Shep689 Oneshots 2

Por breeoc97

7.4K 363 150

This is the second book for the Shepherd-Aguiar family! Will Shepherd and RJ Aguiar are happily married and... Más

a big surprise...
fun fall day!
first dr's appointment
day in the life vlog!
coralei's 4th birthday
spooky halloween!
telling the kids about the new baby!
benji's sick day
instagram captions #16
rj's birthday!
a very special thanksgiving surprise
benji's 8th birthday
a new puppy for christmas
making gingerbread houses!
a special little shepherd-aguiar christmas
snapchats #11
benji's winning hockey game
instagram captions #17
harlow's first haircut!
theodore's day out with daddy & papi!
valentine's day!
running errands with coralei!
welcoming luca
seeing luca for the first time
the kids meet luca for the first time!
snapchats #12
luca meets his grandparents
instagram captions #18
happy easter!
luca finally comes home!
relaxing day at home as a family!
instagram q&a w/ will
snapchats #13
we are adopting again?
instagram captions #19
welcome home, averie :)
random family vlog!
summer snowball fun!
instagram q&a w/ rj
averie's 4th birthday
a fun fourth of july!
grandma janice has passed away
saying goodbye to grandma janice
build a bear day with the girls
build a bear day with the boys
meeting a new baby cousin!
averie meets the family!
instagram captions #20
summer swim day!
first day of school!
snapchats #14
two wild! it's harlow's 2nd birthday!
instagram captions #21
a fun lunch date!
happy birthday benji's mom
coralei turns 5!
painting pumpkins!
snapchats #15
pumpkin patch + apple orchard fun!
benji's covid scare.
thanksgiving in the florida sun!
instagram q&a w/ will #2
rj's birthday full of surprise!
a shepherd-aguiar christmas
benji turns nine!
instagram q&a w/ rj #2
meeting pipo and mima's puppies!
instagram captions #22
birthday breakfast for daddy!
snapchats #16
@shep689: show me a picture of....
theodore's star wars 4th birthday
@damnitrj show me a picture of....
averie + daddy date!
celebrating grandma janice's birthday
special gifts for jennine's baby!
happy easter!
meeting baby henry!
instagram captions #23
luca's first birthday!
snapchats #17
q&a with benji
sunny park day!
instagram q&a w/ rj #3
averie pre-kindergarten graduation
instagram captions #24
ice cream + movie night fun!
will's autism diagnosis + do the kids have autism too?
averie's mermaid 5th birthday!
snapchats #18
instagram q&a w/ will #3
new neighbors!
instagram captions #25
visiting bisabuela at the hospital
frozen yogurt fun!
1st day of school!
here we go again?
harlow turns 3!
an exciting family photoshoot!
a fun shepherd-aguiar halloween!
let's pawty! coralei turns 6!
a small florida thanksgiving!
instagram captions #26
christmas + twin name reveal
benji turns 10!
covid hits the house!
family park day + meeting up with friends!
instagram captions #27
happy easter!
welcoming arya + oliver
averie graduates kindergarten!
i could have almost died...
first day of school!
happy halloween!
a cozy california thanksgiving
merry christmas!
remembering pop
will's birthday!
meet luci
the lucky grand finale
a happy easter!
life q&a: luci, henry, hank, family & more!
theodore graduates kindergarten!
welcoming henry
back to school!
a fun sleepover! (pt 1)
a fun sleepover! (pt 2)
my dad passed away. recconecting with my dad after ten+ years
thanksgiving in florida!
meeting santa!
luci's second birthday!
a sweet family easter!
benji gets his ears pierced!
harlow graduates kindergarten!

looks like we'll be having a baby soon!

53 5 7
Por breeoc97

*Will films a quick update about his pregnancy and about the kids! Please send suggestions on what you wanna see! Love • Bree ❤️*

"Are you buckled in, Harlow bear?" Will asks Harlow as he fixes his glasses and hair in the mirror.

"Uh huh! I'm buckled up, Daddy!" Harlow says as she happily moves her feet, kicking up and down.

"Great job! You are such a big girl!" Will says, blowing Harlow a kiss, causing her to smile

"Yeah! I am! I'm going to kindergarten soon!" Harlow says as Will chuckles at Harlow's excitement to finally be in "big girl school" along with Coralei, Averie and Theodore this upcoming school year.

"That's right! You graduated pre-k and Theodore graduated kindergarten a few weeks ago!" Will says as Harlow smiles ear to ear.

