Her Royal Pen Pal

By Candle_Ice

9.7M 143K 14.9K

When Elise Van Hastening got a request to chat with 'prince_charming01,' she never expected him to be the rea... More

Chapter 1 [Making a Move]
Chapter 2 [An Eventful Meeting]
Chapter 3 [The Unusual Proposal]
Chapter 4 [Not Only In Dreams]
Chapter 5 [the Phone call]
Chapter 6 [Everyone's Talking...]
Chapter 7 [First Date!]
Chapter 8 [The Front Page Picture]
Chapter 9 [Everyone's talking... Again]
Chapter 10 [Dinner and A Ball Gown]
Chapter 11 [His Royal Evil-ness]
Chapter 12 [By King's Decree]
Chapter 13 [Meeting His Family]
Chapter 13.5 [a Slight Case of Melancholy]
Chapter 14 [The Meeting With Randolph]
Chapter 16 [An Unexpected Turn of Events]
Chapter 16.5 [Explanation about Leah]
Chapter 17 [The Ball: Part 1]
Chapter 18 [The Ball: Part 2]
Chapter 19 [Doubts and Surprises]
Chapter 20 [Confessions]
Chapter 21 [A Week of Confinement]
Chapter 22 [This Betrothal Issue]
Chapter 23 [Prison Break]
Chapter 24 [A Nicer Elder]
Chapter 25 [Erland's Visitor]
Chapter 26 [Three Month Mensiversary]
Chapter 27 [Bye, Bye Erland!]
Chapter 28 [The Royal Girlfriend]
Chapter 29 [The Third Wheel]
Chapter 30 [An Invitation to (Re)Treat]
Chapter 31 [3 words, 8 letters... 1 meaning]
Chapter 32 [Young Love ;)]
Chapter 33 [An Eventful Afternoon]
Chapter 34 [Speculations!]
Chapter 35 [A Pleasant Surprise]
Chapter 36 [Celebrations]
Chapter 37 [Minor Details]
Epilogue [Ever, Ever After]

Chapter 15 [Protocol and Family Secrets]

235K 3.3K 210
By Candle_Ice

(Copyright) © 2011 Candle_Ice

* * * * *

[A/N I choose a celeb to play Princess Ariel - Lucy Hale ... Picture at the side!]

Chapter 15

Elise was seriously considering online courses. The daily hassle of going to school and being constantly surrounded by questioning people was too much for the girl who preferred to be left alone. 

By this morning, news of her visit to the palace became public knowledge. There was no picture of her and Leonidas from the previous night in the papers, but there were shots from previous occasions of him, a barely visible one her from their first date, and a detailed explanation of how 'His Highness's personal car was seen arriving at her house, and then later driving to the palace, where it spent a many of hours, until finally going back to Elise's house'. Speculations were filling every news channel, and papers. 

What does this mean for the couple? Are things serious? The Crown Prince has never introduced his girlfriends to the King and Queen, how special is she? And many, many, many more questions were being asked, debated, analyzed, criticised and whatever else on the television when she woke up. 

After arriving at the university's campus, Elise was convinced she was starting online courses. A photographer had actually chased her all the way to the parking lot, but he couldn't enter the campus, thanks to the security guards. 

But that didn't mean she had a peaceful day. If she thought her fellow school mates were bothering her before, then she was in for another story, as she could barely breathe when they surrounded her gushing and asking questions. It was pure chaos. 

Finally, she was able to escape from them and make her way to the Dean's office to speak with him about finishing off the rest of the school year via online courses. Even though he, himself, was curious about her relationship with the Prince, he didn't pester her with questions. And for that she was grateful. They had a lengthy discussion about her academics and since her grades were always above 85% she would be able to finish off online. Next year, her final year, would be tough to do online though, for then she'd have to be doing mainly work study, where she'd work in a Ministry, get the feel and idea of the operations and daily life, whilst checking in with her lecturers to finish her final thesis. Then she'd graduate and have her degree.

