I never knew somebody like yo...

By babygirlhyungsuk

3.6K 273 119

The war between the Yakuza and Korean Gangsters seem to be on the brink of destruction. But what happens afte... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 1

645 30 8
By babygirlhyungsuk

A/N- Just so yall know Yuzuru is Gun. Since that his Japanese name. There is Xenpphobia here so read with caution. This fic was inspired by a fic I read on wattpad called Leash of Loyalty. Ever since I read it I always wanted to create a fic where Gun and Daniel knew each other like in the past. I'm so sad that person doesn't update anymore🥲 but anyways happy readings😁

"You have to marry the new leader of the Yamazaki."

Those words made his mind go blank as he stared at his father.

He has to what? Marry their enemy's leader. He looked at Gimyeong who in turn looked away. He looked at his mom and she was looking down at the floor and then to his uncle who was frowning. He then looked at Gapryong, who looked sad.

Why were they all looking at him like that? Was what he heard right? Why, though?

He opened his mouth, "W-what..?"

"I'm sorry Hyung Suk but it's the only way to stop the ongoing war with the Yakuza's."

He looked at Gimyeong, one of the strongest leaders in the new generation.


"I'm so sorry Hyung Suk....I wish I couldn't let them do this to you..." his mom started crying and she put her hands on her face.

He then stared at the table. He was starting to smell the pheromones of distressed alphas and omegas in the room.

He wondered why this was happening to him. He thought that everything he and Gimyeong did with the others was enough to fight back against the Yakuza.

He was only 18. He had his whole life planned ahead. He knew that being involved with the gangs made it hard but his uncle told him that he didn't have to worry about it.

"I know this is hard for you Hyung Suk, but....you won't even have to speak with him. You both just have to create a...."

Gapryong looked at Jinyoung for help who just glared at him.

Jinyoung walked up to Hyung Suk and put a hand on his back, releasing his scent to comfort the distressed omega.

"After you both make a baby, you can come back to us and never speak to him again."

Although what Jinyoung said was a means to comfort him, it in fact did not.

"Ma- make a baby!? And after that you want me to leave it over there?!"

Hyung Suk looked at his mom who looked just as horrified as he did.

His pheromones were leaking out everywhere and he was at the point of a mental breakdown. But before that he had one quick question.

"Will I have to move to Japan?"

The room stayed quiet and he guessed that that was his answer.

He looked at his lap and started crying, not caring that he was getting his pink chima ruined.

Am I really leaving everyone? Vasco, Ha Nuel, Soo Jung, Jin Sung, Jae Yeol...

Was he at least allowed to bring a companion with him? He's never been to Japan. He doesn't even know any Japanese at all. The world may be more modern but he didn't know any of their customs.

His whole life was falling apart because of this stupid gang life he was born in. Maybe Mrs. Kang was right, being affiliated with gangsters is the worst. It only brought pain and ruin to a person.

His mom knelt down and hugged him, comforting him like as if he was still a child.

The room was quiet except for the sounds of crying.

Gimyeong was glaring at his dad. This wouldn't be happening if they all led normal lives instead of continuing to run the streets. But maybe it was also his for listening to his father and agreeing to continue the line. His father told him that he was the son of the strongest man. But what good was that if he couldn't even protect his friends. He should've just listened to his mom instead of his father's bullshit.

"Hyung Suk..." Jinyoung put his hands on his nephew's shoulder. The scene in front of him was heartbreaking. But what broke him even more was that this was his family.

"I know everything is happening too fast for you right now but we need an answer."

Hyung Suk looked at his uncle with a disgusted face.

"Does it look like I have a choice! If I don't you'll all go down so yes!"

Jinyoung's eyes widened at his nephew lashing out at him. But it's not like he could blame the kid. This was all their fault. They should've never continued the Fists legacy.

"I think it's best we go" Gapryong grabbed Gimyeong's sleeve and they both walked out of the room.

Jinyoung decided he should go and help Gapryong tell the others of what's to happen next.

Sangcheol walked up to his wife and son and brought them into a big hug.

"I promise Hyung Suk. You won't have to be there long. I promise I'll find a way to save you from them."

Hyung Suk listened to his father's comforting whispers and hoped that he was right. He didn't want to leave his home.


The head of the Yamazaki rolled his eyes as everyone, as in the older people in the room, were arguing. He could smell too many pheromones in this room. It was annoying. It was much better when everyone kept their scent to themselves.

He started to release his scent and the others could feel the heaviness of it and began to quiet down.

"For the sake of the future, Yuzuru is marrying Hyung Suk. He is of high rank" he paused as he looked at his aunt specifically.

"And he is an omega. I do not see the problem here."

