Door GuildMaster_RiP

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KDA popstars rising to fame in just 1 night but despite their talents there are also the people behind the sc... Meer

Chapter 1:A Devil Behind the Smile.
Chapter 2: Seraphine
Chapter 3: Pizza?
Chapter 4: Memories
Chapter 5: Fight?
Chapter 6: Polaroid
Chapter 7:My Queen
Chapter 8:The storm
Chapter 9: Catching Up
Chapter 10: There goes my peace
Chapter 11: I can dress up nice too!
Chapter 12: Party Night! (Part 1)
Chapter 13: Party Night! (Part 2)
Chapter 14: Buckle Up.
Chapter 15:Bloody Night
Chapter 16: Aftermath
Chapter 17:MOM?!
Chapter 18: She Actually has Pretty Eyes
Chapter 19: The Aftermath.
Chapter 20: THIS IS A BAD IDEA!
Chapter 21:Unwanted Guest
Chapter 22: Remenicsing
Chapter 23: Closure with your Demons.
Chapter 24: Wild Goose Chase.
Chapter 25: Midnight Snack
Chapter 26: Staying over with the Idols.
Chapter 27:What are they doing?
Chapter 29:Let's go to the Mall!
Chapter 30: Im through with you.
Chapter 31: SURPRISE?
Chapter 32: Game Night!
Chapter 33: New Start
Chapter 34:Walk with me ?
Chapter 35: Back to work.
Chapter 36: Trust

Chapter 28: Lighting up the fuze

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Door GuildMaster_RiP


I was slightly worried about what Dr.Shen told me about his observation towards (y/n)'s behavior which can only not be from what happened recently but even his past. I took a deep breath as i think of what i can in my end to help him.

Ahri:There you Eve! We almost got lost in this place.

My train of thought was cut off from a familiar voice.

Akali:Hey have you seen (y/n)?

Eve:My bad Dear, but (y/n) still in the hall resting.

Akali:Then exxcuuseee me~

I chuckled seeing how Akali is being close to (y/n) though can you blame her? She's been with him the longest than of us. Something that i felt jelous of her.

Kai'sa: did you get to see Dr.Shen?

Eve:Yeah, he told me hes doing quiet fine but...

Ahri:Is there something wrong?

I looked at both of Akali and (y/n), slightly gripped my drink feeling worried that i hope his trauma won't effect himself harshly.

(Y/n) POV

Akali:Hey, still holding up?

I wad surprised seeing the Akali here as well. Im guessing there small event finally ended.

(Y/n):Hey Akali, yeah im good just-

I tried to stand up but felt my legs became jello for a second which made me lose balance so i sat back down. Akali chuckled and handed me a hand which I was hesitant to feeling my chest slowly tightening not from exhaustion but from being uneasy i am feeling, with my vision slowly getting tunneled and my hearing getting clouded with whispering voices through my thoughts drowning me with disturbing insults that is slowing shrinking into my own bubble that u have created so long getting away from my shame and unsettling fear hearing the  familiar voices from my past.... Ash...Sej..Nicole... Eve....even....


A bright light shined that slightly blinded with a silhouette of a person slowly getting clear i see Akali with her head tilted slightly and looking at me worriedly. I whipped of the cold sweat that i felt on the back of my neck.

(Y/n):Sorry i just blacked out for a second.

Akali:You sure you can stand? We can get you a wheelchair.

I took a deep breath and slowly grabbed at Akali's hand as she helped me get up from the bench, i rested my arm on her shoulder for a second to get my balance. She looks at me with a smile.

(Y/n):Don't worry everything's peachy.

I smiled back feeling though disappointed at myself that i felt these kind of feelings and thoughts towards her.

(Y/n):Just give me a minute and let me change and wash up.

Akali:Sure thing.

I went to the changing rooms of the area and took my sling bag that had a extra shirt i got, going to the sink i splashed myself with cold water feeling the mix of the ventilation and cold water making my whole body shivered but also waking me up from my numbness. I took deep breaths before putting on a shirt then grabbing a medicine container opening 1 compartment i looked at the pill that looked like a skittle.

(Y/n):Cheers to us...

Akali POV

As (y/n) left i was worried of him blacking out as his face looked all pale and his lips were dry. As much it wasn't convincing i just wished he would lean on us. I went back to the others and join up to there conversation.

