It must've been the wind...

By DavidAustin33

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Jonas is a young man moving on with his life and starting on his own two feet. He has a stable job and a new... More

Chapter Two: The New Girl
Chapter Three: Curiosity Killed the Cat
Chapter Four: A Strange Apology
Chapter Five: An Invitation
Chapter Six: The Friday Night Party
Chapter Seven: The Old Gravel Road
Chapter Eight: Andrew's Anger
Chapter Nine: The Ride with Andrew
Chapter Ten: Left on Read
Chapter Eleven: Nightmares and Concerns
Chapter Twelve: Mr. Hammonds Helping Hand
Chapter Thirteen: Planning in the Wind
Chapter Fourteen: The Fight to Save Cassidy
Chapter Fifteen: Fighting for Life
Chapter 16: Locked Up and Buried
Chapter Seventeen: A New Beginning

Chapter One: Moving In

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By DavidAustin33

Finally, all my things are packed and I'm ready to move into my new apartment. My truck is packed full, and my parents wait for me to say goodbye. "I can't believe my little boy is all grown up." My mom says with tears in her eyes. "Mom, you're acting like I'm moving out of state, I'm only moving downtown." I said with a smile on my face. "I'm very proud of you son." My dad says hugging me. As I get into my old truck, packed full of my things, I roll the windows down and tell my parents I love them one last time. "We love you, Jonas!" My mom exclaims as I pull out of the driveway.

Just before I get out of town, I stop by the little gas station to fill up my truck. As I'm filling up with fuel, my best friend Derrik pulls up in his truck. "What's up J!" Derrik shouts, as his music blares out of his truck. "Hey, Derrik, what's goin on?" I reply as I'm finishing fueling up. "Nothin much, just cruisin around." he says. "Are you finally moving into that apartment downtown?" he asks, noticing the bed of my truck full. "Yeah, today is the day I'm finally on my own." I said with some confidence in my voice. "If you want, I can come with you and help you unpack." Derrik says. "Yeah, sure man, I honestly thought you were busy." I reply. "Nah bro, I'm free all day. Just lead the way." Derrik says to me as he turns up the radio.

We start driving together and after only a twenty-minute drive we arrive at the little apartment building where I'm moving in. Now, this apartment building wasn't very big, but it was nice. We walk in the front doors, and I meet up with Mr. Hammond. "Afternoon Mr. Hammond." I said greeting the landlord. "Why hello Jonas, move in day already?" he said. "Yes sir, and I'll be sure to take care of the place just like I promised." I said with a smile on my face. Mr. Hammond looks at me and Derrik, "I know you will son, you are your father's boy after all. He always took care of his things." "Here's your apartment key. Now get your stuff in there." Mr. Hammond said with a chuckle. After about an hour and a half we finally have all the boxes and things in the room. "So, I got to ask." Derrik says trying to catch his breath. "Who is Mr. Hammond? How does he know you?" "Mr. Hammond used to be my dad's boss at the hardware store my dad worked at as a teenager." I said trying to catch my breath as well. "Basically, my dad and Mr. Hammond became close, he's kind of like a father figure to my dad, and kind of like a grandpa to me." "Oh." Derrik replies, "Thats pretty cool, no wonder you got this cool place." "Yeah, I basically got a fifty-percent discount on the place." I said.

As Derrik and I start finishing putting things away and moving things around I start working up an appetite. "Hey Derrik, would you mind running to Wendy's and grabbing us a bite to eat?" I said holding thirty dollars in my hand. "Thought you'd never ask, I'm starved." Derrik says walking over to grab the money. "What do you want?" he asks me. "Surprise me, I'm so hungry I could eat the south end of a north bound yak." I said as my stomach growled. "Yak patty, got it." Derrik says laughing on his way out the door. "Just shut up and get us some food." I reply laughing. Derrik finally gets back about a half hour later and we chill out and eat. After just another hour of unpacking boxes I was finally all moved in. "Thanks Derrik." I say giving him a bro hug. "No problem, man, anytime." He said. Derrik heads home and I work on getting cleaned up and ready for work tomorrow. I'm already really liking this new place.

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