"Oh I'll tell you the problem!"

He internally sighed, he knew she was going to bring that up but it was still annoying.

"Yuzuru is already promised to the Hayashi's. What are you going to tell them!? They both have been promised to each other ever since they were children! Plus this Hyung Suk is Korean and Yuzuru is already half Korean! Now what?! The baby is going to be 75% Korean and 25% Japanese! The Yamazaki are supposed to be Japanese, not Korean!"

He looked at her with a calm, menacing face but he could tell she wasn't done. Not even his scent was able to stop this alpha.

"Are you also going to name the baby Park something instead of the Yamazaki name!? Let's not bring up the fact that your sister ran away with that stupid Korean delivery boy! She's a shame to the Yamazaki name."

"I suggest you stop talking, aunt."

He didn't really didn't care about anything Yuuka had to say but her talking bad about his sister was the last straw.

"Although my worries are not the same as elder Yuuka's. Yakeru-sama, isn't it a danger to have our enemy that close to our leader. Hyung Suk is Jinyoung's nephew. He can be dangerous."

He looked at his niece who was the only one who had a good point but even so, there was nothing to worry about.

His nephew scoffed, "What is an omega going to do against an alpha. We should be more worried about the Hayashi's if that's even a problem. "

There was a displeased scent in the air, "Just because he is an omega, Hibiki doesn't mean that he can't cause no harm. And how dare you say we should feel threatened? We are the Yamazaki."

He smiled at his niece's words. Kanami really was like her mother.

"I understand all of your worries but there isn't anything to worry about. This union is good for business. South Korea and Japan will work together. It's a win-win situation. You all just need to let me handle the Hayashi's. If they can't accept my words we all know how that will turn out."

He smiled but they could all tell what kind of demon was behind that mask. But they all also felt a tinge of pride. Yakeru was right, they weren't called the strongest clan in Japan for nothing.

"Then tell me my dear cousin, does the new leader of the Yamazaki know of all this?"

He looked at his cousin with narrowed eyes, "Yuzuru is coming now. He's just finishing up some business."

He in fact did not tell his dear son of any of this but how could he when Yuzuru was out slaughtering gangs.

"How do you call him the leader of the Yamazaki when his father makes decisions for him?"

"Stop Soma, Yakeru may be retiring but that doesn't mean you should disrespect the former Shiro Oni."

He smiled at Yurika. He would never say it but he preferred the more younger ladies of his family. Not like he had to say it though.

Soma rolled his eyes but the door suddenly slid open and they looked up to their new leader. Yamazaki Yuzuru.

He was wearing the signature white suit rather than a kimono like the rest of them.

"You called for me, father."

Yuzuru came inside and slid the door closed, taking his glasses off as he sat in the middle of the room alongside his father.

Yakeru smiled at his son, he knew that his son would be angry with what he was about to say. He remembered the time his dear son didn't talk to him for months, like literally, when he told him he would be marrying that girl.

"You don't have to marry Hayashi Chihiro."

Yuzuru's eyes widened, "I don't have to marry."

Yakeru knew he messed up by giving his son hopes that he wouldn't be marrying. He sucked some air in before continuing.

"You're marrying Hyung Suk now. I'm sure you've heard of him. He's Jinyoung's nephew and he's helped out Gimyeong in the war. I'm sure you'll like him. The wedding with the Hayashi's is no more."

He smiled playfully at his son but his face scrunched up. He knew that face, his son was just like him.

"What will the Hayashi's say?"

He could tell his son was very displeased by the way his scent started to smell. But Yuzuru knew better than to start a fit, especially if his father had decided something for him. He learned that when they talked about his initial wedding.

"Don't worry about that. I will handle it."

Yakeru watched the way his son's face twitched but he nodded.

"If I have to marry I will but next time give me a heads up you old man. I'm the new Shiro O-"

A smack was heard in the room but it didn't surprise anyone.

"Who are you calling old man? You may be taking over but I'm still your father."

Yuzuru rubbed his head and pouted like a kid as he looked to the opposite side of his father.

"Are you seriously giving into your father's just wishes like that!?"

Jong Geon rolled his eyes, his great aunt always had to be whining about something.

"What about Hayashi Chihiro?! She's Japanese, an omega, and of high status! She's absolutely gorgeous too! What are you going to tell those Hayashi bastards!?"

Yakeru rolled his eyes, not caring if his aunt saw him being disrespectful. He was already annoyed at the fact that she was spewing her scent everywhere.

"I told you I will handle them. Yuzuru marrying Park Hyung Suk benefits us more than with that girl."

"Aunt, I think it is time to take your daily walk. I will call Miori to take you."

