Fate: Season 1 (Amphibia Male...

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When 3 girls find a mysterious box with gems, they get brought to another world, one full of amphibians and c... Xem Thêm

Season 1 Episode 1: Anne Or Beast?
Season 1 Episode 2: Best Fronds
Season 1 Episode 3: Cane Crazy
Season 1 Episode 4: Flood, Sweat & Tears
Season 1 Episode 5: Hop Luck
Season 1 Episode 6: Stakeout
Season 1 Episode 7: The Domino Effect
Season 1 Episode 8: Taking Charge
Season 1 Episode 9: Anne Theft Auto
Season 1 Episode 10: Breakout Star
Season 1 Episode 11: Sprig VS Hop Pop
Season 1 Episode 12: Girl Time
Season 1 Episode 13: Dating Season
Season 1 Episode 14: Anne Vs Wild
Season 1 Bonus Episode: The Neglected Temple
Season 1 Episode 15: Contagi-Anne
Season 1 Episode 16: Family Shrub
Season 1 Episode 17: Lily Pad Thai
Season 1 Episode 18: Plantars Last Stand
Season 1 Episode 19: Toad Tax
Season 1 Episode 20: Prison Break
Season 1 Episode 21: Grubhog Day
Season 1 Episode 22: Hop Pop and Lock
Season 1 Episode 23: Civil Wart
Season 1 Episode 24: Hop-Popular
Season 1 Episode 25: Croak and Punishment
Season 1 Episode 26: Trip To The Archives
Season 1 Episode 27: Snow Day
Season 1 Episode 28: Cracking Mrs Croaker
Season 1 Episode 29: A Night At The Inn
Season 1 Episode 31: Family Fishing Trip
Season 1 Episode 32: Bizarre Bazaar
Season 1 Episode 33: Cursed!
Season 1 Episode 34: Fiddle Me This
Season 1 Episode 35: The Big Bugball Game
Season 1 Episode 36: Combat Camp
Season 1 Bonus Episode: The Erased World
Season 1 Episode 37: Children Of The Spore
Season 1 Episode 38: Anne And (Y/N) Of The Year
Season 1 Final Episode: Reunion

Season 1 Episode 30: Wally, (Y/N), and Anne

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The episode begins out in the forests that surround Wartwood, where the Plantars, (Y/N), and Anne are walking through, carrying wooden baskets. The reason behind the inclusion of the baskets is revealed to them when Hop Pop stops in front of two bushes, having one contain red and green berries, and the other containing red and blue berries.

Anne: So, why exactly are we collecting berries?

(Y/N): Because Hop Pop needs them for some of his more difficult recipes. Besides, we can use this to learn which berries are safe to eat.

Hop Pop: Correct, (Y/N). (grabs one berry each) Now, remember, green and red, be well fed. Blue and red, instantly dead. (Sprig starts chewing green and red berries) Oh, wait. Or was that, "Green and red, instantly dead"?

Sprig: (surprised) Huh?! (spits the berries out, disgusted) Bleh!

Polly: (hops over to some black berries) What about these berries?

(Y/N): (walks over) Don't eat those. They can cause dry throats, nausea, and serious stomach pains. However, if eaten dry, they can cure headaches.

Hop Pop: (surprised) How do you know that, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): I was informed about them by Maddie a few days ago, while she was collecting them. Though, I don't know why she was needing them.

Sprig: Well, Maddie's mysterious, as most say.

Hop Pop: Alright, you two, back to berry business.

As everyone gets back to listening to Hop Pop explain what certain coloured berries do, Anne just picks up a mushroom, bored beyond most trips to any local library.

Anne: (stares at the mushroom) Hmm. Yup, that's a mushroom.

As Anne tosses the fungi away from her, a shadowy figure runs past her point of view, looking like nothing she's ever encountered, yet has a humanoid look, being taller than her. Upon seeing this figure, she gasps, before turning back to the Plantars and (Y/N).

Anne: Did you guys see that?

Hop Pop: (continuing on) Purple and green heals the spleen.

Anne: Hey, guys! (hears the creature run past her) Huh? What the heck?

(Y/N): (walks over) What's up?

Anne: I saw something run by. Wanna check it out?

(Y/N): Sure, could be something interesting.

The two humans begin following the creature, using the sounds it's making to locate it more easier. However, along the way, Anne slides down a steep hill, dragging (Y/N) with her as they land in some tall grass.

Anne: Ouch, that smarts. (gets shushed by (Y/N)) What? Why?

