It Was Accidentally on Purpos...

By sleepingpup

562K 11.5K 2.1K

where one ambivelent girl trusts one cheeky boy who ends up being exactly who she thought he was when they fi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39 *LAST ONE*
Authors Note :)

Chapter 32

9.7K 223 31
By sleepingpup

[[ please note that I havent used Harry's point of view for a while because I felt I had to reenforce Tif's thoughts first, I'll work on Harry's right now :) ]] 


I began to worry, and more than usual this time. The second I saw Niall on the floor and Tif kneeling next to him, I knew something bad was happening. 

I started making my way over to them but before I could, a cold body stepped infront of me unexpectedly. 

I bumped my shoulder with them and was stung on my arm as icy fingers wrapped around my bisep. I turned around and narrowed my eyes at the pair of crystal orbs piercing through me.

"Hello Harry." Darcy purred under her breath. "You look really nice today." She began to bash her eyelashes obnoxiously fast like she used to. 

I rolled my eyes at her and without saying a word to her in response, I began to walk away. As I was though, I felt her cold eyes watch me closely. I looked behind me nervously and shifted my stare around the room, she wasnt there anymore. 

I have to admit, ever since Darcy came back it was stressing everyone out. Especially Tif. The looks of panic I would occasionally glimpse on her face when Darcy came close to her would make me ball my fists until my knuckles turned white. 

Although Tif might not realise this yet, but I am going to be much more protective with her now. Darcy was our enemy, and although she's acting all sweet and innocent neither of us are buying it. As far as I was concerened, she hadnt changed at all since I last saw her: mental and capable of hurting the one person I truely care for.

Allowing Darcy to get to Tif before and leave her in such a state where she needed medical attendance, stiches and bruises all over her body, was something I was going to have to live with for the rest of my life. Seeing her laying in that hospital bed, weak and fragile made my heart swell incredibly. I remember being scared to hold her hand because I didnt want to grip it to roughly. I remember sitting next to her hospital bed for hours, praying that when she woke up she would forgive me for not being there when she needed me. Even though she put on her brave face the second she woke up, I knew she was only doing that to make me feel better. She told me continuously that what happened wasnt my fault and there was nothing I could have done to prevent it,  but that was a lie. I could have been there. I could have protected her.

So now that is my one and only goal. I need to make her feel safe, and the only way to do that was to never let her out of my sight. Or at least keep her reasonably close if we had to be apart, but when we were together, I wasnt letting go of her side. 

I shook my head quickly, snapping out of my thoughts. I looked around and spotted a horrible sight. Niall, Tif and Darcy all talking to eachother. I immediatly walked over to them and pulled Tif to my side, Darcy shooting me an irritated stare. 

We all exchanged a few smug looks until Darcy spun around on her heels and walked off down the hall. 

"I need some air." Tif said cuffing her hands in her fists. I clipped my side at hers and grabbed her hand.

"I'll come with you." I suggested, already walking us over to the nearest exit. I listened to her giggle and unattach her side from mine, looking up at me with her beautiful brown eyes. Her hair fell perfectly at her waist and she glowed with beauty. However her eyes were full of worry, scared at the situation faith had put her in.

"No. I'll only be a few minutes." She gripped my arm reassuringly one last time and made her way alone to the exit. I hesitantly took a few steps after her but stopped, watching as the large metal door shut behind her. 

I was about to go out after her, when Niall took a seat behind me. My eyes drifted from the door Tif had just wandered out of, to Niall looking as run down as ever. 

I walked over to the seat next to him and placed my hand on his shoulder. He sniffled back a nervous breath and inhaled a deep gulp of air. 

I patted his back soothingly and nodded my head.

"We'll find her, mate. Dont worry." 

***TIF POV***

My heart dropped as I heard something move behind me. I stood dead in my tracks, terrified as to who could be behind me. 

"Who's there?" I asked holding in my breath as quietly as I could. 

