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By -tHeCoNfUsEdSiMp

133K 4.7K 2.1K

Nayliรค was a mighty warrior from the metkayina clan. She was one of the few of her tribe who fought in the fi... More

โ™คNayliรค's Rageโ™ค


3K 132 97
By -tHeCoNfUsEdSiMp


{Some of you seemed to be confused about the alternative ending. Well basically in that ending, Nayliä is dead frfr and Neteyam would have died with her lmfao I mean if that's what yall want then I can deliver. }

●That day had to be the hardest one the Sully family had to get through. Everyone but Lo'ak and Jake were in their home. Could they even call it that? Without Nayliä it felt so empty.

Kiri stared at her hands, feeling completely numb. Neteyam sat down quietly next to her. Their parents were almost a shell of themselves and so he stepped up to take care of his siblings.

"I can't feel her anymore."

Neteyam moved closer, "What do you mean?"

"I had always been able to feel her, hear her but now it's all silent. There's nothing. Everytime I try, I can't reach her."

Her voice broke and she put her face in her hands as she started to cry.

Neteyam wrapped his arms around her and silent tears fell from his eyes as well.

He knew nothing he said would take away their pain so all he could do was hold her and hope it helped.

Kiri calmed down for a bit and sniffled, "I know you're trying to be there for everyone but you're allowed to grieve too. We'll be there for each other."

Neteyam scrunched his nose up as the tears fell at a more rapid pace.

Lo'ak was sitting on a walkway with his feet hanging in the water. He didn't bother trying to hold back so he sobbed and sobbed. He was crying so much that his head hurt but he just couldn't stop. How could he when she wasn't there consoling him?

A hand on his back made him flinch in surprise and a small part of him hoped it was his mom but he relaxed when he saw it was only Rey'na.

The usually scary woman had puffy eyes and her face showed how devastated she felt.

"Your mom wouldn't want you to be alone right now." Even her voice was hoarse but Lo'ak needed her there.

"No one will say it to my face but...it's all my fault."

Rey'na frowned even more and hugged him while shushing him comfortingly.

"I may not know what took her from us but I do know whatever happened wasn't your fault."

Lo'ak leaned into her, "Do you think she blames me?"

"Of course not! She loved you all so much and would do anything to guarantee your safety without any regrets."

The past tense of "love" made Lo'ak cry a little harder. He never thought he would have to use past tense when referring to his mom this way.

Neytiri was exhausted, she was trying to put Liia and Tuk to sleep but without her usual energy, it was taking forever.

"I'll take them."

She turned and saw Ronal walking into their hut.

Ronal was better at hiding her emotions but don't be mistaken, she spent a good while crying and working up the nerve to come here.

When she had heard Rey'na's cries she ran out her marui, only to see the same thing that broke her sister. Nayliä was dead. She only stared with wide eyes and she shut down her emotions while leading Jake to where he could place his wife until a funeral was arranged. As much as she wanted to curse the man to the worse of deaths she couldn't bring herself to do so. She couldn't imagine how he felt and so she kept it short. Once she was in the comfort of her own home she broke and spent a long time crying into her mate's chest in such agony over the death of her sister.

But now as she stood in their home, she had to hold back a gasp when she saw how bad Neytiri looked. She knew how the death of a mate could affect someone but adding a child in the mix? She couldn't even begin to comprehend the pain Neytiri was in.

"Thank you."

Neytiri stepped away from her girls and wanted to go find a quiet place to breathe.

"Tonight we must lay her to rest."

Neytiri didn't respond so Ronal continued.

"I cannot know or even begin to understand what you are going through but I will be here for you and your family. If there's anything you need, don't hesitate in asking."

Neytiri only nodded before walking out. She needed to find her husband.

Ronal sighed and looked at Tuk and Liia who were still going in and out of sleep.

Jake was sitting on an isolated beach, the same one Nayliä had brought him and Neytiri too.

It still seemed to glow brightly and a few times he wondered if her presence still lingered here. The thought that she was there, next to him brought him into a state of peace.

He knew he shouldn't have just left but he couldn't walk back into that marui without her being there.

As he looked around, he could see his memories play out in front of him.

He could see her. Sitting there looking as if she was one with the world around her but as soon as he blinked, she was gone.

The last time they were there, all of them had wide smiles and laughter filled the air but now it was just him, alone. Each breath he took felt forced and brought another wave of discomfort. Just breathing without her killed him.

He thought about their kid that passed with her. A child he was certain was a boy and he was ecstatic to have another son. A son he would never see be born into the world. He would never get to hold him or teach him how the world works. He would never get to see him grow alongside his other children. Those thoughts alone made him wonder why fate was so cruel. What had he done for the universe to decide to take his wife and child in such a brutal way?

