A Forest on Fire (KuramaxOc)

By kayle315

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10 years ago, the psychic, Genkai used her powers to create the only cure for the 'pulse' curse. a terrible... More

Ch 1: The Assessment
Ch 2: Preparations
Ch 3: A Fox in Human Skin
Ch 4: Introductions
Ch 5: The Library
Ch 6: The Rooftop
Ch 7: Conditions
Ch 8: Weekend at Genkai's
Ch 9: The Competition Begins!!
Ch 10: Revelations
Ch: 11 Choices Made
Ch 12: To Trap A Fox
Ch 13: New Beginnings
Ch 14: Adjusting
Ch 15: Girl's Day Out!!!
Ch 16: Valentine's Day
Ch 17: Team Up! The Missions Begin!
Ch: 18 Familiar scents
Ch 19: Ruminations
Ch 20: The Dog
Ch 21: Consequences
Ch 22: Moving forward
Ch 23: Sleepover!!!
Ch 24: Territorial Demon Men!!!
Ch 25: Double Date
Ch 26: Showtime!!
Ch: 27: Sixteen
Ch 28: The Letter
Ch 29: Gates of Betrayal
Ch 30: Gift of the Forest
Ch 31: Kuwabara's Bright Idea!!!
Ch 32: Sheer Dumb Luck
Ch 33: Fire and Ice
Ch 34: Battle at the High Rise: Kenji's Final Stand!
Ch 35: The Trap
Ch 36: Detonation
Ch 38: The Gift
Ch 39: New Mission: Rescue the Ice Maiden Yukina!!!
Ch. 40: The Invitation
Ch 41: The Cabin
Ch. 42: The Glade
Bonus Chapter: Show Me
Ch. 43: The Calm Before The Storm
Ch. 44: Sunday
Ch 45: Foxfire
Ch 46. Preparations
Chapter 47: Departure
Ch. 48: The Uremeshi Team Sets Sail!

Ch 37: Aftermath

40 2 0
By kayle315

"We've cleared a path to the entrance, quit fooling around!" Hiei called up after Kuwabara, then strode into the entrance as though nothing had even happened on the far side of the platform.

Kuwabara watched the demons pass underneath him in absolute shock!! He had been so brave and clever with his energy pole vaulting trick, and it had all been for nothing!! He scrabbled down the tower as quickly as he could, and took off after them.

Kurama was careful to keep the fox in his arms tucked into his chest as they ran. He could feel her steady breathing, and it did wonders for his focus as they climbed the final tower's stairs, only to find more cultivated plants inside.

"Gyah, they never end!!" Kuwabara exclaimed, desperation starting to win over as he thought of Uremeshi alone on the top floor.

"Let's... not waist more time!" Hiei shouted, clearly unnerved by the waves of energy rushing through the tower as well.

Kurama forced himself to stay back, wielding his whip with one hand, and deftly maneuvering the fox at his chest with the other. One corpse reached out for her. He snarled, the sound low and vicious as he snapped its wrist off, and lashed the whip back up to cleave its chest with the same blow. Hiei and Kuwabara both hesitated for the slightest moment at that snarl, before racing up the stairs once more.

"Uh, hey. What happened to miss Yumi back there anyway? I thought she had switched back to demon form!" Kuwabara asked innocently enough, but received only a glare from the fox as he ran on. Hiei paused by his side long enough to shake his head.

"Don't ask. What matters is that she'll be fine. Now, let's move!" He told the ginger boy, then followed behind the still fuming fox.

They had only made it a few more steps before the whole of the tower shook from a blow above. Kurama paused as he passed a window cut into the stone wall, and took in the bright blue flash that illuminated the sky.

"Woah... was that from Uremeshi?" Kuwabara asked, watching the sky turn back to red.

Hiei didn't pause by the window, but noted that the amount of energy released had been quite grand.

"We need to hurry!" He called as the others turned to join him once more.

There was no telling what on earth the detective was going through atop the tower. They could only hope to make it in time.


(Across the Makai)

Barrow's nose wrinkled as the scents of fire and death wafted through the small clearing. Maru had chosen to come from upwind again, no doubt to give the pack time to prepare. A growl sounded from the younger dog by his side, but a quick hiss had the lad's tail tucking in obedience.