"Are we having a fun summer so far, Harlow?" Will asks Harlow with a grin.

"Uh huh! Wots of swimming and friends and ice cream!" Harlow says, clapping her hands with lots of excitement.

"We have been swimming a lot, eating lots of ice cream and hanging out with friends! Coralei and Averie are at Luna, River and Eden's house! We will pick them up later!" Will says to Harlow and the vlogging camera.

"We are waiting for Bubba too!" Harlow says with a big grin.

"That's right, we are waiting for Benji! He is coming! He had to make sure his braces were clean." Will explains to Harlow.

"Uh huh!" Harlow says.

"Benji just got braces a few weeks ago. It's not because his teeth are crooked because his teeth are pretty straight on their own but he has a slight over bite and the orthodontist wants to correct it now and not wait later. Benji thinks braces are cool and was excited to pick out the colors. Transition has been pretty good! He will probably have them on for about a year or two, but we will see!" Will says as Benji walks outside and gets into the car.

*Benji and Harlow's outfits*

"Hi, Bubba!" Harlow says as she smiles and waves at Benji.

"Hi, Harlow!" Benji says, smiling back at Harlow and waves at her.

"Are we ready to go to run some errands?" Will asks Benji and Harlow.

"YES!" Harlow yells with excitement. 

"Yup!" Benji says with a big grin.

"Okay! Let's go!" Will says as he begins to drive! 


"Today I am running some much needed errands with Benji and Harlow! RJ is back at home because Luca and Luci are having speech therapy today and Luci is also having occupational and physical therapy as well. I'll make another video on updates on Luci but I'll just say that she is walking now! Everyday she's getting stronger and we think she'll be walking mainly in a few more months which is very exciting." Will explains to everyone.

"Arya and Oliver are taking their afternoon nap, Coralei and Averie are at Joey and Daniel's like I said earlier and Theodore is also taking a nap. It's been a rough few days with Theodore. Theodore has swimmer's ear and it has been absolutely awful. No sleep or eating for Theodore and it's been hard for RJ and I. We hate to see any of our kids in pain and not feeling well. It's been a few days now and it is finally getting better, thank goodness." Will says.

"Now Teddy doesn't want to swim." Benji says to the vlogging camera and Will nods in agreement.

"Yeah, he has a pool fear now, which is understandable. I would too if I swam one day and the next day my ear hurt so bad. The doctors said no swimming for a little while so everything can heal and get back to normal. But I think by the end of the summer, Teddy will be swimming again." Will says as he sips on his water.

"Daddy?" Harlow calls for Will.

"Yes, baby?" Will asks Harlow.

"Is Nana bringing Riley and Wittle Man?" Harlow asks Will, wondering if Karen is bringing her two dogs when she comes back to visit.

"No, they will be staying with Uncle Logan this time! But don't worry they will come soon!" Will says to Harlow.

"YouTube, Nana is coming back to our house! Even though she just went back home like two weeks ago."  Benji says with a giggle.

"Seriously! My mom has been living with us since late January. Right after everything happened, RJ and I told her to come to California and be with us for as long as she needed. She stayed with us up until the end of the school year and it has been wonderful to spend time with her and the kids love having a grandparent near by. We only see my mom, Hank and RJ's mom and dad a few times a year." Will says to the camera as he drives.

"Pop is in heaven!" Harlow interrupts Will, causing Will to almost tear up.

"He is in heaven, that's right baby. He's an angel in heaven." Will says as Harlow smiles.

"So after the school year ended, my mom wanted to go back home, see her friends and other family members and try to make a new normal without Hank. It's been a really rough year for my mom but she is one of the strongest ladies I know." Will says as he sighs sadly.

"The reason my mom is coming back to California is because Henry is coming sooner than we thought." Will says as Harlow cheers.

"Yay! Henry coming!" Harlow cheers some more.

"He is coming soon! In what? Like in five days or something like that?" Benji says to Will.

"Five days, you are right, Benji!" Will says causing Benji to grin.

"So yesterday, I went to my regular OBGYN appointment, just a regular checkup on me and baby that I have been doing every week since I was twenty seven weeks. Ever since my pregnancy with Luca, my doctor has been seeing me more than most of her patients because she wants to make sure another placenta abruption doesn't happen or an even worse complication. For those who are new, Luca was born at thirty three weeks and he was in the NICU for a few weeks and he's completely healthy and happy. He is three years old now which I can't believe. I had a placenta abruption with him and thankfully we are both doing well." Will says.