Leaving the Dean's office, Elise walked slowly to the parking, avoiding the crowds of students, and hiding in the shadows cast by the pillars or the trees, all the while thinking of how her life has changed in one week.

Just last Friday, she was a typical university student, walking the halls, no one paying her too much attention. Just last Saturday, the thought of online courses never crossed her mind. Just last Sunday, the media didn't know her name and she was chatting with a guy she met online. A guy she started to like; a guy who was almost too good to be true. Monday, she found out that he was true, and that her guy, the one she likes is Prince Leonidas, a guy she had no idea she could like. She was still shell shocked from his proposal. But by Tuesday night she was his girlfriend. By Wednesday morning, the media not only knew her name, but knew where she lived, and everything on her school record. On Wednesday night he'd met her family, by Thursday she'd met his. And today, Friday, she'd registered to complete her school year in the privacy of her own home. Tonight, now, her family will meet his family. 

Who knew a week could change a person's life so much? With that thought, Elise felt drawn back to reality, it was almost as if her memory kept her in dreamland and she was amazed to see that she'd arrive home. Lost in her trance of remembering her week, she had no recollection of getting to her car, much less driving it all the way home. 

Thought accustomed to being the first one home, Elise wasn't really surprised to see her mom already there. But she was surprised to see her normally smiling and carefree mother, with frown lines and deep in thought. 

"Hey mom, everything okay?" Elise asked, a little concerned when she realised she had startled her mother. 

"Hey Ellie Belle," Her mother recovered, "you missed Leonidas' call. He had to postpone us meeting his family until the Ball, since his father had to meet with the Council about a matter, and the Queen also has meeting elsewhere. This is kind of a good thing, since your father also had to cancel, since he has an important case he’s working on. Which is on another level: strange, because usually he tells me about this stuff, and now he's all secretive, not even telling me the name of the client. He left early, and hasn't returned yet. He then calls and asks for Albert's number, saying he needs an historian's point of view, which I don't believe for one minute! I can feel it in my bones; he's hiding something from me. I don't know why. I mean, he's my husband, of course I can tell if he's hiding something from me. He's a lawyer and there's the whole attorney/ client privacy stupidity, but I mean, it's not like I'd tell anyone. I run a fashion magazine, not a gossip rag! And another thing---!"

"Whoa! Hold on there!" Elise cut her off, relieved that her mother was only being her usually self. 

Her mother could always tell when her husband was keeping something from her. The bigger the detail, the more irritated she felt. It was almost like a sixth sense. And by her mother's display, she knew it had to be something big her father was hiding. She wondered if she had that sixth sense, because she was almost certain that she felt Leonidas was keeping something from her last night when he and the King exchanged looks. Brushing the thought aside, Elise cajoled her mother.

"Relax mom, I'm sure he's just working on a top secret drug bust or something. He'll tell you eventually," she said.

"He's worried. I can feel it, and if he could just tell me, I'd be able to help him, or at least try to help. I don't want him worrying, and I can't do anything but sit back and watch," her mother said in reply. 

Not knowing what to say, Elise just gently, if not a little awkwardly, patted her mother's back, at a loss of how to react or behave.

Her mother smiled at her, and said, "I forgot to give you your message. Leonidas said to tell you that he emailed the questions the interviewer will ask on Sunday, and if there's anything you need, you should call his assistant." 

Thankful she had an excuse to leave, she went to check her mail, a little disappointed that he didn't call her and tell her about the change of plans and questions.

She read through the list and saw that they were simple enough questions, not divulging too much into their personal lives, but she was still skeptical on how her response should be. Is there a protocol she should follow? Scrolling through the email, she saw that he did not mention anything about a protocol or a guideline to follow, and it wasn't exactly something she could Google. 

