A Forest on Fire (KuramaxOc)

By kayle315

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10 years ago, the psychic, Genkai used her powers to create the only cure for the 'pulse' curse. a terrible... More

Ch 1: The Assessment
Ch 2: Preparations
Ch 3: A Fox in Human Skin
Ch 4: Introductions
Ch 5: The Library
Ch 6: The Rooftop
Ch 7: Conditions
Ch 8: Weekend at Genkai's
Ch 9: The Competition Begins!!
Ch 10: Revelations
Ch: 11 Choices Made
Ch 12: To Trap A Fox
Ch 13: New Beginnings
Ch 14: Adjusting
Ch 15: Girl's Day Out!!!
Ch 16: Valentine's Day
Ch 17: Team Up! The Missions Begin!
Ch: 18 Familiar scents
Ch 19: Ruminations
Ch 20: The Dog
Ch 21: Consequences
Ch 22: Moving forward
Ch 23: Sleepover!!!
Ch 24: Territorial Demon Men!!!
Ch 25: Double Date
Ch 26: Showtime!!
Ch: 27: Sixteen
Ch 28: The Letter
Ch 29: Gates of Betrayal
Ch 30: Gift of the Forest
Ch 31: Kuwabara's Bright Idea!!!
Ch 32: Sheer Dumb Luck
Ch 33: Fire and Ice
Ch 34: Battle at the High Rise: Kenji's Final Stand!
Ch 36: Detonation
Ch 37: Aftermath
Ch 38: The Gift
Ch 39: New Mission: Rescue the Ice Maiden Yukina!!!
Ch. 40: The Invitation
Ch 41: The Cabin
Ch. 42: The Glade
Bonus Chapter: Show Me
Ch. 43: The Calm Before The Storm
Ch. 44: Sunday
Ch 45: Foxfire
Ch 46. Preparations
Chapter 47: Departure
Ch. 48: The Uremeshi Team Sets Sail!

Ch 35: The Trap

28 1 0
By kayle315

[A/N: Content warning in this chapter. This one is going to be rough, so please read with care. Mentions of off-scene assault, death, and torture. Nothing will be overly explicit in this chapter, but I felt this was necessary all the same.]


(Lower in the castle)

Kuwabara nearly tripped as he stopped suddenly in the corridor, and Yumiko let out a low whine as she sensed the shift too, her ears picking up on a strange tune. 'Something's wrong...'

The others stopped to glance back at the ginger, Yusuke speaking for the group.

"What now, got cramps?" He taunted, but the look in Kuwabara's eyes was serious.

"My whole brain just felt like an ice cube. Something bad's happening. I think back on earth..." He half-muttered, mulling over that feeling again.

"No telling how long we've been here... The beasts have likely organized a counter-assault using the makai insects." Kurama stated, and Yumi nodded from his shoulder. Whatever was happening back on earth, it was up to Botan and Maru. They had to focus here.

"Only one more... Let's not waste time!" Hiei said, the others nodding, but Yumiko pawed at Kurama's shoulder. 'Send them ahead? I want to shift.'

He thought about refusing, keen on keeping the girl close, but they could very well need her abilities on the next floor, so he nodded.

"Go on ahead, we'll catch up. We won't be long."

"You sure?" Yusuke asked with a look of concern, and Kurama nodded.

"We just need a moment."

The others nodded, then took off up the passage, and Yumiko dropped to the ground. Kurama knelt, removing her small pack from his shoulder, then turned to face up the passage as she shifted.

He felt her irritation as the shift failed the first time, and heard the rather aggressive command not to look as she tried again.

"At least it's getting easier..." She mumbled, before rifling through the bag for her undergarments. "How did I do?" She asked.

He chuckled slightly, and responded.

"You did well enough. Your balance has certainly improved, but I had to catch you several times. You need to focus a bit more on keeping that temper in check when in fox-form... I'm afraid we will have to address that once things settle down." He paused, feeling her tense as she reached into the bag again.

"Sorry..." she mumbled meekly, not even glancing at him in shame. He was right of course, her emotions were much more difficult to control in that form, compounded with her inability to speak other than to the telepaths.

He shook his head, waving off the apology.

"It's to be expected. You've spent precious little time in that form, it will take practice. I apologize again for losing my own temper with you... What I did was... unkind." His voice dropped a bit as he spoke, sorrow in his eyes for the bruise he was certain would adorn her neck due to his own lack of composure.

