Chased by Life and Death

By Lillian2Gwen

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"She is a monster.", they said. Well, they are not wrong. I'm not a normal monster like the others from the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Epilogue 1
Epilogue 2
The End
Authors Note

Chapter 12

57 8 12
By Lillian2Gwen


I feel like crap. Yesterday, Hunter brought us to a club and later to a hotel. It was a nightmare. At the club, I was boring as hell and couples and girls dancing and touching each other was embarrassing. And to tell you the truth I caught a couple making out to a table opposite of me. When I finally came back to the bar, Hunter was gone and Logan was drinking his vodka. Ian was kissing a chick while Tristan and Parker were dancing on the dance floor.

When it was finally time to go, we all head to the cars and we were like zombies. Except Hunter who hooked up with a girl because he was wearing his shirt backwards and had lipstick on his neck and face while his hair was dishevelled. I drove one car and Logan drove the other and seered to the hotel. When we got to our suite we collapse onto beds, couches and even on the floor. Now I am awake and wait for them to wake up and leave. I miss Noah, Blake and Monica even though we don't know each other for so long. It's not that I didn't have fun yesterday but I'm not used to going to clubs and drinking.

"I feel like dead," murmurs Tristan. He gets up, rubs his forehead and heads to the bathroom. Logan is the next one to wake up and as I'm watching him, he's in a better state than us. "Good morning, how are you feeling?" he asks me.

"Morning. I feel like I was hit by a car." He laughs 

"It's ok, if you drink coffee, you will be fine." and heads to the bathroom too. "Tristan open the door and let me inside because my bubble will explode."

"Well, we don't want that," Hunter says sarcastically and Parker laughs. They stand too and stretch their muscles. Ian is the last one to wake and when he stands up he immediately runs to the bathroom and pukes to the toilet. 

"I think he's not good with drinking," Tristan says while exiting the bathroom.

"I think you are right." I agree with him and Hunter asks "So, did you have fun last night?" I try to think of a good answer but Parker speaks. "It was not bad but ok." and shrugs.

"Well, I had fun and I didn't let you out of my sight," Hunter adds and I say on my behalf. "Yeah, says the person who left us at the bar while hooking up with a chick." Hunter glares at me while Logan has a proud look on his face. "Well, he wasn't the only one who fucked a girl." Parker interrupts.

"Who was?" Ian asks and comes to sit beside me. He looks much better after he puked all of his organs. "Who else, me," Tristan answers and we turn to look at him. Logan looks disappointed and shakes his head. 

"But I thought you liked Monica?" Ian says amused and confused at the same time.

He rubs the back of his neck and answers "Well I like her since I was a kid but we all have needs. I can't go to her and say I want to fuck. It's like I will use her on my behalf." "And what? You go and fuck others? What Monica will say?" Parker says little irritated.

"When you say that it sounds...Anyway let's go back." he stands and we leave the conversation because we won't get a good explanation.

The drive back to the school was boring as hell because we all had headaches. Finally, after I don't know how many hours, we park our cars and get out. The place it's not packed like other times because many students on the weekends head out to have fun. We cross the field and seer to our dorm. When we are in front of our door, we hear sounds from inside.

"What the fuck they are doing? I hope they are not having a fucking party." Hunter says and opens the door. Once we are inside, I realise that the noise was music and comes from the kitchen while someone is singing. An angry Hunter heads to the kitchen and we follow him. "I will kick there-" and stops abruptly when he sees what is happening. 'Beggin' by Maleskin plays from a phone and the kitchen is a mess. All the growls and gasps coming from us are from something else.

On the kitchen island are Blake and Noah dancing with Monica while singing. I can distinguish her melodic voice from the others. They have their backs to us and they move their hips into the rhythm. We are all standing and gawking at them when Noah turns first and freezes. He taps Blake on his shoulder and turns too.