In truth, Leuran wasn't much younger than he was, but came from an outlying family within the pack, with very little standing. Raiken had offered to raise the boy to a higher rank, so long as he served under his youngest son. Barrow hadn't complained. It was nice to have a friend, even if the lad didn't have a choice.

In fact, that made it better! While Leuran was a picture of obedience most times, his temper could be nearly as volatile as Barrow's. Though not gifted with any particular element, the boy was able to hold his own in the sparring ring, and had even pinned Barrow a handful of times now! So the friendship had grown into a rivalry, and though the dog sat silent and proper, Barrow could see the temper roiling in those violet eyes as he obeyed.

Leuran sat in dog form beside the leader's youngest, who held true-form instead. He was lanky, and lean in his most human like form, but still looked more beast than anything. His skin was nearly as pale as Kiyayu's. Somehow, the tone made his snow white hair stand out all the more, especially with the brown streak that began just above his left temple. His ears were brown as well, and Leuran often marveled at the large, somewhat darker splotch of skin across the boy's midriff, a birthmark that became one of his brown patches in full form.

His gaze fell upon the boy's claws, pristine, and sharpened with care. Barrow had the appearance to all of a caged dog ready for the kill, and Leuren's tail nearly wagged again as he hoped to be there to witness the boy's first kill. He wasn't sure what to expect as they waited, but would be ready to sink his teeth into the throat of whoever this "Maru" person was at the tiniest signal from his master.

He hadn't wanted this position at first. To be the freaking toy of some spoiled pup who had lived most of his life with humans??? Who would want that? But then he had met the leader's youngest son, and saw a fire raging within the boy so similar to his own. He had decided right then and there that he would test this arrogant brat, see what it took to make him snap.

It wasn't much. He could still feel the numbness in the black spot that now adorned his right shoulder. The leader's mate had healed the flesh underneath, but they had left the dead, frozen mark as a lesson to him for goading their son to such a state, which was just fine to Leuran! He would wear that mark with pride for as long as he lived! Even thinking about it, his tail gave a single, excited wag, which earned a bemused look from the boy.

He simply shook his head, and tucked it back down as that scent drew closer.

"So, the dog has a dog of his own, now..." Maru's deep, mournful voice called through the trees.

He had tried to edge the words, but sorrow and exhaustion for all that had transpired had clipped his tongue.

"I'm not in the mood for games, Maru!" Barrow snapped, for once not rising to the bait. "Do what you came here to do, then leave!"

A rustle came from a patch of ferns on the opposite end of the clearing, and Leuran had to swallow a yelp of surprise as the fire-demon stepped out into the clearing. His voice had come from about ten meters north of his current position, and as the grey-blue male stepped out into the waning light, he felt a shiver of ice run through his spine.

Maru glanced at the young dog trying not to piss himself. He sighed, setting the large box he had carried down before them.

"Was this planned?" He asked simply, rather willing to be done with this horrible day as well.

Barrow shook his head once.

"She was instructed to deliver a gift to an ally of ours. She was never meant to go further than the portal. She acted alone." He spoke the words his father had instructed, doing his absolute best to keep his voice level.

"She killed dozens of humans, and tried to kill two demons with citizenship to the living world." He began, then paused, considering his words. "It was swift." He ended, the only solace he could give for what he had been forced to do.

Barrow's eyes narrowed, and a growl came from that younger dog's throat, but the frost-fanged boy raised a hand to silence him.

"We understand." He forced the words out with a growl. He would not lose his temper. He would remain civil. He flicked his wrist for the younger dog to fetch the box, and the boy obeyed. Leuran's eyes never left the fire/goat demon as he padded to the box, and took the connecting strap in his jaws.

"Is there anything else?" Barrow asked, eager to return home.

"How does the boy fair?" Maru asked, his mind searching to know what had become of the girl's mate. He flinched, hearing the mournful howl in the back of Barrow's mind, and saw an image of the broken dog.

Barrow watched in interest, knowing full well the demon was in his mind. He hid nothing of his brother's pain, and was startled, if not pleased, to see Maru flinch.

