It's not Real!...Or is it ?(Y...

By TreilleFanny

105K 4K 3.4K

It all began with a sketchbook full of drawings of a fandom you really liked, but one day, you somehow found... More

Chapitre 1
Chapter 2
Chapitre 3
Chapitre 4
Chapitre 5
Chapitre 6
Chapitre 7
Chapitre 8
Chapitre 9
Chapitre 10
Chapitre 11
Chapitre 12
Chapitre 13
Chapitre 14
Chapitre 15
Chapitre 16
Chapitre 17
Chapitre 18
Chapitre 19
Chapitre 20
Chapitre 21
Chapitre 22?
Chapitre 23
Chapitre 24
Chapitre 25
Chapitre 26
Chapitre 27
Chapitre 28
Chapitre 29
Chapitre 30
Chapitre 32
Chapitre 33
Chapitre 34
Chapitre 35
Chapitre 36
Chapitre 37
Chapitre 38
Chapitre 39
Chapitre 40
Chapitre 41
Chapitre 42
Chapitre 43
Chapitre 44
Chapitre 45
Chapitre 46
Chapitre 47

Chapitre 31

2K 89 158
By TreilleFanny

Warning ⚠️ : mentions of choking

(B/F/N) Pov:

When we arrived at our destination, I was left alone since everyone was preparing to put down all the merchandises that the ship held. Not knowing what to do I just went back to my and (Y/N)'s cabin.

I just flopped down on my bed, observing what to do. I didn't know if (Y/N) was still with Thirteen Colonies and I wasn't going to check. His glare was still giving me nightmares.

I frowned at the memory. What was wrong with him? He wasn't supposed to act like that. Fuck it, not even British Empire was supposed to act like that with (Y/N). Why were they so... possessive?

My eyes widened and I stood up immediately. I looked for (Y/N)'s backpack and opened it. Taking the precious book out.

'What the hell...' I thought. All the pages were blank. Every. Single. One. 'What does that mean?' My presence here couldn't have possibly changed everything?! And with the countries's odd behaviours... I squinted my eyes. I wanted to know what was happening. My entire presence here couldn't prevent every event that would be happening, does that mean... My eyes opened wide at the realisation.

That didn't matter if I was here or not. What mattered was that (Y/N)'s whole being was there. It's not just some appearances, they don't live in our world anymore, they belong to this universe now!

But the countries's behaviour towards them... Is it really what I think or I'm overthinking it?


Thirteen Colonies Pov:

I walked back to (Y/N)'s cabin. I think that it would be mostly the place where their 'best friend' was since they share it.

When I arrived I saw that the door was closed. I furrowed my eyebrows in suspicion, what were they doing?

I wanted to open it but it was locked. Too much in a hurry to find the key and not in the mood to knock, I just broke down the door, my father could buy a new one anyways.

-"HOLY FUCK!!" I heard them yell when the door fell on the ground. When they saw me, their eyes widened even more.

-"WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM YOU DADDY ISSUED CHILD?!" I frowned from the nickname but didn't say anything, I just got pissed when I saw (Y/N)'s bag on the ground, open with them holding a book that was most likely belonging to them.

-"What are you doing with (Y/N)'s stuff?" I said coldly. They just rolled their eyes.

-"Listen, I got their permission, we know eachother for almost ten years I know what I can and can't do." They said, which pissed me even more.

-"You know them for this long?" They looked at me with a mocking smile.

-"Yes, are you jealous?" They stuck their tongue out arrogantly. I clutched my fists in anger.

-"You know that I'm so much more stronger than you right?" I said, threatening them. They looked at me, unimpressed.

-"Uh uh, say the one who can't even do a revolution against his father." My eyes widened at this and my grip on my fists loosened a bit at the realisation. They noticed my reaction and raised an eyebrow before they realised what they said and it was their turn to widen their eyes even if I didn't know what their reason was.

I froze for a bit. My mind full of thoughts. I started shaking slightly, was it the reason why I couldn't be an adult? No, they must have mean it in another way right?

Meanwhile (B/F/N) was panicking, why did they said that?! They revealed a glimpse of the future, did he catch it? Oh, please tell them he didn't. But the way he froze wasn't a good sign. What was he thinking about?

-"What do you mean by that?" I asked, I had to know. Sweat rolled on their forehead.

-"Uhm... Did I say 'revolution'? I meant huh like 'rebel'! You know like talking back to your parents or something! But it mostly implies humans who just want to be seen like an adult to their parents, it doesn't involve countries you know so don't worry about it! Ahah..." They rambled, god it was worse! Where was their talent for lying!?