Yumi raised a hand to the tender flesh along the back of her neck in response, and winced. It was pretty sore... She shook her head, forcing on a smile as she called his name.

"Kurama? Can you help me again?" She asked, turning to face away from him, her hair already pulled out of the way.

He turned to see her holding the separate ends of that wrap, as well as the bluish-purple skin. A snarl sounded in his mind, and he flinched, then stifled a chuckle. Yoko apparently agreed with his thoughts on that mark. Guilt creeped in like a poison-tipped claw, and he sighed as he approached her. He took the ends of the wrap, and tied them into place with deft hands, his fingertips just brushing the bare skin at it's edges as he placed a soft, deliberate kiss on that bruise. He allowed his lips to linger there, pressed so lightly against the worst of the bruise. He felt a twinge of pain on the back of his own neck thanks to their bond, but she didn't flinch.

"I am sorry, Yumiko..." He said again, his breath tickling the hairs of the back of her neck, before turning and walking for the passage. "Join us when you are done." He managed to say in parting, trying desperately to control the whirl of emotions running through him at the sight of her. The jewel at his wrist burned as though set aflame again, the reds and golds of the gemstone only slowing as her voice tickled his ears; the words so soft he hardly caught them.

"It's okay..." She half-whispered, forgiving him in voice, though she had already done so in mind well before. Her hand drifted to the spot he kissed. She had no doubt her own jewel would be burning at her throat, and her fingers lingered on that spot for only a moment as a fragile smile played on her lips.

That kiss had been... different, than his usual ministrations, but she would ponder its meaning later. She took as deep breath as she could, then threw on the rest of her attire, and turned to follow him up the stairs.


The others had waited for the foxes at the top of the stairs. The passage had opened onto a massive platform, the tower standing alone in the distance.

"Hurry it up!" Yusuke shouted as they ran,

"Shut up!" Kuwabara snapped back, running as fast as he could.

Yumiko kept pace with Kurama and Hiei, her ears on a swivel as she listened for danger, and tail streaming behind her. Thunder cracked overheard, illuminating the massive structure before them, and Yusuke pulled up short.

"What the hell is that thing?" He asked.

"It's the watch tower. I'm sure that's where he's hiding." Hiei answered, craning his neck to look at the tower.

Yusuke threw a fist into the air, pumping himself up as he said, "FINE! Then let's drag him out!" and they all took off again. They had only made it a few more steps however, when the communicator went off again.

Yusuke answered without stopping, "What now?"

"Small problem..."

"GYAH, KEIKO???" Yusuke's eyes went wide as the girl's face came into view next to Botan, and the group slowed to a stop again.

Yumiko listened intently as Botan explained just exactly what that whistle tune had meant, and how the infected had all started targeting the young girl now. She had already started nibbling at her lip from the conversation, especially when Yusuke repeated the word 'kill', but she tasted blood as Botan said there was more.

"There was an attack on Yumiko's apartment. It seems the Yumekui clan finally made their move. Maru made it in time to save the others, but he had to kill one of the dog demons, and the second one got away..."

"Wait, what do you mean others???" Yumiko half-shrieked. There should have been no one there to begin with! She felt Kurama's hand on her shoulder, but shoved it away as she stared into the device.

Botan flinched, then stumbled over the words. "W-well, Shizuru's group needed somewhere to hide so... She took them to you apartment... B-but, don't worry!! Shura and Kona made it in time to save the day, so no one died or anything!!!"

"BOTAN!!!" Three male voices shouted the reaper's name in irritation, and Yumiko's blood ran cold. Kurama gave Yusuke a look, and the detective turned away from the group, moving to the side with Kuwabara to continue their conversation as Yumiko stared at where the screen had just been.

She couldn't move. Kenji had been in that group, Kaoru too.. Botan had said no one died, she said nothing about injuries. She was vaguely aware of Kurama trying to speak to her, but she couldn't make out the words, even when he sent them in thought. She slowly turned her head to Kuwabara. Would he ever forgive her, if his sister had gotten hurt because of her? Her eyes lowered to the ground, tears welling in their corners as she began to shake. She could hear a vixen's scream to run filling her head, as memories of a clearing on fire tried to burst through her defenses again.


Hiei's head snapped toward the girl as her thoughts screamed out into the open. He saw Kurama stagger at the weight of that scream, shock on his face as the images of her memory shot out in the open. The fire-demon narrowed his eyes, searching for more. He saw a brown dog demon holding up a pretty kitsune by her tail. He saw a little girl run towards the beast, and it slap her away hard enough to render the girl unconscious, and he felt the ripple, as real as if it had been...