'If you have any concerns, call his assistant.' She had a concern, so she called Thane, who informed her, in a friendly tone that she should answer the questions as she saw fit, but remember to keep the responses brief and to the point, not allowing for a follow up question that could throw them for a loop. Yeah! Big help, Thane!

Still not convinced she was capable of handling this and not embarrass herself and Leonidas, she called him. For a little moral support! That's all! Liar! She just wanted to hear his voice... 

But she got his voicemail. At least she heard his voice telling her to leave a message, right?

"Umm, Hi! You're probably busy, so I won't take up much time. Just wanted to let you know that I got the questions, and that I'm sorry you had to postpone tonight. Yeah...I guess I’ll see you then... Oh! Am I going to see you before the Ball tomorrow? If not I'll see you then, then? ...Anyways, Call me..or Not, You don't have to if you're busy... "

After leaving that pathetic message, Elise called the one person she was sure could help her get through her first televised interview with the Prince: Ariel! 


He wasn't avoiding her. Her father said to tell her, and he had promised himself the next time he saw or talked to her, he'd tell her. It wasn't his fault that every time he thought of calling her or going to see her during the day, he got called away for some duty or another. Not even a lunch break to chat? His annoying conscience reminded him of his lunch with Thane, which wasn't important, but he couldn't just blow off the guy... He was his best friend and personal assistant... Besides, this was not something he could tell her over the phone. 

He wasn't avoiding her. The trouble at Parliament took longer than expected, and then there's the Queen's meeting with a visiting diplomat and the King's meeting with the Council, in another attempt to find a way out of the stupid betrothal. Hence, they had to cancel the plans for this evening. Not his fault! And you couldn't have taken her out to dinner and told her then? His conscience pricked again. No, he had to help Stefanos with the Treaty of Forestry Preservations. No free time!  Yes, and Stefanos, cannot draft an agreement without supervision! His conscience taunted. 

He wasn't avoiding her! When she had called him, he had to let the phone go to voice mail, because he was talking to the assistant of the Prime Minister about an upcoming Festival preparation. And you cannot excuse yourself to take a call, even if you are CROWN PRINCE! His conscience was getting annoying!

Okay, so maybe he was avoiding her. His excuses seemed pitiful, even to his own ears. He should call her. Now, before he lost courage. But before he could pick up the phone, King Grisham walked into his office. It wasn't his fault this time, the universe had intervened, and the feeling he felt wasn't relief, it was indigestion! 

"You were up and about early this morning," the king said.

Showing his respect, Leonidas feigned ignorance, "Are you talking about the trouble at Parliament?"

"I'm talking about you sneaking out of the Palace grounds, in guise as Thane, as you so often did in your teen days to avoid attention. No one would pay any attention to the whereabouts of your best friend. Yes, son," The King said to the astonished young Prince, "I know all about your escape tactics. You forget, I was Crown Prince once,... and as they say, 'Been There, done that.' Now, I'm a bit concerned you sneaking out in the morning hours. What's the matter?" 

No sense in hiding his meeting from his father, so Leonidas told him everything, including Randolph's advice to tell Elise. 

"I agree with him. As her father, he'll be looking out for her best interest, so I trust he'll be able to help somewhat, and I think you should go and tell her immediately. Because knowing my father, the way I do, I don't put it past him to 'let it slip' or make a full blown announcement at the ball tomorrow, so tell her before then. Tell her tonight!" The King said. 

Even though the King had spoken in soft tones, there was no hiding the direct order in his delivery. And he agreed with both his and Elise's father, but he just couldn't form the words to tell the only woman in the world he's ever contemplated marrying, that he's betrothed. 

He was about to make the excuse of helping Stefanos when his brother came in, with the draft for the Forestry Treaty. 

"Well I guess that clears up my night. Maybe I should invite Elise to dinner and tell her about the betrothal then?" Leonidas suggested lightly. 

"You haven't told her yet? What are you waiting for, your wedding night?" Stefanos, the ever sarcastic voice of reason, questioned. 

