Pumpkin Queen - descendants f...

By Rebelkindalove

13.2K 287 6

Jackolyn skellington future royal advisor of Auradon and future pumpkin queen of Halloween town. When Ben say... More

๐ŸŽƒTelling the family of the royal proclamation๐ŸŽƒ
๐ŸŽƒThe Isle of the Lost๐ŸŽƒ
๐ŸŽƒHalloween and christmas had a pink party and threw up๐ŸŽƒ
๐ŸŽƒRemidial Goodness 101๐ŸŽƒ
๐ŸŽƒDude and Jesery's๐ŸŽƒ
๐ŸŽƒMidnight snacks๐ŸŽƒ
๐ŸŽƒTourney games๐ŸŽƒ
๐ŸŽƒMagic mirror and spooky shadows๐ŸŽƒ
๐ŸŽƒSkip Days, Sandy Pumpkins, and sexy sketches๐ŸŽƒ
๐ŸŽƒOogie Boogie and the Family Day Fiasco๐ŸŽƒ
๐ŸŽƒThe new king of Auradon๐ŸŽƒ
๐ŸŽƒWicked world๐ŸŽƒ
๐ŸŽƒThe Isle of the Lost๐ŸŽƒ
๐ŸŽƒGoing to the isle๐ŸŽƒ
๐ŸŽƒShock, Lock, and Barrel๐ŸŽƒ
๐ŸŽƒLittle Dizzy, Smoke Bombs, and Wands๐ŸŽƒ
๐ŸŽƒIts going down๐ŸŽƒ
๐ŸŽƒBlack Roses๐ŸŽƒ
๐ŸŽƒJackolyn's surprise!๐ŸŽƒ
๐ŸŽƒHalloween town๐ŸŽƒ
๐“—๐“ฎ๐”‚ ๐“—๐“ฎ๐”‚!

๐ŸŽƒTourney practice and AMU?๐ŸŽƒ

475 13 0
By Rebelkindalove

Oozies's pov

Coach blows the whistle "Jay, Oozie, offense! Ben your defense! Chad your the shooter!" I hear the coach yell out to us, I turn to see him pointing at Carlos "hey! Hey you! Lost boy!" Carlos turns to him "put your helmet on, get out of the kill zone!" I smirk kill zone, I wonder what that is. "Come on!" Carlos looks at him confused "pick it up! Put it on! Two hands!" Someone nudges my shoulder, I saw that it was Sam "ready bro?" I nod putting on my helmet. Coach blows his whistle and the game begins.
As players go down, I hear cheering, I turn and see the cheerleaders at practice. I then see my beautiful doll face smile at me. "Let's go Oozie!" Jay then takes some people down and we look to each other working together and avoiding flying disks. Jay picks up the ball "Jay, it's me, Carlos!" Jay throws the ball up as I run a head "wait! Jay stop!" Jay throws the ball as Carlos throws his paddle. I catch the ball. "Nononono!" Carlos huddled down under his shield. Jay jumps on him and starts running again, I toss him the ball and he hits it through he net. Jay and I celebrate "oh yeah! Come on! Let's go!"

I see both of the coaches look to one another wide eyed. I turn back to Jay as he throws down his helmet still celebrating, he does crazy dance moves, I just ignore him looking over at my giggling red haired beauty. "What just happened? Who are these guys?" A guy asks, I notice king Ben on the ground, I stick my hand out and help him up. "Sorry about him, once's he's in the mode, it's hard to get him out, or to stop him." Ben chuckles "it's ok, you three are good players though." I nod "thanks princey"

"You two!" I look over to the coach "get over here!" As I run over to him I see my girl doing back flips, I smirk and clap, cheering for her, she turns to see that it was me and blushes. We finally made it to the coach " what do you two call that?" We both look to each other, looking back at the coach he smiles "I call that raw talent! Come find me later, I'll show you two something you haven't seen before. It's called a rule book." The coach chuckles "welcome to the team boys!" The coach pats our shoulders, he then turns to Carlos and Ben "you ever thought about band?" Jay and I laugh as Carlos gives coach a nervous one. "Ill work with him coach." Coach looks between the two of them "alright." He then looks to all of us "let's run that again!" Coach blows the whistle as Jay and I fist pump.

"Whoo!" Jay turns and stops, seeing chad right behind him, Jay walks by him hitting his shoulder. As Jay walks off chad hold his arms saying ow. I shake my head laughing, running back to the game.

Later on that day I met Mal and Evie at our lockers, "look at all the princes in tux, it makes me sick! Don't they wear anything else." Mal smirks closing her locker "okay one, your sounding like winifred Sanderson, and two don't worry, your little princess is all yours, well from what I've been seeing and look, she's looking over at you right now." I turn and see that she was indeed looking at me. She blushes and looks away.

