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Por -tHeCoNfUsEdSiMp

133K 4.7K 2.1K

Nayliรค was a mighty warrior from the metkayina clan. She was one of the few of her tribe who fought in the fi... Mรกs

โ™คNayliรค's Rageโ™ค


3.3K 145 95
Por -tHeCoNfUsEdSiMp

●Neytiri was making lunch for her family while they were all out of the home.

A knock got her attention and she saw it was Rey'na standing there.

"Got a minute?"

Neytiri sighed then nodded. Rey'na smiled softly at her and went to help her finish cooking.

"I'm sorry for being angry with you."

Neytiri shrugged, "I don't blame you for being upset. I've lost my older sister too so I know how badly it hurt you."

"But still I was being selfish and didn't consider how you were feeling."

"No, you didn't." Neytiri wasn't trying to be mean but she was extremely drained from being with Nayliä and having to come back here, without her.

Rey'na lowered her head in response. Neytiri sighed then side hugged her. She wasn't ready for this conversation so soon but she knew her wife wouldn't agree with her shutting down.

Rey'na felt relieved that their bond wasn't completely broken.

That night Lo'ak had a haunting nightmare. He was back on that rock, watching Nayliä bleed out. Everything seemed frozen and Nayliä gazed at him while crying blood.

"You did this."

Lo'ak frantically shook his head, "I didn't-"

"You killed me!"

Suddenly her voice was everywhere and Lo'ak covered his ears trying to block out the sound of it.

"You murdered me!"

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

The scene changed and Lo'ak saw Nayliä holding a bloodied baby.

"Look at what you've done! Your sibling is dead because of you!"

Lo'ak curled into a fetal position, holding his head while gasping for air.

"It's all your fault!"

The boy whimpered and rocked himself hoping this would end soon. He flinched when gentle hands rubbed his back.

He peeked and saw Nayliä smiling at him with blood dripping out the corner of her mouth. Her face was soft and she reached for him.

"Come here, love."

Despite all the blood and wounds, she seemed more like his actual mother so he quickly wrapped his arms around her.

He clung to her and she seemingly did her best to soothe him.

But he realized it was just a false sense of security when she whispered in his ear, "You should have died instead."

Lo'ak woke up gasping for air and a new sense of fear was instilled in him.

He removed Liia's body from his own and stood up in a rush. He had to see her.

Kiri was already awake while her younger brother was being tormented in his nightmare.

"Where are you going?"

Lo'ak paused and looked back at her, "Gotta see ma."

Kiri stood up and stretched her limbs, "I'm coming with you."

"No. Remember, last time? If something happens to you again.." He trailed off.

"I'll take full responsibility. I need to see her too and you know dad won't allow me to go so please."

He nodded and they both snuck out of their marui.

Nayliä was peacefully sitting and listening to the nature surrounding her.

"You will leave tonight."

"Huh? Leave?"

"Your daughter will take you both back to the living."

Nayliä tilted her head in confusion, "I don't understand."

I will show you.

Nayliä felt strong winds surrounding her and she called out for it to stop. She was forced to close her eyes but the next time she opened them she was on a lone island.

She looked down at her body and saw she was her younger self. She frowned to herself, why was she here?

"Come on Nayliä or you'll be left behind!"

She turned quickly at the familiar voice.


"Well duh who else would it be?"

Nayliä tensed up and fought back tears. Her mother looked just as beautiful as she remembered. The older woman had a half smile on her rounded face. Her eyes were defined and narrowed slightly with long lashes accompanying them. She was a little taller than Nayliä was full grown. She also had multiple tattoos decorating her face and body. She had one side of her hair braided a little bit but the rest were tight curls. All in all she was gorgeous.

"Did you hit your head or something?"

Nayliä decided she would play along and enjoy this moment.

"No, I was just stunned by your ugliness."

Her mom gasped then playfully flicked her forehead.

"The disrespect is wild."

"She learned it from me."

Nayliä grinned at the sight of her father walking towards them. He was the perfect embodiment of the word, warrior. What made him stand out were the three large scars going down his chest. A hunting accident gone wrong.

"As much as I love you two, we do need to hurry before it gets dark."

Nayliä suddenly remembered the timeline. They had just finished hunting and stopped at this island for a quick snack break. It was going to get dark soon and she realized they were far out at sea. Was this the night they died?

After gathering herself, she hopped on the back of her mom's skimwing and they started the long journey home.

"It's too dark! We should turn back around."

Her mom was on edge, knowing about the Akula that lurked beneath the surface. It was hunting season for all creatures so it was even more dangerous to be out at night.

Nayliä agreed that going back until it was safe to go home was the best idea.

"I know, I'm sorry. You know I'm terrible with time, my love. "

Her mother looked at him in concern but ultimately pushed on.

Nayliä held on tighter to her mom in fear, she knew this had to be the night.

"Stop!" Her father's voice rang out and they froze.

"Do you see that too?"

Both Nayliä and her mom squinted their eyes to see what he did.

There was something moving through the water rapidly and coming towards them.

Nayliä barely had time to process her mom turning their mount around and diving under the water. Her dad was hot on their heels.