It was almost time for him to return but he couldn't force his body to move. Going back only meant he was saying goodbye. He wasn't ready for that.

Neytiri sat next to him and leaned on his shoulder. Jake wrapped an arm around her and kissed her head. They didn't share any words.

They didn't need to.

Neytiri held Jake's hand as hard as possible while they both walked towards Nayliä's body.

It was time for them to prepare her for her funeral. Jake's breathing picked up the closer they got.

Neytiri took a deep breath and inched closer to Nayliä.

She was laying on top of a bed of flowers and big leaves. Her eyes were sunken in but she still held that same smile. Her hands were at her side, fully displaying the carnage her body experienced.

Neytiri's knees buckled at the sight of Nayliä's stomach which had started to slightly sink into itself and she fell to the ground. She couldn't face her wife's corpse.

Jake didn't let go of her hand and allowed her to cling to his own but he zeroed in on Nayliä's face.

He pulled Neytiri to her feet and grabbed onto her face.

"We have to.." he exhaled sharply, "We have to do this for her. For our child."

Neytiri's face hardened and Jake nodded at her in approval.

The couple grabbed the things they would need to clean their fallen mate.

Neytiri stood by her head and started to wash her wife's hair. It was tangled and matted with different materials. She carefully combed out each knot while using the water whenever she needed it.

Jake worked on her lower body and scrubbed her legs. He was extremely hesitant to glance up at her belly because he knew it would hurt too bad. But he couldn't avoid it forever.

Neytiri was now softly wiping her face but she had to will herself not to cry when she had to clean up the blood Nayliä was coughing up. It was dried up but still laid around her mouth and down her neck.

Jake braced himself to clean her stomach. His hands were shaking so much as he dipped his towel into the water. He pressed it against her skin and tried to get the blood off of her. Over and over he chanted into his head to keep himself together.

It started as a single tear then two more and then he was full on crying. He didn't stop cleaning her but he couldn't hold back his emotions anymore.

The wound still dripped fresh blood and he wasn't in the right mindset to stop it.

Neytiri could see the struggle he was in and decided to help him. She grabbed her own bowl of water and used it to wash the majority of the grim away. Her face was blank and she hummed quietly as she worked.

The only sounds filling the marui were Jake's quiet sobs, her humming and the splash of water every now and then.

Neither of them noticed the wound that was slowly getting smaller.

The family sat in a circle with food in front of them but nobody made any move to eat.

Neteyam sat down and went to lean to the side but stopped when he realized his mom wasn't there to lean on anymore.

Tuk stared at the food in front of her and almost immediately started crying.

"I want mama!" She rubbed at her eyes with both her fists.

Liia sniffled but eventually joined in on her crying.

Kiri brought them both closer to her in an attempt to sooth them but she couldn't stop her own tears from falling. Spider rubbed her back soothingly but he was also crying. He was bound with guilt for not being there for Nayliä's final moments because of the choice he had made. Being in front of them knowing he had saved that bastard made him go silent for a long time.

Lo'ak couldn't handle the silence that followed Tuk's statement. It was eating away at his sanity.

"I'm sorry."

Everyone looked at him in confusion.

"It's all my fault. I left and she went after me." He covered his face and his tail wrapped around himself in a form of self-comfort. He couldn't take the guilt anymore. Grief suffocated him and made it hard to breathe.

"I swear I never meant for this to happen! I didn't know- she warned me but i- I'm so sorry!" Lo'ak began to break down with his shoulders shaking each time he gasped for air.

He couldn't get all his words out but he hoped they understood how sorry he really was. But he knew, no matter how much he apologized, his mom would never return. The pain would never go away.

"I promise I'll listen to orders- I won't go off on my own, I'll be better-"

Strong arms surrounded him and he didn't have to look up to know it was his dad. Soon more pairs of arms joined their hug and he leaned into the warmth of his family.

Jake cradled his head and allowed all his emotions to show on his face.

"It wasn't your fault. It was never your fault."

Lo'ak nodded against his chest but he knew it would take a while for him to stop blaming himself.

The family grieved together but an outsider sat on his own with his knees to his chest.

Neytiri glanced at the human boy and her heart gave in. She raised one arm and waved him over. He wasted no time in cuddling into her and joining their family hug.

Even with all of them huddled together, it still felt like someone was missing and that empty space left them feeling more cold than ever.

Neteyam sat in front of Lo'ak. He was painting his face for the funeral.

Lo'ak seemed to be zoned out but Neteyam was afraid to ask him anything that would cause another meltdown.

"Okay, I'm done."

Lo'ak didn't say anything and got up. Neteyam watched him with a frown.

He hated how empty his family seemed to be.

Kiri moved in front of him next and her eyes were still extremely puffy. He wondered if she also blamed herself for not being able to do what was deemed impossible. He did his best to not feel guilty for allowing his mom to split up from him. If he went with her, would she still be alive?

