Kissed Him Hard [BL]

By jirosesama

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They love each other, but it came with a price. Odds were against them, hindering their relationship. They mu... More



320 20 49
By jirosesama

Hey guys! hope you'll like the story and please take time reading. This is my first book and I'm happy to share this with you people. Enjoy!

And if you're interested in bad bottom and a dominant top please check out my other work called "Sugar Venom" its on my profile. Thankies❤️


Waking up from screaming and cussing is not a positive feeling, it sucks. I was awakened from my slumber from a scream that pierced my ear the second I heard it.

Playing like a background irritating music. The breaking of things and the voices of two people arguing and shouting to each other sounds so loud and makes me feel light headed.

Early in the morning? Really?

The second I opened my eyes, giving up the sleepiness and forcing myself to get up was easy. Considering the situation downstairs it makes me want to escape this hellish place immediately.

I prepared myself in a hurry, like someone is chasing me down and in no time, I'm done. Running downstairs as if the house will burn any seconds, well that might happen just by looking at those two people trying to bite each other's heads off, can be a possibility.

"I want a fucking divorce!!" Roars a high pitched voice that came from my mother. I stopped in my track immediately after I heard it, my whole body went stiff.

Shocked, from the word came out of her mouth, her once loving mouth that speaks sweet nothings to my ear when I was having a bad dream as a child, now speaks hateful words with such venom.

"You fucking whore! You dare to say that after whoring yourself to that fucking Bastard?! You dam- " The man's voice, my father's, was cut off as my mother's voice roared in a hiss .

"I'm the whore!? Bastard! You! Cheated on me first, to that fucking slut! Who's her name again?! Kitty?" Taunts my mom as if slapping my father's face using that name.

And it worked, my father's silence proved that.

"Still, it doesn't give you the damn right t-" once again cutted off by mother's words full of venom that you can feel the thickness of it.

It made me flinch.

"Damn right?!" She asked in menacing tone, as if she couldn't believe what she just heard.

And again, shouted to the top of her lungs as she threw things that she could hold to my father who's currently dodging it shouting to my mother once again about who's right is right.

Before anything could happen to me, or me getting caught in the mess. I bolted to the already open door without my parents noticing as they were busy trying to kill each other.

My eyes sting as the word finally sinks into my mind.

They want freedom.

They want nothing to do with me, they don't even consider my wellbeing as they were too immersed in themselves.

They think they are the ones who's hurting.

What about me?

What about family?

Their actions and words hurt me to the core. My eyes hurt from tears I'm holding back, refusing to accept that the word hurt me more than ever.

I hopped into my car that they gifted me when I turned eighteen, when everything is bearable before it turned into a fucking big mess. Starting the engine, I grabbed the steering wheel and suddenly an idea crossed my mind.

But before I can even comprehend or decided to act upon it. My body acted on its own, in the spur of the moment, in my angry and hurt state.

I purposely crashed the car...

...right straight into the house...

My body jerking forward and a loud sound reverberated in the air when it made contact to the wall near the window, creating a dent from the force of its impact. A ringing in my ear made me wince and grip the steering wheel.

Fortunately, my action didn't do much damage. Except now, the house had a visible dent designing it. I can't believe what the fuck I just did.

I crashed the car... our home...

Into the place where there used to be laughter in the air and love in the eyes of my parents looking at me with adoration, my heart twisted painfully.

But at least, it got quiet.

But after regaining my composure and reality hit me tremendously my eyes widened and adrenaline pumped into my veins and in a flash, I reversed the car in haste and floored the road in speed second. But after the adrenaline wears off, the pumping of my heart is as loud as a thunder.

Fuck it.

Why the fuck did I do that?

My anger seems to increasingly rising when I realize that they were affecting me. Both mentally and physically.

Fuck it fuck it fuck it.

I chanted in my mind as I stopped at a red light. Leaning my head against the steering wheel as I feel the familiar burn in the sides of my eyes.

What happened to us?

My family.

The loving family I once knew now seems to have disappeared. Along with my old self that they had shaped me. Now I can't understand myself, anger always gains control over me and it's slowly eating my old self. They built me again, but this time, in pain.

Fuck all of this shit!

Arriving at my school in a blink of an eye. While forcefully pushing my swarming thoughts away from my mind as hard as I can. Wanting to forget what had just took place and think about other things.

Acting like nothing happened, and luckily I'm good at that thing.

Walking towards the building, I immediately found my friends who told me that they're loyal but I knew who the real one was.

Taking a deep breath, and putting on a tense smile like I always have, and always will be. I greeted them with a fist bump and back taps.

"Elina said party at her, you down?" Drew said as he tapped my back. He is one of those I can say real friends with. His black hair covering half of his black eyes and his lean built body, compressed to mine when another of our friends decided to tackle us.

"Let's go together!" Nate said as he hugged Drew tightly.

"I'll think about it, now let's get to class." I told them and honestly, I don't need to really think about it when I know to myself I'll be going there and drinking myself to the point of drowning. I'll choose that than go back to the house to get reprimanded and to more shouting and blaming.