(Y/N): (points ahead) Look.

Anne looks to where (Y/N) is pointing, and gasps in amazement. A few steps in front of them stands a massive green, floral, ape-like creature in an area of extremely thick mist as white butterflies surround it. The creature then breaths in the mist through it's nostrils, making the area more clearer to see.

Anne: (stunned) Whoa...

(Y/N): I suddenly feel more peaceful when looking at it...

As Anne and (Y/N) continue marvelling at this unknown specimen, the former human accidentally sucks in one of those butterflies, and starts coughing. The creature, startled by the noise of possible predators, scampers away, leaving Anne to call after it.

Anne: No, wait. Come back! You're so cool. (coughs out the butterfly as the Plantars arrive)

Hop Pop: There you two are.

Anne: (gasps for air) You guys just missed it.

Sprig: What, you barfing up a butterfly? Naw, we totally saw that.

Polly: Not as impressive as (Y/N) coughing up a miniature spider at breakfast.

(Y/N): Well, that's what happens when cobwebs aren't dealt with.

Anne: (shakes her head) No, no, no, no. There was this magical creature made of moss. It was beautiful. (Y/N) saw it, as well.

The Plantars look between each other, before bursting into laughs of disbelief, confusing both Anne and (Y/N).

Sprig: Good one, Anne. You and (Y/N) saw the old "Moss Man," right?

Anne: (confused) Yeah, that sounds about right.

(Y/N): (confused) Though, it doesn't explain why you guys are laughing.

Hop Pop: Anne, (Y/N), the Moss Man's a myth. Only crazy people and gullible tadpoles believe in it.

Anne: Wait. You're telling me you guys (pulls out her phone and shows pictures) have giant fire-breathing beavers and mutant centipedes, but you don't believe in this?

Sprig: (calmly) Well, yeah, we've seen those. Look, your world might have stuff like flying machines and magic memory boxes. But we don't have weird stuff like that here. (huddles with Hop Pop and Polly while smiling) This is just a normal town.

(Y/N): He does have a point, Anne. What we consider normal in our world is abnormal to this world, and vice versa.

Anne: (snaps and raises her voice) You're talking frogs! (takes a deep breath) Never mind. I'm done talking about it.

(Y/N): (smirks) Wanna bet? (Anne nods at him) If you aren't done talking about it, you have to give me any remaining chocolate bars you still have. (extends his hand out)

Anne: Deal. (shakes his hand) Prepare to be beaten.

That little bet doesn't last two whole minutes, as when boarding Bessie, Anne continues to keep talking about her and (Y/N) seeing the "Moss Man" for the whole ride back to Wartwood.

Anne: I am NOT done talking about it!

Polly: (groans) Still? At least (Y/N) isn't copying you.

(Y/N): That's because I know when a pointless argument is truly pointless. (smiles) Besides, it's funny watching Anne rant on like an angry critic. Especially since I get to have any chocolate bars she may be hiding.

Polly: (pouts) Lucky.

(Y/N): I'll spilt them fifty-fifty with you. (Polly beams)

Anne: (still ranting) I'm telling you guys, we saw it, we saw it, we saw it! Tell them, (Y/N)!

(Y/N): I already told you to not make me part of your rants.

Hop Pop: Careful, Anne. You keep ranting and raving, you'll put One-Eyed Wally out of a job.

(Y/N): (ponders) I still don't know why people call him that.

Sprig: It's a nickname eveyone in Wartwood came up with. (realises something) Ha! Anne really does sound like Wally now!

(Y/N): (realises what Sprig said) You're right, she's turning into a conspiracy theorist!

Hop Pop: What are those, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): People who talk about crazy myths and rumours, trying to prove that they're real.

Sprig: Oh, so like what Anne is becoming right now! (laughs)

Anne: (gasps in offence) You take that back. I am not a weirdo or a conspiracy theorist like Wally. I'm a strong, sane woman who saw the Moss Man! Same with (Y/N)!

Right before Anne can continue her ranting, she gets spooked by One-Eyed Wally himself suddenly appearing right beside her.

Wally: So! You both have seen the Moss Man too, eh? Hee-hee! (twirls away from Anne, tossing his accordion aside) I've seen it once. Deep in the moors where it makes its home and feeds on mist. Skin of moss, it had. (gets to close to Anne) Took me hand clean off, it did.

Anne: (shoves Wally to the ground) You have both your hands, Wally?

