Walking the Right Path

By Roseisfullofthorns

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Daniel Monroe growing up in a Christian household has felt the pressures that come with leading a righteous l... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24 || The ending; Part one ||
Chapter 25 || The ending part two||
Epilogue; Part one
Epilogue; Part two
I | New book 1
II | New Book 2

Chapter 15

45 8 1
By Roseisfullofthorns

Thirty nine minutes forty nine seconds. With each tick of the clock my pencil tapped my notebook furiously and my feet beat the ground in anticipation. The girl sitting beside me had a scowl on her face because I refused to stop after she not so kindly asked me to. The day had been stressful and I longed to be around people who gave me comfort instead of the people around me that looked at me like I'm beneath them.

"We're moving on to the birth process of a baby after it has fully developed in the womb," the teacher turned to write down certain keywords on the board. "After the gestation period the thick wall of the uterus begins to undergo regular powerful contractions. This is when we say the woman is in labour. Now I don't want to see any funny faces as I explain this very important process. You all won't be sitting here if your mothers didn't give birth to you."

Seeing as the clock decided to move even slower today I resigned myself to listening to how women undergo excruciating pain in childbirth. That seemed to make my sitting partner happy because the horrible scowl on her face disappeared.

"The abdominal wall also contracts and eventually the amnion is broken."

Matilda raised her hand to ask a question. "Is that the water that comes out when it's time? I hear a lot of people say the water is broken."

Miss Sandra, my biology teacher, smiled approvingly. "That's exactly what it is. The amniotic fluid flows out through the vagina, and by doing so lubricates the birth canal." Some of the boys behind me snickered as they have been doing throughout the beginning of this topic at the mention of vagina or basically any private female part. "The cervix dilates as well as the vagina, which is now highly thickened and muscular."

"I'm sure this is common knowledge to you all," she moved to the board and drew an illustration of what the inside of the womb would look like during this process, "The fetus with its head lying towards the cervix gradually emerges from the vagina. If the head isn't positioned this way then there is a problem. Usually the doctor or midwife corrects the position themselves which is extremely painful and a delicate procedure."

One particular person scoffed loudly, "This is why I despise my former gender. They're weak and always have to go through painful things. As if menstruations weren't enough. I'm so glad I'm trans so I don't have to deal with all these freaking hormones and nasty baby stuff." Georgina who now identifies as George is one of the few students who are trans in the school. After our summer break she announced that she feels more like a boy or whatever, I can't understand it or even recall the speech she gave but she was done with being a girl. Since then it's been a rollercoaster transformation with pills, hormone repressors, surgeries and a lot of makeup to finally look like who she is now.

I personally had no dislike towards her, the feeling was more of sadness and disappointment because I don't believe she knows what exactly she's doing to her body and how it's going to affect her in the long run. The best I can do is pray for them and if God wills they will see the error of their ways.

The school has also tried their best to support it and always advocate against transphobia no matter how difficult it was to adjust to it. It was these comments that made me lose hope in people these days. Giving birth is bringing life into this world and should be something every woman should be proud of. She sounds so ignorant saying what she did and I could tell Miss Sandra did her best not to say something which would be considered as "offensive" to Georgina. The topic is certainly one that would create a debate among the students after class.

After her input the period went by quicker. "Don't forget to do your assignments..." She was saying before the students started filing out of the class, "Page one hundred and four, answer all the questions there and don't forget your drawings!" I doubt anyone heard her last sentence as she sighed tiredly. Even though I was in a haste to leave I stayed back to speak to Miss Sandra who was busy arranging her papers.

"How can I help you miss Penelope?"

"It's nothing important, I just want to tell you that I appreciate your patience in teaching us this topic and I think childbirth is a precious concept, despite what certain people think."

"Oh," she said, surprised. "Well I'm glad you think so, always hold on to that perception. Instances like this happen all the time and I have to get used to it and try to respect their opinions. I just wish they saw how special they were by being themselves." She smiled at me, "You're a promising student."

I had a smile on my face as I made my way to the front of the school where my friends gathered. Jennifer hugged me tightly immediately I was within reach. "I needed it," she said, her sadness evident.

"What happened?" I posed the question to her and the three other friends with us.

Erica shook her head. "Don't look at us, we have no idea. She refuses to say anything."