"The twins, Arya and Oliver are thirteen months old  and they were born at thirty seven weeks. I had a c-section booked at I think thirty nine weeks, but due to my high blood pressure they had to come before that date. I was actually diagnosed with pre-eclampsia with them. However, high blood pressure and being born early is extremely common in a twin pregnancy. I never had blood pressure issues with Coralei, Theodore, Harlow or even Luca's pregnancy until the very end of his." Will says as Harlow sings to herself causing Will to giggle.

"My blood pressure has been slowly going up for the past few weeks now and yesterday it was high. Like the highest it's ever been. So because of high blood pressure and because having issues in the past with pre-eclampsia, a placenta abruption and that Henry and the twins are super close in age, my doctor, RJ and I have all decided to deliver Henry early. He will be born at thirty five weeks, so he might not need NICU time like Luca did, but if he does, it shouldn't be a lengthy stay. Some thirty five weekers come home right away and some don't, it just depends!" Will explains to everyone.

"My mom really wanted to be there when Henry was born and so I called her yesterday after my doctors appointment and I swear she is psychic because she was like "Henry is coming early isn't he" and I said yes and I think she packed her bag right after our phone call ended." Will says with a chuckle.

"My mom is flying in tomorrow, so right now, Benji, Harlow and I are getting toiletries, bedding and just any other little things my mom would need during her stay with us and so she doesn't have to bring it on her flight. RJ and I converted our basement kinda into a little apartment and my mom stayed there during her last stay. We want to personalize it this time around and make it feel a little more homey." Will says.

"Dad, can I get a Fortnite card when we go to Target?" Benji asks Will.

"Sure! Do you have enough money for it?" Will asks Benji and Benji looks at his wallet.

Since he is the oldest child, Will and RJ have been giving him a bigger allowance than the other kids and they have been teaching him the importance of saving money and how to budget.

"Yup!" Benji says proudly.

"Then you can get it. You have been budgeting your money very well and I'm very proud of you for that." Will says, causing Benji to feel proud and smile.

"Daddy! Can we get cake pops?" Harlow asks Will, causing Will and Benji to laugh and smile at each other.

"We can! My treat for all three of us." Will says as Benji grins and Harlow cheers

"Yay!" Harlow yells and Benji laughs at his little sisters excitement.

"Well, I think I'm going to end the vlog here. We will definitely film a little birth vlog for Henry just like we did for the other kids, so get ready for that. We love you guys and we will see you all next time! Bye!" Will says as he waves at the vlogging camera.

"Bye!" Benji says as he does a peace sign.

"BYEEEEEE!" Harlow yells happily as she waves at the vlogging camera as well. 

For the rest of the vlog, Will films smalls clips of himself, Benji and Harlow spending the day together, much needed time together before Henry arrives!

For the rest of the night, Will and RJ get the house ready for Karen's arrival and get their hospital bags packed! :)

*Picture of Will laying on the couch as he rubs his baby bump*
shep689 we are having a baby sooner than we thought due to my blood pressure 😅🙃 thankfully baby Henry and myself are doing fine and we are not in danger right this minute. however, I need to be induced asap. my scheduled c-section has been scheduled for june 28th, aka my mom @shep689mom and Hank's wedding anniversary  ❤️

*Picture of Will and a popsicle*

shep689 it's hot af out and this has been my cravings for weeks now! 🍧

*Picture of a selfie of Will and Karen*
shep689 mom is here ☺️

*Picture of an ultrasound picture of Henry*
damnitsrj Looks like little guy is coming sooner than we thought! Due to @shep689 blood pressure, it's time to deliver. Thankfully, Henry is doing great and probably won't need much NICU time!

*Picture of Karen and RJ in the car together heading home*
damnitsrj The mother-in-law is here! She left us two weeks ago to go back home and now she's back since Henry is coming a little early! I'm so grateful for her help!!

*Picture of a selfie of Karen on an airplane*
shep689mom Off to California again! ✈️ My newest grandson is coming in a few days (he's coming early due to @shep689's blood pressure) I can't wait to be there when Henry is born and to be there for my son, son-in-law and nine grandbabies! ❤️ 

*Picture of Averie, Luca, Luci, Arya, Oliver, Coralei, Benji, Theodore and Harlow all hugging Karen as she walks in the house*
shep689mom Best welcome ❤️

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