(Y/N): You probably forgot, again.

Wally: (sees his left hand and gasps) Lefty! When'd you get back.

Wally and Anne's antics get the Plantars to laugh harder, which begins to anger the female human.

Anne: Stop it! I know it sounds crazy when he says it. But we saw what we saw.

Polly: Whatever you say... (snickers) One-Shoed Anne.

Sprig: Huh? (realises) Oh, I get it. Like One-Eyed Wally. (chuckles) Sharp as ever, sis.

Hop Pop: (laughs and looks at Anne) You might as well start learning the accordion... and sleeping under bridges!

The Plantars and Wally burst out laughing, even (Y/N) lets out a few chuckles at a disgruntled Anne, before the formers begin to walk away from her.

Wally: (heads off) Wouldn't want to be that guy.

(Y/N): (confused) Does he really not know that they mean him?

Back with the Plantars, all of them enter the farm, except for Sprig, who looks back at Anne and (Y/N), almost like he wants to call out to them.

Polly: (to herself) Just gotta think of one for (Y/N), if he starts acting like Anne. (enters the farm)

Sprig: (calls out) Anne, actually, I believe you both...

Anne: (exasperated) Thank you! Jeez.

(Y/N): Wait for it...

Sprig: ...Dreamt it. I believe you both dreamt it.

Anne then snaps and starts screaming in a deranged manner, causing Sprig and (Y/N) to run into the Plantar Farm, wishing to avoid her rage. Later, during the night, while the two humans rest in the basement, Anne starts struggling in her sleep, due to hallucinations of those close to her now ridiculing her.

Sprig Hallucination: She does sound like Wally! Ha-ha-ha! (a hallucination of Wally's accordion appears)

Hop Pop Hallucination: Ranting and raving. (a hallucination of the Plantars laughing at her appears)

Polly Hallucination) One-Shoed Anne. One-Shoed Anne.

(Y/N) Hallucination: She's turning into a conspiracy theorist!

As she tries to escape these nightmare hallucinations, one more appears in front of Anne, which has her head on Wally's body smiling at her, in an unhinged manner. Upon staring at this sight for a few more seconds, Anne wakes up from her sleep, finding herself sweating horribly.

Anne: Ah! 

After calming herself down, Anne gets fully dressed, puts on her one remaining shoe, zips up her bag, and is about to leave the basement, but turns back around, deciding to bring (Y/N) along with her.

Anne: Psst, (Y/N). (starts poking his face) Wake up, dude.

(Y/N): (yawns) Huh? Is that you, Anne? What do you want at this hour?

Anne: Get up and get dressed, (Y/N). We're going out and proving to them that the Moss Man is real.

(Y/N) just looks at Anne like she's crazy, before going back to sleep. Anne just rolls her eyes, and grabs (Y/N) and drags him up the basement stairs, all while he looks at her with a tired and annoyed expression. Over at the centre of Wartwood, Wally is busy his accordion near the founder's statue.

Wally: (singing) 🎵 I lost me true love by the old willow tree... 🎵 (gets grabbed by white-eyed hooded figure) Angel of Death! You've come for me at last!

Anne: What? (takes off the hood) No, Wally, it's me, Anne. And I brought (Y/N) along.

Wally: So it is. Whoo! Deja vu. (points at Anne) You jumped me before? (looks at (Y/N), who's barely awake) And what's wrong with you, mate?

(Y/N): Anne dragged me out here, against my will. It's normal, except she's now done it when I haven't got enough sleep.

Anne: (slaps Wally's hand away) Listen, you said you know where the Moss Man lives. Take us there so we can snap a pic of it, prove we're normal, and never be associated with you ever again. No offence.

(Y/N): (glares at Anne) Anne, do you really think he'll do that for you, after you just insulted him?!

Wally: (pauses with a blink) Okay.

(Y/N): (eyes widen) Never mind.

Anne: (ignores (Y/N) and starts pleading) Please! I just got people to stop calling me the town monster. I can't be the town weirdo.

(Y/N): (glares) Oh, but I can? Well, it doesn't matter, because...

Wally: (finishes the sentence) I said okay.

(Y/N): See? He said he'll help us. Well, help you.

Anne: Oh... Thanks.

Wally: (shouts) But! The journey will be fraught with peril. (begins to play the accordion as they walk) 🎵 Ohh, the Misty Moors are dark and grey... 🎵

Anne: (chuckles) Hope he doesn't play that thing the whole way. (sees (Y/N) staring at her with annoyance) What? I'm sorry I had to drag you out of bed, okay?

