Everything Done

By wthamidoingheree

636 31 1.7K

"This is why I never tell you anything!" I said furious. "Okay so it's all my fault, I get it" my mom replie... More

Author's note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 4

43 2 192
By wthamidoingheree


"Folk snakker mere end hva' de burde. Hvorfor fa'en åbner de munden når de ik' er blevet spurgt"

(People talk more than what they should. Why the hell do they open their mouths when they wasn't asked)

His pov.

"Hey Lee?" I hear William say.

"What's up" I answer quite fast.

"Did you hear it?!" excitement radiating off of him.

"No, what is it?"

"You remember Kamilla?"

"What does that bitch have to do with this?" I question.

"Apparently she has a twin sister that will come to school today" 'she does?'

"How do you know that?" 'No really she just started last week'

"Don't you know? She gossips about everyone and everything" 'yeah she does that's how she her rep and popularity'

"So did she say anything about why her sister is joining school a week late?" suspicion rising in me.

"You know it" he winks.

"So?" 'why didn't he just say it?'

"Oh she said something about a hospital or something" 'hospital?'

"And did she say why she was in the hospital?" I ask a bit concerned.

"No, but honestly I don't think she knows and I don't think she truly cares either" he shrugs.

'WHAT, don't care that her sister was in the hospital?'

"Anyway Kamilla claims that her sister is ugly and a real bitch" 'then they most be the same person'

"Are you sure she isn't describing herself?" we both start laughing hysterical.

"Well they are twins after all" William says in between laughs.

"I guess it's double trouble then" the laughter dies out.

"I guess so" William walks over to Kamilla and I assuming to get the newest gossip.

'I swear that guy lives for drama and gossip'

William is a well build guy, but I guess that comes with soccer training. He has blonde hair with minimal waves in it and very light brown eyes and his skin is sun kissed. He's a tall guy about 6' tall and he has girls falling to left and right of him. He is wearing a basic, boring outfit as always, t'shirt and some casual pants, not sweat pants though which is kinda unusual.

he kinda look a little like Kamilla, with her having blonde hair as well though her hair is visibly dyed and frizzy, her eyes is blue like the ocean and she has a tacky fake tan, the girl is also like 5'4 which is nothing compered to his height. She is wearing a crop top and shorts that almost has her whole ass on display.

'Slut alaram'

I decide to get away from little miss gossip, that girl is constantly up in my business. 'God she's so annoying'

When I bump into someone I'm pissed and start cussing them out.

I look at the person 'WTH?! but that's not possible'

"Excuse you" but it is indeed true and a female voice speaks up.

"WHAT?!" I respond not the least bit calmed down.

"Watch where the fuck you're going and stop blaming me, seriously grown up" she manage to keep a calm voice but I can see the fury in her eyes.

"What did you just say" 'what is she some kind of fucking princess?'

"Did I stutter or do you just have bad hearing?" 'wtf is up with this girl'

"What?" I ask a bit fucking confused.

"Does he have a fucking hearing aid or something" I hear her mutter under her breathe.


"DO I NEED TO YELL FOR YOU TO UNDERSTAND?" she begins to yell like some fucking maniac.

"No keep your fucking voice down!" I whisper yell afraid a teacher will come running.

The girl has brown hair and brown eyes with a bit of green in the edge. Her hair is pulled up in a high ponytail her curls on full display and she's wearing a dress with small pink and purple flowers on it, her nails is visibly painted a rose color that compliments her skin and she's definitely not tall in the slightest she might be around 5'2 or something.

I only now realize I'm staring and she looks confused.

"So you can hear" she says in an annoyed tone.

"Yeah, so what" 'seriously?'

"I'll get going now, don't let me bump into you again" she tries to leave but I grab her wrist.

"No you need to fucking apologize" I say in a strained tone of voice, her expression change.

"Apologize for what? you bumped into me" I can tell she's still annoyed.

I look at her a smirk creeping up my face "it's the other way around princess"

"Don't" she looks absolutely pissed now.

"Don't what, princess" I tease.

"Don't ever fucking call me that again" 'feisty'

"Then what should I call you?" I ask trying to get her name.

"I don't see you talking to me again so it doesn't matter and if I ever catch you calling me that then it won't end well for you" I cock a brow 'threads? I would bet my ass it's her first day'

"Are you threading me?"

"I mean it douche don't get in my way and don't ever talk to me again" she still looks pissed 'but still, douche?'

"Whatever you say princess"

She hears it while walking away so she stops and says "you're kidding right?" she stands there for a minute then turns fully and starts walking towards me.