Akali:Whats up.

Ahri:Eve here is sharing her plans for tomorrow.

Akali:Your really making the most out of this huh?

Eve:Of course its not everyday we get to beat you in a dance off~

I rolled my eyes as i tried to give Eve this victory as it was clearly both of them planned it.

Kai'sa:Though you have some moves there Sera, didn't knew you could also dance.

Akali:Yeah i was kinda amaze myself too that Sera got some M.O.V.E.S

I tried to imitate Sera's dancing while the other chuckled and Sera getting flustered.

Sera:I-i just had some dance classes back then i was high school.

Kai'sa:Oh? Seems to me you still dance.

Sera looked the other way looking embarrassed while we all chuckled.

Akali:By the way he haven't seen Shen.

Eve:He already left to his next appointment.

Akali:Oh..Though how is (y/n)?

Everyones mood changed and the whole atmosphere in the  room changed. Eve bit her lips before adjusting her shades. She told me the situation that (y/n) is in but Shen doesnt have the results from his CT scan to prove things though (y/n) is experiencing post traumatic disorders.....

we were all quiet after Eve told me about (y/n) i took my time to take it all in as i felt powerless...

i am powerless..

Sera:How about we try to help him in what we can, yeah? We can't keep moping about it.

Ahri:How do you plan that?

Sera started gathering everyone as we huddled up.

Akali:Why are we even-

Everyone hushed me while i just pouted.

(Y/n) POV

I came out the locker room to see a group of girls huddled up, people passing by were looking at them all confused of whats happening, i rolled my eyes while making a solf chuckle.

(Y/n):What the heck are they doing.

I sneakily walked to them as i started hearing murmur of them talking about something, i cleared my throat to get there attention

(Y/n):You guys want to include me there in your little pep talk?

i noticed first Ahri's eyes perked up which was funny while the rest of them  separated.



I stared at them with a straight face while the other diverted there gazes  but Eve was starting directly at me which i diverted my gaze away from her.

(Y/n):Alrighty then keep your secrets, so where to now?

Akali:Im craving meat.

Ahri:I missed doing some korean bbq.

Kai'sa:We got (y/n) with us, and its almost dinner so places must be loaded.

(Y/n):You guys dont haveto include me i can head h-

Eve:I can ask the construction for a upgrade on our lawn.

(Y/n):or not.

Akali:Oh oh can we get those cozy looking barbecue grills!

Eve:Ill make the call.

Akali:Let's go shopping for some meat!

While Eve made some calls we all went to the elevator on our way to our ride, the whole room was un comfy as i was in the middle of everyone in the group until i felt someones hand which had long nails.

(Y/n):Eve hands off

The others looked at Eve with a suprised lol while i was looking at her with a un amused look.

Eve:Awe.. i was just holding your hand dont want you to get lost from me again~

As we arrived down the atmosphere was quiet awkward as the most of staff and people knew they were here so most peoples eyes were them. When we got out i tried to put my distance to avoid any scandal and to also avoid myself getting into trouble.

(Y/n):Hey Sera.

I leaned to the side to whisper to her.

(Y/n):Tell the girls to just meet me at the entrance. You guys can head to the car earlier.


I pointed with my eyes on my oposite direction the staff and people around.


(Y/n):Mhm, text me alright?

Sera:stay safe.


As I secret seperated i took a different exit than the girls and just texted sera where to pick me up, i took the chance to looked through the piled up messages from the others, Scar, Zeri and even Jinx i've noticed her messages were a lot going to 30 messages.


Jinx:Hey (y/n), i almost got your pistol done.


Jinx:Are you ignoring me?

Jinx:hey im breaking your gun.

Jinx:fine ill dum mags on this baddie.

Jinx:Hey i heard from ekko what happened! Im so sorry!

Jinx:Hey....hope your doing okay...

Jinx:Fixed your gun, new barrels springs all in the house!

Jinx:Just come back to us, you hear me?

I paused for a minute seeing Jinx's message and was gotten worried from her message as hit me. As conflicted feelings rest in my chest. I've read the rest scrolling down, and most of them were quiet touching though i am upset she used my gun but ill give her a pass on this one.