They get down and stare at us, embarrassed. Monica still dances, sings and finally turns. When she sees us, she screams. We jump back and Hunter says "What the fuck are you doing?!"

The music stops and Monica stares at us with wide eye and blushes from head to toe. She's wearing dark blue jeans and a pink blouse. She waved at us "Hey, welcome back. Did you have fun?" Hunter looks like he will explode from his anger. "Are you kidding me?" "Look here mister, we didn't commit a crime and we listen to you and didn't go outside. So why are you so angry?" She asks and slips in front of him. Now she's taller than him and she has to look down.

He clenches his jaw and answers "To answer your first question yes we had fun and some of us won the lottery." he smirks and all the guys tense. Monica stares at us, gets down and seers out of the room. 

"I'm going for a walk." She says above her shoulder and Parker takes a step to her but Logan stops him. "Let her be. She will come back."

 But Monica didn't come until the afternoon.


I jerk up on my bed as a loud groan sounded through the room. I toss the sheets and stand on my feet while someone laughs from outside. Meanwhile, Ian says "What the fuck?!" and I head to the door. As I walk to the living room where the sound comes from, I stop in my tracks. The bedroom doors open and all the guys burst into the room ready to fight someone. The person still laughs and someone opens the lights.

On the ground near the table is Monica curled into a ball while grabbing her right shin. She's trembling and I realise that she's the one who's laughing. Also, she's wearing her pyjamas and I turn to look at the others. Some of them don't have shirts on while Tristan and Hunter are in their boxers. They all gawking at her like she's a psycho. Parker takes a step and knees beside her. He shakes her shoulder so she can lift her face because she has ducked it under her hand.

"Monica, are you ok? Are you hurt? Did someone hit you?" he asks and I can hear the panic in his voice. Then Monica lifts her face and tears are falling while she starts to laugh hysterically. To my surprise, Tristan bursts out laughing too and Logan shakes his head.

"Can someone tell me what is happening?" Hunter asks irritated.

"I think she hit her shin on the table while wandering around and now she's laughing and crying at the same time so don't worry. She does it all the time." Noah says and waves his hand dismissively. Ok well, I didn't expect this to turn this way.

"So, you are saying that sunshine woke me at one pm for this stupid reason." Hunter says pointing at Monica and adds "And why I ask she was wandering around? Does she want to kill us in our sleep?" Then Monica stops laughing, wipes her face with the back of her hand and stands. Her eyes trail on everyone in the room and finally land on Hunter. She crosses her arms on her chest and I realise that she's not wearing a bra. Her nipples are hard and I can see them through the thick fabric. I shift imagine sucking them and I cough.

"First of all, we are not living with rules so we can wonder whenever we want and secondly if you are that curious about what I was doing, I was just thirsty and went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. Now are we done, big head?" She says calmly and Hunter glares at her.

"Let me tell you something sunshine. I didn't say you can't walk in your room but sometimes you have to pay respect. Am your alpha and you should follow my orders." me and Parker snort while Tristan rolls his eyes. Monica drops her hands to her sides and closes the distance with Hunter. When she's practically one step away she lifts her head back to look at him in the eyes. Her expression is blank but a vein on her neck looks very darker than the other ones. Interesting.

"I don't follow anyone's orders not even from my own family not even from the rock which is on the grass outside so you can order someone else, big head." She turns and when passes us she says "Sorry guys for waken you up." and heads to her bedroom. A door follows shut and Hunter leaves with his fist curl.

 Blake turns to us and says with confusion in his eyes "What just happen?"


I'm walking down the corridor thinking about last night. After my last class ended, I'm heading to the gym but I feel someone watching me. I turn and see a brunette girl. I don't pay attention and focus on my way.

