Chased by Life and Death

By Lillian2Gwen

3.9K 385 213

"She is a monster.", they said. Well, they are not wrong. I'm not a normal monster like the others from the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Epilogue 1
Epilogue 2
The End
Authors Note

Chapter 18

57 9 0
By Lillian2Gwen

ALERT! This chapter contains blood scenes.


"Finally, we are back," I said as I plopped myself on the couch. Ian chuckled. "Yeah. Hunter probably will eat us alive." Luke elbowed him on his ribs and he yelled. "What was that for?!"

"It was your fault. You were texting at midnight. You should have texted in the morning and not in the middle of the night."

"Did you settle?" Logan asked us as he walked inside from the kitchen, with Noah at his trail. "Yes, mum." Tristan teased and Hunter walked from the hallway while laughing. "I agree with him, mother."

Logan signed. "I hate you," he said with amusement in his eyes. "Where is Blake?"

"I think he is in his room. Blake!" I shouted. After, two minutes he emerged and sat next to Luke. "What is it?' he asked. "Great now that we are all here, we-"


We stood abruptly and turned to the front door. "I'm back bitches!" Monica announced. I slowly examined her. She hasn't changed these past few weeks. Her hair is down, and she wears a blue hoodie with an anime character printed on the front and black leggings. She paired the outfit with her black boots and her usual smile. Logan exhaled slowly. "Monica, you are late." I stood and approached her. She eyed me and took a few steps until she opened her arms and hugged me. I wrapped my arms around her and inhaled her familiar scent. I missed this. A throat cleared from behind us, and we parted. She smiled and walked to the guys, and I followed. "I got stuck on the road. Sorry."

"Alright, let's start again-" A knock on the door interrupted him and Hunter threw his arms up. "Who the fuck is now?!"

"Come in," Tristan said. The door opened and Mr. Aaron walked in followed by a man. Monica gasped while Tristan, Logan, and Noah shot to their feet and got closer to Monica. They glared at the man while Monica stared at him with mixed emotions on her face. Like she didn't know what to feel. The man is probably our age with short black hair. He stood tall with a dark blue hoodie and matching jeans. His eyes are light brown, and he has high cheekbones. As I took his form, I thought that maybe he hid a lot of muscle underneath.

"Dad, what the fuck is he doing here?" Tristan growled and Monica took a step forward.

"Micah, what are you doing here?" she asked. Who is he? And why Monica knows him? Another ex-boyfriend? "Boys, calm down. Micah is not a threat, and you know it. He is here because we have some business together and because he can't go back and forth, he will stay here." Mr, Aaron explained.

"WHAT!?" Noah half shouted half asked. "When you mean here, you are referring to our room?" Luke asked. Mr. Aaron nodded. "I thought that maybe he can hang out with you. Besides as you can see the boys and Monica know him. Also, he won't feel like an outsider. Moreover, I learned that you have a spare room, and we don't have any free rooms, so I guess you have a new roommate." He finished with a smirk.

"Mr. Aaron we can't-"

"Logan." Monica snapped and he shut his mouth. Mmm. This is the second time she did this. She turned to Tristan's dad. "We will take care of him, and we will not cause you any trouble." She glared at her best friends.

"Excellent. Micah, I will leave you here and we will meet again in the morning. Good night, everyone." With that, he turned and left. When the door closed, we turned to Micah. He studied us and his gaze shifted to Monica. Blake growled, softly. Micah turned to him and chuckled. "Easy there, boy. Am not going to harm her."

"How do you know them?" Ian asked him. To his credit, Micah glanced at Monica and a minute passed as they talked with their eyes. Finally, he started to talk. "We know each other since we were kids. That's why."

"And why do they watch you like they want to kill you?" Hunter asked. Micah signed and threaded his hand through his hair. "For many reasons. They don't like the people I hung out with. They don't like my family and they don't trust me." Tristan snorted. "Yeah, that's why." he mocked.

"I'm tired. I'm going to bed early. Micah, I will see you around. Good night, guys." Monica said and headed to her room. Once, her door clicked shut we turned to Micah. He smiled at us. "Let's get along, my new roommates."


The following morning, I walked into the kitchen, and I found Micah talking with Blake and Noah. "Morning," I spoke. "Morning," they responded. I sat beside Micah and took the cereal. I poured some into my bowl and started to eat. "Did you sleep well?" I asked him. He swallowed his bite and said "Fine. The bed was very comfortable and I'm living in a room alone, so I have my privacy." I nodded. After a few minutes of silence, he added "So what do you think of Monica?"