The large creature followed each of their movements. Unknowingly to Nayliä, her parents had faith they could take this thing out but with their daughter with them it complicated things.

"We're not gonna make it! It's too fast!"

Her mom was going as fast as she could and Nayliä struggled to hang on.

She looked at her dad and the fear on her face made him decide to take action.

"I'll distract it! You get her somewhere safe!"

"I'm not leaving you to die!"

While screaming back and forth they still moved away from the threat. Unfortunately, the predator was only gaining speed and was close to catching up.

Nayliä felt her grip slipping and cried out.

"Mama! I can't hold on!" Her mother didn't get the chance to respond before she was forced to let go and fell into the opened jaws of death.

Nayliä was scared beyond belief and her freckles barely illuminated her surroundings. The lack of air was starting to eat away at her and she panicked. There were no air bubbles, nothing she could get more air from. She could hear the creature moving through water quickly. Even with her adult mindset, her childish body couldn't have lived through this for much longer. She closed her eyes and hoped death would take her peacefully. Her heart slowed down until it completely stopped. Her body became limp and her freckles' light dimmed until there was nothing. Nayliä was dead.

Above the surface, a pair of parents were consumed with rage and the urge for revenge. They worked in sync as usual and did their best to kill the monster who had taken their daughter. Although, the creature stopped moving and seemed to be in a lot of pain.

"What's wrong with it?"

A blast hit them both full force, knocking them back drastically.

The woman breathed heavily and swam in the water alone.

She called for her mate but never got a reply. Her body struggled to stay afloat and she noticed her shoulder was dislocated.

"I got you, come on." Her heart felt so much relief at the sight of her husband.

He helped her up and once she was settled, he took off towards the island that wasn't that far away. Upon arrival they noticed someone laying in the sand.

The woman gasped and ran towards who she recognized as her daughter. Her mate was right behind her and they kneeled by their unconscious child.

"Nayliä?" He shook her gently but an unexpected blast threw him back once again. His wife gasped and ran after him.

Nayliä was now glowing brightly but she was still fast asleep.

"What is this?" She helped her mate sit back up while looking at their daughter in fear.

"I don't know but whatever it is, is strong." He wasn't sure what to do or even think about what was occurring.

The couple approached the child again but more cautiously than before.

The woman was still in great pain from her shoulder but decided she would try instead. This mistake would soon prove to be fatal.

Wave after wave of what seemed to be pure energy rained down on the couple, keeping them away from the sleeping girl.

"Nayliä! Wake up!" The wind picked up even more and they grabbed each other's hand to stable themselves.

They didn't have any time to process their bodies being torn apart and thrown around like rag dolls.

All the while, a young Nayliä slept peacefully, not knowing she had ripped her parents to shreds.

An older Nayliä was brought back from that horrible memory and she was so confused about what she had seen.

"I don't.." She cleared her throat and wiped her eyes, "I don't understand."

The voice seemed much closer and Nayliä slightly smiled at the comforting warmth it gave off.

"The simple answer is you died and were reborn. Unfortunately, your parents paid the price during the process."

"But why was I reborn in the first place? How did I kill them? Why did I kill them?"

"There is a war building up beneath the surface. I've chosen a few Na'vi to be able to save all that is this world. You are one of them along with your mates."

Nayliä was even more discombobulated at the thought of having such a heavy burden placed on her shoulders.

"That night, I chose you. Your entire future had been laid in front of me and I decided you were worthy."

"But my parents..." She couldn't comprehend the fact she had killed them.

"Are at peace. The energy needed to bring you back was too much for not only you but them as well. I'm truly sorry for their deaths but I couldn't let you die."

She huffed angrily, "So it was okay to kill me when I was pregnant instead?"

The voice was now firm and almost sounded like it was scolding her.

"You were finally old enough to understand everything I needed to tell you so I brought you back home. You carry the essence of my very being. I didn't expect a childish you to understand the importance of that. "

Nayliä scoffed in response, "You murdered my parents!"

"It wasn't my intention, I gave them multiple warnings not to touch you while my power ran through your veins."

"No, you gave them one chance, one warning to figure things out! How am I supposed to accept this?"

"You must! So much is at stake here and you can save so many lives."

Nayliä wanted to deny it all, she didn't want this responsibility. She just wanted to be with her family. Speaking of family, she wondered if Kiri was also connected to this all knowing entity.

"What about Kiri? Was she chosen for this too?"

"She is like you in many ways but so different. You share a connection through me."

She rolled her eyes and hissed, "You haven't answered my question."

"Now is not the time."

"Do I have to die again in order for you to speak to me?" Her voice was full of sarcasm.

"Humorous but no. Remember those visions I sent you?"

She nodded.

"They were warnings about the various futures you could face and as far as I can tell, they worked."

"Why have you allowed so many bad things to happen? Why is it up to us to defend what is your legacy?"

The voice sighed," There are rules that even I am bound to."

Nayliä rolled her eyes in slightly contained anger. "Rules that you bend whenever you choose to do so! What about us who has to deal with the suffering and killings of our loved ones?! What about the innocent lives that are lost because 'Eywa doesn't choose sides?'" She racked her brain for the human phrase her husband uses, "That's complete bullshit!"

