Pawin, he thought.

"Eat the vitamins later after recess," said Marc then left Khaotung's bench to his own bench which was moved right behind Khaotung, previously Marc was quite far from him.


"Are you going to the cafeteria?" Asked Louis, he was about to go to the cafeteria with Neo.

"No, I already asked First to buy me some food," Khaotung replied.

"Alright, take care of the class for Joong."

Louis then went to embrace Neo towards the cafeteria, leaving Khaotung alone in the classroom.
Crazy, Pawin really moved fast and only got faster when he got sick a few days ago. Then he asked Khaotung to believe that he was the victim of Aje's bullying? With Aje's more annoying attitude like that, it made Khaotung not believe that Pawin was the victim of bullying, it would make more sense if he lost the competition with Aje to be the center of attention at his old school.

Then, Khaotung was about to put his book into his bag to prevent the loss of his book like before.
As if reminded, Khaotung looked back at Pawin's bench empty of its owner with the bag open.
This time, Khaotung had to make sure that Pawin was responsible for his math book, so he got up from his seat and immediately pulled Pawin's bag onto the bench.
As if not afraid of being caught, Khaotung took out the entire contents of Pawin's bag, which were mostly textbooks and notes.

"What are you doing?"

Khaotung raised his head, looking at Pawin who had apparently just returned from the cafeteria with Joong, Dunk, and also First.
Although Pawin seemed to be walking away quickly, Khaotung did not stop his current actions until he finally found his book among Pawin's books.

"This is my math assignment book," Khaotung said showing his book to Pawin.

Pawin looked surprised, he had committed the faux pas of leaving Khaotung alone in class. Unfortunately, he had forgotten to put Khaotung's book away because yesterday he needed to study the math formulas in the notes.

"You're a thief," Khaotung accused, making Joong and Dunk incredulous that the book Khaotung had been looking for was with Pawin.

"Paw, how come Khaotung's book is with you?"

Pawin turned to Dunk, with a panicked look he shook his head. "I-I'm not a thief, really."

"You still won't confess?!" Khaotung pushed Pawin's stool until it fell and sent Pawin's books scattering to the floor.

Not yet satisfied, perhaps because Khaotung had been annoyed for a long time, he pushed Pawin's shoulder repeatedly and violently until Joong had to stop Khaotung's actions.

"Khao, calm down!" Joong looked overwhelmed to stop Khaotung, First went to protect Pawin.

"Listen to the explanation first, Khao!" First shouted while trying to repeatedly ward off Khaotung's hands that tried to pull Pawin behind his body.

Feeling protected, Pawin finally dared to come forward and explained to Khaotung that a few days ago he found Khaotung's book in the trash can of the next class, he took it and was about to give it to Khaotung but he fell ill first so Pawin carried it around and forgot to give it to Khaotung when he visited him yesterday.

"That makes sense," Joong responded and Dunk agreed.

"Why else would Pawin steal your books, Khao. He's smart too," Dunk continued.

"Khaotung," First called softly. He knew how to calm down an angry Khaotung like this.

But it didn't seem to work this time, Khaotung brushed off First's hand that was about to touch his shoulder then turned back to face Pawin.

"That doesn't make sense, you had plenty of time to tell them that you just found my book, but what did you do? You didn't say anything to them."

Pawin looked tense again. "I-"

"Maybe he forgot too, Khao."

Joong continued to defend Pawin, and that made Khaotung even more upset.

"He forgot everything, is that it?" Khaotung asked Joong.

"It's human," Joong replied, getting annoyed too. He thinks it makes sense and Khaotung doesn't need to make a big deal out of a small issue like this.

"You act like a bully, you know?"  Joong asked again. Then sighed trying to calm himself down, he had to remember that he was the class president so he had to mediate between Pawin and Khaotung.

"Khao, how-"

Khaotung also brushed off Joong's hand that was about to touch his shoulder like First, he didn't accept being called a bully by Joong for catching Pawin stealing his book.

"What attitude, cursing a thief is the attitude of a bully?"

"Khaotung, forgive me for forgetting. I was stupid, I should have told the others if I found your book."

Pawin spoke up again.

"Khao, I warned you." First also looked annoyed with Khaotung's current attitude as Joong, he still tried to protect Pawin from Khaotung's impromptu attack.

Soon Neo, Louis and the others appeared and saw their tension.
Pawin immediately explained the situation to Louis who asked what was wrong with them, as expected Louis also defended Pawin and asked Khaotung to calm down.

"Pawin was bullied at his old school, he must be scared because you're acting like this Khao." Louis explained in a calm manner, not seeming to blame Khaotung like Joong did.

"Which school?" Khaotung asked with a flat face.

"Aje, your middle school friend's school."

Khaotung laughed at Joong's explanation, apparently Pawin preferred to be honest directly rather than Khaotung telling his friends.

"You protected someone who lied from the first day of meeting? Why, did you enjoy the money?" Khaotung asked as if on target.


"Did you hear Aje's explanation? You know how Aje is, Joong." Khaotung cut Joong off, then turned to Louis with the same disappointed look.

"If I act like a bully, then what should I call your attitude? Creating a new class chat group but not including me and First. What should I call it?"

Khaotung asked Louis, also shoving Louis' shoulder with his anger flaring up again.
It was always Neo who came to protect Louis, he stopped Khaotung's hand but Khaotung was now attacking Neo.
Neo and Dunk were the ones who most often badmouthed him in the group chat.

"What?" Khaotung challenged Neo to a fight, and Neo caught the signal well.

Fortunately First held Neo back first, although the two had hit each other but not too badly because Joong also managed to hold Khaotung back, but Joong couldn't stop his friend's mouth from continuing to curse and swear at Neo.


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