✓ | The Borrowed Identity (Fa...

By abyssofwendy

33.7K 1.3K 49

A skilled lieutenant detective met her end while solving a murder case involving the most influential politic... More

TBI 00: Prologue
TBI 01: Beginning
TBI 02: Identity
TBI 03: Beneath
TBI 04: Consensus
TBI 05: Mission
TBI 06: Rage
TBI 07: Damsel
TBI 08: Tail
TBI 09: Figure
TBI 10: Protect
TBI 11: Tear
TBI 12: Uphold
TBI 13: Truth
TBI 14: Cargo
TBI 15: Commander
TBI 16: Bounty
TBI 17: Curse
TBI 18: Hunt
TBI 19: Voice
TBI 20: Support
TBI 21: Whole
TBI 22: Maybe
TBI 23: Darling
TBI 24: Remember
TBI 25: Hesitation
TBI 26: Deal
TBI 27: Phoenix
TBI 28: Sacrifice
TBI 29: Banquet
TBI 30: Promise
TBI 31: Begging
TBI 32: Longed
TBI 33: Moment
TBI 34: Deep
TBI 35: Scarce
TBI 36: Journey
TBI 37: Farewell
TBI 38: Destiny
TBI 39: Mermaid
TBI 41: Adelaide
TBI 42: Chosen
TBI 43: Pirates
TBI 44: Threat
TBI 45: Plot
TBI 46: Epilogue
Afterword + Series #5

TBI 40: Negotiate

231 18 0
By abyssofwendy

[ Chapter 40: Negotiate ]


"And there she is, gone again," Valan whispered, his voice carried away by the gentle sea breeze. The moon cast its ethereal glow upon the restless waves as Selene disappeared beneath the surface, leaving Valan stranded on the deserted shore. He stood there, a solitary figure in the embrace of the night, unable to tear his eyes away from the contours of the vast ocean that separated them.

In those precious moments, Valan felt a part of him being swept away, drawn to the depths where Selene's kingdom awaited her return. It was as if she had taken with her a fragment of his very being, leaving him with a bittersweet ache that echoed in his heart. Yet, despite the ache, Valan understood the significance of letting Selene pursue her destiny.

From the moment they met, he had been captivated by her spirit, her unwavering bravery, and her unyielding love. She had taught him the profound lessons of reliance and the transformative power of love, reshaping his perspective on life itself.

His past was marred by loss, a succession of heartbreaks and separations that had left him with scars that ran deep. The absence of his parents, the revelation of his heritage, the departure of friends-each loss had chipped away at his trust, leaving him teetering on the precipice of despair. But Selene had become the beacon of hope, illuminating his path and teaching him to embrace the inherent uncertainties of life.

In her presence, he discovered the strength to confront the unknown, to confront his deepest fears. Despite the lingering fear of being alone, of losing those he held dear, Valan found solace in the trust he had cultivated with Selene. She had become his refuge, his sanctuary amidst the turmoil of his existence.

Selene had rekindled the spark within him, reigniting his desire to forge his own destiny and to rise above the adversities that had threatened to consume him. She had shown him that even in the face of overwhelming odds, love had the power to transcend boundaries and bridge the gaps that seemed insurmountable.

As he stood on that desolate shore, his gaze fixated on the ever-shifting tides, Valan realized that Selene was not only his guiding light but also the catalyst for his own transformation. She had instilled within him the courage to embrace change, to navigate the complexities of life, and to pursue the elusive threads of hope and desire.

So, with a mix of longing and determination, Valan made a silent vow to himself. He would await Selene's return, cherishing the memories they had shared and finding solace in the thought that their paths would intertwine once again. And in the meantime, he would continue to navigate the labyrinthine corridors of his own soul, guided by the profound lessons of reliance, bravery, and love that Selene had imparted.

For in their story, he had discovered not only the depths of his own resilience but also the boundless capacity of the human heart to heal, to love, and to find solace amidst the ever-changing tides of life.

When the sun welcomed the world again, it was the time for the operation to commence. As Valan and Admiral ventured deeper into the treacherous waters of the death valley, a sense of foreboding enveloped them. The thick fog shrouded their surroundings, obscuring their vision and heightening their senses to the eerie presence that lingered in the air. The once calm and serene sea now seemed like a graveyard of lost souls, waiting to devour any unsuspecting ship that dared to venture too close.

Valan's grip on the ship's wheel tightened as he navigated through the labyrinthine passages, relying on his instincts and the limited visibility afforded by the dim sunlight struggling to penetrate the dense fog. Admiral, who had assumed the form of Selene for the mission, followed closely by Valan's side, mirroring his every movement with unwavering obedience.

"I hate the eerie vibe we are welcomed with," Admiral remarked, his voice bearing a striking resemblance to Selene's, yet lacking the warmth and admiration that Selene's presence always brought. Valan knew that beneath the illusion, Admiral remained a loyal comrade, devoid of the emotional connection he shared with Selene.

