Everything Done

By wthamidoingheree

618 31 1.7K

"This is why I never tell you anything!" I said furious. "Okay so it's all my fault, I get it" my mom replie... More

Author's note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 3

39 2 140
By wthamidoingheree


"I think it's better if I hide it, I really hope I survive it"

I hear muffled voices and a beeping sound.

"Tror- bliver okay?" is the only words I can make out from a sentence.

(Think- be okay?)

"Selfølgelig vil hun det" this voice much clearer.

(Of course she will)

"I think she is starting to wake up" a third voice adds.

Suddenly something touches me and I become uncomfortable.

I hear someone clear their throat "Katrine can you hear me?" its a female and she doesn't stop.

"My name is Sofie Williams and I'm your doctor" 'doctor? Wth is happening?'

"If you can hear please make a sound" 'a sound?'

I feel totally paralyzed I can't move anything so I don't make a sound, instead I can feel myself begin to shake. 'WTF'

"What is happening? What have you done to our daughter?!"

"Calm down, it's just her body reacting because she can't herself" she assure my mom.

When I am fully awake and have had a shit ton of tests done, Sofie my doctor wants me to stay here for the rest of the day and then I can be discharged in the end of the day.

"You gave us quite the scare!" my mom whisper yells.

"What happened?" I'm still so confused.

"We still don't know yet, the test the doctors took all gave back fine" my dad explains.

"Then why do I have to stay here?" the question coming before I can stop it.

My dad sighs "honey they still have to figure out what happened"

Without even looking in a mirror I can tell my expression is confused "but I'm fine?"

"Of course you are" okay that's even more confusing.

"Again then why do I have to stay here?" "don't they have my blood and scans and everything, I could always just come back to the hospital if they need more or if it gets worse?"

"No we're not risking it!" 'why not? bc then you don't have a slave anymore?'

"Fine, can I get my phone then?" I ask a little desperate.

"Unbelievable. You did all of this bc you wanted your phone?" before I can even say anything she starts again.

"Is that why there's nothing to see on you tests?" she's just plain out angry.

"You're such a brat, I can't-" she gets cut off by Sofie.

"Katrine can I talk to you alone for a bit?" she asks politely.

"Absolutely not, i won't allow it" my mom bites out.

"That's not actually your decision to make" they all look in my direction an expecting looks on their faces.

"Yeah sure, whatever you need" is the only thing I manage to say with them all looking like that at me.

"Hvad laver du Katrine?" my dad whisper from besides me.

(What are you doing Katrine?)

"Hvad er der i vejen med at jeg snakker med hende alene?" I give him my most innocent look.

(What's wrong with me talking to her alone?)

"Hvis du sladre ved du godt hvad der sker ik'?" he threatens.

(If you gossip, you know what happens, don't you)

"Jaja, slap af" I say knowing full well if I say anything wrong to the doctor, he'll not only punish me but also Else and I'm not having that.

(I know I know, relax)

"God pige og glem det nu ikke" he praises 'someone call the fucking police for being creepy'

(Good girl and don't forget it)

My parents leave the room giving Sofie a knowing look.

"So Katrine, you have an interesting medical historie" her professional tone dropping ever so slightly.

"Okay?" I say unsure of where she wants to go with this.

"We found quite the bruises on your body and you have a long medical historie of coming in with large bruises" 'she's so stupid to listen to'

"So?" I act like idk where she is going with this.

'Idk why but I think it's better if I hide it, I really hope survive it'

"Haven't you looked at my record? Don't you know I have a condition?" 'I don't, my parents just got a doctor to give that statement and sign some papers'

"I do, I just thought there might be more behind it" I look away in an attempt not to have to lie to her face.

"There is nothing behind it, it's just a condition" she holds my gaze for several seconds contemplating if I'm lying or not.

I think she comes to the decision that I'm not, because she drops it and start talk about something else.

"You know why you are in here?" 'no fuckface you haven't told me shit'

"No? Why am I in here?" I ask my face betraying nothing.

"You fainted, you haven't been getting enough salt" 'salt? Like, WTH'

"how does not getting enough salt make me faint?" it sounds absolutely ridiculous.

"Salt contains sodium and if you don't get enough of that it can lead to feeling weak or tired and in your case, fainting" 'that actually might be true'

"Okay" I try to hide my impressed face but to no avail.

