Who Are We?

By sweetghostgirl97

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*I don't own any Vampire Diaries characters the all belong to their rightful owners. * Arielle and Blair Faye... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Twenty

81 1 0
By sweetghostgirl97

Sitting there, watching the scene before them unfold, no one moved towards Klaus and Arielle. Blair still struggled in Damon's grasp, trying to free herself from him to help her sister.

Damon's heart felt as though it was about to explode out of his chest watching the evil dick grab ahold of Arielle's heart and torturing her, right in front of him. He could see the tears of pain well on her eyes as she let all of the feeling, that she had bottled up deep inside of her, release throughout her body. The guilt, the pain, the sorrow, everything that she would feel, besides the anger and hatred, had come flooding back. Damon watched as Klaus moved closer towards his Arie. Knowing that his choice would crush her sister, he knew he would have to hide it until the two solved their difference and fixed their relationship.

"I know you think this is the worst pain love, but just wait it'll get better." Klaus whispered into Arielle's ear as she cringed in pain from him gripping her heart in his hand. She hated the torture that he was putting her through because it was happening in front of her sister and Damon, the guy she really liked. Even though she was a vampire, she knew that it was only an excuse for the actions that she had done. Nothing could replace the void she felt that was her father. She felt the twinge of fear consume her as she stared into Klaus' dark, soul-consuming, eyes. The tears that she shed weren't for father, or her sister, but were for her because she knew that this was the end. Klaus was going to kill her to spite Blair and show her what kind of monster he truly was. Sounds like something Damon would do. Maybe he is part of the Klaus bloodline?

"Klaus, please don't." Blair's voice rang, filled with anger, sadness and fear as she spoke to the ruthless killer or innocent people. "I'm begging you." Klaus turned slowly to see the girl he had grown fond of staring at him blankly. He had expected to see some sort of emotion in her eyes or even her flawless face, but there was nothing. He could only hear it in her smooth voice. It was like she was begging for him to kill her sister with her eyes, but her voice spoke different. He could see that she had stopped her hard struggle against the eldest Salvatore. What was he to do?

"Please Klaus, don't do this." Damon chimed in, making Klaus turn his attention towards him. He could see the torture in Damon's eyes. Oh how he would love to see the impulsive vampire squirm as his young love lies lifeless on the ground, but is that what Blair really wants? Klaus felt conflicted because on one hand, Blair seemed as though she was begging for her sister's life to be over, but that she wanted her alive all at the same time, but then on the other hand, he wanted to watch as Damon's heart crumbled.

"Well mate, letting you have your happy ending would be too easy." Klaus spoke. Damon went rigid and worried. Klaus made a sudden move in Arielle's chest and then it all stopped. Time, life, sound, everything in the world just stopped as Arielle fell to the ground. Klaus smirked at his accomplishment. He looked at his bloody hand and then to Blair who still had a face of stone. She stared at Klaus with eyes of regret, but also admiration. He just turned and walked away in the night. Blair focused her gaze on him as he vanished and then switched to her dead sister lying on the ground, never to wake up and smile again, but most of all never to bourdon her sister with the guilt of their father's death. Blair shook her head at the brokenness of Damon's figure as he held Arielle close to him, begging for her to somehow, magically, wake up and breathe again. She turned, just as Klaus did, and walked away from the grim sight and into the dark woods, that were next to the dark road that the grizzly scene unfolded on, and headed somewhere even she didn't know.

Damon sat there looking at Arielle's gray and veiny complexion that covered her, now, lifeless face. He could feel the tears that threatened to ruin his image of "Bad Boy". He looked up just as Blair was disappearing into the woods, but he didn't make any advances to stop her or go after her. He stared at the now empty space of trees and didn't know what to do. He was afraid to move Arielle because he knew once he picked her up and felt the rag-doll-like effect, he wouldn't be able to handle it.

Holding Arie in his right arm, trying to keep her head off of the ground and on his shoulder, he pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialed his brother.

"What is it Damon?" Stefan asked seeming annoyed by the phone call.

"Stefan you're not going to like what I have to say."

"Damon, what's wrong? What happened?" A new voice chimed into the call.

"Elena?" Damon asked surprised. "Just get Stef and come get us." He said quickly and then hung up. The promise he made to Blair was broken. On top of the guilt that he felt for the two girls fighting, now the one he was falling for was dead. He stared at Arielle a little while longer. He didn't want to believe that this was real, that she was lying in his arms without a heart. "I'm so sorry Arielle." He told her. "I promised you I'd help you through this, and I failed you. I broke that promise and a promise I made to your sister." He saw a drop of water hit her cheek and he knew right then that this death hurt him a lot more than Katherine did. Damon Salvatore had fallen in love once again. He had fallen in love with Arielle Faye.

