Chapitre 22?

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⚠️ Mentions of blood and gore ⚠️



??? Pov:

Rays of light filtered into the dark corridor, making shadows slowly dance on the walls. There wasn't any lights on, mostly because my brother didn't want to pay for electricity bills, saying it is a waste of money. Like if it was the reason we were on a economic crisis!

We both know what is the reason. He just wants to dismiss it, trying to ignore it and live like it's nothing. It makes my blood boil. I know exactly how to recover from this, but he doesn't wants to listen.

He's trying to order people around, making them feel 'better', saying that peace is the best option. But I know him. I already said this, and I'd say it again, he's incapable of ruling the country correctly. He's immature and fake, always trying to act like the person he isn't.

I was always better than him, smarter, stronger... Scarier. People had respect for me, they knew I was going to rule the country with an iron fist. They treated me like I was already their ruler while they acted with him like he was just a kid even if he was older than me. That proves I'm superior. So I had a plan: I would have persuaded him to give me the power, so I could rule the country perfectly, and he would still be treated like he was before, with fake respect and fake loyalty.

But that plan had drastically changed since that day...

I would always remember that night, the smoke and fire was in the sky, and we could almost distinct screams of suffering in the distance. My father was full of cuts and had blood splattered on him. Some was his while the others belonged to his enemies, but neither his or my attention were on these details.

They were stuck to the ground, not where my brother had fallen on his knees, shock and horror in his eyes, while his whole body was shaking. Neither on the standing France, that was also injured, too shocked to continue the fight  with my father. No, I wasn't looking to them, not to these insignificant beings.

I was looking to the once full of life person that was lying on the burnt grass, blood flowing from their head, their eyes lifeless, but still holding back small remains of their beautiful and colourful (e/c) eyes. Their hair was now tainted of their own blood, trying without success to hide from us the seemingly hole in the back of their head, where they were shot at.

Their arms were stretched out, but they didn't hold any strength anymore, their hands who tried to push my brother out of the way were now on the ground, and they now looked like they were trying to reach for us, for me.

For the very first time of my entire life, I felt my eyes tingle and before I could understand anything, I felt drops of water rolling on my cheeks. It took me a few seconds to understand it was in fact tears. I was crying. My first and only tears at this day flowed for them. I didn't even cried when my father died, I was feeling weak and emotionally unstable but never have I cried at his loss like I had cried for theirs.

'Loss'... I had lost them... And because of what? No... Because of who??...

This excuse of a brother. He was the one leading to their death. He was the one responsible that I can't see their smiles anymore. He is the one responsible that I can't hear their laugh, their voice, everything... I hate him. I hate him! I HATE HIM! How dare he?! How dare he take them away from me?! Why didn't he die? Why did they saved him? He's worthless! He's not worthy of their attention, No one is! Only I! I'm the only one worthy! I'll show him... I'll show all of them!

My heart was now beating at an inhuman speed, my fists and teeth clutched. My eyes were burning with murderous intent. I ran into the corridors, forgetting any rules or manners that were forbidding me to do that. I didn't care, not the slightest. How dare I waiting so long before acting? He must pay now!

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