"Like what you see?" He growled, closing off his mind like a trap once he was satisfied.

Maru shook his head, eyes falling to the box. "I will maintain the peace I promised, and view this as a single disobedient dog, not the actions of a pack. Should the Yumekui try to harm her again, I won't be so kind." He turned to leave, even as a snarl rippled through both dogs, then added in a quiet voice...

"Tell Taran... Had he convinced her to stop, I would have let them leave... I am sorry..."

With that, Maru vanished in a puff of red smoke, not bothering to read the minds of the dogs as another mournful howl rippled through the land. He could feel the tension in the air behind them. He wished with every ounce of his being that the Yumekui clan would heed his warnings, but he feared it would not be so simple... So he would return to the living world... and he would prepare.


(Inside the stairwell)

Kurama and the others had made it to the next landing, only to find another passage teaming with the cultivated plants, and no fox-fire to burn them away. Hiei was first down the passage, cleaving through three of the living corpses before the others raised their weapons.

Kurama clutched Yumiko safely to his chest as he snapped the rose whip, lashing it through the one Hiei left behind. Kuwabara was hot on his trail, slashing through one that tried to grab the red-haired male with his spirit sword.

Once they had cleared out a decent section, they paused, panting a bit from their climb and the endless fighting. Kuwabara paled as even more corpses spilt into the passage.

"This blows! By the time we plow through all these weirdos, we'll be too tired to help Uremeshi!!" He complained, the tip of his spirit sword resting on the ground.

"Tired hands are better than none." Kurama did his best to sound hopeful, but exhaustion was beginning to weigh on him as well.

"Do what you like. I'm not stopping." Hiei stated simply. Kurama nodded his agreement, adjusting his hold on the sleeping fox. She had bought them all precious time with her detonation, wiping out a majority of the plant corpses on the platform itself. All they needed to do, was push through the rest.

Once she was secure, he hardened his gaze, and followed Hiei back into the action. The fire-demon cut down a portion of the corpses, and Kurama grunted as he lashed through another on their way to the next winding staircase. They had just taken the first step when Kuwabara's voice rang out.

"Er, o-okay guys! I'm coming! DON'T LEAVE!!!"

(Inside the tower)

Yusuke dragged himself over the hard ground in his efforts to reach that whistle. He was completely, and utterly spent, but Marugu didn't know that. He aimed a finger at her, as though her were about to use his spirit gun, and the little demon visibly trembled before letting out a shriek and flying off.

He watched for only a second, before dragging himself closer to the whistle.

"You're... safe, Keiko..." He muttered, the words hardly more than a whisper in his exhausted state. His fingers were nearly close enough to brush against the whistle, when a bright red shoe stomped down on the detective's hand. He gasped at the pain, as Suzaku bore down upon him.

"Thanks for stalling him, Marugu." The lightning lord said, blood dripping from the corner of his lips. Suzaku was hurt. Hurt worse than the little demon had ever before seen, and she gave a nervous laugh at his praise.

"Of course, his efforts to scare you away were all lies. If he could still use his spirit gun, then he would have already destroyed the whistle." He explained, using the time to regain even a tiny fraction of his energy.

"Your final attack... Its power was very impressive but I'm afraid it will not accomplish what you wished." He added, as Yusuke groaned, hand still under Suzaku's shoe.

"It wasn't strong enough to kill me, and that will prove fatal for you!!"

(In the stairwell)

The trio had made it about halfway up the final stairwell when the entire passage shook again.

"Woooaaaah..." Kuwabara muttered in all as the stairs under their feet shuddered.

"That's the biggest lightening eruption by far! Suzaku is getting desperate." Kurama breathed, lifting his free hand to cover Yumiko's ears as the little fox whimpered in her sleep. He prodded their connection once again, trying to wake her from this slumber, but the exhaustion from her detonation held firm. He felt a pang in his heart, knowing it could very well be days before she woke again. He swallowed hard, then looked away as Hiei spoke, focusing himself on the task at hand.

"The attack will almost surely kill one of them..." Hiei admitted.