Akali POV

We were on our way to the entrance thankfully not much people crowded us since  were in a hospital thankfully they have some decency to behave until we reach the entrance that is, a lot of people surrounded us from fans and people in the paparazi were already gotten the info were here but thankfully the security in the hospital were able to assist us in the crowd.

I looked behind us to check on (y/n) and realized he was with us so i panicked a bit but to my surpise he was not there.

Akali:Uuh.. where's (y/n)?

The others looked back at Sera all confused.

Eve:Told you i should've held his hand.

I looked to Eve on my side with a brow raised.

Sera:He told me to just meet him on the back were the ER entrance is, he seperated just before we entered the lobby since he might get attention and avoid this.

I noticed around the people around us were looking and murmuring to each other and thought that despite our situation i was bummed out that this had to be the reason. But i understand were (y/n)'s situation sits in all this and why he want to avoid it but it annoys me that he has to do it. I let out a long exhale trying to remove some stress.

Why can't things be simpler....

(Y/n) POV

Still reading the messages while waiting for the girls, i heard a loud car horn from the distance double checking i noticed the black van i was familliar with. The van stopped infront and the slide doors opened revealing Akali.

(Y/n): is this my Uber?

Akali:that depends are you Shade?~

I chuckled and got in standing in the van i looked at everyone is present in the van, my eyes scanned through as my eyes met with Eve she  moved to the side and patted the empty part of her seat. I passed by Eve and  sat right next to Akali instead since most seat were occupied by the other 3.



Akali POV

I was suprised that (y/n) sat beside me, with Eve now looking at me straight to the sound i shrug giving her that i had no idea why. On the other hand (y/n) just slouched and rested his head back.

(Y/n):So were we going?

Akali:H mart just half an hour here, I heard they got really good meat there and it just opened recently.

(Y/n):Cool, wake me up when we get there i feel kinda tired.

Eve:If you sat here i could lend you my lap.

He opened  1 one of his eyes and looked at Eve.

(Y/n):i think this van seat is comfy enough, is this Italian leather?

He joking smiled while inspecting the car seat with Eve just chuckling in the side.

(Y/n) POV

Trying to sleep i could feel Eve's gaze looking at me. I opened my eyes to see Eve resting her face on her arm that is also resting on the chair.

(Y/n):Can i help you with something?

Eve:Don't mind me just enjoying the view.

I placed my cap on my face to cover my face and avoid Evelynn's gaze who was is looking at me from most of the trip.


On the whole trip i browsing through my phone while taking small breaks by looking at the window, my eye averting at the reflection of (y/n) sitting beside Akali, feeling slightly jealous of how (y/n) and Akali seems this close without any barriers.

I looked back and saw (y/n)'s face slightly showing off from his hat was sliding to the side from how his head was tilted. Akali looked at me while i gestured her to keep quiet as i carefully sat to the small vacant spot to get a picture with him, i brought out my phone and started to try talking photos till the other started joined. I was about to complain till Ahri and the others also gestured me to keep quiet, i tried to whisper as quietly as i can.

Eve:Leave us alone im trying to get a good shot of us.

Kai'sa:Oh come on Eve we just want to join in the fun too.


Eve:Fine but after that he's all mine.

I sat back and ready camera but as i looked at the screen (y/n)'s eyes were already open.

(Y/n): what the heck are you girls doing-

I feel down to my butt from surprise.

Akali:Oh come on (y/n) we were just having fun.

(Y/n):id ask you to delete it but i know you wont.

I tried to smile but i could still my ass hurting slightly from falling down.

Eve:God that hurts.

(Y/n):Guess karma does strike quickly.

He made a small smug look before putting his cap on and going back to resting, while i stood up going back to my seat i brought up my phone too look at the photos i got but immediately stopped at the 1st photos which was a picture of him with his face slightly showing while he was peacefully sleeping which is something that made me feel light seeing how peaceful he looks.

I'd kill to see this every morning.

(Y/n) POV

We'd arrive at the so called grocery store the girls were talking about. I'd wake up  from Akali patting my shoulder which slightly suprised me cause i was dead asleep. I stretch my body and arms to loosen my stiff body from my nap, hearing some cracking felt some relief from my numbed body. After that me and the others started preparing with the girls and i wearing face masked and some wore caps like me, Akali and Sera meanwhile the other ties there hair to simple pony tails or hair buns. I looked through the window and saw the 2 story building which wasn't that big nor fancy looking. We got out off the van and got in the store which was really cold but thankfully i brought a hoodie. Looking around the whole grocery was very small with boxes of product that are showcased on the aisles though it just really looked like a normal grocery market just Korean.