"Let's go together!" Nate tells Drew happily .




"Pretty please."


"Please Drew, Wayne tell him please!" Nate begged with his big puppy green eyes under his mop of brown hair. He really looked like a puppy besides Drew's six three ish' height.

"Just go with him Drew, it won't kill you!" I told Drew wanting to be out of the conversation.

"But I can-" his words got stuck to his throat as a groan replaced it when Nate practically put him in a tighter embrace than earlier.

"Yey! Thank you thank you thank you, Wayne."

Nate shouts at me thankfully as I trudged away from them to my room. I heard Drew groan frustratingly and I paid no mind of him. I have my own shits to care about.

Going inside the room and recklessly sat down on my chair, it made a startled sound. Ignoring the questioning glance sent my way by other students.

After some time in the middle of discussion, two things annoyed me. The reason why I wanna snap at anything at the moment and bolt out of this boring hellish place.

First, the boring teacher in front of us with eyes that looked dead as if he was bored to the core as he kept on rambling confusing words that I didn't even understand one bit.

My eye twitch.

Second is the pair of eyes staring at me from a distance irks me to the point of insanity. Drilling hole on my face and made me clench my jaw in anger and discomfort. The pair of eyes staring at me directly without being subtle, made me feel certain ways.

But anger is sure the most of it, his baby blue eyes continue to stare at me and what makes me more annoyed is the fact that he's looking at me in such hate.


What's his problem?

Clenching my fists, I just let him be. Thinking if I ignore his visual hostility towards me he'd stop. I look back at the window staring outside.

Crazy shit. I thought while thinking about him.

Thoughts of earlier came back to me and I, ever so slowly feel sadness and anger creeps into me like a plague. But before it could take control over me, the irritating monotone voice of our teacher made me get out of it. I shrug of the creeping depression I'm starting to feel.

"Pass your assignment tomorrow, no extension, by pair and pair only. Otherwise, I won't grade that. Talk to your partner I assigned to you last Monday." The teacher monotonously said as he went back to his seat and faced his laptop.


Well fuck, I don't know who's my partner is.
And actually, I don't care if I fail this subject.

I was stirred out of my thoughts when I saw someone suddenly pop up in front of me and made me startled momentarily. I quickly gain my composure back.

And when I say someone I mean the owner of those irritatingly baby blue eyes.

I frown looking at him and he seems to be deep in his thoughts, just staring at me, in my face specifically.

I cleared my throat with a cough.

He got startled and looked at my eyes straight away. Face flushing in red. For a brief moment, I saw something flash on those shiny blue orbs of his, something I didn't expect. An emotion that made my breath hitch.


Or I'm just being delusional and my mind were playing tricks on me, I'm not sure. But one thing is certain, the annoyed look on his face doesn't hide the fact that beyond those baby blues, there's this adoration that is greater than the hate in his face he's showing at me.

I held my breath, I was used to it, I was, I used to receive that kind of look from my parents.

But why?

Why is he looking at me with that?

"You, Wayne Holmes!! Why aren't you replying to my messages?" He hissed but because of his meek smooth voice it failed the hostility he wanted to show and the hate on his eyes were back.


I didn't get any, I didn't even open my phone for a week now. Oh. It dawned on me that I didn't see his messages because I may not have opened my phone at all, well fuck.

"Did you forget or you just ignored it? And you stupid meanie put us to this mess! " He angrily spat at me and the look on his face just didn't give me the vibe to be scared of him, instead I felt amusement. The anger I felt towards him earlier fading ever-so-slightly. He almost look like a a puppy throwing a tantrum.

He glared more intensely. "Hey! Did you hear me?" He whines, I chuckled mentally, if he heard this thought of mine. Maybe, his face would get redder and his eyes would get bigger and his pupils too. That would look good on him.


...what the.....

Before I could completely cuss, a sudden recollection of an event flashed through my mind like a film strip, the memory that I forgot came to me and immediately it gave me clarity of what had occured between us on Monday.

I was sitting in my chair minding my own business. Constantly thinking about my life and family and what is happening to us.

I heard the teacher call my name and another's something like cinnamon? I guess. I think it's a project or something like that. As I was looking at the window, to the tree, and to the clouds, I heard a little voice beside me on the right asking for my number.

And without thinking, as I'm still busy looking at the cat like shaped cloud I wrote my number on my paper and handed it to him wanting him to go away and I heard a thank you and...

"We'll be partners and I'm Jayro Simons." I just give him a nod and a grunt wanting him to realize that I want him to fuck off, I can't be disturbed.

"Jayro Simons." I said above a whisper and observed his face as it turned from annoyed look to a dumbstruck face, to shocked.

"Y-you know my name?" He asked me unbelievably.

"Yes, you did introduce yourself to me on Monday, right?" I say as a matter of fact and I was taken aback when his face flashed much redder than earlier and he darted his eyes on my table, suddenly got interested on that surface.

