Chased by Life and Death

נכתב על ידי Lillian2Gwen

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"She is a monster.", they said. Well, they are not wrong. I'm not a normal monster like the others from the... עוד

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Epilogue 1
Epilogue 2
The End
Authors Note

Chapter 17

47 8 3
נכתב על ידי Lillian2Gwen


"I bet on John."

"Many people say that he is good but I don't think he stands a chance against Nikolai."

"Nah, Nikolai is on another level. I heard that someone threaten him and he broke the man's hands."

"Why a girl is here? I haven't seen her before. Do you know her?"

"Tough shit."


"She is a beast. She has fought here. None of the guys approaches her. Many have gone to the hospital because of her."

"Wait, you are saying that this kid has fought here with this guy and she isn't dead yet?"

"Man, you shouldn't say these things here. Believe me. If she hears anything she could just break your fucking bones."

"She will fight?"

"Yes. She comes sometimes on each month. I pity the ones that she will fight."

"I bet she is good with a skirt."

"You don't change." I took a step forward from the corner I leaned and headed to the center while these douchebags continued their conversation. The place is huge. It is an underground place where people come to fight. I pushed through the crowd and grimaced at the smell of them. Α space appeared in front of me. It was a large part which was surrounded by hard wire which reached up to the ceiling. Like a cage. Around, men with tattoos, long beards, and exciting faces, sat and waited for the fight to begin. Slowly, large men with wide shoulders and strong arms started to go inside. They were maybe ten of them and they waited as others were pouring in. People started to whisper when someone shouted "HEY LITTLE GIRL, HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MAMA?!"

I shook my head and turned to see her as she walked inside. She was wearing a black tank top and a black Bermuda. Her snickers had the same color and her hair was braided in four parts. She scowled at the others but her body was relaxed. A man closed the door so now it was a cage with wild animals inside. They took their places and I stepped forward to watch better. With a whistle, they ran at each other and started to beat the shit out of their opponent. I turned to her as she ducked away from a punch. She turned fast and punched him in his stomach and he caught his belly. Monica took the opportunity and brought her knee to his face, hard. He dropped with a thud and she steered to the next one.

Another one came at her and aimed at her face. She took his arm and twisted. The guy screamed and she grabbed him and lifted his body like he weighed nothing. A man with a beard charged at her and with a shout she threw the guy at the man. They collided and dropped to the ground. They continued to fight and she kicked men to their faces while blood was dripping from their mouths and noses. It lasted when she was the last one with another one. "Nikolai will break her."

"What are you saying? She will send him to the hospital." a guy next to me said to the other one. "She is so tiny and he is huge."

"I'm afraid that your friend will take my friend's wrath," I said to them. They turned to me, confused. "What are you saying?"

I gestured with my thump to the cage. "She is not in a good mood. Everyone who gets to her way is dead bodies." Their expressions shifted from confusion to horror. I turned back as she ran towards Nikolai and punched him in the face more than one time. She locked him in a headlock and he strangled to move. He kicked and thrashed his hands but nothing happened. His face turned red and he gasped for breaths. "No way." With a twist, she released his dead body to the cold ground. People gasped in shock while others were screaming from excitement. Her eyes flickered with cold anger and she lifted her head to look around. I took a few steps back, careful not to bump into someone, and made my way to the lockers.

I turned to the dark hallway and walked at a small pace while my mind drifted back to the fight. If she came here today something bad had happened and she was not in a good mood. It was almost time the academy started and here she was expressing her unforgivable fury. I stopped at her usual locker room and ranched it open. The walls were white but from the use of the room now they were grey. The lockers were hell dirty except one with stars stickers on it. I chuckled. Yes, that's hers.

I wrenched my front body to the door and leaned against it, waiting for her to come. I checked my watch. I had at least half an hour before I went home. The council was preparing something for a while and I hadn't found anything yet. I kept asking questions but still, these bastards didn't know something useful. I won't speak about Jackson. He doesn't know shit and the only thing he knows is to pick fights with weak people. The other day, he brought a man from a village, for the reason that he was dangerous. He made him clean his room and then he killed him.

I was just outside when that happened and it wasn't the best sound, I had heard. Well, from other things I had been through, this was nothing. My brother had always bullied me for no reason. One time, he had locked me for three hours, inside the warehouse. It was terrifying. Another time, he accidentally threw me inside a river and I remember a guard diving in to save me from drowning. My mother had always known what Jackson was doing but every time she had it out with him, he didn't listen. As for my father, he had slapped me two or three times but after mom died, he went to another level.