"Katrine, you need to take this as a warning. You have been unconscious for 3 days"



"Yeah so remember to eat and drink stuff with salt in it so you don't faint again"

"What day is it?" I ask just to make sure it really was 3 days.

"It's monday" she replies her professional tone dropping again.

I don't reply to that, I'm too shocked.

she leaves the room and in walks my parents.

"Nu fortalte du hende ik' noget vel?" my dad asks as soon as the door closes.

(You didn't tell her anything, did you now?)

'No creep I didn't'

"Nej, holder jeg ikke altid mit ord?" he seems satisfied with that answer.

(Nope, don't I always keep my promises?)

"You can have your phone back now" my dad hands me, my phone.

My mom looks mad, actually beyond mad.

"When did you take that?" 'see, mad'

"Oh shut up, vistiting hours will be done soon. what well she do when we aren't here? stare at the celling?" he reasons. She huffs but leaves it there.

They leave as soon as vistiting hours is done, and I can finally relax. But just when I close my eyes I get moved.

When I get into the room a skinny girl is looking at me with big eyes. She got wavy brown hair and beautiful brown eyes, too bad those big ass glasses is infront of them. They're pretty anyway though, she looks small. like maybe 4'11 or 5' at best but she is really beautiful overall.

"HI" she starts conversation as soon as the nurse leaves.

"Hi" I don't wanna be rude.

"My name is Emmelia, what's yours?" she's awfully cheery for someone in the hospital.

"Uhm, my name is Katrine. What're you in here for?" I try to find out why she is so cheery.

"I was in a car crash" she says her tone dropping with the last word.

"Oh, I'm so sorry" 'wow I didn't expect that'

"HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, I'm joking I'm joking. you should have seen your face" 'Insaneeee'

"I just tripped over my dog, Magic" 'that's a cute name for a dog ngl'

"And that broke your leg?" 'how hard did she fall'

"Yup" she just says dryly.

"Wow" I try to end the conversion.

"What are you in here for?" 'What are we cell mates?'

"You won't believe this bullshit, I haven't gotten enough salt and have been passed out for 3 days because of it" I can't help but tell her.

"Wtf" she sounds just as shocked as I was.


"That's insane" "That was what I said" "you're kidding, you must be" "I'm not" she looks me in the eyes seeing just how serious I am.

"WOW" 'she's so right'

We talk for a long time and take a nap in between because we are both tired af. She told me more about her dog Magic and I told her about Else it was so great, I even got her number because she have to stay in the hospital for a few more days.

My parents came for me a little while ago and is currently getting me discharged.

I hear her from a distance calling out my name "GOOD BYE KAT"

I yell back making sure she can hear me "BYE EMMY"

She disappears after that.

When the paperwork is done Sofie comes over "hey, I hope you had a good stay here Katrine, and I hope you won't come back in a long time again so take care" and with that we're on our way out.

"You made a friend?" my dad asks at dinner.

"I sure did" I reply dryly.

"That's great! Is she from here?" 'great? you actually like that?'

"She is"

"Does she go to the same school as you?" my mom asks suddenly interested.

I try to remember if we talked about that but can't "Idk"

"You don't know?" "nope"

"Well okay" they both say at the same time.

We gets finished up, clean up and then I leave the kitchen to go to my room.

When I get up I just wanna sleep so that's what I decides to do.

But before I get to actually sleep my phone blows up like never before.

Just a bunch of SLUTS

Victoria<3: KATRINE!!!



Filippa<3: Chill let her live a little


Victoria<3: YOU HAVEN'T HEARD?




Sofia<3: yeah she is already named a big slut and has become very popular

Me: wowwww, all in one day of school?

Filippa<3: yup

Me: impressive, I'm not surprised honestly


Me: igtg sorry guys

I can feel sleep physically overtake me body and it's not a particular pleasent feeling.

I slowly close my eyes a drift into sweet oblivion.

✁ ✃ ✁


So this chapter is also not as long as the first one, so please tell me if you like long chapters or if they needs to be shorter.

thanks for reading this far, as this is my first ever update I wanted to give y'all more than one chapter to feast on so you're welcome.

Only love.

SHM <3

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