Kai'sa and Ahri came with the pushing cart with Akali jumping on the cart taking up most of the space, though Eve came carrying the plastic cases of meat looking down at Akali with a serious look, Akali gave her a smile but then Eve dumped stacks of meat trays on her belly.

Akali:H-hey its too cold- Ooft

Ahri and Kai'sa started adding more condiments and food to cool in the cart, burying Akali to her own cold coffin cart. I chuckled so i took 1 3trays of meat with mushrooms and looks at Akali with a grin.

Akali:Hey man, its already getting too cold here dont do this.

I just smiled and placed the trays on top of the others while she held onto them cause of the possibility of them falling. We continue browsing through the Aisle as some of the sauce and spices took my interest as some of them is really hard to find in some groceries. Eve on the other hands was looking through the drinks while Ahri and Sera were looking at the Utensils and table wear that had printed designs.

Kai'sa:Anything you like?

(Y/n):Not really.

Kai'sa:I'd recommend the beef Ahri always like those.

She pointed out the bulgogi that was marinated with some a special sauce, she took 2 trays of it.

(y/n):Ill have some later then.

Eve on the other hand came with 2 bottles of booze. 1 had a pink tint color of the bottle while the other 1 was a brown one.

Eve:Sake anyone?

Akali:Can we get the usual one we get i really dont like THAT kind of Soju its too strong and more alcohol.

Eve:Darling its not a drink if it doesnt kicks.

Eve placed the pink one and replaced the brown one with a different flavor and brand of Soju

Eve:How about you dear? You'd be joining drinking?

She tilted the bottle showing me the bottle which was a brand i was famillair with cause of Yasuo who does alot of drink mixing. I was slightly unsure of things while also had a bad feeling  by just  thinking  that i'd be drinking with Eve but i didn't want to ruin the mood for the rest.

(Y/n):fine, ill join in.

Eve:Wonderful, oh do you have any in mind to mix it with?

A small smile escaped my lips as i still remembered some drinks that Yasuo made.

(Y/n):I actually do.

I went to the deserts and drinks aisle too see Sera was also looking through the freezer's window, i sneaked the her side and spoke without warning.

(Y/n):Anything that fancy to your liking?

She jolted upwards from suprise and move to the side.

Sera:Geez you scared me.

I chuckled and opened one of the freezers to grab a box of (lemona) popsicles.

(Y/n):My bad, you just seemed to focused on the desserts here.

Sera:Well...i've only tried a few but nothing beats cantonese deserts. Though do you have anything you recommend?

(Y/n):Have you tried the Mochi?

she slightly tilted her head and shook her head.



Sera:honest, i haven't.

I scanned through the freezers and saw a small pack of them and gave them to Sera.

(Y/n):it's nothing compared to the real deal but i highly recommend you these.

Sera:And if i dont liked it~?

(Y/n):Oh dont looks at me like that.

Sera:Like what?

Sera was just smilling at me with a smug look trying to make another deal with me. We got back to see Akali's face was no longer present but only her legs sticking out as piles of plastic trays of meat, too condiments and veggie. I moved to the front and saw Akali who looks i half dead from all the weight falling on her belly.

(Y/n):Yo, hows the artic.

Akali:I feel like my Abs just became rocks at this point.

I placed the deserts on her side as she looks at the desert i placed her mood brightened.

Akali: Oh are you going to mix that with the Soju?


Akali:Did you also get the drink?

(Y/n):Not yet.

Ahri:I didnt knew you knew how to mix drinks.

(Y/n):well.... Yasuo didnt much of it but i took some pointers.

Kai'sa:well Eve over there is also a proffessional of it?

(Y/n):Oh? Like a she worked as a barista?


Akali:really dont like how she mixed her drinks, sometimes spike it with too much Alcohol.

Hearing all this news slightly sparked an interest as i didn't knew Eve worked as a Barista.

Huh...the more you know...

Ahri: Oh are these Mochis!

She brought up the small 3 pieces pack of Mochis out the cart like a kid who just got candy.