I stopped and looked at him. "I like her." Blake started to cough, and Noah's eyes widen, except for Micah who laughed. "Straightforward. I like you already." I chuckled. Luke, Tristan, and Ian walked in and exchanged hellos with Micah before sitting. "Can I ask you a question?" Ian said to Micah. He nodded.

"Why the guys looked at you yesterday like that? The real reason." Tristan cursed and Luke silenced him. Micah stayed quiet for a moment looking at them and finally said "We know each other since we were kids. We used to play and practice together along with my older brother. They hated him since we introduced ourselves. Well, my brother is... a bad guy."

"He's a monster," Noah announced from his seat while Hunter and Logan emerged inside. "Noah," Logan warned and Noah returned to his food. Micah shrugged. "The boy is right don't chastise him." Fangs dropped from Noah's mouth and his eyes became red. "Call me a boy again-" A slap came to his neck and he jumped. Monica stood behind him staring with a cold gaze. The room fell quiet and became colder than before.

"Calm down." She ordered him and he took a small breath. His eyes turned brown again and the fangs returned. She removed her hand and walked to the fridge. "Why do I feel this will be a bad day?" she quietly asked more herself than us.

"That's because you are being chased by a bad fate," Logan said. She took an apple and closed the door of the fridge. She opened her mouth and her teeth bit hard on the apple. "I'm going to Mr. Aaron. He needs some help so I can't run today. I will see you at lunch." She finally smiled and blew us a kiss as she walked out.


After Monica left, we chatted while Noah and Tristan rarely spoke. Micah went to the principal to find Tristan's dad and we went for our run. Now, I took my plate and walked to our usual table. I sit as the guys chatted while Monica laughed at something Blake said. Even though she wore her uniform with her hair down she still shined like a star. From her expression, I realized that she was in a good mood than the bad mood she was in this morning. Her eyes found mine and I winked at her. She blushed and turned her gaze away.

Fuck, she's so cute. I don't know how much time I can hold myself from her. I want to touch her skin and kiss her until we can't breathe- "Parker, are you listening?" Luke elbowed me and I turned to him. "What were you saying?" He eyed me and smirked like he knew what I was thinking. "I was saying if you want to go for practice in the woods. I want to shift, and Blake wants to."

"Oh, sure I don't have a problem."


"Well, look who is still here?" A voice said from behind me. We turned our heads and saw Nathaniel. He has an annoying smirk on his face and he's looking excited. I want to punch him. "Leave, bastard," Tristan growled and Noah placed his hands on his shoulder to calm him. Nathaniel doesn't listen and sits between Ian and Blake. "I thought you weren't coming back," he said to Monica.

She shrugged. "Why shouldn't I come here? I'm a student like you or more correctly not like you because you are only a tourist here." Nathaniel bared his teeth, but she didn't flinch. "Careful girl. I will send you to your mama and daddy." 

I growled along with the others as a warning, but Tristan slammed his hands on the table, and it trembled. Before he said anything, Monica said calmly to Nathaniel. "Fortunately, or unfortunately, my parents are dead."

My blood ran cold inside my veins, and I stopped breathing. Silence fell on our table along with the other ones around us. We don't talk only stared at her, shocked by what she said. Her parents are dead?

"So, you can't send me to them but instead I can send you to them." She said coldly and stared at him like he said nothing special. Nathaniel became still and didn't say anything. Monica winked at him and he's eyes widened from fear, he jumped from his seat and ran through the door. I stood and Tristan, Ian, and Blake followed me and together we released an angry growl. Some students left the cafeteria as they sensed something, and I took a step forward. "Sit down," Monica said softly and we turned to her.

Her eyes gleamed and she was not smiling. I exchanged glances with the guys, and we took our seats. No one spoke and after several minutes Luke asked, "But you said that you were going to your family on Christmas?" Blake nodded and Ian followed. "If you weren't there, where were you?" I turned to Tristan and found him still.

"Did you know about this?" But he didn't answer. I laughed bitterly. "Of course, you knew about this, and you didn't say anything." He shook his head. "It wasn't our story to tell," Noah announced. Blake rubbed his face and clicked his tongue in frustration.