He paled, red eyes flicking to Kurama, even as Botan screamed over the communicator, and Yusuke shouted back.

Kurama shook his head at the silent question, and stepped forward, wrapping his arms tightly around her, even as her flesh began to burn. 'It's alright Yumiko, focus now. The others are all fine. Botan said they were alive, and whatever has been done, we can heal it. Focus now. You're very near to detonating, little fox... give me control. Let me help...'

She could feel him trying to comfort her, trying to reach her, but the words didn't reach, not until that solemn command. 'Give me control...'

Normally, a Sylph's bonded could take control on a whim, a single encant used to keep a distressed, or manipulated sylph from attacking those they cared for, or used for stopping those powerful enough from detonating their energy in one massive blow. With the partial bond however, he could only take control temporarily, and only if she willed it.

A small sound came from the girl, not quite a whimper, but she fed the answer as best she could through the bond. He reacted immediately, throwing the connection wide open, and allowing his will to overtake the raw emotion, the regret, guilt, rage, and fear coursing through the girl. He smothered each one, forcing the power they held back, until the inferno that had invaded them both subsided into a gentle flicker, and he hissed out a breath.

"Good..." He whispered, loosening his grip slightly. "Now, calm, little fox. Be calm."

She blinked slowly, then nodded, her eyes slightly glazed as he stepped away.

"What in the hell???" Yusuke began, watching as the orb of fire encircled them both. It expanded every few seconds, only to be reigned back in before it could reach them.

Hiei stood between the human boys and the firebrand-sylph. He was prepared to absorb that fire, or at least try to, if Kurama failed.

"You have no idea how close we all just came to meeting Kami ourselves, detective..." He breathed out, watching as the fire began to fizzle out.

Kurama ignored them, still leaning over to examine the now emotionless fox. 'This was not your fault, fox. If you feel you have caused this, then we can address it once we have all returned to earth. Do you understand?' He sent the thought, making it as stern as he could, and the demon in front of him flinched, almost imperceptibly. Yoko purred, glad to see his memories would actually serve the boy for once, images of a guilt ridden wolf so near to breaking in his mind. He watched as Shuichi loosened the mental grip a bit, testing her state.

Yumiko's eyes cleared, and she looked up into his, a sense of pure calm washing over her as she nodded in answer. 'Later?' She asked, putting her faith in him to keep her focused until she could allow the break to come.

He nodded once, eyes somewhat hardened as he released the grip. 'We must finish here first, then we can work through that guilt. For now, push it back. Use it as fuel. The others are safe, but we are certainly not.'

She took several deep, steadying breaths, Kurama guiding her gently through each, then gave him as sure of a nod as she could, eyes blazing near-blue while she channeled the emotions as he had instructed.

As soon as he was certain the girl would not explode under the weight of her emotions, Kurama stepped back.

"Stay with us." He gave the gentle command, then turned to the others, and in his usual calm, spoke again.

"We should go."

(In the tower)

"The looks on their faces have certainly changed..." Marugu keened, landing with grace on the shoulder of Suzaku's chair, while Daramel circled above.

"Yes, from bold confidence to panicked desperation. I can hardly wait to see his face when she's dead." The final beast said while he watched. Marugu laughed wickedly as he voiced his thoughts, desperate to see the friends of the human who had attacked her suffer.

Suzaku lifted his hand, signaling to the light-brown bird, and calling in forth.

"I would hate for Yusuke to arrive early to the presentation. We will need something to distract them all." He added, as the bird came to land on the opposite shoulder.

"Well, you know the cultivated humans are my favorite." Marugu offered.

"Good idea." He began, then turned to Daramel. "The cultivated humans will be a perfect distraction for you as well. Wait until the fox is separated from the others, then strike."

Daramel chuckled with pure malice as he lifted back into the air, Yumekui stone still gripped in his talons. "As you wish, Lightning Lord..."


"Ok guys, that is a spooky watch tower." Kuwabara mumbled as they drew closer to the base of the tower.

"The last beast should be on the top floor." Kurama offered, keeping within arms reach of the silent fox by his side. She was still quite distressed, but he could sense her fighting back against the current inside of her as those sea-foam eyes took in the tower.

"Then let's climb some stairs!" Yusuke said through gritted teeth, worry for Keiko clear in his voice. He had only taken a single step when he froze again.


Strange, green men, who looked as though they were made of plants, spilled out from tunnels by either side of the tower. A steady, seemingly endless wave of the creatures began to push forward, step by step to surround the entryway.