(Y/N): I'm not angry about that. I'm angry about the fact that you just jinxed yourself, which also effects me.

8 hours later, the morning sun is beginning to shine in the forest, Wally is still playing his accordion, Anne is now feeling sleep-depraved bloodshot eyes, and (Y/N)'s eyes are twitching, still glaring at Anne, now with even more annoyance.

Wally: (stops singing) Okay, that's enough.

Anne: (sighs) Oh, thank goodness. Yes.

Wally: (smiles) Or is it?

Wally immediately resumes playing his accordion, jumping on ahead while Anne groans and facepalms, and (Y/N) punching Anne on the arm for jinxing it again before walking off after Wally, while Anne follows after them both, sobbing because of both the jinx and the punch.

After a few more hours of walking, the three are now traversing a mountain, shimmying across a narrow ledge with a bottomless edge of mist below them. Well, that's what Wally and Anne see, because (Y/N) is seeing something different. In his vision, he sees a black void below him, with white hands reaching out to grab him, as he shimmies across a thin wall of flesh.

Wally: (in the middle of a story) ...And with his dying words he told me, "Wallace, take this accordion, find my killer and defeat him with the power of song." Anyway, enough about me. Tell me about yourselves.

Anne: Hard pass. That's kind of personal and you're kinda basically an unstable stranger. (sees (Y/N)'s eyes shaking) (Y/N), you okay?

Anne, too busy worrying about her friend, suddenly starts to lose her balance, due to a loose footing. She tries reaching for anything to keep her from falling, but accidentally grabs (Y/N)'s arm, making them both fall. As they plummet, Wally jumps down, clings onto the cliff edge, and catches Anne, who watches as her phone escapes her bag and joins (Y/N) in falling.


Before they can go through the mist, Wally's tongue wraps around (Y/N) and the phone, before pulling them back up onto the ledge, with the phone landing on Wally's face, and (Y/N) landing on Anne, making her rapidly blush.

Anne: (amazed) Wally, you saved my phone! Oh, yeah, and (Y/N)'s life. (takes the phone from Wally, who has his good eye bruised)

Wally: Don't mention it, love. I know how much both things matter to you.

Anne: Oh... Thanks. Now, let's hurry up and get that photo!

Both Anne and Wally continue crossing the mountain, with the former holding onto (Y/N)'s who's shaking like a leaf. Back at the Plantar Farm, Sprig, Polly, and Hop Pop are enjoying their breakfast, when Sprig notices that something feels off.

Sprig: Hmm. Where's Anne and (Y/N)?

Back with the two humans, both them and Wally are sitting by a campfire at night, with Anne and Wally putting a blanket around (Y/N) to calm him down, before offering him some nice mushroom soup, which he accepts.

(Y/N): Thanks for this, you two. (drinks the soup) Man, this is some great stuff.

Wally: Thanks, I've been working on a good soup recipe for a while. Nice to hear some feedback from someone.

Anne: Hey, Wally. Check out this cool handshake. (preforms it with Wally while saying the steps) Clap, pull it back, fist bump, flip it up, lock it in, twist it, twainst it, not against it, spank the baby, where's the baby? There's the baby, shake hands with the baby.

Wally: (looks at his hand) Wow, that was incredible. I'll never shake hands the normal way again.

Anne: (chuckles) Thanks. My friends used to think my elaborate handshakes were silly.

Wally: Oh, there's your first mistake, love. I never care what other people think of me. What about you, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): (looks down at his feet) I've had a few people ignore some of my hobbies and interests, but I've never let that get me down. (mumbles to himself) Well, except for one time...

Anne: (scoffs) Easy for you to say, Wally. Back home, your reputation is everything.

Wally: Lucky for you two, then, you're both not back home.

Anne: (confused) Huh?

Wally: Anne, the way I see it, you and (Y/N) both got a great opportunity in front of you. Whole new world, new people, free to be whatever and whoever you want.

Anne: (feels touched) That's... kinda genius, Wally.

Wally: (falls asleep with his hands behind his head) Yup, yup, yup, yup, yup.

Anne: (notices Wally falling asleep) Hey, dude, you still awake?

After getting more snoring as a response, Anne grabs an extra blanket and puts it on the sleeping frog, putting his hands under it as she chuckles to herself.

Anne: Weirdo.

(Y/N): (chuckles) Yep. Nothing but weirdos here.