"Guys, please stop. Noah is right. At first, I wanted to keep it secret because am not an open person and we didn't know each other well. After, I just didn't find the perfect time to tell you and I wasn't ready. On Christmas, I stayed with my brothers." Monica explained and played with her spoon. We kept our focus on her and waited for her to finish. I ran my hand through my hair and Ian licked his lip piercing. "My parents were great and kind people. They didn't like to leave someone exposed and they taught me many things. My brothers and I had a great time with them." She added and a genuine smile appeared on her face.

"What happened to them?" I asked. Her smile vanished and turned her eyes to me. "They were murdered." Beside me, Luke gasped in surprise and my hands curled into fists.

"Who were they?" Ian asked her. For a second her eyes flickered from green to black and back to green. "They were many. They had planned it. A group of humans, demons, and one or five at least creatures from each species." she said with a frown of disgust on her face. "I'm sorry," Blake said.

The bell rang and students stood to go to their classes. Monica stood and smiled at us. We got to our feet, and I walked to her. She eyed me and I took her into my arms. Her arms went around me, and she released a trembling breath. "You're a strong girl," I said and released her. She just smiled and extended her hand to Noah. He took it along with his bag and stood beside her. "We have Maths so we will see you later." She said and waved to us and together they left with their hands. I turned to Luke. "Let's go too. We have a History of Supernatural."

"You're right." He spoke. "Later," he called as we headed to the same door Monica and Noah went. We walked in silence when I spoke. "I feel bad. She spent Christmas with her brothers, but I know that she wasn't with them all the time."

"Yeah, I feel the same thing. Maybe someday she will open to us and we to her." We took the stairs, and someone bumped into Luke. I caught them both by their elbows so they wouldn't fall from the stairs. "What the heck, man!" Luke said annoyed. The guy lifted his head and we finally saw his face. He was crying and trembling from fear. He slowly lifted his hand and gestured upstairs. Screams sounded and I started to take the stairs faster. Luke followed and when I was at the top I ran through the corridor. With my wolf, I tried to hear what the person shouted. "MONICA! STOP!

I sped up and when I turned to the next corridor, I saw Noah on his knees crying next to the wall, frozen. At the center of the hall, Monica sat on a guy and punched him as if there will be no tomorrow. On the other hand, the guy didn't fight back at all. "MONICA!" Luke shouted from behind me, but she didn't stop. When I finally was there, I grabbed her by the waist and tried to drag her away, but she was strong. "LUKE, HELP ME!" I shouted to him as Lex and Mr. Aaron ran to us from down the hall.

Luke helped me and with a lot of effort, we dragged her back. She cursed loudly and she thrashed in our hands. Her hands and clothes were covered in blood and her eyes were black. For a moment, she slipped away, and we grabbed her again. "Please Monica, calm down," I said to her. She breathed heavily while Noah from behind us still cried on the floor. "Parker, who the hell is he?" Luke asked me and I turned to the guy in front of us. From the many punches, you couldn't distinguish his features. His face was disfigured. Lex stopped along with Mr. Aaron, and they took his place.

Blood was everywhere, including the walls. Lex kneed down next to the guy and went to check his pulse, but Aaron smacked his hand away. "Lex, please call the principal and close this corridor to any student and I will send two guys to take the guy to the infirmary." Lex nodded and ran back to where he came from. Monica stopped thrashing and her breathing returned to normal. "Release her." Mr. Aaron ordered us, and we let her go. She didn't lift her head and our teacher signed. "Guys, thank you for your help but you should go to your classes. I will take Monica to the principal."

"But Mr. Aaron-" Luke started but Mr. Aaron stopped him with a hand. "Mr. Charles you will go to your glass. Am I clear?" His shoulders fell in defeat, and we nodded. "Noah, you will follow me to the office along with Mrs. Piland." Noah nodded and stood. He wiped his face and went beside Monica.

I took a last look at her, feeling that I want to go with them and stay beside her all the time there. I tried to find her gaze to ask her Why? Why did you do it? But she didn't look at me. I turned around and walked down the corridor. "What the hell was that?!" Luke asked me.

"I don't know but we will wait to hear about it."


In all the classes I had after, I didn't pay attention. I was thinking about her and the guy she was punched. When the bell rang, I met with the guys, and they asked me and Luke about the fight. I told them what I had seen and heard when I got there but we didn't know what happened because Noah and Monica hadn't returned. Now, we sit in the living waiting. Hunter is furious while Logan is worried about Monica. We still don't know who the guy was.