"Don't say that!!" Kuwabara shouted before launching himself back up the steps. Hiei was wrong. He had to be wrong! He wasn't about to let that punk die on him again!

He hadn't taken more than five steps before the stairwell began to crumble to pieces under the pressure of that attack!

"The stairs..." Kurama felt his heart drop along with those stairs as the ones behind them crumbled as well. They were trapped.

"Now, what are we gonna do!" Kuwabara moaned, looking as crestfallen as the older fox felt.

Hiei simply growled as he watched their escape route crumble before them. They all turned to look as the tower continued to fall apart, the fight above raging on.

"We have to keep moving!" Hiei said, moving to stand in front of the others.

"Yes, but how?" Kurama asked, watching his companion with interest as Hiei wielded his sword.

"With this!" He said, then threw the sword as though it were a spear to stick into the bottom of the stairway above them. Kurama's eyes widened slightly as he realized the demon's intent, and he drew his rose whip again, wrapping it tightly around the hilt of that sword. He paused for a moment, trying to decide what to do with the fox in his arms, when Hiei scoffed.

"Oh for Kami's sake! Here, give her to me." He said, reaching for the small fox. Kurama glared at him dubiously at first, half worried Hiei would simply toss her across the gap like his sword.

"We don't have time for this!" He growled, before reaching for the fox, and lifting her out of the territorial male's arms. Hiei maneuvered the cloak he wore to create a large pocket across his chest, then carefully tucked the sleeping kitsune inside of it, her head sticking out through a gap at shoulder height. Kurama swallowed back a possessive snarl of the proximity between the demon and what was his, and gripped the whip tighter.

"If you drop her..." he began, but Hiei growled in return.

"Do you want to be the one to tell her we let her master's student die because you decided to have a jealous spat?"

The words hit their mark, and he stifled the answering snarl. He swallowed once more, then looked away. "Needless to say, hold on tight..."

Kuwabara had been silent throughout the exchange, not really sure how to respond to the two demons, but he nodded his head at Kurama's warning. He gripped onto the redhead's shoulders and held on for dear life as he swung them across the gap.

Once Kuwabara was safely across, Kurama returned for the smaller demon. Holding him around the midriff, he could feel the weight of Yumiko in that wrap, and stifled another growl as he swung them both across. They had hardly landed before he held out his hands, waiting not so patiently for Hiei to return the little fox to his embrace. Only once she was safely tucked against his own chest again, did he finally relax.

Wisely, neither of his companions uttered a sound as another rumble cut through the tower, and as one, they continued their climb.

He could see the end of the stairwell now, as well as a near-blinding blue light coming from within the tower itself.

"We're almost there!" He shouted, putting every bit of strength he had left into taking those final few steps.

"HANG ON UREMESHI!!!!" Kuwabara screamed, doing the same.

They were almost to the entrance when the detective's voice rang out.


Kuwabara was the first to make it through the door, just as Uremeshi put every last drop of spirit, and life energy he had into that final blast. The force of it not only wiped out the seven identical demons in the tower, but Marugu, and the whistle as well.

Kurama and Hiei both ducked down as the blast hit the tower itself, and rubble sprayed all around them! When they looked again, the entire roof of the structure was gone, having been thoroughly blown away. Several small fires adorned the top of the tower, and six identical demons lay dead, the seventh not far behind. They watched in awe as the final Suzaku rose to his hands and knees.

"I was wrong about you once again, Yusuke. It wasn't because you weren't human that I lost... I lost, because you were... Feelings are your power... Touché human, at last I understand..." The words of the dying. The final Suzaku fell to the ground, and did not rise again.

Kuwabara and Kurama both ran to the detective's side, Hiei following a bit more slowly. Crouching carefully over the boy's body, Kurama grimaced. He had given too much.

"Wake up Uremeshi! Let's go home!" Kuwabara said, standing above his unconscious friend.

"I'm sorry... He's expended all of his body energy. His heart is stopping." Kurama explained sympathetically. They had taken too long. The detective had used every last ounce of strength to defeat Suzaku, but at a terrible price.

"Then I'll give him some of my own!!!" Kuwabara bellowed, kneeling over the boy, even as Kurama tried to dissuade him.