Valan's gaze scanned the fog-laden horizon, searching for any sign of Sigrid's presence. The rumors of Sigrid's illicit activities in these waters had led them to this perilous expedition. It was a risk they had to take, for the lives of countless fishermen depended on putting an end to Sigrid's reign of terror.

"Stay beside me," Valan commanded, his voice resonating with authority. Admiral nodded in silent agreement, acknowledging his role as Valan's trusted ally in this dangerous undertaking.

As they sailed deeper into the death valley, Valan couldn't help but feel a chill crawl up his spine. The oppressive atmosphere seemed to weigh heavily on his shoulders, as if the souls of the departed were whispering their haunting tales, urging him to turn back. But Valan remained resolute, determined to face whatever challenges awaited them and ensure the safety of those who depended on him.

The fog grew thicker, swirling around the ship like ethereal tendrils. Valan's heart raced with anticipation and trepidation, his senses on high alert. He knew that they were drawing closer to their target, and the impending confrontation with Sigrid loomed ahead.

With each passing moment, the death valley revealed its macabre secrets. Wrecked ships, remnants of those who had fallen victim to the treacherous waters, emerged from the misty depths like ghostly apparitions. The eerie ambiance intensified, sending shivers down Valan's spine, but he pressed on, undeterred by the menacing atmosphere.

Valan's eyes scanned the horizon once more, and there, amidst the swirling fog, he caught a glimpse of a formidable vessel, unmistakably belonging to Sigrid. The sight filled him with a mixture of determination and caution. This was the moment they had been preparing for, the culmination of their efforts to confront the tyrant who had brought misery to these waters.

As they closed in on the vessel, Valan braced himself, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. The fate of the fishermen, the livelihoods of the people who depended on these waters, rested on their shoulders. With Admiral by his side, assuming the guise of Selene, Valan drew strength from their unwavering resolve.

In the heart of the death valley, Valan and Admiral prepared to engage in a battle that would determine the future of these once serene seas. The eerie vibes and the palpable tension only served to fuel their determination, as they sailed forth to confront the malevolence that lurked within the fog-enshrouded waters.

Sigrid's voice reverberated through the death valley, resonating with a chilling power. Valan stood firm, undeterred by the menacing presence that surrounded them.

"Sigrid, it is I, Commander of the Blue Steel," Valan declared, his voice brimming with confidence and determination. "I have the mermaid with me, but I would like to venture for a diplomatic meeting with you."

The silence in the center of the valley was palpable, broken only by the faint whispers that seemed to emanate from the shadows, like the agonized screams of those trapped within this desolate prison.

"I know you want the mermaid," Valan continued, his voice steady. "And you are the one behind the scarcity of marine life in the West Waters. In exchange for your desires, we wish to bring back the normal flow of the sea."

A bone-chilling echo cut through the air, carrying Sigrid's response. "Silence!" the voice boomed, filled with a terrifying authority. "You have lied to me, Commander."

Valan's eyes narrowed, his gaze unwavering as he responded with unwavering conviction. "I did not lie," he retorted. "I caught the mermaid, just as you desired when you put a bounty on her head."

The fog seemed to thicken around them, the atmosphere growing increasingly suffocating. Valan and Admiral stood resolute, their determination unwavering despite the ominous presence that surrounded them.

"We are here to negotiate," Valan asserted, his voice cutting through the silence. "To find a resolution that benefits both parties. The sea is suffering, and the livelihoods of countless individuals are at stake. We seek a way to restore balance and ensure the prosperity of all."

The valley remained eerily quiet, as if awaiting Sigrid's response. Valan could feel the weight of the moment, the gravity of the choices that lay before them. He knew that their fate, and that of the sea, hung precariously in the balance.

As the whispers of the trapped souls continued to fill the air, a sense of anticipation enveloped Valan. He held his breath, waiting for Sigrid's next move, hoping that their plea for diplomacy would be met with an open mind and a willingness to find a resolution that would bring harmony back to the once vibrant waters.

Sigrid's voice resonated once again, laced with stubbornness and defiance. "The mermaid is merely one piece of the puzzle, Commander," he retorted, his words carrying a tone of authority. "The West Waters have long suffered from overfishing and pollution caused by your kind. The imbalance in the sea is not solely my doing."

Valan's brows furrowed, his resolve unwavering. "I acknowledge the mistakes made by our kind, Sigrid. We have a responsibility to rectify them and restore the harmony of the sea. Blaming one another will not solve the problem."

Just as the tension seemed to escalate, a figure emerged from the shadows of the ship's chamber. It was Zaryn Callaghan, the influential Zegordian Gentry, known for his adept negotiation skills and ability to sway opinions.

"Sigrid, I implore you to listen," Zaryn spoke, his voice carrying a calm and diplomatic tone. "The Commander and I have come here in good faith, seeking a peaceful resolution. We understand your concerns, but we believe that finding common ground is crucial for the well-being of both our worlds."