Jackolyn pov

Ben and I were talking in the hallways, as we were I looked over and saw Oizie, Mal was talking to him, she looks to me and then he turns, I was caught again looking at him. I blush embarrassed that I was caught again. Ben was then interrupted by Audrey's laugh. We both turn seeing her and chad behind us. Chad taps ben on the chest "those kids are trouble." I roll my eyes looking over to Oozie, Mal, and Evie. Oozie was leaning on the lockers smirking, I heard Evie tell Mal and Oozie bye. She walks away from them, and Oozie and Mal start talking to each other. Ben and I look back at them "come on chad, give them a chance? Jackie did!" He bumps my shoulder with his with a smile. Audrey laughs lifting her sunglasses, Chad looks at ben in shock. Audrey grabs his hands in hers "no offense Benny bear.." I snort at the nick name, she gives me a glare and continues "your just too trusting." Ben laughs "look, I know your mom fell in love with a big nasty beast who turned out to be a prince." My eyes grow huge, ben just looks down and then looks over to me giving me a am I actually hearing this right now look. "But with my mom, the evil fairy was just the evil fairy." She eyes Mal and whispers "that girls mother." My mouth dropped, ben look between the two of them "I think your wrong about them." Audrey sighs "I'll see you later." He tells them as he grabs my hand walking away from them.

Ben's stops in front of Mal, leaning on her locker. I felt someone grab my hand and pull me towards him. Oozie smiles holding me close, I blush and he kisses my cheek. "Hey!" Ben says to Mal "hey" she replies "how was your first day you two?" I ask them, as ben still made eyes at Mal. "Super" she replies as ben looks over at her locker, "you two should really think about taking this talent off the locker and into art class. We could sign you up? What do you think?" Jane squeals walking by catching Mals attention "way to take all the fun out of it." He smiles as she walks away leaning his head on the back of the locker. I smirk and tap his chest "you got it bad Beeny boo!" He narrows his eyes and laughs making me laugh with him.

Fairy godmother calls to him leaving me with Oozie "he's right you know.." I tell Oozie, Oozie smirks at me "yeah?" I trace my finger over the painting of Oogie boogie in the shadows "you did a terrific job! Your is more detailed than mals, yours has barrel, lock, shock, your dads dice, with little bugs and a snake!" I turn to him wide eyed "maybe you should let me draw you instead?" I blush as he comes closer putting his hand on the locker beside my head. "What do you say my gorgeous pumpkin princess?" He grins coming in closer, I put my head to where our lips are almost touching "I would like that my knight in shining armor." He smirks kissing my cheek, I narrow my eyes at him "oh were you wanting a kiss?" I look away, only for my face to be brought back to his by his hand under my chin. "If a kiss is what you want princess, a kiss is what you'll get." He kisses me and it was the most spark to life kiss I've ever had. After a few seconds he pulled away. "Wow.." I whisper touching my lips, looking up at him, I see him smirking. The bell rings cutting us off "well princess this is where I say fairwell" he smirks and kisses my lips again "until after classes my love." I sigh and put my head against my locker.

In science class, I was writing down notes and studying the potions "any chance he's in line for a throne?" Evie asks Doug. I look up and see him look up at chad and then to me "anywhere in a line?" I sigh and listen  "Chad, Prince Charming Jr, Cinderella's son." He tells her I put down my pencil gaining their attention "Chad inherited the charm, but not a lot of there, there" pointing to my head, we both look over at chad staring off into space "know what I mean?" Doug holds back a laugh  "looks like it's there, there to me." I look up at Doug as he wears an annoyed look.

The teacher then walks over "Evie, perhaps this is just review for you, so tell me what is the average atomic weight of silver?" She's speechless for a second not knowing what to say "atomic weight?" She smiles "well, not very much I mean it's an atom right?"  Teacher makes side eye, chad and evie both laugh. The tech art moves his fingers in a come here motion telling her to come with him. She grabs her mirror and walks up to the board "let's see.."  she glances down at her mirror as I smile "how do I find the average atomic weight of silver?" She looks from the teacher to her mirror "that would be, 106.905 times 0.5200 plus 108.905 times 0.4800 which, me deley, would give us 107.9 AMU.

Doug looks to me "AMU?" I shrug and look back up between Mr. Deley and Evie. "I forget, always a mistake to underestimate a.." she cuts him off as she turns  "a villain?" She smirks and tosses him the chalk "don't make it again." My eyes grow huge, as she walks to go sit back beside Doug, chad stops her handing her a note. I roll my eyes but high five her when she was walking by me. She reads the note and nods to chad then they met eyes and Doug, chad, and evie put their head in hand daydreaming like look on their face, but Doug still wears an annoyed look I sigh going back to take notes.

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