The door opened and we jumped to our feet. Noah walked inside, closed the door, and came to us. He let his bag fall to the ground and plopped onto the couch with a long sigh. "Noah, what the fuck happened?!" Hunter demanded. We took our seats again while he ran his hands through his hair. "Noah, please explained what happened," Logan said to him.

"We were walking to our classes when Matteo showed up."

"This was Matteo!?" I asked surprised. He nodded. "Yes, he was Matteo and then he followed us. He said some things."

"What things?" Ian growled.

"He said that he wanted her so much and after he started talking about her parents. He said that she is like them and it was a pity that they are dead and then he said that it was great they are dead, and Monica exploded. She was all the time calm, but I think she had enough of it, and I ask myself how did she last so long?" He stopped for a moment and Luke placed a hand on his shoulder. "She punched him in the face and when he fell to the ground, she sat on him and started punching him. At first, Matteo tried to fight her but after the fourth punch he was out," he added.

"Why didn't you do anything?" Hunter asked him. Tristan growled. "Because neither I nor Logan can control her when she's angry so imagine Noah," he said.

"I didn't do anything because I couldn't. Monica is aggressive sometimes and I am afraid of fighting." We nodded in understanding. "From time to time you will get over it. We will help you." Blake said. Noah nodded but I can see that he felt guilty and weak.

"Where is Monica?" Logan asked. "The principal said that he will release her after I left. She should be here any -"

The door opened and Monica walked in. The door closed with a bank, and I think we all held our breath as she looked at us. Her eyes were green and not black, her hair is a mess and her uniform is covered in blood. "Hey."

"Are you okay?" Tristan asked and walked to her. She chuckled while he revolved around her to see for any injuries.

"Are you serious!? You almost killed a guy from school, and you are laughing?" Hunter stormed at her, and we all jumped. Monica glared at him, and Ian said "Hunter, you are right. She went too far but she did what best she thought it was right."

"You know that Matteo wasn't a saint so don't put all the weight on me. Just forget it, okay?" She spoke.

"We will try but what did the principal say?" Luke said. "I will have to run some errands for him, and I will have to train more than you." she only said. "I will go and take a shower." She headed to the hall and stopped with a hand on the wall. "I'm sorry, Noah." With that, she left without glancing back.

"What is her problem?!" Hunter growled. "Let's not talk about it. Where is Micah?" Ian asked. "He isn't here but am sure that he knows what happened," Hunter said with a roll of his eyes. "He was in the office when I got there with Monica and Mr. Aaron." Noah finally spoke.

"And he should stay there," Tristan said. "Hey, don't be like that. He is a funny guy." Luke argued. "I will head to my room. It was a long day." I said and stood. "Okay, man," Ian said.

"Night Parker."

"Night," I said and headed to my room. I turned to the hall, but I didn't go to my room. Instead, I paused outside her door and knocked. A minute later, she opened her door. My tongue darted out and licked my bottom lip.

From her look, she left the bathroom some minutes before because she wore her pajamas, and her hair is still wet. Her green eyes widened, and she said "Parker, what are you doing here?" Her lip side had a small wound. From the fight I predicted. I took a step forward and touched her wound. She flinched but relaxed. "I wanted to see if you were okay. It's so weird?"

"N-no. Of course, not but after what I did and what you saw you still want to see my face?" I traced my finger to her lips and she shivered. I want to kiss her so badly. "I don't care," I spoke. She stared into my eyes and for a heartbeat, I lost myself to them. "I should go so you can rest." She slightly nodded and I released her lip, went outside, and closed the door. Then, I stopped and rethought it. I turned and opened the door.

"Parker, did you forget som-" I went inside, grabbed her face, and slammed my lips to hers. She gasped and for a second she stayed still but after some seconds she kissed me back. I slide one hand to her waist and brought her closer while my other hand cupped her cheek. She clenched her hands to the front of my hoodie and relaxed. She slightly opened her mouth, and I found the opportunity to slide my tongue inside. She moaned and my hand tightened to her waist. Finally, I released her lips, and she lifted her head to look into my eyes.

Her eyes shined brighter, and her lips were swollen from the kiss. I kissed her forehead and stepped back. "Good night, baby," I said and I left her standing there shocked about what happened. I went to my room and laid on my bed. When the sleep came, I still felt her warm lips on mine.

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