Will It Ends With Us?

By lhecxzsa

1.9K 128 40

I stayed, and you treated me better, but did it last? Most of your prescious time was spent on us, we couldn'... More

Life After Death
Holder Of My Heart
Familiar Face
Crossed Paths

Back At It

381 23 10
By lhecxzsa

3rd Person's POV:

Scarlett walked towards her wife who is sitting on the couch they have in their covered porch, looking over the ocean that's in front of them.

Taking a deep breath, she sat behind her wife who is smiling to herself as she held up her phone to take a video of Avery.

Her body instantly magnetized to her wife's, as her hands both made its way around Y/n's middle body, holding her tightly enough for Y/n to automatically lean her back to Scarlett's front.

Scarlett put a lingering kiss on Y/n's temple, before Y/n spoke, "What's that call about?" Y/n spoke quietly as she looked through the video she took of Avery, playing at the shore.

Y/n felt Scarlett's hold tighten a little around her, as she felt Scarlett leaned her cheek on Y/n's head.

"Lucy called..." Scarlett started as Y/n shut her phone off, putting it on top of Scarlett's.

"Oh... What did you guys talked about?" Scarlett heard the edge on her wife's voice, and she almost reconsidered the decision she will be making.

But, with enough courage, for her wife and her daughter, she stayed put.

"She said that the media has gotten worse... it's almost- it's already out of their control, but they're already trying their very best, it's just that, she said that they're not showing signs that they will stop soon, and it might get worse." Y/n hummed, getting a little worried for her family.

"You guys might get involved if I don't stop them anytime soon. They already came up to so many plans and ideas, they only need my agreement. And about the off I'm having -if you're gonna ask about that- they said that we don't have to worry about it, because after we've done everything they have in mind, I'm free to be out again as long as I want." Y/n stayed silent, not knowing what to say, but a lot of things are going through her mind.

Scarlett decided to continue. "As much as I still don't want to leave you and Avery, it's a need, my love. After the last movie I made, my career seemed to have gone off to a much more another level, fans and the medias are frantic and too wild for my liking. I can't have them invading my privacy this time again, especially yours and Avery, sweetheart." There was a moment of silence, before Scarlett spoke once again, afraid that it might've upset her wife.

If Y/n doesn't want to, they she won't.

"What do you say, angel? Hmm? Just tell me if you don't like it, I'm sure I can make more solutions where I wouldn't have to be away from you." Scarlett said softly and gently, before putting a kiss on Y/n's head again.

"Uhm..." Y/n swallowed the lump in her throat. "How long... how long will you be away?" Her eyes drifted to from Avery onto nothing.

"Oh, well, it could be six months or seven, or more, I don't really know, but I assure you, my love, it wouldn't be a year. Plus, whenever you need me, I can just fly over here in an instant. You know that I'd drop anything for you and Avery -you know that, baby, right?" Scarlett didn't receive an answer, instead she felt her wife turned around on her seat, facing her, laying her head on her chest, and Scarlett's arms instantly wrapped around Y/n's petite body.

"They said I'll just do one movie, a few premieres and interviews after that, I can do whatever the hell I want. I promise, I'll make it as fast as I can." After that, she left a few kisses on Y/n's head.

"Why do you sound like you really want to go there? Like, you really, really want to go there..." She felt Y/n's arms slowly unwrapping its way around her body.

Oh god, not this reaction, please.

Scarlett gazes at Y/n as the younger girl sat up, looking everywhere but her.

"Baby, you know I don't. Please, don't say that. I don't want to go there, hun..." Taking Y/n's face in her hands, holding it gently as she makes her wife look up at her. "I so badly don't want to go there, but it's a need, darling. As much as I don't want to leave you guys here, I don't want those people to invade you and Avery, and our life here more. I need you to understand, please, baby?..."

One of the things that we found out about Y/n's mental health, was that she's diagnosed with bipolar disorder. It's mild, and doesn't really always attack her, but it's always there, just waiting to be triggered, and when it did, it would take a day for her to calm down.

"Mommy! Mama! Can we eat lunch now? I'm hungry!" Avery said while launching towards them, giggling, causing them to pull away.

"S-sweetheart! You're wet, baby. Don't get too close to Mommy and Mama, yet... Here..." Y/n put Avery's bear-designed towel around her, before leaving a soft kiss on Avery's nose, while her own scrunched out of adoration for her daughter.

Scarlett watched the scene in front of her, sighing as she tried her best to keep up with her emotions.

"Come on, loves. I'll take care of our food, go and help Avery settle, my love." Scarlett stood up and went over to them, kissing Y/n's head with one of her arms on the small of Y/n's back. "And you, little booger, what do you want for dessert?" She rambled Avery's hair softly, causing her kid to giggle.

"Ice cream!" Avery exclaimed excitedly, with a little jump.

"Hmm, does Mama approve of your dessert choice?" Scarlett peek down at  Y/n who has a small smile adorning her face, which made Scarlett's heart flutter.

"Hmm, only if you both will give Mama a kiss?" Y/n playfully acted as if she was thinking deeply.

Scarlett smirked down at Avery, before carrying Avery in her arms, then wrapping an arm around Y/n once again, both launching towards the small woman, attacking her with kisses, just like they always do when they both want something.

Having a gym in your own house, and being a monster inside the gym really gives you so many benefits, Scarlett could go on about that.