I raised an eyebrow.

Cute, irritatingly cute.

"I- I sorry, uhmm i-iii fu- fuck it! This afternoon let's do our project l-l'll wait for you at the gate." He said in a rushed tone from being flustered.

And I, well, taken aback from what I just heard, so that little mouth with supple pink lips can curse too. I smiled a little from the thought that just crossed my mind, a dirty, dirty thought.

I didn't even have the chance to speak when he bolted out of my space and got to his assigned seat, dropping his head in his hands at the table.

I sighed and just let him be and the redness at the tip of his ears didn't get unnoticed by me.


Well I don't have a choice than doing that damn project with him. I started to think that maybe there are enough parties for me. I'll change my routine only for this time. Drew will be pissed but there's Nate to take care of him.

Then doing a project with him it is.

After all the classes are done and it's time to go home for others and parties to those party people and for me.....Project. I hated the thought of it, doing it would be a fucking hell for me. But there's this small part of me that really want to do that project with him.

As I was just about to approach the gate I got a glimpse of them.

My heart beat picked up pace as they're almost approaching me. In a rush, I pulled the person coincidentally standing next to me and hid myself from them, crouching down a little and thankfully the person I'm hiding on got the message and just stood still, looking at a far distance.

Far, far from here or maybe he was just in trance and didn't realize that I grabbed him.

The beating of my heart slowed down a little as they passed by not noticing me, busy talking to themselves as I heard my name being mentioned and their plan of calling me later.

"What're you doing?" A voice behind me spoke and startled the hell out of me that I almost punched them.


I look behind me in a whiplash, seeing the boy I'm suppose to meet. My eyes widen at the thought that if I punch this little creature in front of me, surely, It'll break.

"Fucking Jayro Simons! don't do it again!" I told him, I was strongly frightened of the thought of punching a guy like him.

"Hey! Don't at curse me! And who are you hiding from?" Jayro with his baby blue eyes looked at me innocently as if he wasn't in danger for a moment there.

"I'm hiding from my friends so I can do that damned project with you."

"Oh! That's...good. I thought you were hiding from me. I'm relieved it wasn't I you're hiding from." He ramble with an awkward chuckle. I just looked at him in wonder and confusion of why he was so adorable.

"Let's go before they see me and take me to go drinking." I told him and walked ahead, eager to get away from him with my suddenly crazed thoughts.

What's with me and my thoughts?

We walked for a good five minutes until we reached the parking lot. Jayro walks behind me strangely silent. I assumed he's a talkative type of a person, well, we can't judge someone from first met right? It didn't took long until we reached my car.

"By the way, where are we going to do our project?" I asked him while opening the door in the passenger seat, motioning him to go inside.
He tilted his head a little, eyes confused, but decided to take my offer and slid inside without protest.

"In my house, I already bought my camera. We will only stop at a field and take pictures of it and create a report about that." He replied after I got to the driver's seat and turned the engine on. The rumble of the engine mirrors the feeling all over my body as if I'm vibrating in excitement, but I don't quite know why.

"Oh, okay, if you say so." I say nonchalantly to hide the little excitement I have.

But, why do I feel this way?

I'm sure I was pissed just this morning that I purposely crushed the car. Hence the reason why my car had now an ugly dent on the right side above the headlight, because of my anger. But now I feel lighter, as if everything's just fine. This is just another fine normal day.

Maybe there is something with him.

I'm not sure but I can tell. The anger in me subsided, he's the cause why that happened. I
feel it lessened after talking to this small guy with baby blue eyes. Just him looking at me with those large innocent eyes makes me forget certain things and forces me to only think of him the whole day.

Maybe this won't be that bad...

After that, we talk about our project and how to do it. He informed me that we will take a picture of the thing we take a liking to. He already chose the thing he's so excited about. And I can tell it's what he took a liking to as I don't know the 'thing' he's talking about.

We drove in silence, only talking when necessary, we were still on the road for some time now and I'm getting restless. I asked him what time is it and he said It's already three thirty in the afternoon. I couldn't take it anymore and I finally asked him when we would get there.

He told me to stop the car and he just smiled at me then said....

"We're here." I was stunned, my eyes on his wide smile that's brighter than the sun's light, the way his eyes sparkle while looking at me with serenity had my mouth gape and openly gawk at him and at that moment he looked, ethereal. I swallow my spit down to my throat.

We stared at each other, him smiling and me with an embarrassing open mouth. It feels like everything ceased, not realizing how silent the surroundings are as we looked at each other's eyes. After sometime of our staring contest, he was brought back to reality and flushed red and I, I just stared.


"Let's go down to the field." He shyly says glancing at me under his curve eyelashes, it looks beautiful. I nodded my head and motion to go out and he did as well. Feeling the fresh air brush into me makes me sigh in relief.

He's strangely beautiful.

That's the first chapter guys hope you like it and thank you for your time.

Please check out my other work called "Sugar Venom" it's also a mxb novel.


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