(Y/n):Well Sera hasnt tasted those yet so i plan to give her a taste test.

Ahri:You haven't tasted mochi, Sera?


Ahri:Oh i'd reccomend a certain brand let me treat you im buying a pack.

Sera:Eh? No no it alright.

Ahri:Its fine Sera, plus im also craving for some sweets.


We continue getting the remaining groceries while Akali had the walk of shame as we reach the cash register was a middle age woman who was chuckling on the side as Akali was still stuck in the chart while we slowly removed each item out the other people were giggling with Akali trying to hide her embarrassments.

Sales clerk:Would you like to scan for THAT product too maam?

She pointed out Akali who was still in the cart while the rest of us laugh she made a punch line by scanning Akali with the bar code scanner.

Kai'sa:Awe seem like were leaving you here rouge.

Akali:Fuck that.

She jumped off but but she was slightly slouching forward as her back was all numb but we were all chuckling of the markings of the cart that was showing off on her butt cause she was wearing leggings.

Akali:Man, my butt hurts.

She patted her butt as Ahri took a picture of the markings that left from her sitting down, while Akali took the phone and got embarrassed so she covered her back.

Akali:I hate you guys.

(Y/n):dont look at me i was minding my own business.

Eve:Sure you were dear~

(Y/n):Oh shuddup.

Sales clerk: you must be a really luck man, to be surround by beautiful women.

My ears gotten warmer as i stormed out of the store.

(Y/n):ill see you guys outside.

Eve:He's still warming up on us.

Hearing Eve words i shouted from the exit.

(Y/n):No im not!

After packing up the groceries to the car it took us another half an hour to drive back to the girls mansion. When we entered the whole place was all fixed now with the glass walls all back with the frames back intact.

One hell of a construction crew that used magic.

Akali:holy shit look at the grill the set up!

We saw a small hut that was set up on the side of the pool it was setup like a tent with ropes supporting the roofs from the houses pillars and some trees, with a grill that is set up bellow it, It was simple and cozy.

Kai'sa:Alright we got 15 minutes to ready up get into something comfy.

Everyone agreed while i added up some help for Kai'sa.

(Y/n):Ill try to help up setting up.

Kai'sa:counting you on it.

We all went to our perspective i took a small seat in one of the chair as i felt my knees collapsing.

What a day...

I noticed my laptop and decided to look onto my it while i took a small break, turning it on I noticed some folders were left open and it was all connected to my hard drive that is slightly beaten, to my curiosity i took it and plugged it in to see almost all my works and picture are here backed up.

Guess mom had them backed up from my old computer...

I looked through most of them were my old works in college, moving from 1 folder to another i saw a folder from a certain date which was 5 years ago. I opened a folder and saw straight the first photo that got me chocking up like i forgot how to breath for just a second. I placed the laptop on the desk and stood up from my desk before i relapse again hearing my heart beating so grabbed my towel ,my case of toiletries  and meds.

Removing my clothes and going in the showers i turned the knob to the side for hot water before switching it to cold feeling the nerves in my body getting chills i felt slightly relieved with my heart rate slowing down with the silence of my head making peace.


It was already almost 15 minutes most of us were out, Kai'sa was unpacking and putting certain things to the freezer while preparing the rest, while Akali and Sera was trying to figure out how to turn on the stove.

I went to (y/n)'s room and knocked since he was out more than the designated time which got me worried so i knocked before checking the door is opened then callled out his name.


I heard no reply so i knocked one more before entering.

Eve:(y/n) darling you okay?

I scanned through the room and saw he was not there but the bathroom door closed i realized he was still showering so i moved away to stop mid way to see his laptop open with a familiar photos that is showing, so I sneakily went around to reach the desk a look at the laptop screen to feel a burst of mixed emotions in my chest from a photos of me, until switching to different photos i stumble upon a photo(y/n) and.....


Looking through the photos of me and (y/n) i thought to myself how did everything go wrong in this and what i did do wrong.... I looked to the side of the Raven haired female on the side with me, gripping my fist i felt nothing but rage.

Eve:All cause of you...if i ever see your f-


I was surprised and place down the laptop as careful as i can and look behind me.


(Y/n):what are you doing with my laptop?

He slightly tilted to the side trying to see what i was looking though it was a great timing, i've been wanting to fix things between us and talk to him what i did.