"That wouldn't be very wise. Your body is still badly injured from Byakko. Any more strain on it could kill you." He tried to explain, his own expression dark, but the stubborn boy did not back down.

"Me and Uremeshi jumped into this deal together, and we're both gonna come out alive, or we're not coming out at all!! Okay???" He growled, cutting off any further argument, and grunted as he placed his palms above Yusuke's chest.

Without really knowing what he was doing, Kuwabara began to glow. He held steady as he could feel his own life energy feeding away from him, and into Uremeshi. He groaned under the strain of the exchange, doing his best to stay upright, but it was working! He could feel his friend's heartbeat strengthening, and felt relief flood over him as he gave as much life energy as he could.

Kurama had been forced to step back as Kuwabara bowled him out of the way, and watched the display from Hiei's side. He wasn't certain it would work at first, but as the expression on Kuwabara's face changed, he felt a weight lift off of his shoulders, and he smiled.

"Well, I suppose now we'll have to return to living world, carrying all three of them back." He chuckled, then smiled down at the fox still asleep in his arms. 'We did it, Yumi.' He sent through the bond, but got only a blissful silence back as she slumbered.

"Like I said, babysitting." Hiei began, then looked back over his shoulder.
"Here's what I don't understand. Why would he bother saving her, if he died in the process?"

Kurama's smile grew slightly, his soft emerald eyes sweeping over the humans before them. "Trust me Hiei, there are reasons..."

Hiei simply scoffed at the emotion-filled response.

"Heh! maybe for a person who's lived there, but I'd never do it. The challenge is enough without taking someone else's slack!" As he spoke, the ginger boy's energy finally gave out, and he collapsed next to Uremeshi's now sleeping body.

"Well, shall we call for a portal?."


The city itself looked like a warzone. Even districts near Meiou academy had been effected by the insects, but Kaiden certainly received the worst of it. It had been nearing sunset by the time the demons passed through a portal linking directly to the Kuwabara household's living area.

Shizuru was already there, bustling about the crowded space as she moved from blanket to blanket. The best she could do for cots for everyone who crowded into her home. Kona and Shura both shared a blanket, tails and hands entwined, the younger dog-demon looking at his mate like he would never let that hand go again. Kona had woken for a while, but now rested his head on the younger dog's chest, fast asleep after his ordeal. The head wound had healed nicely, though his once golden hair was crusted in both his, and the Yumekui dog's blood.

Kenji laid on a blanket nearby, Kaoru washing blood out of one of the claw marks on his neck. Shura had managed to heal his spine in full, though it still hurt like hell from the soreness. He didn't think he'd be able to move comfortably for a week!

Tyler had somehow managed to break his wrist while assembling the second barricade, but in the presence of everyone else's injuries, he kept silent. He didn't as much as sniffle as his wrist throbbed, and grit his teeth as Shizuru bandaged it the best she could. She and Kaoru had come away with only a few scrapes and bruises from the dash to the apartments.

She turned as the portal opened up against the wall, and watched as the two demons walked through. Hiei dragged Kuwabara over his shoulder, while Kurama did his best to manage Yusuke one handed, still clutching the sleeping fox to his chest. As soon as they entered, she could feel a shift in the room.

Everything had gone deathly still, Kurama's gaze locking on Shura's. The grey-eyed dog dipped his head low, yielding the room to him, and the redhead gave a small nod in return.

"Thank you, for helping our friends." Kurama said tersely as he lowered the Uremeshi boy to the ground.

Shura nodded in response, his eyes lowering to the little fox in the demon's arms. "Will she be alright? I can try to heal her..." he began, but the exhaustion was clear on his face. Shura had used up every drop of his energy to heal Kona and Kenji's wounds, not to mention the large gash down Maru's back, which he had adamantly refused to speak about.

The demon had returned about a half-hour ago, his shirt torn and back bleeding from what looked like a very painful attack, and yet he had been grinning ear to ear!!! Shura gave another shudder at the thought, and started slightly as the shorter demon by Kurama's side did the same.