It just encouraged him to think more that he had to do a revolution to be physically an adult!

Thirteen Colonies was stunned for a bit. Still shocked about the realisation he had. But, he calmed himself down. He came here for another reason.

-"Back to (Y/N)..." He said, their attention switched to him.

-"What about them?' They asked, cautious. He didn't respond,he just walked closer to them. (B/F/N) wanted to back away but they were too proud for that.

When he was just next to them he lowered himself a bit so they could be at the same eye level ((B/F/N) is still sitting on the ground).

-"Why are you so mean to them? Don't you think it could hurt their feelings?" (B/F/N) blinked. Huh? Is it about their teasing? Isn't he taking it a bit too seriously? Thirteen Colonies noticed their confusion.

-"I-" (B/F/N) started but couldn't finish. Thirteen Colonies pulled them up roughly by the collar, choking them.

-"Don't." He said in a low voice his eyes burning even more their throat, they wanted to speak or even breath but to no avail. Small tears formed into the corners of their eyes.

-"You don't deserve them, you're just a waste of their precious time. You made them worry and you let them be hurt. Sometimes they would prefer searching for you when you leave them alone than spending time with me. You're a nuisance." He finally dropped them. They hurt the ground painfully and had trouble breathing. They were breathing heavily, trying to calm down.

Thirteen Colonies stood over them, his eyes empty and cold. He didn't feel a slight guilty. He despised them. They were just an obstacle between him and (Y/N), taking your time away from him.

-"Do you understand what I say? Stay away from them." He demanded. Seeing that he didn't get any reply he walked away, satisfied.

-"What... What if I don't?" he stopped and turned around. (B/F/N) still had some difficulty for breathing but never in a lifetime they were going to obeying him!

He didn't respond. Still wondering how they got the audacity to say that when he just choked and threatened them not even a minute ago. Seeing him staying silent, they just smirked a bit even if it hurt all their body.

-"You... You don't answer? What are you going to do huh? Kill me?" They continued, he just looked down at them.

-"What's preventing me to?" He asked coldly. They just rolled their eyes and glared at him.

-"I got plot armour, bitch." They replied sassily. He looked down at them for a moment before simply walking away, leaving the cabin with the door on the ground and (B/F/N) still struggling to breath.


(Y/N) Pov:

The British Empire led you a bit further from the port to the town next to it. Here, he asked for a carriage, not caring about the people freaking out from seeing their Empire in person. He told you that normally he had to do all the way to London in horse but he decided not to.

When the carriage was ready he held his hand out for you to enter. You were confused.

-"Aren't we gonna wait for (B/F/N) and 13?" You asked him. He smiled.

-"No need to! They are already on their own carriage, in direction of London." You looked at him, unamused. Did he think that you were stupid? You definitely knew that they were still on the ship, and no way you were gonna let (B/F/N) be alone with Thirteen Colonies, they were uncomfortable with him around!

-"That's very nice of you, British Empire, but I think I'll wait for them. I know that they are still on the ship. We could spend time together once in London." You tried to persuade him. He looked at you with empty eyes for a moment before gaining back their joyful emotions.

-"Alright! Are you sure though? Maybe they left while we're here" He asked. You nodded, completely sure. He sighed and looked at the carriage before looking back at you.

-"Well, if you're so sure of yourself goodbye." He said, kissing the back of your hand. You giggled a bit from the gesture. He smiled and entered the carriage. He said something to the driver that you didn't hear, surely the direction, before sitting down and looking back at you.

-"See you in a few hours, then!" He was going to close the door before suddenly the horses started running, making the carriage go instantly.

British Empire was surprised and almost lost his balance and fell off the carriage because of the sudden start. But his eyes opened wide in horror when he saw that you were too close, and was going to get crushed by the rear wheel. Everything happened in slow motion, you immediately noticed the big wheel ready to crush you and rushed to get out of the way but you were too slow.

(un)Fortunately, he had very good reflexes and pulled you up in the carriage at an inhuman speed, making you fall on his lap.

He instantly closed the door to not make it happen again and looked back at you with concern, the carriage now going at a normal pace.

His concern grew when he saw that you were shaking. He moved you a bit so you were more comfortable (but still on his lap).

You gripped his clothes, trying to calm you down but with no avail. You were now crying and shaking pitifully on the British Empire's lap, what the fuck was this scene?!