I stepped back again as the creaking noise sounded again and this time much closer. The room was dark and impossible to maneuver through, so I was left tumbling over un noticed furniture around the entire room. 

I listened carefully as the creaking noise finally stopped, so I began taking slow and silent steps backwards. I sighed as I finally found a wall. I pressed my hand anxiously on it and traced my fingers against the cold wrapping and followed it around a few corners. The room was still dead silent, minus the creaking from the floorboards as I took steps around the room. 

My heard pounded as I ran my fingers over a familiar shape. A light switch. 

I immediatly flicked it on and looked around the room. White sheets had been spread over every piece of furniture in the room and dust had accumulated greatly on the window glass. As I walked over to a set of chairs and table, as I kneeled down on the floor and noticed fresh hand prints on the table. Perhaps I had made them as I was walking around? 

However that thought immediatly faded as I sprung up from the floor, listening to the creaking noise that sounded loudly behind me. I felt my heart creep into my throat as a precense was immediatly sensed behind me. My breathing began increase and my hands started  to tremble. 

"Tif?" A soft voice drifted into the still air around me. My eyes darted up from the floor and I spun around, staring at Lucy who was standing in the doorframe infront of me. 

I took a few steps over to her and once she was in my reach I pulled her tightly in my arms. She held on to my shoulders weakly and let out a loud sigh.

"How on earth did you get in here?" She asked, pulling back from me a bit. 

"The door was open." I said, shrugging my shoulders lightly. She widened her eyes at me and yanked me towards the door across the room. 

"This door was locked all bloody night!" She complained with a hint of annoyance in her voice. She reached her hand out to the door handle and tugged on it.

"Well I did have a key." I remembered, pulling it out of my back pocket. 

Lucy slumped her hand down on her leg and sighed. 

"The doors locked." She said walking over to the spot we were previously in. I followed her and began to plan the quesions I've been wanting to ask her all night. 

As if reading my thoughts, she sighed and sat down on one of the couches.

"I dont remember what happened," She said rubbing her forehead with the tips of her fingers. "I just remembering taking a few sips of my drink then black." 

I walked over curiously to her side and sat down.

"And after that?" I asked.

I lowered my head dissapointadly as she shook hers.

"I woke up in this dark room, alone and confused. I called out a bunch of times but no one answered. I sat on the couch until I heard someone walk in, you." 

I shook my head some more in confussion. Who would kidnap Lucy out of the blue like this? More importantly why? 

We both jumped on our bums as my phone vibrated in my pocket, I removed it slowly and peered at the number on my screen. It was the same number from earlier. 

Lucy must have noticed my uneasy expression and scooted closer to me. I slid my finger across the lock bar and opened the message.

"Glad you can do one thing right for once, stay where you are until I contact you for further notice. Dont think I'll know if you pull anything? Think again." 

My eyes scrambled desperatly over the words on the screen, re reading them trying to think who would write such blustering messages. 

I looked up slowly at Lucy who I was sure was drawing the same conclusion as I was. My brain felt ready to explode from all the thoughts going through it. Was Darcy really this shallow? To kidnap my best friend and purpously force me to miss the concert? 

I growled under my breath and clenched my jaw tightly. Lucy was sitting in her spot not making any movements, looking more and more weak the longer we stayed in here. I reached my hand out to hers and squeezed it. She was clearly still shaken from what was happening and I didnt want it to show but I was too.

"We'll get out of here." I reassured her, presenting her with my best encouraging smile I could manage. 

"How?" Her voice croaked painfully. "Even if we do, the text said they'll know if we're gone. Something bad could happen, Tif." 

I shook my head at her and held my smile, nudging her shoulder playfully.

"Lucy, if theres one thing you should know about me by now is that words dont scare me, plus I have a feeling I know who's behind this." She looked at me funny and let out a nervous laugh. 

I sprung up from the couch and began to search through my purse for the item I required. As soon as I had found it, Lucy gave me another funny stare.