Hiei shuddered from the images in the smaller dog's head. The idea of Maru's goat-demon form grinning at all was quite unpleasant, but that gash! He had fought the fire-wielding goat twice now, and both times had barely managed to scratch him. He had no wish to know what could have done that to the male.

"She will be fine." Kurama began, noting the silent exchange between the two. "She used far too much energy, and will need time to rest. Shizuru, which room has she been using?" He asked, turning to their human host.

The strawberry blonde simply pointed down the hallway at the far end of the room. "Second door to the left." She didn't pause as she made her way to the shorter demon, and moved to take Kazuma's unconscious body from him. "Here. Thanks for bringing him home."

She said, then grunted as Hiei handed over the oaf. "There's tea on the counter if your thirsty, I ordered pizza, but with the city still a mess they said it would be a while."

Hiei simply hmphed, and turned to Kurama before he was through the bedroom door.

"I've done my part. Tell Koenma we're even." He didn't wait for a response, vanishing at once through a window Shizuru could have sworn had been closed a second ago.

Kurama didn't bother to nod as he opened the bedroom door. It was more simple than her nest in the apartment had been. She had brought one of her plushies. A big, fat, pillow sized cat plush, cream with brown patches. He gently lay the little fox down against the plush, and scratched her ear one final time before rising to leave. 'Rest well, little fox. I'll return soon.'

With a heavy sigh, he bid a temporary farewell to the others, instructing Shizuru to call the moment Yumiko woke, and made his way back home. The city had been torn apart. Most of the storefronts had been destroyed, and he scowled in dismay at the sight of his favorite obanyaki vendor's stall resting in pieces. It would take time for the city to feel like home again.

Shiori had been beside herself with worry, and it was only once he had made it through the door, that he realized his phone was still where it had been this morning, forgotten on the kitchen table. He blanched.


It was two days before Yumiko finally woke. She had stirred once on the first day, but only long enough to mutter something intelligible, and fade back into slumber. Shizuru had called him regardless. Now, after making a show of pocketing his cellphone for his mother's benefit, he made his way to the Kuwabara household.

He paused on the threshold, returning after making a coffee run for everyone, and paled. A familiar scent surrounded the small home, and it sent chills down his spine. The last time Yumiko had gotten hurt, the owner of that scent had tried to choke the life from him in return.

He gulped, trying to decide whether he should wait till later to check in on everyone, when the door opened in front of him, and Mako appeared with a scowl.

His hair was sheered off, most of it having been burned away in the pulse child's detonation, and what skin showed through the myriad of bandages shielding his newly remade skin was a violent pink. His blue eyes were pained, as though just staying upright took a great deal of effort. Kurama winced at the sight of the tom, and offered the tray of coffee he was carrying.

"I come bearing gifts." He tried so hard to sound calm, confident, but there was a nervous edge to his voice all the same.

Mako recoiled slightly from the heat wafting off the cups, and Yoko growled low inside of Shuichi's mind. It was painful to see the proud tomcat brought so utterly low. The loss of the child still glimmered in those ice blue orbs, and inside, Yoko wondered if the only thing keeping him from sinking wholly into the despair that tugged there, was the girl sleeping within the Kuwabara home.

Mako's eyes quivered for only an instant at that heat before he regained his composure, and stepped out of the way.

"She was asking for you." He tried to say. The tom's voice was a horribly tormented and gravelly thing as his reconstructed vocal chords screamed at the new use.

Kurama did his best to hide his grimace, and made his way through the entrance, only to stop short just inside. Yumiko wasn't just awake, she was active! She had thrown on that russet hoodie of hers, and a pair of black shorts just visible past the lip. She was making her way around the living room, those aloe clippings of hers aiding in healing the remaining wounds on the people gathered.

Kona was finally awake, though not wholly lucid. Shura sat next to him, trying to coax some broth down his lover's throat, as Yumiko worked to heal that final stubborn fracture in his leg. Kurama blinked. She was touching a dog demon!

"Something else, huh?" Mako rasped, draping an arm across the redhead's shoulders. "All it took, was to nearly die saving her friends." The words were spoken with kindness, even affection, but the gravel in that voice made them sound edged all the same, and Kurama winced again.