"No, I've been busy whole day!" He defended.

"Oh yes! A simple fact in Parliament that caused trouble and only needed your signature took up all day, yes, I can see how spelling your name would take hours, Oh Royal Highness Leonidas Erland de van Wells, quite a mouthful!" His brother replied drily.

"I'll give you a mouthful--" Leonidas only got those words out before the King barked at both of them, and forced them to sit.

"Stefanos has a point, you're avoiding the issue," and seeing his younger son's grin, added, "But the way he said it was not very diplomatic. Remember Stefanos, he maybe your brother, but he's still the Crown Prince, you may tease him as you want, but you should at least respect him in public." 

Huffing, Stefanos gave a nonchalant shrug of his shoulders. The Young Prince never really let anything affect him, he was too laid back to be bothered at offending anyone by harshly or sarcastically pointing out the truth. 

"I get it Father, but he's wasting time, and I doubt Elise will be available for dinner, since she and Ari have gone to the city. She called Ari up about some questions on protocol and Ari being Ari turned it into a girl's afternoon out and suggested they go into the district and do whatever it is girls do when they see boutiques and cafes and gift shops." He related to them. 

"Ariel always wanted a sister," King Grisham smiled.

"And she'll have one, one she likes, one I like, hell, even one you and mom like, if Prince idiot here, doesn't mess it up." Stefanos said. 

"Hey! There's nothing I could do now. More than likely they'll spend the rest of the day there, and return until late this evening. And how come you know about their expedition, I talked to Ari just an hour ago, and she didn't tell me?" Leonidas glared at his brother. 

"Who do you think Ariel hit up for cash to fund her impromptu shopping spree?" He said.

"Wait a minute. She came to me for some money also, claiming there was this some last minute things she needed for the ball tomorrow, but she didn't mention a trip with Elise." 

"Elise called her when she was visiting with me. I heard her side of the conversation where she convinced her that she'll learn faster about protocol by acting and watching rather than by listening. Hence the reason she needed more cash. Though I suspect she came to me with the aim of asking for it, anyways."

"Why would she come to the two of you, when I already gave her a small sum yesterday, and a little more just this lunch time?" Their father piqued up. 

The three of them looked at each other. The King, The Crown Prince and The Young Prince were all pawns in Princess Ariel's game, and by their smiles of affection, they wouldn't have any other way. 


When she had called Ariel for advice on the interview, she never expected the education in royal graces that followed. After she told Elise that it didn't matter what she said, it was just how she said it for her interview, she was dragged into every single shop in the city's shopping district and watched as Ariel charmed everyone from store owners to other patrons. 

She showed Elise what was suitable to wear and what was not. When choosing a hat, it must not be too wide, or worn to cover the eyes. Your eyes must be never be covered by a hat, except when in mourning, but the hat must have a veil then and no flowers. No short bangs, hair in the eyes and face are never good when trying act a lady, especially it is considered rude to constantly brush the hair behind your ears. Solution: Wear hair in a pulled back style. No heavy eye shadow. No chewing gum. No wardrobe malfunctions!

And many, many more royal graces. Elise was having a hard time keeping up, but Ariel was patient and did snap off the advice in a snotty way. It was just more of her trying to get out all the information at once, not realising she's overwhelming Elise. When she did catch on that her companion was having a hard time keeping up she apologised.

"Sorry Ellie, I'm just so happy you asked me for advice, and I've always wanted a sister! So we can share secrets and life experiences...Guess I got a little carried away." She said sheepishly.

Elise smiled at her and told her it was okay. She has a sister, and Helena and her went shopping and thought each other a lot of stuff, so it was hard for her picture not having a sister to share these types of experiences with.

They were at a cafe enjoying smoothies after spending the last four hours shopping and learning about what not to wear. Elise had shown her picture of her dress to the ball, and she loved it. Since the dress had royal approval, she was more confident in Tatiana's choice of the pink, sleeveless number, with tight bodice and slightly flaring skirt.

