The Human Pet: A Sci-Fi Roman...

De SKralishyn

470K 18.2K 2.2K

[COMPLETE!] Aliens storm our ship, threatening the lives of the crew. I bow my head and approach the alien... Mai multe

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44

Part 30

10.3K 365 41
De SKralishyn


I'm dripping with want. I need him inside of me. Except he is exploring my body at a pace that would make a snail look fast. Sucking on my earlobe until the hairs on the nape of my neck tingle. Slowly and softly kneading my breasts until I spasm. I have already lost count of the number of times I buck against him, but he only chuckles and continues to slowly probe.

When he presents one of his tentacles to me, asking if they can also play, of course I ring my bell. Yes, let them play!

I already know I like being bound by ropes, but the tentacles (or atums) are so much better. They are like living, writhing ropes. Plus, the tentacles know what I like and act on it—massaging and playing with my breasts, tickling the back of my earlobes, and applying featherlight pressure to my neck. The fact it is around a part of my body that I need to breathe might scare most, but not me. I trust Tarak, and by extension, his tentacles; they make me feel secure. So, I let go, lean into the pleasure, and float.

How long have I been in this haze of happiness? Perhaps a while, because one of the tentacles nudges my cheek.

Tarak's fingers are between my legs. Is he petting my pubic hair? He's saying something about exploring, humans, and... "...Permission to go deeper?"

Those words snap me out of my haze. I've seen his well-endowed member in the bath numerous times, and just the idea of him thrusting into me makes my vagina throb with desire. Oh, how I ring my bell.

My skin tingles with want but he just sits there, holding me open. I buck.

"Such a needy pet, but first I need to..."

He should be positioning his body over me and readying himself to enter me with his engorged member. Instead, his head is coming closer to my nether region. There is the flash of a bright light. Is he using a flashlight to examine me down there?

"I can see a hole, but... We must do some tests to see if you are like a female scourge."

Tests? Is he trying to torture me by prolonging this?

Suddenly, I feel something wet between my legs, Tarak's rough and bumpy tongue. When that tongue massages my clitoris, spasms of pleasure shoot through me.

Tarak takes his time, lick, lick, lick. At the same time, the tentacles work me over, kneading one breast and then the other. Another tentacle brushes the back of my ears and my neck, tickling me.

His big tongue presses down on my clitoris and my vagina spasms.

Does he sense my need? Because his thick tongue darts inside, pressing the walls of my vagina. Even with the ball gag, I scream.

A slight retreat. He is back to massaging my clit with his tongue occasionally darting into me.

He's back to working me over again with his tentacles, while his tongue massages my clit with strong licks. Please oh please oh please, I'm so close. Then his accomplished tongue pushes into me, and—

I'm already a quivering and slobbering mess, and when his tongue goes deeper, moving so fast in and out, hundreds of times a minute, it's too much–

I buck. Warmth and wetness are already between my legs, but I am going to–

My scream of pleasure is muffled by my ball gag.

His rough tongue laps my clitoris again, and this time it's like those nerves are on fire. Pleasure explodes throughout my body, shooting through my spine and traveling to the tips of my fingers and toes.

So much pleasure. Between my legs now, I am drenched. My body trembles.

He gives me a gentle, playful swat against my bum. "Pet, you've made some sort of mess down there. Did you piddle?"

I have always suspected that I might be more of a gusher than most female hoomans as he calls me, but... Heat creeps up my cheeks and embarrassment flushes through me.

Tarak repositions himself and gazes at me, his finger grazing my cheek. "Pet? Are you sick? You have piddled and now your cheeks are pink. Should I take you to the vet? Or maybe to see Rigel?"

What? No!

If he takes me for an exam right now, I will die from embarrassment. He's being ridiculous, and I would tell him that except I'm gagged. I manage to find a way to let my discontent with this plan be known; I scrabble my nails against the sheets.

"What are you trying to say to me? Do you want me to carry you to medical? I will bring this light and together, everyone can examine your hole and–"

I'm so frustrated, I scream. Even with the gag muffling me, it sounds like a very loud growl.