He watched in awe as Shura placed a hand on Yumi's arm, thanking her as the final fracture healed, and noted she barely flinched at the gesture. Her eyes had widened for an instant, but she gave the most reassuring smile she could muster, before scurrying off to check on Kenji and Kaoru, who had yet to return home.

"You should have seen it, Yumi!" Kenji boasted, as she checked him over one more time for any lesser wounds that may have been overlooked. "I knocked it so hard with my spirit ball, it broke the elevator in your building!!"

Yumiko grinned at his excitement, though Kurama could feel her guilt under the surface for the boy ever even being in such a situation. "You've gotten a lot stronger, Kenji! I bet you could even spar with Maru now!" She lied.

At the mention of the demon male, the room went silent. Kurama frowned, noticing the male's absence, though he could feel that unnerving presence somewhere nearby. Shura had told them all about how the image of Veinahvehn had appeared on the rooftop, as well as how Maru had returned, his scent the exact same of that mythical beast they had all grown up hearing fairy tales about, and he shuddered.


Up on the roof of the Kuwabara household, Maru sat in his human form as he listened through one ear while Botan lamented about the souls she had helped cross over in the wake of the Saint beast's attack, and the chatter below through the other. The girl was pressed against his side, the deal they had made over a month ago still holding true, though it was not a story he cherished hearing.

It had taken the little shinigami, and four others the better part of the day to transfer the souls of the lost, and two were still finishing their reports in spirit world. Lord Koenma had given Botan some time off afterwards, considering how hard she had fought to protect the living world from the makai insects, at great risk to herself.

She had just finished telling him about the ordeal she and Keiko had gone through in the junior high. He stiffened as she shifted beside him, leaning her head against his shoulder in search of comfort. As she sighed, he felt the muscles in his shoulders relax a bit, and moved to place his hand gentle on her waist. He relaxed further when she didn't pull away, and gave the reaper a small smile. Something had slowly changed between the two since the rooftop.

Botan often came to benefit from their deal, and he carefully tucked away every story she gave him. After the pulse children, she had stayed at the temple for weeks, and although Yumiko had meant it as a taunt, he had to admit... It had been nice, spending his days with the shinigami, that little human clutching either at her skirts, or his hair. Children were never something he had ever wanted for himself, but he did enjoy their presence, and it had returned a tiny kernel of joy to the ancient being's core, memories of village younglings shrieking in delight as they begged to be flown through the sky filling his mind.

He had told her the story only moments before, seeing the need for something... better, written on the girl's face. It was a village just north of his peak, a day's walk from the foot of the mountain. The residents had enjoyed a boom in their numbers years earlier, and as his wing-shadow crossed the village center, he swore he could hear the excited squeals travel through the air.

Over a dozen younglings, varying in age and species had rushed forward once he had landed, oblivious to how creatures outside of the peaks viewed the ancient being. He had laid patiently as the parents helped them all find purchase among his scaled back, then flew as slowly, and gently as he could. Three circuits around the village, so high the dens below looked like nothing more than twigs! He could still feel their hands gripping whatever they could along his spine to hang on, and hear their excited screams as he dove and banked in the wind.

Botan had listened with sparkling eyes, as he spoke. She had seen the great winged beast only once in all of her years, and to think that she now sat next to him, pressed against him, in a form she was almost certain he had made... for her... She wasn't sure why, but she couldn't stay away. Even after all that had happened, the dark cloud that still seemed to hang over the city felt further away when he was near, and she was eternally grateful for their friendship.

She felt him stiffen again, and looked up to see those light-brown eyes harden slightly. "He'll wake soon..." was all he said, but she gave a nod in response. She gave the powder blue strands she had been playing with between her fingers a final twirl before allowing them to fall back to his chest, and straightened up herself.

"Should we join the others, then?"

[A/N: And thus ends the Saint Beasts Saga! This saga was fun to write! A few ups and downs, but I'm happy with how it turned out overall. Very excited for the next few chapters. A little more character development, a different perspective on events to come, and some less than wise decisions from our little fox!

Find out what happens next in Ch 37: Picking up the Pieces.

See you then!]

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