Eve:(y/n)...can we talk?

He look to the sides and slightly shrug his shoulder.

(Y/n):depending on what your about to ask.

Eve:It's about back then in-

(Y/n):thats were i stop you Eve.

I was slightly confused and frustrated.


(Y/n):i told you back then, theres nothing to talk about.

The more i felt like pushing it was like pressing a dagger through my chest it was painful to speak as i tried to form the words to say but it felt like i nothing was coming like i was a mute.

(Y/n) POV

I moved pass Eve and closed the laptop screen but i was able to get a glimpse of the picture of me, eve... and her. I took a deep breath before putting down the screen feeling my arm slightly shaking. I looked backed at Eve who last looking back at me with a worried look.

Please dont look at me that way...

I looked the other way to avoid eye contact with her.

(Y/n):Evelynn, please just go.

My voice almost stuttered when i asked Evelynn to leave the room as much it was disrespectful to her end cause she owns the house, it was getting to uncomfortable for me, nevertheless i didn't need to add up more wounds to this trauma....

I just want to let go of it.....

it has been always been a thorn when someone or something brings it up but when you remove it just forcefully keeps coming back.

Eve sighed and turned her back to the door i was thankful she didn't pushed it more and i could've reached my limit and leave. I sat on the chair letting out a exhale of relief, while feeling my back already sweating i wiped it with my second towel and started getting ready after a minute of self meditating after that I quickly ready up with just shorts and plain shirt and a flannel, going out i've already saw the other grabbing food from the kitchen i rushed to Kai'sa side.

(Y/n):Hey, my bad something up happened.

Kai'sa:Its alright, though we got it here but can you help Sera and Akali on the grill i don't think they know how it works.

(Y/n):Um..yeah sure.

Ill be honest i dont know how it fucking works too. I arrived at the makeshift hut that the girls have installed with the grill i looked around and have not seen Eve anywhere which got me slightly feeling bad of what i did..

Eve:How are you two still stuck there?

I was surprised hearing Eve's voice as i turned around i saw her holding both bottle of alcohol with her tails holding onto the cups and shot glasses. We both looked at each other as she raised a brow at me.

Eve:Yes dear something wrong?

It felt awkward as Evelynn looked fine but there was gap between us now something that i was fine with for a long time ago.

(Y/n):Hm? Oh um..yeah

She passed by me to help fix the table while i turned around and started doing business.

Akali:(y/n)......heelpp uss..

Akali was starting to look like a kid pleading or crying over a broken toy, i looked at the grill it was obviously using wood in terms of fuel.

(Y/n):have you guys atleast tried to add wood?

Akali:wood? I thought this was-

Akali smacked her head realizing her mistake why there isn't  1 single burner or a propane tank in.

Ahri:Seriously Akali? Havent you seen a outdoor grill?

Akali:How would we now!

Ahri rolled her eyes and continue helping Kai'sa.

(Y/n):let's just find the wood, and no Eve.

I already raised my finger and stopped Eve before making another dick joke. Looking around the tables and the area the sack of fire wood was just seen at the entrance of the backyard. Good thing dad and i went camping so i at least  know how to use a grill or make a bonfire, burning some small portions of tinder i placed it in the pile where it can spread with the others and did this to the other side.

(Y/n):and here's a good working grill, not bad.

Ahri: well we didn't to choose plus Eve was the one who made the call.

Eve:Dont look at me i just told to get the one that looks good in the backyard.

For a second i felt a small nerve cracked as hearing those kinds of words at it reminds me of people who commissioned me with out telling me any information and just tell me "anything looks good"

The girls started putting different meats on the grill while i just sat while watching them put the meat before i help in akali on the other hand was already drooling by the side while Sera on my side was focused on the meat.

(Y/n):meats not going anywhere.

I chuckled while looking at her.

Sera:Meat taste best when cooked right, here!

She tossed a small slice of meat to my small plate as i looked at it medium rare i took a whole bite realizing it was Wagyu meat, with the meat quickly melting  through my mouth.

(Y/n):where did you guys got wagyu?

Kai'sa:Akali always have her stash in the fridge.


Akali:bhve ghre-

Eve:Swallow the food dear.

Akali:Be greatful im sharing the wagyu!

We continue eating when Eve brought out the drinks out of a bucket of ice.