Anne soon grabs her own blanket and puts it on herself, falling asleep and having some more better dreams, instead of hurtful hallucinations. The next day, with Anne and (Y/N) a little bit more awake and ready, the three weirdos continue on their journey, finally reaching their destination.

Wally: We've finally made it. The Misty Moors. Time for the Moss Man summoning ritual.

Anne + (Y/N): (confused) Summoning ritual?

Wally doesn't answer their question, instead choosing to speak gibberish, as the mist around them begins to intensify.

Anne: Uh... Are you sure this is gonna work? (gasps as she spots the white butterflies) Butterflies!

(Y/N): (gasps) That must mean the ritual is working!

Wally: (stops due to confusion) Oi! Where are you two going? I'm only halfway done.

Anne and (Y/N) continue running through the mist, until the bump into something tall and hairy. Looking up, they see that they've bumped into the Moss Man, which stares down at them while a butterfly perches on its hand. (Y/N) just stares back in fascination as Anne opens her bag and searches for her phone, which she finds, but is knocked to the ground by a sudden Wally appearing.

The Moss Man, realising the intention of Anne, begins to quickly run off, with Anne, Wally, and (Y/N) giving chase. After a few minutes of running, the Moss Man disappears into the mist, leaving the three weirdos looking around in confusion.

Wally: (panting) Where'd it go?

(Y/N): (looks around) Must've spotted our intentions and fled, using the mist to its advantage.

Anne: (upset) Oh, dang mist! We lost him again. We were so close.

Wally: I just can't believe it's actually real.

Anne: I know, right? (pauses) Wait, what?

Wally: I thought it was a myth. I mean, it's preposterous.

Anne: (confused) But you- I don't- What?

(Y/N): Wally, have you seen the Moss Man before this encounter?

Wally: No, I haven't. Why?

Anne: (mad) So you took us all the way out here based on a lie?

Wally: Yeah. I mean, we had fun though, didn't we?

(Y/N): I'm still not over my near-death moment.

Anne: (still mad) That's not the point, you two. (Y/N), we could've easily gone back with no proof. And then everyone would think we were like Wally.

Wally: (frowns) What's so bad about being like me?

(Y/N): (frowns) Anne, you've crossed a line. Never insult someone because of who they are.

With that, Wally picks up the lantern and takes his leave with (Y/N) following him, leaving Anne behind to think about what she just said.

Anne: (calls out) Wally... Oh, woof. Wally. I didn't- (sighs) That's not what I meant. I'm sorry. It's cool you don't care about what people think about you. And I'm glad us three came out here together.

Wally: (stops and turns around) You mean it?

Anne: (smiles) Totally.

Anne and Wally then attempt to do their complex handshake again, but keep messing up the steps. Eventually, both decide to just ignore it for now, so they can continue with a more important goal in mind.

Anne: Now let's get a pic of that Moss Man. Together.

Wally: (nods, then gasps) Oh! Look!

Anne and  (Y/N) look over to where Wally is pointing, and see the Moss Man climbing a massive cliff side, in an attempt to fully escape this location.

(Y/N): Seems like it's still trying to escape.

Anne: (yells) We gotta hoof it!

Without wasting anymore time, all three of them give chase, reaching the cliff side and begin climbing up after the Moss Man. Anne and (Y/N) are having an easy time, due to the former going to Bouldering Club at school, and the latter doing some rock climbing with their Aunt and Uncle. However, Wally is struggling behind, even losing his iconic hat after Anne and (Y/N) give him some helpful words. Soon, Anne reaches the top, spots the Moss Man, and chuckles, ready to take the picture.

Anne: Perfect. (calls down) Yo, Wally and (Y/N), you two almost up here?

Wally: Yep. And I think I'm really starting to get the hang of this.

Suddenly, a rock Wally reaches for gives away, making the blue frog begin to fall down. However, he is saved by (Y/N) quickly catching him, at the cost of him hitting a few rocks before grabbing a safe ledge.

Anne: Wally! (Y/N)! Hold on, I'm coming.

Wally: No. We'll be fine. Just take the picture!

Anne is then left glancing between (Y/N), who's losing his grip on the ledge, and the Moss Man, which is beginning to leave the area. Eventually, Anne makes her choice by reaching down, and grabbing (Y/N)'s hand just as he was about to let go of the ledge.

Anne: I got you, guys.

Wally: Thanks. Did you get the picture?

Anne: Not yet. Come on. One, two, three.