Stefan and Elena raced down the same road that Elena had seen Arielle on just forty-five minutes before.

"What do you think happened?" Elena asked Stefan.

"I don't know, I'm hoping nothing, but Damon seemed shaken up." Stefan answered keeping his focus on the road to spot his brother.

"There!" Elena pointed at a dark figure walking along the side of the road, holding what seemed to be another person in their arms. Stefan pulled over to the side of the road and stopped the car. "Damon!" Elena called running towards him as he walked slowly.

"Damon what-" Stefan halted. "Damon please tell me that's not-"

"I don't have to tell you Stef because you know it is." Damon said calmly.

"Oh my god." Elena gasped staring at the lifeless body lying in Damon's arms. "What the hell happened?!" She yelled.

"Klaus." Damon answered. "Klaus is what happened. Although, it didn't help that Blair practically begged him to do it."

"What do you mean? Blair wouldn't tell Klaus to kill her sister!" Stefan said. He wasn't following his brother's accusation.

"You weren't there Stefan, you don't know what actually happened or what I felt when I was holding Blair to keep her from going after Klaus." Damon explained. "Blair was begging for him to let Arielle go and then she just stopped struggling. Then, after everything went down, she just walked away into the woods!" Damon yelled pointing to the woods surrounding the sides of the road.

Elena and Stefan both looked at each other and then Damon. He was right. They hadn't been there, they don't know what actually happened or what he felt. Only he knew.

"I'll see you two at the house." Damon said and sped away into the night towards the house.

"Do you think he'll be okay?" Elena asked Stefan as the walked back towards the car.

"I don't know, but we'll help him. Call Bonnie and tell her to meet us at the house." He said, kissing Elena on the forehead. Elena nodded and pulled out her phone and dialed Bonnie.

Meanwhile, Blair kept walking through the woods, not really knowing where she wanted to end up. Something in her head had just clicked and she didn't feel any remorse or regret for having Klaus do her dirty work for her.

"Fancy meeting you out here love."

"I just needed a walk." She smirked as she turned to see Klaus standing a couple yards away. "What are you doing out here?"

"Same as you. Just needed a walk." He said advancing towards her. "Why did make me do it?"

"What are you talking about?" She asked innocently.

"Why did you make me kill your sister Blair? I don't know how you did it, but you somehow got into my head." He explained. She just stared at him like she had no clue what he was talking about, but that was until she began smirking at him and moving a little closer.

"It's because I'm just that awesome and no matter how much you'd hate to admit it, you liked killing my sister." She whispered. Their noses were almost touching and Blair took the opportunity. "Don't worry, it'll be our little secret." She closed the gap between the two of them and encased his lips with hers. Klaus was taken by surprise, but gained control as he wrapped his arms around Blair. He sped her into a tree and proceeded in taking off her jacket as she did the same to his blazer.

At the Salvatore Boarding House, Bonnie and Damon were looking after Arielle in Damon's bedroom as Bonnie tried to figure out a way for her to save Arie.

"What can you do Bonnie? I need her in my life."

"You really cared about her, didn't you?" Bonnie quizzed.

"More than you know Bon-Bon." Damon whispered never taking his eyes off of the fireplace he was standing at.

"I'll keep looking Damon okay? There's not much in my grimoire about bringing people back from the dead. Emily does mention "The Other Side" a lot."

"What the hell is The Other Side?" Damon asked sarcastically.

"She says it's a supernatural purgatory. Every supernatural being who dies, ends up there." Bonnie explained. "I don't know much more about it."

"So Arielle is probably in some supernatural limbo scared out of her mind?!" Damon yelled getting defensive. Little did he know that he had a visitor.

Arielle watched as Damon screamed at Bonnie to find some spell, or as Damon put it "witchy voodoo", to bring her back.

"If only you knew I was right behind you Damon." Arielle said as she reached out to touch him, but knew it would go right through him. "I'll be fine Damon, I'll find a way back to you, I promise." Arielle smiled and then walked out of the room.

Damon leaned against the mantle of the fireplace yet again and just stared at the flames that were dancing and crackling across the logs. He felt that he was being watched, but not by Bonnie or Arielle's body that was lying still on his bed. He felt that the gaze was familiar and he kind of liked the way it felt. He thought of Arielle as he watched the flames more. He would see small images, or memories, of her smiling, laughing, telling stupid jokes that would always make him laugh. He could easily say that he missed her already and it had only been an hour. He made a promise to her and was determined to keep it.

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