He freezes. Immediately, all his atums retract from me and he gently places my body back onto the bed. "I will not do that to you, pet. You wear my collar, and you are not for others."

His atums no longer touch me and his tongue moves away from my nether region. Slowly it occurs to me that I growled, which is also our signal to stop. Wait, does that mean this is ending?

I buck and ring my bell.

He's gazing intently at me, his sharp fangs protruding. To some, Tarak might look ferocious.

I see a big gentle scourge. One who tends to me. He removes the cuffs and the ball gag, and then gently rubs my belly.

"This has been a lot for tonight. Can I clean you, pet?"

"Y-yes," I stammer.

Often, I let Tarak know that I prefer to walk on my own by glaring at him, but trembles wrack my body. I don't think I could take a single step before falling into a boneless heap. He carefully lifts me and holds me against his warm chest, carrying me.

Tarak takes me into the pool, running a washcloth over my neck, cheeks, and forehead. Waves of warm water wash over me. My body is all tingly and he's lifting my legs, explaining to me how he needs to clean where I piddled. He gently dabs a sponge between my legs.

Tarak loves the water. That much I have always known. It's evident now, too, that the water gives him something because once he finishes washing me, he floats on his back and holds me to his chest. He is speaking to me. I am too tired to focus on the words and I float.

Slowly I become aware that I must be a cloud. Wait, I'm not a cloud. I'm in bed with my alien. His strong arms wrap around me and hold me against his chest, keeping me warm.


Tarak's morning alarm, the blue star, travels across the wall. I burrow into the blankets, hoping to get more sleep.

Tarak speaks and the voice of the wall crackles, translating his words for me: I am to go to work with him today.

I quickly put my clothes on and then he puts that—ugh, not the ball gag into my mouth—and he clips on my leash and off we go.

Once we get to his office, I know the drill. I immediately go to my pillow underneath his desk, settling down in my enclosure.

Even though he is working, I feel like his attention is always on me. Sure, he might speak with a scourge, but at the same moment, he scratches my scalp. Or when he works on the computer, he also feeds me berries from his palm.

It's when I am nibbling on the berries that there is the loud clip-clop of an army wearing metal boots that marches into his office. Whatever these scourges are discussing with Tarak, it is not pleasant. There is lots of yelling and a few times, Tarak bangs on the desk. Even then, Tarak is with me, tugging on my hair, pulling my head back and forth, as if I am the one that needs to be calmed.

When the scourges finally stomp out of his office, I crawl out from under the desk. He is silent, gazing at the wall. I place my hand on his knee and nudge him. Tell me what happened.

Tarak looks down at me and jolts as if startled to see me here. He tries to activate the wall translator, which... Doesn't work for him? This seems to make him even angrier, his teeth jutting out and his tail thumping.

My poor Tarak doesn't know how to install one, I guess? I pull the keyboard underneath the desk, relieved that I've done this before. After a few taps...

"Translator activated," says the voice from the wall.

Tarak blinks at the wall, eyes darting about.

I put the keyboard aside and nudge my alien again.

"They implied that I am involved in a crime ring that steals and sells medical supplies to people who would hurt pets," says Tarak.


"My wall unit has glitches," he says, his fingers combing through my hair. "It sends me messages about medical supplies moving around the ship and some of those supplies are stolen. I told them about the glitch, but I don't think they believe me."

I'm awash in so many emotions. First, I feel victorious. My little program is doing exactly what it is supposed to do, track medical supplies, except... Dread pools in the pit of my stomach. Those alerts were sent in hopes of preventing future crimes, not implicating Tarak.

"What will happen now?" I ask, gripping his hand.

His fingers continue to comb through my hair. It seems like forever for him to think about his answer, for him to speak, and then for the computer to translate his words.

"They informed me that today was a courtesy call, but they also said they will be watching me," he says, gazing at his desk and more specifically, a thin copper rectangle about the size of a playing card on his desk.

I grab the card and examine it; dozens of glyphs cover the card's surface. I wave the card in front of Tarak's face. "What does this say? Read it to me?"