"Hey, who are those people???" Kuwabara asked, wide eyed. Yumiko let out a growl at the sight of them, sensing a complete lack of both core, and heart. Only a small seed of energy seemed to run each one.

"Whatever those guys are, there sure are a lot of 'em! It's gonna take us about a year to beat'em all!!" Kuwabara added, worry beginning to seep into the words.

"Yes. Considering our time restraints, this could be a real problem." Kurama said calmly, and Yumiko looked up to see those emerald eyes already working out a strategy. She looked back across as Hiei spoke of his dealings with the creatures, and sent a thought to the ruby-haired male male. 'Just tell me where to aim...'

Even in thought, the little fox's voice was subdued, and Kurama winced. He did not have time to fret over her at the moment, as Yusuke bellowed next to him, preparing his shot gun. He clamped a hand down on his friend's shoulder, and tried to give a reassuring smile.

"Let's use our heads." He began, then felt a twinge of irritation as their ever brilliant leader asked if he wanted him to headbutt them. He forced himself to stay calm as he continued.

"It's not wise to waste your spirit power. The more impatient we are, the more mistakes we'll make." He tried to explain, though Yusuke still didn't seem to get it.

"Well how is head butting gonna help? My shotgun is the only way we're gonna get past them!" He yelled, and went to yell again when Hiei cut them both off.

"No!" He said calmly, though his voice was slightly raised over the chorus of moans from the beasts.

"Set your eyes on the first tower window. That is your door." He began, which earned annoyed grunts from both humans.

"Well, I'm sorry Mr. Mysterious, but as it turns out, I forgot my pogo stick!" Yusuke complained, Kuwabara right behind him.

"Yeah! Uh, how do you expect him to jump that high???"

Hiei wasn't perturbed however, undoubtedly expecting their idiot remarks.

"I'll need you to listen closely..."

Once Hiei had finished explaining the plan, the team jumped into action.

"You best not blow this Kuwabara!" Yusuke called as Kazuma crouched in preparation.

"Don't worry, I'm like an ox!" He called over his shoulder, then took off at a run, straight for the cultivates humans.
Kurama followed after him, with Hiei going next, then Yumiko, and finally Yusuke bringing up the rear.

As the 'ox' ran ahead, he called back over his shoulder again.

"Just do me a favor you guys, try not to dig in with your shoes, okay!!"

"Hey, shut up and keep running!" Yusuke yelled back.

So Kuwabara ran. He barreled head first into the wall of cultivated humans, then planted his feet, crouching as Kurama caught up.

"ALRIGHT, LET HER RIP!!!" He bellowed, bracing further as he heard the grunt behind him.

Kurama braced against the ache in his abdomen, and leapt, landing on Kuwabara's shoulders with ease. He quickly found his balance and braced further as Hiei followed suite. Next was Yumiko. She took a deep breath, and jumped as delicately as she could. She could sense the pain roiling off the pompadour, his wounds not yet fully healed, and tried not to cause more pain as she scrambled up the tower of demons to stand on Hiei's shoulders.

"Now, Yusuke!!" She called behind her, bracing as she heard the detective's grunt.

For a moment, Kurama lost his balance, grunting as Yusuke's heels dug in. Yumiko feared they would topple, but Yusuke climbed onwards! She heard Hiei grunt, and squared her shoulders, gritting her teeth as his foot found purchase on her back. She bit back a cry as his other heel dug into her shoulder, and felt her self pushed backwards as he kicked off of her,  reaching for the window.

She was the first to fall, that kick knocking her fully off balance, and she let out a yelp of panic as the sky zipped past her. Hiei and Kurama both managed graceful dismounts, while Kazuma landed squarely on his chin, and Yumiko smacked the ground backside first at Kurama's feet.

"Tchtchtchtch!!! She hissed against the pain lancing up her spine and glared at the older fox as he chuckled, extending a hand to help her.

"Why didn't you catch me?" She pouted, hands moving to rub at her sore rear from the fall. He simply chuckled again, and pulled her gently to her feet.

"I do believe it was only yesterday you told me, 'If you ever do something so stupid again, I'll claw you myself.' Does that sound right, Yumi?" He asked, eyes full of pure mischief.

She glared at him and yanked her hand free, the look on her face half-way to a tantrum when she snapped."That's not what I meant, and you know it!!!"

He smirked again, and looked up as Yusuke just managed to grab the edge of the window.