He then realized that all of his family members somehow blamed themselves for the death of Nayliä.

He worked in silence and tried to hurry so she could do his next.

"You know, she would be proud of you."

Neteyam smiled at her, "She would be proud of all of us."

Kiri returned his smile halfheartedly.

Neytiri stood still as Jake painted her face. Never did she think she would have to be getting ready for a day like this.

Ronal and Rey'na held hands while their mates stood beside them. Their children were behind them trying not to show their own pain but there wasn't a dry eye as Nayliä was slowly lowered onto a beautifully decorated raft tied to a few ilus that her family would ride. The clan watched with heavy hearts and some even bowed their heads in respect.

A loud animalistic cry from above made them all look up to see Khazì flying in circles high in the air. The ikran let out a few more mournful sounds before flying off.

The Sully family pulled her body through the water gracefully. Jake and Neteyam lifted her off the raft and placed her body in the water.

Neytiri looked at her for a second too long and a low whine left her lips.

They all took her physical body in for the last time, trying to memorize everything about her.

She had flowers creating a gorgeous pattern down her hair. Her body was covered in a white dress that draped over her figure. The sleeves were long and her hands were lost in them. Her body was in a fetal position with both her arms wrapped protectively around her stomach. Around her neck was a necklace with a single large pearl. Her entire outfit was created by Ronal and Rey'na as a final parting gift to their sister.

Neteyam kissed her head while Lo'ak rubbed her cheek affectionately.

Kiri placed her hand against her chest, wishing she could feel her heartbeat once more. Her eyes widened when she thought she was able to feel her mom again but she knew that wasn't possible and removed her hand.

Liia and Tuk only watched with large teary eyes and clung to each other.

Jake ran his eyes over her entire body once more and when he was ready he looked at Neytiri.

It was time to let her go.

The couple took deep breaths and dove into the water, taking Nayliä with them.

Their children stayed at the surface but watched from above.

When they reached what would be her final resting place, it took all of their combined strength to let her body go.

Nayliä's body laid on top of the glowing plant that started to wrap around her body.

Lo'ak wanted to curl in on himself and reached his hand out with a sob. His tears were invisible underwater but his pain was plain as day.

Neteyam bit his lip harshly to keep himself together and placed a hand on his little brother's back.

When the last of her body disappeared, Neytiri let a small smile appear on her face. She found comfort in knowing her mate and child were wrapped up in the loving arms of Eywa.

Jake couldn't even let himself marvel at the spirit tree in front of him. He would admire it later but right now he was focused on maybe seeing his wife again.

He held hands with Neytiri and they both connected to the tree at the same time with a bright flash taking their sight.

Jake opened his eyes and saw he was back into the forest. Neytiri walked out next to him but she was staring at something.

He turned and almost felt the need to run to the woman in front of them.

She was by the river that they usually spent their days in with their kids.

She was softly humming as she washed a few pieces of clothing. Now this, Jake could spend the rest of his life admiring.

Neytiri was just as star struck and she lit up.

They thought she was unaware of them watching her as she was in her own world.

To them she looked so much younger, stronger and alive.

Suddenly, she stopped humming and smirked to herself.

"How long do you plan on watching me?

Her voice was full of a teasing tone.

Jake chuckled and walked forward and she turned around to them.

"Finally you guys got here! I was waiting for you for so long."

Neytiri giggled and tackled her into a hug.

Nayliä fell in surprise but she hugged her back just as fiercely.

"Hello to you, too beautiful. I guess that means you missed me huh?"

Jake grinned at her, "You have no idea."

She looked at him in confusion but happiness.

"It hasn't been that long, right? I know I'm bad with time."

Jake felt his throat close up at her question and he did his best not to cry.

Neytiri wasn't any better and her face contorted into a grimace.

"Hey, why're you crying?"

Jake smiled at her and shook his head.

"Just happy to see you."

Nayliä laughed and leaned into him affectionately.

"I'm happy to see you too."

Neytiri wanted to be completely happy but the longer she was there she could feel and see her wife's flat stomach and it killed her inside.

"The kids...how are they?"

They flinched at her question. She seemed to be...aware of what happened.

Neytiri laid her head against her shoulder, "They miss you."

Nayliä frowned, "I miss them too but I'll see them again soon."

Neither had the heart to tell her she wouldn't be able to be with them for a while.

Jake grabbed her hand and placed a kiss against her palm and then brought it to his face.

She rubbed his tears away and he leaned into her hand even more. He couldn't believe she was here with them.


The trio froze and Jake and Neytiri looked at the sound of the voice so fast it hurt their necks.

Nayliä's entire demeanor melted and she stood up quickly.