"Sirius Major, director of the Pet Welfare Intelligence Agency," says Tarak. "He left me his contact information in case I remember something..."

I grip the card tightly and my mind goes into hyperdrive. This is all my fault, and my mind starts whirring with the millions of ways that this could get worse. Sometimes when I panic, it's like my mind splinters, chasing every stray idea. If this organization knows about the program, then shouldn't they have found the rooms on my suspect list? Shouldn't they be out there arresting other scourges and leaving my owner alone? Or does this mean that they have not yet fully figured out what the program is looking for? That's when a worse possibility enters my mind. Might these scourges be part of a crime ring moving around these stolen supplies? Had I inadvertently brought the bad guys to us?

"I can hear your heart racing," he says, pulling me into his lap and rubbing my back. "Calm down."

Calm down? Is he kidding? Worrying is my nature. It's like asking a fish not to swim. Besides, I need to worry. I'm the one responsible for my owner now being on a suspect list. I can tell by the way Tarak's tail thumps that I'm worrying him now, so I try to calm myself for his sake. I lean against his chest and close my eyes.

I can't stop the intruding thoughts. What if something happens to Tarak, all because of me?

"Pet," says Tarak, patting me on my head. "I don't like how upset you are. I'm going to take you home."

"Kepr?" I ask, using the scourge word for the park.

"No, no. I will need to come back to work."

"What? But you need me? I am your..." What had Tarak told me earlier? "I am your support pet, and I can keep you calm while you work. You need me," I say, pressing against him.

Tarak does not budge and takes me back to the apartment.

I continue to plead my case. "I can be a good pet! You need me to help. Please, I will be the best pet ever. Take me back to work with you."

Tarak fills my bowls. "Sorry, pet, I need you to be here, where it is safe for you," says Tarak, ruffling my hair and leaving.

"Wait, I still have your card, the one left by Sirius," I say to the closed door.

Fine, I will return the card to him later and put it under the bed for safekeeping.

Even though I'm in Tarak's apartment with full access to the computer, I can't stop worrying and I do not know what to do. Stop the program? Then I'd have no chance of ever stopping the unapproved lobotomies. Should I tell Tarak what I'd done? If I do, would that make him an accessory?

Then an even worse possibility occurs to me. If I tell Tarak about the program, he might not like the associated risks and forbid me from continuing my investigation, but then how will I save Ava or other humans?

I feel guilty. Tarak has only just started trying to communicate with me. Then in return, I conduct a secret investigation that implicates him as a suspect.

No, I need to try to help them, which means I need to leave the program running. It is the only chance we humans have.

Help the humans. If I don't do this, who else will?

I clap, activating the computer wired into Tarak's wall. If I'm going to continue with this, why stop at my program? Based on my last few encounters with Ava and Loviatar, I do not doubt that Loviatar is abusing Ava. Since the laws are supposed to protect humans, why not check on whether her owner has been flagged yet and whether an investigation has already been started?

I pull up her and Loviatar's files. There are already a few new reports accusing Loviatar of suspected pet abuse, although a behaviorist has not yet been assigned to the case. This gives me a tiny bit of hope. Maybe I can help by immediately assigning a behaviorist to Ava's case? Or, maybe I can do more than that; if Ava sees the right behaviorist, maybe a new one will remove her from Loviatar's care.

I search for all available behaviorists, excluding those who failed Adam by only filing a report. The list drops to only a few behaviorists. Had that many behaviorists seen Adam, filing reports, essentially doing nothing until it was far too late?

One of the remaining behaviorists on the list is Rigel. Can he do this? Skimming through Rigel's previously filed reports suggests he might do more than the previous dozen or so behaviorists who already let an abused pet slip through the cracks; Rigel has filed at least a half dozen warnings and a couple of pet removal documents.

So, first, I escalate Ava's case by making a third complaint, accusing Ava's owner of suspected pet abuse, reported by... anonymous. Then I assign this case to Rigel, flagging it as urgent.

It's out of my hands now. The only thing I can do is hope that Rigel will see all the evidence in front of him and won't be one of the behaviorists to just file a report. No, he will act. He must. We humans are depending on him.

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