"Heheh, WE DID IT!!!" Kazuma grinned as their friend pulled himself up into the window.

"Ha! Remind me to try out for the cheerleading squad! You guys have fun with the veggie heads!!" He shouted back down, giving the group a thumbs up before taking off into the castle.

"Don't die on me, okay??" Kuwabara shouted after him, and Yumiko let out a small nervous whimper.

"Are you sure we should let him go alone?" She asked the other demons. Hiei just huffed, turning away, but Kurama gave her a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry Yumiko, he only needs to keep the beast distracted while we finish up here, then we can go and help." He explained, patting her shoulder gently before allowing his features to harden once more. "Now then..."

His words helped to calm her nerves. And she gave a fierce nod as she moved to stand behind him, back to back. Already, Kuwabara had turned to face some of the plant men, and shouted something about feeling bad for them before launching himself into the fight.

The two foxes both summoned their weapons, Kurama his rose whip. Yumi her fern whip, sending needle after needle into the surrounding plants with only the slightest remorse. Hiei leapt into the fight as well, cleaving apart any plant man in his path.

And so it went. For what felt like hours, but was truly only minutes, they fought. For every body they managed to cut down, it felt like two more took it's place!

"We gotta find some way to get to Uremeshi!" Kazuma grunted.

Kurama grimaced at the oncoming wave of plant men, his voice grim as he spoke.

"Yes, Kuwabara, I have a strong sense that he needs our help..."

Hiei and Yumiko both grunted in agreement, a half-second before Kuwabara raced off for the fight again.

"I HOPE YOU GUYS ARE BEHIND ME!!" He shouted, disappearing into the wave of green Hiei took off after him. Yumiko was poised to do the same when a cruel laugh stopped her in her tracks. She and Kurama both looked up as a large brown bird circled above.

"How, cute... You really shouldn't be so worried about your friend, the Lightning Lord is keeping him quite entertained for the time being." Daramel cooed, circling once more as he eyed the girl.

There was a solid ten meters between the fox and the male. All he needed to do was get within fifteen himself, and the stone would activate, so he dove!

Yumiko braced herself immediately, recognizing the stone in the demon's talons. She had smirked at the bird as it dove. She would be fine. No matter what she saw inside that stone, Kurama would save her. He would always save her. She didn't realize her mistake until it was too late, and neither did he.

"YUMI, RUN!!!" He had screeched, eyes landing on that stone as the bird swooped. He was already drawing his whip, aiming to intercept it, to save her from enduring that fate again, when Daramel changed directions, not even twenty meters from him. Kurama let out a gasp as the bird swooped closer, and his world went to black.


Hiei had run after the brave pompadour immediately, expecting the foxes to follow. When the snapping of whips never came, he paused, looking over his shoulder.

'A bird?' He thought, watching as it flew above them. Well, whatever. They could surely handle a bird between them. He remained focused on the boy, slashing away a plant man that had grabbed Kuwabara from behind.


Daramel laughed cruelly as the red-haired male dropped the rose in his hand, and watched as the little fox sank to the ground as well. He had done it!!! Oh, Tansy would be so proud!! He circled once more, then landed on the boy's shoulder, even as a tear fell from his emerald orbs. He couldn't help but wonder, what visions the stone had brought along.


Shuichi watched in horror as Yumiko fell to the ground. He watched as Muuta slashed at her back again, and again until he had cleaved her into pieces. He watched as the pieces reformed, watched her kneel as the brute lashed a whip... his whip across her back. He watched, unable to move as his dear Yumiko was beaten, again, and again, and again, and then the vision changed.

He watched as the demon Rando, then Yoko, then Maru kissed her... touched her.. broke her... He couldn't speak, he couldn't even form the thoughts as the stone dragged him deeper, deeper into a personalized hell.


Yoko screamed. He screamed, and roared, and raged at the darkness, clawing at every vision and sound. He turned away as Kuronue fell into the bamboo trap. He turned away as Veinahvehn forced the sylphan bond to break. He turned away as Tsume left on that raid, the raid he had forbid her to go on... with him... He turned away as the vision of her tied to that tree filled his mind, her back in tatters... his greatest mistake... but he couldn't turn away, as the faceless demon struck her. Again, and again, and again... each blow searing his soul as it had these past fourteen years. Even closing his eyes, the images remained. The video played on repeat. Tsume screamed, begged for mercy, begged him to save her as that monster...

He snarled, and ripped at the demon, but his claws went through him harmlessly, and he bellowed again, a sound so full of agony that it drowned out her own screams.