Yurika grabbed the angry alpha with the help of her daughter, Kanami. The father and son duo took it as a sign and left with the three.

Yakeru thanked his cousin in his mind for taking his aunt out of the room. Her scent was already starting to clear and he was able to finally breathe.

Now both father and son are alone. It was quiet for a moment before Yuzuru spoke up.

"You knew what you were doing, you old man. I thought I wouldn't have to marry anymore."

His son glared at him but he ignored the disrespect his son was showing him as he tried not to smirk.

"I really wasn't Yuzuru-chan."

His son scrunched his face up at what he said and blushed a little.

"Don't call me that dad. I'm 19 years old. Look at me, all of them wouldn't call me adorable."

He really wasn't in the mood for his dad's antics. He was supposed to be annoyed with him. Especially after his little stunt.

Yakeru smiled and grabbed his son's cheeks with one hand, "Oh come on. Can't I spoil my kid a little?"


Jong Geon wondered just what others would say if they saw the most feared people in Japan acting like this.

Yakeru decided to stop bothering his son and let him go, it was time for them to have a more serious conversation. As leaders of the underworld.

"You and Hyung Suk marrying will open more options to expanding business over there and working with the others."

Yuzuru nodded, he looked like he wasn't paying attention but his father knew better.

He pursed his lips together, trying to come up with a good way to say his next words.

"You two also need to make a kid. After that you both won't even have to speak or even be in each other's presence. I'm sure Hyung Suk will probably go back to South Korea."

He looked at Yuzuru who just nodded. Deep down he felt guilty for bringing his son into this world knowing what type of responsibilities he would have. But Yuzuru, even when he was young, understood what it meant to be the heir of the Yamazaki.

"You're marrying him when he turns 19- or no 18....whatever. But just remember, don't be too cruel on him."

"Yeah yeah old man. Now tell me, is that why you sent me to Kyoto? To scheme while I was out."

He chuckled at his son's words, the little brat was just as smart as his mother.

"Not really. You should be grateful, I'm setting your future up. This peace treaty or whatever will create more business for you. After a few years of that you can go on and start a new life."

He was deciding on whether or not to put his hand on his son's shoulder and he did reluctantly. Yuzuru stared at his father who was trying to conjure up some words of wisdom for him.

"Jong Geon, promise me you'll live a nice life after all this. I know I've never been the best father to you but just know that I do wish to see you happy."

He pulled his hand away and stared ahead while Jong Geon wondered why his father was talking like as if he wasn't going to see him again.

It was a little unusual for his father to act this affectionate. When he was younger, the both of them had a rather odd relationship. When he looks back he can tell that it was because his father didn't really understand how to be....there.

He smirked, trying to ignore his past memories.

"Old man...don't worry about me. Just retire and sleep. I'm the strongest here in Japan. I'm not dying."

Yakeru chuckled, "Oh yeah. Then I better not hear about you dropping dead because your fiance put a knife through your neck while you were asleep."

Yuzuru laughed lightly, "I'm not that much of an idiot.....but I've heard of Hyung Suk before from Ryuhei. He's a strong fighter."

Jong Geon smirked as he thought about Hyung Suk. If Ryuhei called him strong then it must be true. He was starting to feel excitement course through his body.

Yakeru grabbed his ear and twisted it, bringing him back to the real world.

"You better not start doing some stupid shit Park Jong Geon."

"Dad, stop! I'm not a kid anymore!"

"Oh really. Look at how you're acting right now. You're still Yuzuru-chan to me."

Yakeru knew Yuzuru hated being called that but he couldn't help it. It was funny seeing him act like a whiny kid.


A/N- Guys I swear I need help. Can yall tell me what yall think a character would smell like. Like literally any character. Swear I can't even think of Daniel's scent. Also if yall could help me out with like explaining scents. I know scents sometimes depend on emotion but its a little confusing. Im sorry im just so dumb. Also this is set in modern time if yall got confused. Also my user on Twitter is babygirlhyukkie if yall want to go check it out. I post like previews of stories I'm writing. Also if yall are confused of the Yamazaki's family tree I'll explain.

Yakeru is Gun/Yuzuru's father. Yuuka is Yakeru's, Keiko, and Yurika's aunt. Soma, Yakeru, and Yurika are cousins. The three of them aren't siblings expect for Keiko and Yakeru. Yuuka is Soma's son. Kanami is Yurika's daughter. Hibiki is Soma's son. So basically Hibiki and Kanami are like a little bit like distant cousins to Gun. If anything else is confusing just ask. Also Keiko is a character in PTJ verse. She's Gukja's mom.

Also yes Gapryong is alive and shit. But we won't get to into that right now. But anyways hope yall like this story.

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