"I'm sorry!" she says and I stop, turning to her. She's wearing a red dress with a deep cut on her chest and it ends to her mid-thighs. "Do we know each other?" she asks and I try to remember if I had seen her before. "I'm sorry but I don't think so," I say calmly her eyes take my form and I feel a little uncomfortable. "You are very handsome." and licks her lips.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" she adds and seers to me but before the last four steps Monica bumps into her and runs to me. We fall to the ground with her on top of me. "What are you doing bitch!?" the girl screams but Monica asks me "Are you okay?" I nod to her and she helps me to my feet. All the guys approach us shocked about what happened.

"Don't ignore me you blondie slut!" The girl shouts and some other students pose to watch. "What are you doing?" Hunter asks when they are next to the girl. "Are you ok?" Blake asks the girl while she's sending glares to Monica. On the other hand, Monica stares blankly at her and greets her with a Japanese greeting. "I'm sorry." She only says and turns to leave.

"Why did you bump her?" Ian asks her and Hunter adds "Maybe she's jealous." with a cold expression on his face. Monica stops, turns and puts her hands on her skirt pockets. She doesn't smile when says with seriousness "She's wearing a rose perfume and was approaching Luke." My eyes widen and she turns to meet my eyes. "Luke is allergic to roses." And with that, she turns and walks away.

I back a few steps and the girl shouts to her "Fuck you, bitch!" Parker gets to her face with an angry expression. "Call her a bitch again and see what happens. The fact that you are a girl doesn't stop me from beating you." The girl backs away and says "You can go to hell." and leaves.

"It's true? What Monica said." Noah asks me but Ian answers. "Yes. Luke is allergic to roses. She saved his life." I have to find her and tell her thank you and see if she's alright.

Logan must have seen my expression and said "Go, we will be at the gym." The guys nod and I spring after her. I run and look around for her but can't find her. Maybe she's outside. I walk out and her scent is in the air. I follow it until I'm at the begging of the woods. Why did she go to the woods? Anyway, I start walking and at some point, her scent stops. I look around but can only see trees, bushes and rocks but none of her. Then I hear a noise from above and I see her sitting on a tree branch with her headphones on.

"Monica!" I shout but she doesn't turn. I bring my hands to my mouth and shout louder. "MONICA!" She jumps but doesn't fall. Her head snaps down and her green eyes find mine. She stands and instinctively I go directly where she is so if she loses her balance, I will catch her. But instead, she does a front flip and now stands beside me. She takes her headphones and stares at me confused. "Luke, what are doing here?" But instead of answering her, I say "How did you do it?" and point to the tree.

She laughs shyly and answers "I'm good with gymnastics so that's why and if you are asking how I did get there well... I climbed." Just how many surprises will she unravel every day? "Wow, that was pretty cool." "Thanks. Now tell how did you find me?" She asks and eyes me with curiosity. "I follow your scent." For a while, she just stares at me wide-eyed and then signs. "Right."

"I was just worried about you and I wanted to thank you for what you did back there. The truth is that I didn't know she was wearing rose perfume and I didn't even smell it just a little so I could you know back off." She rubs her neck and I lean against the tree behind me. 

"It was nothing. Don't worry about it."

But I have one question. "Can I ask you a question?" "Yes, go ahead." and drawls closer to me. "How did you know that she was wearing rose perfume and how did you know that I was allergic to roses?" She looks at me hesitant with answering the question.

"Well, one day you were talking with Noah, Ian and Parker in the living room and when you saw on the tv an advertisement with roses, you said that you are allergic. And for the second question I was walking down the corridor with the guys when this girl passed us and I smell her perfume. Then I saw you in front of us turning to our corridor. When the girl noticed you, I saw her approaching you and I was worried because I knew about your allergies."

Wow, I'm left speechless. There are sometimes when Monica feels like she doesn't know everything but the truth is that she watches and hears everything. "Anyway, thank you," I say again and she waves her hand.

"Now let's go back. We have to go to the gym. You were going to come if I hadn't found you, right?" I walk to her and she pats my arm while giggling. "Yes, don't worry. I wouldn't let you poor guys with the big head." Together we head to the gym.

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