Season 1 Episode 31: Family Fishing Trip

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The episode begins at the Plantar Farm, with Sprig, Polly, Anne, and (Y/N) heading to the back porch over the lake, each of them carrying fishing equipment. The reason behind this is pretty easy, since there's also a large fishing boat resting on the lake. Aside from the fishing equipment, (Y/N) is also trying to bring on some medical packs, just in case there's an accident on the trip.

Sprig: Ah, the annual Plantar fishing trip. I can't wait to cast off.

Anne: Me either, my froggy friend. But I'm not fishing. I'm parasailing, baby! (reveals a parasail)

Polly: Wow! Flying? What a great way to spy on my enemies. (has an evil laugh)

(Y/N): Yeah, it's always a great strategy in battles. (looks to Anne) Anne, but that down before it gets stolen by the wind.

Anne: Aw, come on, (Y/N). There's barely any wind right now! ((Y/N) gives her a stare) Alright, fine, you party pooper. (puts the parasail down)

Polly: (turns to (Y/N)) Can I have a turn on the parasail?

(Y/N): (looks to Polly) That is if Anne doesn't hog it.

Anne: (annoyed) I don't hog the parasail! (looks to Sprig) What do you say, Sprig? Why fish when you can fly?

Sprig: Ooh, tempting. But, nope. I'd rather fish.

(Y/N): That's cool, Sprig. Might I ask why?

Sprig: No problem, (Y/N). You see, it's what Hop Pop and I have done on this trip ever since I was a pollywog.

Sprig begins reminiscing about the times when him and Hop Pop went fishing together, back when he was still a pollywog, wearing the same hat he has now, and Hop Pop wearing a fishermen outfit.

Sprig: First, we'd get the bait ready. (Hop Pop and young Sprig wrestle some giant worms, which throw the former off them) Then he'd let me steer the boat. (Young Sprig starts spinning on the wheel) Then we'd spend the rest of the day fishing together. (Hop Pop leans and hugs young Sprig)

(Y/N): (smiles) That sounds nice, spending time with a family member.

Sprig: (smiles back) I know, (Y/N). That feeling of happiness and love is amazing. Best of all, we look forward to this all year. It's our special time, and that's never going to change.

The door behind then opens, as the kids expect to see Hop Pop there, ready to begin the fishing trip. Instead, the kids see a familiar face there, that being Sylvia Sundew, dressed in her own fishing attire, complete with a  turquoise bandana around her throat.

Sylvia: Hello, children. I'm so glad I get to join you all on this boat trip. (claps her hands together and beams)

Anne: Oh, hey, Sylvia.

Polly: You're coming, too? Cool!

(Y/N): This is a nice surprise. I'm guessing Hop Pop invited you along?

Sylvia: (smiles) That he did! He insisted I join, since he wanted to share one of his favourite family activities with me.

Sprig: (looks nervous) Oh. Hey, Sylvia. Has anyone seen Hop Pop?

Anne: Yeah, where is he? I want to go parasailing so bad!

(Y/N): Be patient, Anne.

Soon, Hop Pop arrives, stepping out the door not in his fishing attire, but instead wearing a sailor's outfit, complete with a sailors cap with an anchor on top and on his pink polo shirt, which has a turquoise jumper around it like a scarf or cape.

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