But then a door opens "You two, get to class!" a teacher almost yells at us.

The little princess turns back around and begins walking away again.


Most of the day goes by. I hang out with William and Noah my best friends, we've been best friends since elementary school so they pretty much know everything about me.

Noah has brown hair and eyes, he has got that smile that sends girl to their knees. He's build and tall as well as William and me but again it's probably from soccer training. We all play on the team and has been since freshmen year.

"Have any of you seen Kamilla's sister yet" William asks eagerly.

"Not that I know of" I answer "the only newbie I have met today was a very ill mannered girl"

"I have" Noah meets Williams eagerness with excitement.

"What did you think?" he asks like if he don't he's going to die.

"She was hot. Oh there she is" he points to, the princess?

"That girl?" they both look at me surprised.

"Yeah? you know her?" Noah questions.

"Uhm not really, I bumped into her earlier" the words coming out sounding guilty.

"You're right Noah, she is hot" William looks at her.

"She's what I would call average" I hear the two idiots gasp.

"You can't be serious" they're both flabbergasted.

"Whatever" they look at each other in utter shock.

"Well then we have a better chance" Noah exclaims as if they don't got good game.

"What are you on" I simply ask.

"You know girls would rather go for the caption of the soccer team aka you then the other players" he states as if obvious.

"Yeah, we're mere players lee you're the captain" William chimes in.

"That's not-" I get caught off by a female voice I know all to well who belongs to.

"Heyyyyy, Mateo" she says all giggly.

"Kamilla i suggest you stop it before he snaps at you" one of her more intelligent friends says.

"Come on why do you insist on being called Lee" she says but gets dragged away by her friends before she can say anything else.

Someone approaches us from behind me and as soon the person speaks I know who it is.

"Hi Noah" she smiles.

"Oh and....?" she looks at William.

"This is William and this is Lee" Noah introduces us.

She looks at me "you got to be kidding me"

She looks back at MY friends and says "I'm Katrine, but you already knew that Noah"

And as if I'm not even there she starts talking to my friends.

"So why was you in the hospital?" drama boy asks.

"Wait you know about that?" she looks stunned.

"Yeah, so?" he looks even more intrigued now.

"That bitch" she mutters.

He looks at her expectant but she looks disappointed.

"It's nothing don't worry about it" William looks displeased that he didn't get an answer.

"But" he drags out the t "I really wanna know"

"Too bad" she just says.

She begins to mutter something I don't quite catch until I hear her say.

"Folk snakker mere end hva' de burde. Hvorfor fa'en åbner de munden når de ik' er blevet spurgt" she looks up, then realize no one understood what she said.

(People talk more than what they should. Why the hell do they open their mouths when they wasn't asked)

I don't really know what to say so I keep my mouth shut this time, but the silence doesn't last long.

"And in English please" Noah says.

"Oh yeah, right. I just said people gossip too much and that they should keep their mouth shut, mostly referring to my oh so sweet sister" 'pfft, sweet yeah right'

"Says the sister of the gossip queen" knowing William, he just want to justify the amount of gossip he has on people.

She shift uncomfortable in her seat until she gets up. "Whatever, good luck with that" she points to her sister.


And just like that she leaves.

"What was that Lee?" Noah and William both question.

"What?" I exclaim.

"you've never been able to keep your mouth shut" Noah looks at me surprised "like ever" William adds.

"Yes I have" I say.

"Nope" Noah shakes his head.

"Have to agree with him" William also shakes his head at me.

"If you say so" I act like I believe that, but they're right. I have never been able to keep my mouth shut, but somehow I managed in her presence.

"I have to get going, okay?" I say because I don't wanna hang out anymore.

"Mateooooooo" my sister always drags out words and I really don't know why but I don't really care.

"Hey Eve, did you have a good day?" I ask her.

"I diddddd" she answers.

"Mateo, How did school go?" my mom comes up to me.

"It was good, I have a lot of homework to do so I'll head up to my room if that's okay" I answer her.

'I don't but she doesn't have to know that'

"Of course, of course go" she rushes me to my room.

I get up to my room and "work" till dinner. After dinner I do what I have done for the past week, hop out my window.

✁ ✃ ✁


Hi there, so as this is my first book this is also my first 'his pov' please tell me what you think.

And yes the only word in his vocabulary is fuck/fucking, just saying.

I'm excited for the next chapter so, so should you. next chapter we'll see this same day from Katrine's pov but that's the only spoiler you'll get. You'll not have to wait for long tho it'll come out soon.


Only love.

SHM <3

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