Thinking of the dress, led to thoughts of the ball, furthering leading to thoughts of His Royal Elder Erland. 

And as they were heading home, Elise asked the question that she wanted an answer for most of all.

"Ari, can I ask you something? I don't know if I'm out of order asking this, but can you explain to me the relationship between Leonidas and his grandfather?"

"You're not out of order. But I'm afraid I can't be of much help, because I, myself, don't know the answer to that." She said honestly, and giving a sad smile to Elise before continuing, "As the baby of the family, everyone shelters me from everything, which is always annoying. But I was glad for that shield when dealing with Grandfather. You know, I've never had a private meeting with him? Not that I'm complaining, mind you. It's just weird, is all, never having an alone time with one's grandfather."

She glanced at the privacy glass between the back seat and the driver's seat, making sure it was secured, before turning to face Elise in the car by tucking one foot under her. She then continued her tale in a hushed voice, "All I know is that Grandfather is not at all what people think he is. Leonidas is the only one who never falls to his command, but father did when he was Crown Prince, but not anymore, and Grandfather hates it. That's not the only reason father and grandfather hates each other, I know it's not. But I don't know the other. I know it somehow involves the late Young Princess Leah, and the events that took place before her death. But there are no records of anything. I checked, when no one would answer my questions, I tried to find out myself, but there was nothing. Then the media and Grandfather found out from someone who worked in the Royal Registry that I was snooping around and he tried to threaten me, but Leonidas was there to save me. From then on, I never questioned anything about them. I was too scared of him. Leonidas took me home and i was so scared I had to stay in his room for that whole week. He took care of the press stating that I was just researching my aunt because Father told me that I had similar traits. It was laughed off, and never spoken about again. I think that somehow set up the feud with Leonidas and grandfather, but I'm not certain." 

Elise was left with more questions than answers at this point. She knew it was wrong to question Ariel on the matter, seeing as she shied away from asking Leonidas. But the girl did give her a whole new prospective on the matter. Seeing that the memory was a bad one, as it brought a shaken look to her face, Elise felt bad for bringing down her normally exuberant spirit. 

Forcing a bright smile, she said "I showed you my dress for the Ball, how about you tell me about yours?" 

Instantaneously a smile lit up Ariel's face as she chatted away about her many choices, not having chosen one in particular as yet. Hearing this, Elise had to laugh, bringing back the chatty and easy feeling from the afternoon.


It was after 10 p.m. when she finally made it home. Her shopping bags laid untouched by her bed. She left them because she knew Lena would want to go through it when she came home from her whatever party she was attending. 

After brushing her teeth, she grew tired of waiting up for her sister, so she decided to sleep, but her mind kept wandering to Ari's confession. Her phone beeped, and she saw a text from Leonidas, that asked her to call him if she wasn't sleeping. Well, she wasn't sleeping so she hit the send button and called him. 

"I got your message and was hoping you were awake," he answered.

"Yups, awake and thinking," she replied.

"Thinking? Hmm, when a girl thinks too hard it could mean trouble for her boyfriend," Leonidas teased.

"Actually I was thinking about something I asked Ari, and it could mean trouble for me, with you." She confessed.

She heard him sighed, "Is it about His Royal Elder and me?"

"Yes" she whispered, "I'm sorry I pried--"

"I understand, Ellie. But you shouldn't have asked Ari, I don't want her remembering some things."

"I'm sorry," She said again.

"No need to apologise. You should know what you're getting yourself into. Tomorrow morning, can you meet me at my office, say at 10? There are things you need to know... Things I have to tell you." he said in a determined voice.

"Alright, I'll see you later then," she said.

"Thanks, dear. And please remember you're the one I want at my side. Good night."

With that he ended the call, and Elise closed her phone, a little confused by his last remark.

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