Ahri:Ill have one!

Kai'sa:Fine, for today.

Akali:I'll pass!

(Y/n):Even if im making 1?

Akali:Oh shit, right!

(Y/n):Ill grab the ice cream, also you guys got any sprite?

Kai'sa:3rd row you'll see some cans there.



Hoping that i could drown some of these frustration with Alcohol though  (y/n) leaving to get ice cream slightly confused me of  what was up.

Eve:desert already?

Akali:Nah, (y/n) knows one of the drinks Yasuo makes when we drink back in college.


I took my interested seeing (y/n) also knowing how to mix his drinks.

Eve:Well ill have a taste of it as well~

Ahri:i think i know what he's making so ill wait too, its been awhile i had a small taste of home too~

Kai'sa:Well now im curious as well.

Waiting for him to come back (y/n) came back with a box a 2 cans of sprite.

(Y/n):arent you guys drinking yet?

Eve:Well everyone here wants a taste of your beverage~

(Y/n):God why is it when you say it there something behind those words.

I just smiled at him while he tried too look away. Despite the confrontation i had with him that didn't go well it all looked someone everything seems okay but the gap is still there.

I just hope i could really fix al this with him.

He opened one of the drinks and poured half   of  the soju in each in both cups then mixing it with sprite after before adding the melona ice cream into the drink.

Ahri:So excited!

Ahri was slightly clapping her hands seeing this would mean she had this a lot when she was back at Ionia and Korea, though i haven't seen or heard any of these drinks when i worked on the bar so this is a new expreince.He poured in each of the drinks in a shot glass and started handing them over to each of us.

Sera:Ill pass.

(Y/n):It's not that strong trust me.

Sera:hng...fine alright just this once.

(Y/n):thats the spirit.

When everyone got there share we all made a shall cheers before taking a shot.

Ahri:To (y/n), who got back to us in 1 peace.

He smiled and nodded and everyone cheered and took a drink, it was very mixed with the sprite and ice cream but it was a mixed of flavor like i was drinking a alcoholic milkshake that is also carbonated.

Eve:Not a bad mix.

Ahri:Not bad? (Y/n) give me the cup!

Akali:Hey i got dibs!

(Y/n):you can have mine Akali.


(Y/n):Yep, as thanks for the wagyu.


(Y/n)How about you Eve? I heard from Kai'sa you worked as a barista?

I was surprised that (y/n) actually found out about it but not from me.

Eve:y-yeah, back in highschool.


Fuck i've brought it up.

(Y/n):weren't we 17 though?

He smiled like nothing happened, i was slightly confused but i tried to just act like nothing really happened.

Eve:I have my ways, but how about i whip you up a drink?

(Y/n):Sound good.

I felt slightly happy as i got up to me seat.

Eve:give me a minute.

(Y/n) POV

Eve left to get something  on the house but she seemed delighted that i accepted her offer for a drink. While waiting  we continue grilling some food till Eve came back with a case and a shaker on the other hand.

(Y/n):What that?

I pointed at what it looks like a make up case. She opened up the case in the middle showing some equipment on the racks but inside on the base were glasses of alcohol.

Eve:My own personal stash as well~

She brought out some drinks out and displayed them infront of me.

Eve:So? whats your poison?

(Y/n):Im more of a bourbon guy so impress me.

Eve: one drink coming right up~

She started tossing ice into with some ingredients into the shaker before pouring in some bourbon then proceeding to  shaking around the drink, while she started making a show with her "skills"  as a barista she passed the shaker to her tails and started continuing shaking the cup while she brought up a pair of glasses for the bourdon and put a splash of club soda which gave a small hint of what she was making, she looked at me with a smug look while she show off her skill.

While i just smiled and clapped, she tossed the drink one more time but catching the drink with her hand she opened the cap and poured half of the drink to my glass and hers then putting a small garnish of cherry and orange slice to the drink.

Eve: One "Old Fashion" drink

She handed me the drink and i gestured her by making a small cheers to her.

(Y/n):All right im impressed.

I took a small sip of the drink i felt a small zesty taste with a mix of bubbling feeling cause of the club soda with a after burn taste in my throat from the  bourbon. I made a small exhale from that wild bourbon taste.

(Y/n):Alright thats good.