"What is that?" She asked pointing at the tiny object in my hand.

I wiggled my eyebrows at her mysteriously and walked over to the door. I jammed my item of use in the keyhole and listened carefully to the clicking noises from the lock. 

"This my dear Lucy," I pushed it in one last time with a bit more strength and waited for the clicking noice in the back. "Is called a boby pin." 

She gleamed down at me as I pushed the door wide open, revealing the long hallway. I looked down at my watch and tapped it impatiently. It was almost 7 o'clock - time for the concert. 

Lucy jumped at my side and together we ran down the hall, calling up the lift as soon as the hall came to an end. 

When we entered the lift, we both sighed back against the railing behind us. I was so glad we were out of that freaky old hotel room - the place it self set off an eery feeling. 

I looked over at Lucy who was smiling at every number that lit up on the button rack. Seeing her here with me made me feel so relieved, knowing my best friend was safe again. However the annoying part of my brain kept urking me to remember those texts. Before, I was telling myself that this person was probably just messing around with me, a grudgy fan that still wanted my head on a stick perhaps? 

But the more times I told myself that - the less I was beginning to believe it. Why would they kidnap Lucy? Out of all the people in out group, they just so happened to pick my best friend? I was sure this person was only bluffing the whole time they were threatning me via text, but now, I was beginning to wonder; what if they're not? 


The second we got to the concert we were rushed back stage to meet up with the others. It was so funny seeing how things happened backstage. People were running around with clip boards and papers and coffee mugs and microphones and wait, is that a hoola hoop?

Lucy tugged my arm around the corner, only for us to stumble back wards after running into a warm body. I looked up shyly at the person we bumped into and I took a step closer. Those messy brown curls were huddled around his face and he looked miserably pale.

I grabbed hold of both of his hands, taking a shakey breath as his eyes met mine sadly. I gasped slightly as he ubruptly tugged me into his chest, tightly bundling his arms around my shoulders. 

I inhaled a deep breath of his sweet scent, allowing it to fuel up my body. His hands brushed down my spine and pulled away to look at my face. 

"Where have you been?" His voice was more dull than usual. I looked over at Lucy and pulled her at my side.

"I found Lucy." I said, revealing a weak smile. His eyes quickly glimpsed over at Lucy then fell back on me not so pleasantly.

"Okay, so where was she?" He asked crossing his arms promptly. I parted my lips ready to respond, but was struck in the gut at the loss of words that came out. The text popped back in my head;

"Tell anyone and about these messages and you'll hear from me again, and it will not be this friendly." 

The more I thought about this the more my subconcious mind was telling me to take this into serious precaution. It was a threat, and only now was I realising this person might be serious. And if that was the case, I was not putting any of my friends at risk because this person wanted to mess with me. 

I would put up a fight.

"Er- she was in the hotel room." Was the first excuse I could come up with off the bat. I watched as Harry knitted his eyebrows at me curiously, then reversing his gaze at a nervous Lucy nimbling with her fingers. 

"Alright," He said with a challenging voice. "Then why'd she walk out on Niall with out telling  him?"

"I had no choice!" Lucy blurted out, locking contact with me as I sent her a deadly stare. She backed away slowly and ran down the hall, leaving me with a partially ticked of Harry and no words on my tongue to roll out.

He stood infront of me, arms still promptly crossed and his eyes gazing down at me impatiently. I felt like my brain actually churning screws and bolts just to come up with a response, but I couldnt find the words to say.

My attention was shifted from Harry as Paul walked in the room with a megaphone.

"Everyone, the concert is about to begin!" 

Following that, people started scrambling everywhere around the stage. The noise increased drastically as people were shouting and yelling across the rooms. Harry looked down at me one last time with his precious sea green eyes, trying to read my mind for my thoughts. 

"You had me worried." He finally spoke, reaching his hand out to touch my cheek. His warm skin on mine allowed all the stress to wash out from my body. 