"You are still so young, my daughter. I understand your frustration but you must accept what I have enlightened you with. I brought you here to warn you not to hurt your feelings. You have visitors so I must go now but I will do my best to guide you. Goodbye."

Nayliä only blinked and saw she was back in her home in the forest. Two bodies crashed into her and she winced but beamed at her two mischievous children.

Lo'ak hugged her like there was no tomorrow while Kiri was more relaxed but equally happy.

Nayliä grabbed Lo'ak's face into her hands and wiped his tears away. She was ecstatic she got the chance to tell him what she had been wanting to since she died.

"It wasn't your fault and I don't blame you at all, my sweet boy.."

Lo'ak whined in response and nestled deeper into her embrace. He had heard those words from so many people but hearing those words coming from her felt like a weight lifted off his shoulders.

Kiri reached her hand out to touch her mom's chest, she needed to feel her calming heartbeat again. The young girl only frowned when she still couldn't feel anything.

Nayliä noticed how Kiri felt and grabbed her hand.

"Listen and watch closely."

Lo'ak and Kiri looked around with their ears twitching at each noise. They began to notice how everything moved to the rhythm of...a heartbeat.

Kiri lit up and she finally felt at peace.

Her and Lo'ak peacefully stayed curled up next to their mom as they listened to her heartbeat surrounding them.

"I am so proud of you both for taking care of each other in my absence."

Lo'ak rolled his eyes, "Don't say it like you just took a vacation!"

"You're right, I'm sorry."

The boy sighed and laid back against his mom's side.

"Kiri? You've been quiet, is something wrong?"

"I thought I could save you...but I failed and now you're gone."

Nayliä rubbed her head affectionately, "My love, if I was truly gone, would I be right here in front of you?"

Kiri shook her head and sniffled.

"You both are still children who have had to deal with so many terrible things. You shouldn't be blaming yourselves for something out of your control."

Lo'ak listened silently and just hugged her tighter. He was content with staying in her arms forever. The warmth she gave off made him feel incredibly safe and he didn't want to go back to reality.

Kiri was feeling something similar but it felt more intense. She slowly lifted her head off her mom's shoulder and sat in front of her.

"The baby?"

Nayliä paused and looked around. She noticed the unmade bed and figured he was playing outside as usual.

"He's around here somewhere, he prefers playing around with his toys outside."

Lo'ak gaped at her, "You never let me roam around by myself."

Nayliä smacked the back of his head, "We're literally in the afterlife..trust me I doubt something would want to kill him twice." She then called for her youngest son to join them.

Kiri giggled at this and looked towards the opening of their home at the sound of little footsteps.

A toddler ran inside and squealed at the sight of his hero. He ran as fast as his little legs could carry him and jumped onto Lo'ak's lap.

"You're even cooler up close!"

Lo'ak felt himself wanting to tear up again but cleared his throat and looked down at his little brother.

"How the hell are you so big?"

Nayliä and Kiri laughed at his shocked expression.

The toddler only giggled and hugged him. "One day I'm going to be as big as you!"

Lo'ak chuckled breathlessly, "I don't doubt that at all."

Kiri picked up on his sad undertone and intervened.

"So you just don't care about me? Your even cooler big sister?"

The boy hopped up and side hugged her with a sheepish smile.

"Sorry! I think you're awesome too!"

Lo'ak felt offended, "I thought I was your favorite!"

This started a playful argument between the three siblings.

Nayliä enjoyed watching them interact and banter back and forth. She wished they could be together forever but she knew her children needed to get back before the sun rose and her mates saw they were missing.

"You guys need to get back home, the sun will come up soon."

Both Kiri and Lo'ak flinched back in sadness.

"Hey, don't be too down, you can come back tomorrow alright?"

Kiri felt tears build up in her eyes and she tried to blink them away but couldn't.

"Oh Kiri.." Nayliä's ears drooped and she thought of how to make her daughter feel better.

She perked up and grabbed one of Kiri's hands and brought it to her chest.

Kiri frowned because she knew she wouldn't be able to feel anything but she let her mother guide her.

Nayliä smiled brightly at her and then she placed her own hand over Kiri's heartbeat.

Golden light and warmth engulfed them all and Kiri saw her mom grinning at her with tears falling.

Lo'ak held his brother and leaned in closer in curiosity.

Kiri's eyes widened as she felt the broken connection with her mom start to mend itself back together. It was even stronger than before.

The light continued to get brighter until it flooded all of their visions completely.

Kiri and Lo'ak came back to their senses and swam up to the surface in confusion of what just happened.

Their confusion turned into pure disbelief when they saw Nayliä's body floating on the surface.

They outright cried out and swam to her as fast as possible.

Lo'ak reached her first and helped support her body.

Kiri leaned down to her chest.

"Is she..?" Lo'ak asked with hope wrapped around his voice.

Kiri started sobbing and nodded her head at him while gripping onto Nayliä's body.

"She's alive!"●


{I wanted Nayliä to be pissed that her destiny was chosen for her and she has to carry this huge burden plus I thought it would be more realistic sooo I'm sorry if you didn't like it}

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