One day, when we were training, and he stabbed me with a knife. He had said that it was the only way to know how the pain felt. After that, in the training grounds, he always beat me up while others were watching. I grimaced at his disgusting face. I never loved him, neither now nor when my mother was alive. On the other hand, my mother had told me that he loved him. I still asked what she found in him. Footsteps sounded from outside and I straighten my back. Minutes later, the door opened with a bank and a sweaty Monica walked in. Her eyes found mine and she stopped at the door, watching me. I shivered as her green eyes took my form. I only wore black jeans and a blue tight T-shirt with a jacket on. The corner of her lip pulled up into a smirk. She started to talk with her hands on her hips. "Well, I didn't expect you here."

I mimicked her. "Am I bothering you?" She shook her head and I walked to the opposite wall and she opened her locker. "Of course not. You are the only one I know in this filthy place." She snorted. "Yeah, but you still keep coming to this filthy place," I said calmly.

"I don't have somewhere else to go. So, I take my anger to these criminals. Soon or later, I have to kill them." I nodded.

"The last time we talk we didn't have much time and you didn't say anything. Now something happened and that's why you are here." She took a small breath while she grabbed her bag from her locker. "They fucking attacked and left nothing behind. I went with Tristan so if something happened, he would have helped. But when we got there it was chaos. They slaughtered every damn thing that was there, even the fucking worms!" She shouted. "I was so angry and destroyed the whole forest. I left nothing behind."

"What did you do later?"

"I learned about the solder's family and I killed each one of them and the ones who were on my list. Even their children were like them. It was disgusting as fuck." She wore slowly a red hoodie with black jeans and I walked towards her and took her into my arms. Her hands tighten around me and I said "It's not your fault. You just take orders; you can't do something else." I pushed back as tears gathered in her eyes but they didn't fall. It was like an invisible wall kept them from floating.

"You don't understand, Micah. None of you do. Sometimes, I feel bad for killing anything that breaths. However, I feel good killing creatures. It's like... I don't know how to explain it. I like to wipe out bad creatures and heal others but you know... this thing inside me wants to get free and I can't give it to it." I cupped her face and locked my eyes with hers. "Everything will be alright. We will figure out and I promise you I won't let anything happen to you." She smiled sadly and stepped back. "How are you at the government?"

"I'm holding okay but I could do better. Jackson is Jackson and my father is the same as always."

"You know that I will have to kill them, right?" She whispered and I nodded sharply. "I know that for a long time and I know that my father killed my mother." Her eyes widened and I smirked. "You thought that I didn't know? Monica, you are not the only one here with strong powers." She laughed as my eyes took her form. My hands curled beside me and I coughed.

"My friend, if you were that strong you would have won when we fought back then. But believe what you think." She shrugged as I remembered the days back then. Monica was six years old when we started to fight, along with the others so we could be stronger. It was the time when my father started to accuse her of everything while Jackson fought with her every day. When Monica's parents were alive, none of the people inside the government stood against her. They were respectful and always acted politely. After their deaths, my father accused Monica and now they all hate her, even though she's rescuing their asses every moment. "So, how was the show?" She asked and I rolled my eyes.

"Well, you won so I can't say anything but you should be more careful because when you are angry or high-emotional you don't act right."

"I'm careful." This time, it was her turn to roll her eyes. I chuckled.

"The boys are right. You are selfish." She smacked my shoulder and I busted out laughing while she glared. She stopped for a second and turned back to me. "Maybe you are right."

"I know, sweetie. I'm always right." She opened her mouth to argue but my phone interrupted her. I pulled it out from my back pocket and answered it. "Yes?"

"Where the fuck are you?" Jackson said.

"I'm at some business. I will come in ten minutes." I ended the call before he responded and signed. Monica eyed me wryly and I said "I have to go. We have a meeting in twenty minutes."

She clenched her jaw and I hugged her. "Don't worry, you will get wrinkles on your face." I took a few steps back until I stood before the door. She laughed. "Then, I will see you," I said and walked outside in the hallway. As I closed the door she said "That's why I have my prince." I smiled as the door clicked shut and started to take the chairs up. When the cold air brushed against my skin, I tilted my head back to the sky and inhaled. "Mr. Micah, your car is waiting." I turned to look at the guard my father hired. He was in his mid-thirties with black hair. He wasn't bad and I enjoyed his company. "Thank you, Matthew." I headed to the black car and he opened my door. I got inside and he closed it. After two minutes, we started our way back home. I don't know how minutes we were in the car but at some point, we got there.