With their strength combined, Anne is able to lift (Y/N) and Wally up onto the cliff side, as they use the cliff side as a way to propel themselves up. As they get onto their feet, they all look around, to see that the Moss Man has now disappeared, leaving no trace of it behind.

Wally: (sighs, devastated) It's gone. The trail's gone too. You both lost your chance to get proof and it's all my fault. Now everyone's gonna think you're both as looney as I am.

Anne: (smiles) You know what? I'm good with that.

Wally: (flabbergasted) Wait, really? What a turnaround.

(Y/N): I agree with Anne. We all know what we saw. Besides, a good friend told us that it doesn't matter what other people think of you. If being yourself makes you happy, then it's perfectly fine to be yourself.

Wally: That's a good line. Would your friend mind if I used it?

(Y/N): (chuckles) It was you, Wally. You're the friend.

Wally: (cackles) Yeah, I know. Or was it?

Anne: You goofball. (accidentally knocks Wally off the cliff) Wally!

Back at Wartwood, during the morning, Wally and Anne are telling the story of how they and (Y/N) encountered the Moss Man, with the latter sitting next to them, listening to their interpretations of what happened that night.

Wally: So there we three were, our bodies ravaged. Hanging on the edge of the cliff, as the beastie was staring down at us, licking its mossy chops.

Villager: Any proof?

Wally: Absolutely not. (the crowd disperses, muttering in disappointment)

Villager: They're three peas in a pod, those loons.

Anne: Eh, tough crowd.

Wally: Can't please everyone.

(Y/N): That's so true, Wally.

Wally: Well, best be heading off. (plays one last song on his accordion) 🎵 Oh, there once was a lass Named Anne the Fair. And noble (Y/N), Who could slay a bug bear. They put up a front And played their part. But soon enough Touched this loon's heart. 🎵

Anne and (Y/N) watch Wally sing his song as he wanders deeper into Wartwood, just as the Plantars show up to talk to them.

Sprig: Anne! (Y/N)! We heard people at Stumpy's saying you're both as weird as Wally.

Hop Pop: (concerned) You both must be pretty upset.

Anne: (scoffs) Honestly, guys, we don't mind.

(Y/N): (nods) Yep. Those comments can fly right over our heads, because we are ignoring them.

Hop Pop: You both don't have to be strong for us.

Sprig: Let it out, boy and girl.

The Plantars pull them both into a big pity hug, which starts to annoy Anne.

Anne: (annoyed) No, seriously. We're fine.

(Y/N): Guys, please stop.

Hop Pop: Shh. Poor things.

Anne: (yells) I'm One-Shoed Anne!

Polly: She's deranged!

After escaping the pity hug, Anne is about to tell the Plantars that she and her friend are perfectly fine, however, she is stopped by all four of them witnessing (Y/N) falling to the ground with his eyes closed, as they call his name the moment he hits the floor...

Bonus Clip!

(Y/N) wakes up from his sudden sleep, finding himself in the Plantar Farm living room, resting on the couch with comfy pillows and blankets surrounding him. At first he's confused, since all he can remember is falling asleep in town after Anne broke up the pity hug, but soon he sees Hop Pop enter, so he decides to ask what's with the comfy getup.

(Y/N): Hey, Hop Pop. What am I doing here?

Hop Pop: (sees (Y/N)) Well, about time you woke up, sleepy head. You've been asleep for nearly four whole days! The others worried you were dead!

(Y/N): (confused) Dead? What are you talking about. (eyes widen) Wait, did you just say that I was asleep for four days!?

Hop Pop: Yep. Anne told us how she literally dragged you out of bed to go searching for the Moss Man with her and Wally, then said something about you probably getting any proper sleep.

(Y/N): Well, I have read in a health article that humans can only stay awake for at least 48 hours before some health problems kick in. 

Hop Pop: Really? Man, your kind is impressive. Anyway, regardless of how you passed out, Anne has been seriously helping out, muttering how if she didn't wake you up, you'd be as peachy as a peach. Now, you get a bit more rest, there's a plate of pancakes Anne made for you on the side.

Hop Pop then leaves, allowing (Y/N) to see the pancake stack Anne made for him, complete with a message saying how she felt bad for costing him some important sleep. While eating (Y/N) felt happy that Anne is trying to make amends...

But soon his smile falters, turning back into a frown as he remembers one memory that is forever stuck in his mind. And that's the memory of what Anne and the others did that day...

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