"Why were you worried?" I asked him softly, taking his hand off my cheek and knitting his fingers through mine.

I observed him as his face paled even more and his eyes became darker. His attitude had shifted for some reason I wasnt sure what of. He held my hand tighter and began to slightly rub my thumb gently, looking back down at the floor.

"Like I told you before, I am going to keep you safe." His voice was pumped of protectivess and security and I knew from his tone he was not bluffing. However he had nothing to protect me from. Coming to the realisation that these threats I've been recieving are targeted on me, I was determined to deal with them on my own. I wasnt going to get Harry involved in anything, it'd only panic him more. 

A loud bell rang aroung the stage area, warning us the concert was to comence in 5 minutes. Harry slipped his hands out of mine and located them sweetly on my neck. I smiled at him, he smiled back and revealed his adorable dimples and wrinkles by his shinning eyes. He quickly leaned over and planted a soft kiss on my cheek and another cutely on my nose. 

"Your ready to go rock the stage?" He asked in his playfull voice again, already tugging at my waist to follow after him. 

I staggered at his side, skipping over to the stage with every body else. Darcy from the oppoiste side of the room waved over at me and smiled. I turned  away from her, ignoring her completly and went to my spot. 

With Harry at my side and a rush of adrenaline beginning to boil up inside me, I knew this concert would go very well. 


I ran off stage, temporary deaf from the booming music that had been erupting in my ears  the past hour. My heart was still racing from the rush of excitment from our performance for the fans. 

I had to admit, the second I got a look at all the people out in the audience, I was hit with a major shock wave. There had to be at least 15,000 people in that arena tonight, and they were all here to see those 5 boys dance and sing aroud the stage like the adorable morons they are. 

As my ears began to finally get back in tune with my actual surroundings, it almost felt odd. Listening to the continuous cheering and screaming of all the fan out in the crowd made me feel this incredible emotion I had never felt before and now that the sound had gone back to normal, so had my original feeling from before the concert. 


I walked over to Lucy who had her back turned to me. I saw flowers in her hands and her head was bend down, probably reading a note attached to it. 

"Are those from Niall?" I asked walking up behind her. But as soon as I faced her and noticed her eyes were wide as owls and her mouth was open but nothing was coming out, something had to have happened.

"These are for you." She said almost like in a trance, handing over the bouquet of flowers and a tiny red envelope. 

I took them from her carefully and examined the throny roses wrapped in silver paper. The red envelop hung from one of the roses loosly so I tugged it off. 

In the action of doing so I cut my finger slightly. I put my finger between my lips and sucked on it to ease the pain. As I undid the envelope, I noticed Darcy walk passed us down the hall.

She surprisingly stayed away from me tonight, well more than usual at least. 

I ripped the envelope open and pulled out the note. The writing was prinited in a fancy cursive hand writing, a bit difficult to understand.

But as soon as I made the connections, my breath hitched and I felt my throat constrict. 

"Looks like you're not as good as obeying as I though you were. Oh well, I hope you had fun at your concert tonight, because now it's my turn to have a taste of it."

My hands trembled between the envelope in my hand and the flowers in my other. Lucy looked over at me grimly and took the letter from my finger tips, shredding it to pieces and throwing it in the rubish bin. 

She walked back over to me and grabbed my hand, her eyes beaming at me hopefully. Who ever this was, was not joking. They were not bluffling or misleading me into anything - they were as straight forward as could be: you dont know what you just got yourself into. 

Hey guys! :) Is anyone just so relieved its friday too? Although I'm jammed with hw... I get to sleep in tomorrow! :D Anyways, you guys have been wondering when some drama was going to start, so there you have it! Let the drama begin! And if you think these past 2 chapers have been dramatic then you better sit tight cus things are getting way deeper than this! :3 Vote/Comment what you think might happen later on! You guys are the best! Have a lovely weekend everyone <3 xx -Chloe

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