Shuichi broke, a scream finally escaping him as the scene changed, and it was no longer Yumiko kneeling alone in that clearing, but his mother, pale, and weak on a hospital bed.
'What illusions you weave for yourself... to think you can keep her safe...' Muuta sneered, lifting his claws above the woman's frail chest.

"Shu...iii....chiii." His mother forced out his name, reaching across the room towards him as those claws sank into her chest, bones snapping like twigs.



Daramel cackled as the redhead fell to his knees. Oooh what he would give to taste the flavor of suffering in the boy's mind. He wondered what such a wretched little beast would see inside the stone, and was so caught up in his musings, he didn't see the needle pins racing his way until it was nearly too late!

He squawked, and pivoted in the air, just in time to avoid them, the third needle barely grazing his wing tip. He thought he was safe when...

"EXPLOSION!!!" Yumiko screamed, and the needle burst into a tiny orb of flame! The light-brown bird demon screeched in agony as it fell, and she raced forward to get that damned stone, but a wall of green cut her off.

"DAMN IT!!" She seethed, then slammed her fist into the face of the nearest cultivated human. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY!!!"


Hiei faltered in his attack as two things caught him off guard. First, was the utter stillness of Kurama's mind. The second, the sheer rage pulsing off of the little kitsune in waves. He heard her screech in his mind, and turned in time to see a wave of green engulf her. 'Not good...' He thought.

He made to run to her defense,  but paused as the human boy beside him knocked another plant to the ground, only to be grabbed by two more.

"Damn it!" He cursed. If he let the human boy die, that little firebrand would never let him hear the end of it, but if she got hurt... He snarled, and had nearly made up his mind when he heard her scream from there.


He blinked, watching as she knocked a a handful of the beasts out of the way in one attack. He smirked, and turned back as Kuwabara called out for help. She would be fine, he was sure of it.


Shuichi screamed in agony as he watched the scene unfold again. He was held down by invisible hands as the faceless demon forced the bond to snap into place. He couldn't block out the screams, or the sight of her clawed fingertips reaching for him.

He had watched this scene again, and again, and again now, with different demons from both his, and Yoko's past replacing that faceless beast. The worst by far, was Yoko himself.... As if he had summoned him, the silver haired kitsune ripped Yumiko up by the throat, slamming her against a wall. He tried to scream. He tried to snarl. He tried to force the vicious demon back into the cage of his mind, but nothing worked! He tried to force his eyes shut, but the image remained. He watched in horror as Yoko bent his head, and bit hard. His heart cracked as the little fox, his little fox, screamed.

"DON'T DO THIS!!!" He screamed, just like on that night. If the bond had not rejected him when he had forced that kiss months ago... "YOKO!!! DON'T, DO THIS!!!" He screamed again, but the demon only smirked at him with those icy golden eyes.

"If you don't complete the bond..." the silver kitsune purred, his teeth bloody and bared. "Then someone else will..."


Yumiko felt her core run cold. There was no physical wound, but her bond was in pain! She couldn't even begin to imagine what that horrible stone was forcing him to see in his mind, but the fear-scent, and absolute agony radiating from his form hit her like a wall as she carved down plant man after plant man. She had kept an eye on that circling beast, waiting... waiting... NOW!!!

As Daramel circled overhead again, she aimed another needle, and snarled as it ripped through the bird's wing, earning another screech of agony as he fell to the ground. 'Got him!!' She thought, but it wasn't over yet, she still had to get through these damned corpses!!

'Kurama!!!' She sent through the bond. 'Kurama please!! You have to listen to me!! It isn't real!!! Please, you have to fight it!! You have to come back!!' She kept pushing on that bond, slamming her will against it again, and again, until it finally crashed open. She froze.


Pain... a pain unlike anything she had ever felt ripped through her, as she got only a glimpse at what he had seen. A glimpse of silver hair, of golden eyes... of...

She snarled, eyes turning bright blue, her hair whipping around her in a staggering wind, and screamed.


[A/N: Phase two of the Yumekui's assault has began!! Though Tansy herself may have failed, her little pet has achieved his task, separating Yumiko from Kurama with the help of a Yumekui stone, but will it be enough to keep them distracted while Suzaku deals with their guests?

This chapter was a struggle, because the stone is meant to draw out our worst nightmares, which for Kurama, wasn't exactly fun to write, but I'm pleased with how it played out.

Find out the conclusion of "The Trap" in the next chapter: Detonation.

See you then!!]

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