"Hi baby, I thought I told you to wait until I called you."

The child giggled and ran to hug her. "I'm sorry but I missed you!"

Neytiri's hand flew to her mouth and she squeezed Jake's arm tightly. The man was completely frozen and his heart started racing.

The boy in front of them couldn't be more than two or three. He had beautiful curly hair resting on top of his head. His skin was closer to Nayliä's shade of blue. His eyes were round and two different colors, golden and sapphire. Even with having these qualities of his mom, his body looked to be more fit for the forest and his tail was thin.

Nayliä grabbed his hand and he hid behind her body as she led him to the two adults waiting for them.

Jake and Neytiri held their breaths and intertwined their tails together for comfort.

The little one was nervous and peaked around his mom's leg.

"Go on, say hello."

He shyly walked forward and his tail wrapped around his leg.

"Um, hi."

He stopped directly in front of them and looked at both of them close up then gasped.

"Are you my papa and mama?"

Neytiri grinned a watery smile and nodded at him. He giggled and ran into her arms.

She couldn't believe she was holding her son. "You've gotten so big!"

Nayliä sat down next to them, "Time doesn't seem to exist here."

Jake was unnaturally silent as he watched the boy cling to Neytiri. Nayliä could see he was still in a state of shock.

"Why don't you show your mama your special spot?"

He jumped up and down excitedly and started to pull Neytiri's hand to where he wanted her to go. "Mama, hurry up!"

"Okay, okay! I'm coming!" Their laughter was contagious and Nayliä smiled as they left the clearing.

Her face slightly fell when she heard her husband crying.

She got on her knees and guided his head into her chest and he immediately wrapped his arms around her.

"I've been watching you all, I'm proud of you my love."

"I'm sorry."

"There's nothing to apologize for. None of that was your fault. Besides, I'm happy here with our boy. Of course, I miss you all greatly but I'll be here waiting whenever you come to see me."

Jake tightened his hold on her, with millions of words trying to get out. But he didn't have to speak, she already knew what he wanted to say. She just didn't want to feed into his already depressed mindset so she changed the subject.

"He takes after all of us so much already. I tell him about our adventures as much as possible. Some days he still wants to be babied while other times, I'll see him in his teen years. It's so strange but also natural here."

Jake smiled up at her, "He looks a lot like you. "

"No way! He looks so much like you it's annoying. Your genes are too strong."

He laughed quietly but then just stared at her in awe.

"How can I keep going on like this? I don't know what to do and I feel so lost."

Nayliä stood up and grabbed his hand. He was confused on where she was taking him but followed.

His face softened at the sight of Neytiri playing tag with their boy.

"You will continue to live because you have us standing beside you. We might not be visible all the time but we're still with you, " she placed her hand over his heart, "in here."

Jake looked down at her hand and then back at her as she continued speaking.

"You once said you would die for us, but can you find the strength in your heart to live for us as well?"

He didn't have an answer for her right now but as he glanced at the smiling boy, he knew he would try.

She called for their son and he ran to her immediately with Neytiri following.

"Mama is such a cheater!"

"No you're just a sore loser!"

He poked his tongue out at Neytiri who childishly returned the gesture.

The boy squealed in excitement when Jake picked him up.

"Hey, if my son said you cheated then it must be true."

The mentioned boy nodded in agreement and basked in his father's warmth.

Neytiri wrapped her arms around Nayliä's waist and pouted.

Nayliä pecked her cheek and sighed sadly.

"It's time for us to go..."

Their son whined in protest, "I wanna stay with papa!"

Jake playfully tickled him, "Already chose me as your favorite, huh?"

He laughed loudly and nodded rapidly.

Jake was happy he got him to laugh but then he handed the little one to Nayliä.

Nayliä placed him on his feet and he went to hold on to her tail.

Neytiri felt her heart breaking once more, she didn't want to go back yet.

Jake was feeling the exact same way but it was more subtle.

Nayliä could see how heartbroken they were.

"Hey, next time, bring the kids with you. I'm sure this one is excited to meet his siblings, right love?"

"Yeah! I wanna play with Lo'ak! He seems so cool."

The adults laughed at his enthusiasm even though they were all crying once again.

Nayliä gave them one more look of love before she turned away and started walking deeper into the forest. Their son was still holding onto her tail, "When we get home, can you make me another toy?"

"I don't know, maybe..."

"Awwww please!"

"Alright, alright but you have to eat dinner first."

"Okay mommy!"

Jake and Neytiri watched their bodies slowly fade away and this time it didn't hurt as much to say bye. They were at peace knowing their wife and child were happy together without any suffering.

A bright light blinded them and they were back in reality but they both had smiles on their faces.●

{Longest chapter I've ever written but for their son I need name suggestions! So please give me some or I'll let Jake name him}

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