Paranormal Investigators to P...

By shadow_phoenix2022

7.7K 172 189

When Sam, Colby, Seth, Josh, Nate, Amanda and Mackie band together to explore and discover secrets about a le... More

Deserted Driving
Admiringly Argumentative-Part 1
Admiringly Argumentative-Part 2
Increasing Isolation-Part 1
Increasing Isolation-Part 2
~Suprising Start~
~Invigorating Invites~
~Declining Demands~
~Peculiar Premises~
~Scary Slumber~
~Desperate Defiances~
~Past vs Present~
~The Story Starts~
~Worrying Wins~
~Joint Journey~
~Divine Determination~
Escaping Execution
Fractured Friendships
Lurking Lies
Fame and Fortune (Part 1)
Twists and Turns

Fame and Fortune (Part 2)

76 3 7
By shadow_phoenix2022

"Sorry Sam. But I need to get through to her through him, so I can end this dance once and for all." Vixen whispered as he laid Sam onto the floor. A deafening crash echoed through the entire room as the door busted inwards sending a plethora of debris into the room. Something soon crashed into the room, a huge thud affiliating as soon as it made contact with the floor.

"Colby?" Vixen said as he crawled over to Colby's body which was limp, just like Sam's. "Oh- what do we have here?" A familiar voice said followed by approaching footsteps. Vixen looked up at the owner of the voice and scowled as he realised who it was. "Aaron." Vixen said as he got up from his kneeled position into a fighting stance ready to attack.

Both men stood face to face as they prepared to launch an attack on the other, until a quite yet audible static noise propelled through the air catching the attention of the two. Aaron took out his radio from his equiment belt pocket, still keeping his eyes on Vixen as he did so. "Talk to me." Aaron said into the radio as he waited for a reply.

Both men looked at each other with piercing gazes, never once breaking eye contact. "I want my son alive." Ace's voice came over the radio momentarily silencing the annoying static noise that continued after. Aaron looked at Radio then back at Vixen who was pissed to say the least.

Sighing, Vixen gave into his desire to at least attempt to save his mother's life from this unfiltered obsession with the Brock family. "You take Colby, I take Sam." Vixen said waiting for some sort of response from Aaron, who nodded after a short pause. Vixen turned to Sam and kneeled down grabbing Sam by his arms and pulling him over his shoulder, firefighter style. Aaron did the same with Colby.

After getting out of the 5th floor safely, both Aaron and Vixen made the consecutive descision to avoid the elevators and staircase and go for the staircase where a 4×4 stood in the alleyway next to the hospital building in which they stood. Getting down slowly with the help of harnesses as well as others in the 4×4 the two mase it down safely with the famous duo in hand.

"Get a fucking move on, Theo!" Aaron said, getting Theo to oblige immediately, as the 4×4 scurried across the paved pathway in the alleyway onto the dirt road where Ace's men and the Agency's men were fighting to the death.

The car ripped through the dirt road, sending up dust clouds as it did so. The car got faster and faster as it reached the hanger where a huge jet was waiting to be flown.

The car spun around into the Hanger sending everyone on it into a haze as it came to a stop next to the other 4×4's.

The engine turned off moments later, with Theo, Vixen, Colby, Sam, Aaron, and another one of Ace's men getting out a few minutes after.

With Colby on Aarons shoulder and Sam on Vixens both men made their way up into the Jet setting the two victims down on the gurneys, that were attached to each side of the jet. Vixen sighed, seeing the two people he had some how gained the trust of laying in gurneys because of his own selfish desire to save someone so deeply stuck in her ways.

"I can't do this...I can't go through with this." Vixen thought as his memories of being the hero for the group before the jet ride into this agency came into his mind. "AU-eh!" Vixen coughed as Aaron kicked him in his back pushing him into one of the cages in the back. Vixen flew into the cages falling onto his hands and knees, coughing.

Vixen turned around in a hurry to get our of the cage but it was too late the door was already locked. Vixen looked up at Aaron amd saw Sahara standing next to him, shaking her head, disappointed.

Vixen's eyes filled with tears as he smashed his fists into the door, hoping that it would budge but when it didn't he tried and tried until his hands went numb, and were practically purple and blue. He screamed out in frustration as he pulled the the cage door, hoping that it would somehow fall off of its hinges.

A electric buzz sounded before a deafening scream left Vixens mouth as his entire body jolted, shaking from the shock he was receiving. He fell back as soon as the electricity stopped. His body limp. His mind giving into the pain and going to sleep.

"I told you heroics weren't for our kind." Aaron said as he looked at his little brothers near lifeless body on the floor of the cage.


"Please, just let them go..." Vixen pleaded once more as he reached out for his older brother who only looked on, ignoring him. A pleading cry left Vixen's mouth as he crumbled back onto the floor of the cage his head hung low as the hope he had for getting through to Aaron hindered.

Vixen shook his head.

"You promised....You promised...." Vixen repeated his words twice before he coughed up blood, soon throwing up an even bigger amount of it as his vision became blurry.

Shaking from the pain as well as the loss of blood Vixen looked up in the direction of his older brother who was trying to get the cage door open. The door ripped open just as Vixens body fell, Aaron caught Vixen just in time to hear his brothers last words...

"I'm sorry, for looking back..."

Vixen whispered through coughs as Aaron screaned for someone to help him. "I should've told you that I didn't want the fortune or fame, I just wanted my brother back....." And just as Aaron made out the words that his brother lovingly said, Vixen drew his final breath.

Aaron looked at his dead brother, tears flowing out of his eyes as he ran his hand through his head, pushing away the hair that was sticking to his forhead, silently begging this to be another nightmare that kept him up for days on end.

"Aaron!" A distant voice yelled ripping Aaron out of the trance he was in.

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