"Okay, okay! Fine! Ice cream it is." Y/n exclaimed while holding both of her hands in front of her face, shielding it away from the overwhelming kisses that both of her loves are giving her.

"Yay!" "Yes!" Avery and Scarlett cheered, only for Y/n to roll her eyes as Scarlett put a kiss on her forehead, before leaning down on her ear.

"Let's talk later, yeah?" Y/n could only nod, trying her best to think straight about the important and serious matter they will be facing.

She also knew that it was so immature of her to react like that earlier, when she knew Scarlett best.

She took note of apologizing later.


Scarlett's POV:

Hours flew by so fast, it's already night time, and I'm already currently laying in bed, while Y/n goes on doing her night routine.

With my phone in hand, chatting the minutes away with my manager, Lucy, as I wait for my wife, while also rethinking everything.

Nothing bad will happen in a little few months like before, right? We've already made everything up, and it has already been settled to its place.

I was thinking if they could just come with me in New York, but that would be a lot of changes for Avery. Her friends live around here from her private school, her little life basically lives here.

Also, my wife, it wouldn't be that big of a deal if we talked about getting used to the place, but her therapist is here, and this place really did give us a big of a help for her mental health, and also for us to improve.

Getting them to feel overwhelmed and feel uneasy is the last thing I wanted, so we would really have to do this the hard way.

Besides, I could always find my way to be with them, or for them to be with me. I always find my way, especially if it means having them by my side at all times.

God, if only things were a little bit easier.

But, I have a huge feeling that we'll get through this. We've learned already, and I know to myself that I won't ever do stupid things like before, god, that would be a fever dream that's not meant to come true.

We've been here before, but we're better now.

I know for sure, we'll get by, even with a lot of changes in a few months. I will always make sure that they're always within my reach even when I'm away.

Without knowing it, I felt the bed dipped beside me, making me turn my head and see my wife settling herself on the bed.

"Hey, angel." Taking my phone away, I rolled over a little to reach her, sliding my arm around her mid section, and pulling her towards me.

I felt her body sliding down until she's leveling my body, me being taller, her head is leveled up to my shoulder blade, and she turned her body a little to face me, one of her hands going over to my face, straight to my cheek caressing it.

We stayed like that for a little while, my thumb caressing the exposed skin of her tummy, while she played with my hair, while also humming to a tune that would always make me feel so sleepy.

"I'm sorry about earlier... You should go do it." She said quietly after a while, and a frown adorned my face as my thumb stopped moving, my hand going from her waist up to her face, holding it up so I could get a clear look of her.

"Why are you saying sorry, my love?" I asked softly, my thumb now caressing her soft cheek.

"I shouldn't have acted like that earlier. I was overreacting and- and it wasn't right that I escalated things up like that... I'm sorry." She said while avoiding my eyes, now playing with my necklace with her initial on that I forgot to take off earlier.

"Oh, baby. Don't say sorry, I understand..." I maneuvered us and took her in my arms, holding her as tight as possible before kissing her head, while also keeping her head up to look at me with one hand.

"You don't have to apologize for how you react to things, I understand you, my love. Your feelings are valid, and I would always choose what you feel about things we're dealing with, you don't have to say sorry, okay?" Instead of receiving an answer, I felt her hands circling my body as much as she could.

"Look at me when I talk to you, my darling." Her gaze met mine immediately. "You understand me, Mama?" She nodded and I leaned in to kiss her lips, which she reciprocated, and I deepened it but she pulled away, leaving me wanting for more.

"Thank you..." She sent me a small smile, and I did too, before kissing her forehead. "I think you're right... You should go do it... As long as you'll be coming home to us, I guess everything will be fine." My hold on her tightened.

"You know I'll always come home to you. I'll always go wherever you go, you know why?" She looked up at me, waiting for an answer.

"Because home is wherever you and Avery are." I caught the blush creeping up to her cheeks before she dug her face on my chest, grinning so cutely, making me also smile as I leaned my body to her, once again tightening my hold on her.

"You're still so cheesy, Ms. Muffin." She mumbled, and I could hear the smile on her voice.

"Well, that's because I still have a crush on you, Vanilla." I chuckled, and she looked up at me, with the blush still on her cheeks.

"You still remember that nickname?" She asks, mumbling as she traces my face with her delicate fingers.

"Of course, I could never forget how you're so addicted to anything that's flavored with vanilla. You were a monster disguising as an angel that time. God- I couldn't even forget how you woke me up in the middle of the night- while also, being miles away from you because you want that vanilla ice cream they sell at our favorite restaurant, and you -specifically- want me to get it for you-" I go on about that story, chuckling as I reminisce.

"Stop, stop, you monkey." She said, giggling, digging her face and body to my front.

"Oh, I'm a monkey now, huh?" I said, before tickling her.

"Hey, no! no! I was just kidding- stop! no!" She said, while squirming out of my way, and I immediately stopped before she could go as far as possible from me.

Taking her back into my arms, the loving words came out of my mouth as silently I promised her forever inside my head.

"God, I'm so in love with you... I love you." I said so quietly, as if scared that anyone would hear it as I looked at her in the eyes, she was still giggling, but it was already fading.

"I love you... more." I playfully scowled at her, before squeezing her body into mine.

"You know that's not possible."

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