Sigrid's gaze flickered between Valan and Zaryn, his expression hardened. "You speak of common ground, yet you have brought the mermaid as a bargaining chip," he countered, his voice filled with skepticism. "How can I trust your intentions?"

Valan took a step forward, meeting Sigrid's piercing gaze. "Trust is built through actions," he asserted, his voice firm. "We are here to demonstrate our commitment to restoring the balance of the sea, to rectify the mistakes of the past. We offer a collaborative effort, pooling our knowledge and resources to heal the damage inflicted upon our waters."

Zaryn joined Valan's side, his presence exuding determination. "Sigrid, we understand the significance of the sea's prosperity, not just for our people but for yours as well," he said earnestly. "By working together, we can find solutions that benefit both realms. The sea has sustained us for generations; let us ensure its longevity for generations to come."

Silence settled once again, the weight of the moment hanging heavy in the air. Sigrid remained steadfast, his expression unyielding.

"I am not convinced," Sigrid finally spoke, his voice resolute. "But I am willing to listen. Convince me further, Commander. Show me your dedication to this cause."

Valan's gaze met Zaryn's, a silent understanding passing between them. They knew that this was just the beginning, a small crack in Sigrid's unwavering resolve. With determination and unwavering hope, they continued to present their case, but this time, with a threat.

Zaryn maintained his composed demeanor, recognizing the need to reveal the truth in order to break through Sigrid's conviction. "Sigrid, there is something you must know," he began, his voice steady yet filled with urgency. "The new King of the Sea, he used your power as the sea monster to create fear among the land-dwellers. He orchestrated these events, including the scarcity of marine life, to compel them to bring the mermaid back to the sea kingdom."

Sigrid's eyes widened in disbelief, his anger mingling with a sense of betrayal. "No... the king, he was my ally," he muttered, his voice laced with frustration. "I trusted him. I believed the mermaid was a traitor, deserving of death."

Valan stepped forward, his gaze meeting Sigrid's with compassion. "Sigrid, the mermaid is not our enemy," he emphasized, his voice filled with sincerity. "She has suffered, just as we have. We need unity to overcome the challenges we face, not further division."

But Sigrid's defenses only heightened. His anger, mixed with the pain of betrayal, clouded his judgment. With a roar, he lunged at the ship where Valan, Admiral, and Zaryn stood, his immense form creating ripples in the surrounding water.

The atmosphere turned chaotic as the sea surged, waves crashing against the ship. Valan, Admiral, and Zaryn braced themselves, ready to defend against Sigrid's onslaught. The clash of forces marked the beginning of a war, a collision between two worlds that had once coexisted in harmony.

Valan's determination burned brighter. He had hoped for a peaceful resolution, but now his priority was to protect those he cared for and find a way to bring an end to the conflict. As the battle raged on, he knew that the fate of both realms hung in the balance, and he was willing to fight, not just for his love for Selene, but for the future they envisioned-a future of unity, healing, and the restoration of a once-thriving sea.

Amidst the tumultuous clash, Admiral's concentration faltered, causing his human facade to waver and reveal his true form. The sight of the shape-shifting further fueled Sigrid's anger, his eyes narrowing with a mix of fury and betrayal.

"You dare deceive me?" Sigrid bellowed, his voice echoing through the chaos. "You bring one of your kind to masquerade as the mermaid, attempting to manipulate me further!"

Valan stepped forward, his voice cutting through the turmoil. "Sigrid, listen to me!" he called out urgently. "The real Selene needs your help. She's trapped in a realm of darkness, suffering at the hands of those who seek to exploit her power. She needs you by her side."

Sigrid's rage momentarily faltered as Valan's words struck a chord within him. He hesitated, his immense form hovering above the ship, his eyes scanning the faces before him. Although Valan didn't know what is happening in Selene's part, but he knows the impending danger she will face.

Valan seized the opportunity to bridge the divide. "If you join forces with us, we can rescue Selene and expose the treachery of the King of the Sea," he continued, his voice filled with conviction. "Together, we can restore peace to both our realms, and ensure that no more lives are sacrificed in this needless war."

Sigrid's expression shifted, a mixture of turmoil and contemplation crossing his features. The battle continued around them, but in that moment, the confrontation between Valan and Sigrid held the weight of destiny.

As the two locked eyes, Valan's unwavering resolve conveyed his sincerity, his unwavering belief in the possibility of redemption and unity. And in the depths of Sigrid's gaze, a flicker of doubt and the stirrings of a once-forgotten bond began to emerge.

Time seemed to hang in the balance, the outcome of the war dependent on Sigrid's choice. Would he let anger consume him, or would he embrace the opportunity to save the mermaid and bring an end to the manipulation and strife?

In that pivotal moment, the fate of the mermaid, the land-dwellers, and the sea kingdom rested on the decision Sigrid would make. And Valan, his heart pounding with a mixture of hope and apprehension, awaited the verdict that would determine the path forward.


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