I held Jennifer's hand and looked directly at her. "We're like sisters, we're family so you don't have to face anything alone. Sometimes you need to confide in us so you can feel better. Whatever anyone says to you I want you to ignore it and remember that you have strength."

She nodded but didn't say anything. "Where's Nathaniel? We've been waiting for thirty minutes now. He's supposed to bring the flyers. The school will soon be empty and we promised Rachel we'd distribute them today."

"He sent me a text saying he got held back by his teacher," Ruby said.

"Math?" I asked.

"It's always math." Joe said, rolling his eyes. "He really needs to prioritize his time."

"Let's just start our Bible study in the meantime." The six of us have a tradition where we meet up three times after school to do our Bible study. It helps us keep account of one another plus the school has a luscious green yard which is perfect to sit on and have a peaceful fellowship. I joined them two years ago but the five of them had been doing it since they entered highschool. Back then I was mainly friends with Jennifer and a few others who have stopped talking to me. Jennifer made me press deeper into my christianity and helped me move past a rough stage in my life.

The memory instantly reminded me of Daniel. He's lost like I was three years ago, however, I'm not going to pressure him to do anything he doesn't feel ready for. The least I can do is be patient and let my actions show him the right way—the same thing Jennifer did for me.

Erica and Ruby arranged the blanket on the grass for us to sit on. We each pulled out our different versioned Bible that helps us immensely in cross referencing, as well as our notebooks and pens although I prefer using pencil. Unfortunately I lost my notebook the previous day, Joe was nice enough to give me a spare book to write my notes in till I found mine but I doubted I would because I searched high and low for it.

Jennifer looked squirmish, chewing on the bottom of her pencil as her eyes scanned the students around us. This was something that we had to learn to ignore as many people didn't really like us in the school, or the fact that we're so devoted to our beliefs. I placed my hand on hers, "Are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm fine Penny, I'm just... hungry." She winced and I knew she was lying but I didn't want to overwhelm her with questions.

"What's the topic for today?" Ruby asked, admiring her multi coloured highlighter pens.

"Let's pray first," Erica reminded us. We held hands and bowed our heads. "Dear Father, we exalt your name this afternoon as we have gathered to study your word. We pray that you speak to us through your spirit and teach us to fully understand what we will discuss today. Let us not only be hearers but also doers of your word, transformed by your word and give life to others through it as well. Let your presence fill our midst, in Jesus name, I pray."

"AMEN!" Somebody shouted from behind us, mimicking our positions, "Oh dear Lord, dear Father, dear immortal being in the sky." It was Adam Weston, a committed member in bullying us. His friends joined him in laughter. "You guys are a joke. When are you going to accept that there's nothing up there watching over us? Get a life, a real one, please. And spare all of us the torture of having to watch your little group. It's irritating."

"If it's nothing then why is it a torture to you?" Joe asked, frustrated with having to deal with people like him. Over the years many students have come to leave us alone to pursue our own religion as many others have different ideologies that differ from others. Yet students like Adam and even those who were into different things took a sick pleasure in making fun of ours any opportunity they got.

Ruby held him arm, "It's not worth it, Joe. Just let them be."

Jennifer looked paler than usual since Adam interrupted us.

"And sweet little Jenny, maybe you and I could have a real chance at being an item if you can let go of this silly belief. After what happened between us today," he touched his lip. "Don't you think?"

Jennifer shook her head vigorously. "That's not... it's not what you think, don't listen to him. He's lying...I didn't let him do anything—"

"Did he try anything Jennifer? Answer me honestly please," I begged her. "We would never judge you but we need to know so that you can be protected."

"I was scared," she launched herself at me and I comforted her. "He's been coming after me whenever I'm alone and trying to do things...I never let him though," she shook her head against my shoulder. "I always run away from him but today he cornered me. Thankfully a teacher passed by and noticed my discomfort. I just couldn't tell you guys about it because..."

"Shhh," I ran my hand through her black curls, "it's alright. We believe you and we always will."

"Yeah. We're a family Jen, there's no need to keep secrets from us. We're here to support you," Erica said. She was sad just like I was that Jennifer had to endure such treatment. As for Joe he was livid and wanted to start a fight with Adam and his friends who luckily had left us for the day.

"I'm sorry I couldn't be there to help," he said. "I think we need to be more conscious now. People are getting worse in behavior."