Your blurred eyes couldn't stop flowing. The way the carriage moved, when you saw the wheel that was dangerously approaching you, it immediately reminded you of when you died. You could still feel the pain you received in your whole body from the car that went all over you.

You didn't think too much about this situation but now almost reliving it, it made you realise how much you were scared about it. You definitely had trauma now.

You gripped at his clothes tighter, to make you realise that you weren't on the road, you were on a carriage, with British Empire that was doing his best to make you feel better even if it sounded very weird.

You breathed in and out, trying to remember what to do in those situations. You never endured something like that before, you weren't one that has panick attacks every single day!

After you don't know how much time you finally calmed down. You breathed out, that was something. You looked up only to meet British Empire's face. That's when you realised what position you were in, with you on his lap. You flushed red and had the instinct to back away but only to feel yourself falling on the Carriage's floor.

Eventually the British Empire helped you to not fall and sit down on the opposite booth seat.

Now there was just awkward silence between you two. I mean, he just saved your life and just after helped you calm down from a panick attack, with you on his lap!!

-"Uhm..." You started, but didn't really know what to say.

-"I'm sorry... About before." You told him. His eyes perked up at this.

-"There's no reason to apologize, it wasn't your fault." He said calmly. You smiled at this.

-"I should be the one to apologize, now you're obligated to do the trip with me even if you didn't want in the first place." He laughed at himself.

-"I just hope the others are okay with being alone." You said looking through the window.

-"I'm sure that they're fine. Don't worry too much about it." He reassured you. You smiled a bit, thankful.

-"I think that you should sleep a bit, the trip will be long." He said. You shook your head.

-"I don't think that's necessary, I just slept all this morning already." Even if you didn't have any sleep for a while doesn't mean that you have to hybernate!

-"Whatever you say, I'm sure you're still tired." He replied before taking a sip of his tea. He looked up at your dumbfounded face.

-"What is it?"

-"Where the hell does it come from!?" You pointed at his cup of tea, he chuckled.

-"Just from the tray right here." It was his turn to point at his side. You watched as a tray was simply laying on the seat next to him.

-"Huh? Since when is it here?" He laughed.

-"Since always dearie! Do you want some?" He asked, tempted by his proposition, you looked more closely at the tray, there was tea (plenty of varieties that you didn't know), coffee, and..

-"Can I have hot chocolate please?" You asked and he nodded. He poured the chocolate into a cup and gave it to you.

-"Cautious dear, it's quite hot." You looked at him with a look that said 'No shit Sherlock' but still blew slightly on the chocolate. It definitely looked different from what we have today. The chocolate was thicker.

You cautiously brought up to your lips. Your eyes lightened up. It was so good! Definitely different from what it tasted back home but still delicious!

You hummed and sipped happily the drink, not bothering to see British Empire looking at you with a loving gaze.


The time went by and you had troubles staying awake, British Empire assured you that you could sleep but you didn't want to, you wanted to look into the window to see the paysages and the people working and living happily.

However, you couldn't fight sleep forever and after a while you were now sleeping peacefully on the carriage's booth seat. It would have been completely normal if not for the British Empire staring at you from the opposite seat.

After a moment when he was sure you were asleep he took out some money and handed them through the rear window to the driver behind him.

-"Don't think of telling this to anybody." He whispered, his eyes sending daggers to him. The driver nodded rapidly, sweat rolling on his forehead.

Now satisfied, the Empire stood up and sat down the opposite seat, next to you. He pulled you a bit, this way you leaned on him in your sleep. He smiled lovingly and intertwined his fingers with yours, careful to not wake you up.

He put a small kiss on your head before stroking your hair. To think at first you didn't want to be with him...

He looked down at you and carefully caressed your cheek. He was glad that the accident didn't affect you too much. Fortunately, he was here to save you, he couldn't have bared to see you hurt. Pff, he smiled. It's not like he wasn't the one to order the driver to do it in the first place.

Now you were with him, only him. And neither his son or your friend could prevent it from happening.

He grinned maniacally, and you could almost see hearts in his eyes when he looked at you. He rested his head on top of yours and sighed happily.

He couldn't wait to make you his.

~•To be continued•~


Author's note:

Just going on a strike of chapters don't mind me-

Also... Uhm British Empire is quite... Touchy isn't he??? *Nervous laugh*

(B/F/N) reprimanding (Y/N) to make sure they don't slip out anything from the future, also (B/F/N): ...

Hey guys! I'm not the only one doing a strike, look at Thirteen Colonies !!(Hehehe)

That's all, see you in the next chapter!

Fun fact: (Y/N) has plot armour, not

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