Eve:Glad you like it~
I took a bate of the cherry and took another sip before gulping down i bit the cherry to have a mix of flavor. I noticed Akali and Sera were looking at my side.

(Y/n):Wanna taste? Its like juice.

Akali:Nuuh thats bourbon thats shit burns.

(Y/n):How about you Sera?

Sera:you sip wont hurt, fuck it.

I handed her the drink as she took a small sip her face gotten all sour and immediately handed me the drink.

Sera:that fucking burns! Gaaah!

She tried make exhales to remove the burning feeling of the bourbon, the rest were chuckling from Sera reaction after drinking.

(Y/n):not good?

Sera:The initial taste was good but the burn, aghh. Not for me.

Kai'sa:whaat? It taste good though.

Kai'sa took Eve cup and took a sip of it.

Sera:Nope, not for me.

Akali:this is why i prefer soju and sake~


With drinks and food on the table we were now having a party, we continue in drinking, eating and talking, we had some casual talks tellings their stories in there tour and after 30 minutes of it i felt like the heat was getting to me so i decided to get some water and cool myself down inside.

Going in went to the kitchen and took a glass then poured some water from the tap i sat down from the stool feeling my eyes getting heaving from exhaustion and the alcohol.

Akali:Hey, you still good?

I looked behind me too see Akali holding on her arm with her half way peeking through the wall.

(Y/n):Yeah just exhausted.

She sat beside me while i rub the side of my glass with my thumb feeling slightly nervous.

Akali:So how you know.. in general.

My heart felt like it skipped a beat for a moment, suddenly gasping for air like i forgot to breath from that short second when Akali asked me that question, cause usually she asked these deep talks when something is eating her up inside.

Akali POV

I was planning this time to have some 1on1 talk with (y/n), but also his condition has been making me worried. Hoping for him to open up from the burden he's carrying. He was quiet for a few second as i patiently waited for his answer, taking a sip of he drink he finally spoke.

(Y/n):pretty tired, you know from all that exercise and all.


(Y/n) know im still here..

He half assed chuckled while he rubs the side of the cups, i know something was worrying him it wasn't just from what happened to him.

Akali:You know, i'm always here to listen.

(Y/n):yep....but enough of me you guys got too much from me from my mom, how about you? how is the famous KDA rouge is.

Exhaling from my nose, knowingly (y/n) was pushing the question away i continue to this small talk. I told him some stories i had when traveling especially when we got to Korea and Japan though despite those moments i remembered during those moments too me and (y/n) lost contact with each other despite the accidents that occurred during the tour but despite all...

Akali:i also missed you...hanging out with you and the others.

(Y/n):Well college did flew so fast.

Akali:sure did.

There was a small silence after that reply but it wasn't awkward silence but a much needed to collect ourselves.

(Y/n):But i did miss you too, all those goofy times we had back in college and at the apartment.

Akali:well.. we have all that time now..


in that small talk i found out nothing about (y/n) not 1 single story out of him it was eating me up slowly as i wanted to help him.

Just wished you'd tell me whats wrong...

After that small talk we decided to go back to the others as we were taking our time.


Both Akali and (y/n) came back after almost 15 minutes inside the house they came back with slight cherry mood as it looks like both of them had there own talk, 1 that i wish i can also have with him.

Eve:took you guys, the drinks were getting warm and the food were getting cold.

(Y/n):My bad, just felt tired already.

Eve:Oh? Someone a light drinker?

(Y/n):What? No.

I placed a shot glass on his side of the table.

Ahri:Come on Eve dont push hi-

(Y/n) took the shoot glass and just gulped it down like it was nothing his face slightly shiver as he gulp down the drink.

(Y/n):that was spicy, fuck.

Eve:My own mix~

(Y/n):God thats hot.

I looked at (y/n) fanning himself with his hand while i sit back and watch with amusement while slightly chuckling just looking how cute he is right now. But the mixed expression is making it frustrated of what he really feels i couldn't tell which one is the real (y/n).

I also want to be by your side once again...even for a short while..

Message from the Author:Tada! Glad this got finished and also finally got to do some small reveal of Nicole in the past! Though i am deeply sorry that the original Chapter 28 got deleted from unforeseen events though im glad this now out so i could focus once again in the latest chapters!. Thank for your patience and cheers!

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