My door was opened by Matthew and I stepped out. The extensive grass continued to the small stairs in the house. The house itself, was huge, white, with many windows. The stairs led to the entrance and right above there was a bridge like a balcony, that connected the two small towers. Attached behind the bridge, the house continued. The tiles had a burgundy color and around the house, there were many trees and bushes, trimmed in many different shapes. I sheered toward the front entrance as I felt Matthew on my tail. I opened the door and slipped inside. Am welcomed by large stairs which spat into two and led to one on the right and one on the left.

The color was the same as outside and we didn't have much furniture at the greeting hall. I turned left and emerge to the living room. In contrast with the greeting hall, here the whole place was filled with black furniture. At the center were three large leather couches with a match table full of candles. The walls were decorated with large and small frames which were showing my ancestors. At my left, light busted from the big windows while a TV stood in front of them so the couches face it. On the right, was a door that led to the kitchen, and beside was a bar, replete with drinks. I was startled when an arm wrapped around my shoulders. "Finally, you came. I think I got older waiting for you, brother." I signed as Jackson took his arm off me and walked to the bar.

"I had something to take care of." He filled his glass with red wine and took a sip. He chuckled. His laugh was dark and psycho. "Well, I hope you had fun because we are five minutes late for the meeting and Father will be pissed."

"Then let's go and see what they have to say." I walked to him and touched his shoulder. I tapped into my power and cast the spell. Red light covered us and we teleported to the mansion. As the red light faded, we stood in a familiar hallway. The walls were light grey and the hall led to a pair of massive doors with two guards outside. "Let's go," I said to Jackson as I started to walk. When I got closer to the doors the guards opened them and nodded to me. As I passed through the doors, I straighten my back and held my chin up. Pairs of eyes turned to me and my brother behind. The room was big so many people could fit in. A large black oval table was at the center and around sat the council. Even though there were four windows here, the room was still dark.

At the head of the table, my father sat with a black suit and a matching scowl on his face. I took the last few steps and bowed. "You are late." My father said in his deep voice. Jackson sat in one of the few free chairs and I went to stand beside the table. Am not allowed to sit at the same table. It's like am a servant to them.

"Micah had some business," Jackson answered and picked a cookie from the plate. The other men watched him but neither of them made the move to take one too. My father examined me and I glared at the opposite wall. My kitsune started to growl and I tried to be in control. "Indeed. So, I called you here today because I have some things to announce. First of all, we all know that Aiden hasn't made a move yet, only he sends his pets to do his job. That's why we have to be more careful and increase the patrols around the world."

The men nodded and I did the same. My father turned to me and I stared into his eyes, waiting for him to continue. "Secondly, Micah you will protect Monica if something happens, and most important you will keep an eye on her." My eyes widened and whispers started to sound. My father slammed his palm on the table and all in the room fell silent. "SILENCE!" I took a step forward. "Father I-" but he cut me with a glare.

"You will be by her side and if something happens help her. Lately, she has been very angry and we don't want her to shift. We only want her alive."

"But how he will be by her side? If she notices it?" Aaron, Tristan's dad interrupted.

"Maybe I can say that I have some business with you. Also, to support that I will say that I don't want to go back and forth so I have to stay there. For this reason, I can be around her." I said and my father nodded. "Well done, Micah."

"Why Micah has to go? Why can't I go?" Jackson moaned in frustration and anger. A man laughed and said, "Because she hates you and if she sees you, you are as good as dead." 

Jackson stood and grabbed him by the throat. The man yelled and Jackson smiled, wickedly. "What did you say, bastard?"

"Son let him down and sit. He has a point. The girl hates you. She would rather kiss a monkey than you." My father rolled his eyes and Jackson let the man down.

"Why we can't monitor her? She's nothing but a puppet." Another man said and I growled. All the eyes turned to me. "She's not a puppet nor an animal," I spoke.

"Anyway, Micah you will do what we said and you won't reveal anything to her. Understand?"

"Yes, Father."

He nodded. "Okay, you are free to go."

I bowed and I turned to the door. The guards opened it and as I walked, I found myself smiling. I just found the perfect excuse to be around her.

המשך קריאה

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