I agreed with him. "We should walk with at least one of us at all times if possible. But in a situation when it's not possible, I want us to be strong and remember that the Holy Spirit will never let anything bad befall us. Stand firm in any adversity, don't run or cower. You'll be surprised what God can do."

Jennifer nodded and wiped her tears. "There's always something to learn, isn't there? I'll meditate on bravery this week."

"And honesty," Erica added.

Suddenly I felt drained. The interruption disturbed my mood, and I felt unsettled as the sky started turning dark. "Should we postpone today's session? It looks like the rain is going to fall."

"Yes I think that'd be for the best," Joe said. "I'll walk Jennifer home since we live close by, just in case Adam tries anything funny."

"I'll follow you guys. I have to visit my grandparents today," Ruby said.

"And I'll stop by my mom's salon as well," said Erica. We packed up our things and bid Joe and Jennifer goodbye then told Ruby to greet her grandparents for us, promising to visit next time we had the chance.

"It's awful how some people can be," Erica said beside me. "If only more people joined us, that's what the flyers are for anyways but Nathaniel chose today to flunk math. Are you coming? We can walk together."

"No, I'll wait for Nathaniel to come out. We have a project to work on ahead of tomorrow."

Soon Erica left then it was me, not more than twenty students and the gloomy sky that had started to drizzle.

"Thanks for waiting for me," Nathaniel panted, hunched on his knees as he was breathing heavily. "I couldn't escape quickly this time because Mister Weasley thought it best to mention all my flaws in destail. Where are the rest?"

"Gone," I said.

Nathaniel must have noticed my sour mood because he immediately asked me what the problem was. I didn't hesitate to narrate the ordeal to him, he was upset of course but more worried about how Jennifer would be handling this. It's not like Adam is going to leave the school, we have to see him everyday and be reminded of his cruel treatment.

"Do you need a hug? I know it didn't happen to you but you and Jennifer have a closer relationship and I can tell her pain feels like yours as well."

I lowered my head so that he wouldn't see my glossy eyes. "It would have been better if it happened to me."

"Hey! Don't use that old mindset, not even for a minute," he reprimanded me. "It's about to rain so we should get going."

I nodded, "Did you bring your umbrella?"

He smirked, "You know I have everything for every occasion." Nathaniel opened the umbrella above us as the rain started to get heavy. "This should protect us." The rain has started to fall heavily and we both knew that at this rate we'd be soaking wet before we got to my home.

"I know a shortcut," I suggested. "It runs behind the old primary school through that abandoned property. If we're lucky we'll make it in time before the road there gets too obstructed to pass."

"Are you sure?"

I took a hold of his hand and pulled him towards the right direction. "Of course. Don't you trust me?"

Nathaniel squeezed my hand as an answer to the question. We successfully made it through the primary school and we were just about to run past the open field when something or more like someone caught my attention. The figure was sprawled on the ground, unmoving just by the side of the bench on the field, and the rain hit the person without mercy.

"Can you see that?" Nathaniel shouted over the noise. "Let's go check it out!"

I agreed. Upon reaching closer to the person, his image became clearer and not even Nathaniel could hold me back from running towards him screaming his name. My heart beat faster with worry I've never felt before, many gory scenarios came into my mind as to why he would be here and unconscious at that.

"Daniel!" I bent down and took a hold of his cold, pale body. His ankle was bent in an awkward position and he had a bruise on his forehead, possibly from hitting the ground. Nathaniel came beside me, looking questionably at me but not saying anything.

"Daniel! Wake up. Oh God what do I do?" I cried out. I checked his pulse and it was very weak "Daniel!! You're so cold. God please let him be okay. Let him be okay, he may be foolish but let him be okay. How did you end up here for goodness sake?" I longed to know what he was going through and what happened in his life to land him in such a sad situation. "You will be fine, I know you will. Nothing can happen to you."

Nathaniel rested his hand on my shoulder. "I don't think you should be scolding him in this situation. Here, hold this," he handed me the umbrella which I forgot wasn't protecting me so I was soaked more than I would have liked. "I'll try picking him up. If we both shoulder him we should be able to get him to your house in no time."

Nathaniel easily lifted Daniel, considering his current state it wasn't that difficult then I grabbed his left arm, placing it over my shoulder. Nathaniel took most of his weight. Together we carried him painstakingly through the rain to my home.

"You'll be fine, I promise. Nothing will happen to you, I won't allow it." The only thing giving me comfort was the assurance in me that everything would be alright.

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