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Taekook au where a wannabe single father Taehyung gets in a beef with the 'modern royals' because supposedly... Еще

Good news(?)
Let's Pretend
Rumour has it
Glimpse of Serendipity
Fools in Love?
Random Serendipity Taekook

Past and Future

136 8 1

After their late lunch together, they were lying in the bed facing each other. The house around them was starting to feel cosy. There was a lull in the environment. Their talk was on pause. As both of them were not sure where to start again and what to talk about. Both of them have been living together for weeks now, but they had never been this comfortable before. Not that they hated each other's company; they liked it, they liked it a lot. But their silly arguments and their egos would never let them step any closer.

Now, shedding the barrier of their pasts and traumas, they could finally bare their vulnerable sides to each other. In a way, they had a common trauma. They both did not get to experience parental love. Although, fortunately, they both were blessed in love, which came in other forms. Unconsciously, it served as a bonding factor for them. And they both were to realise in the talks to come that they had more things in common than one had thought of it.

As they were basking in the comfortable silence, Jungkook's phone went off.

"It's grandma." He informed Tae and picked the call up while still lying in the bed.


"Hello to you too, my love. How are you doing? Are you still upset with your oldie?"

"No gran, no. I am not. I am sorry for yesterday. I also shouldn't have ignored your calls." Her grandchild said,  sulking.

"It's okay, sweetie. Your anger was all valid. I understand."

"Thank you…" the prince whispered.

"You should not have to thank me, love. As a matter of fact, me as your grandma, I shouldn't have snooped around in your personal matters unless you told me about it. But Jojo was worried about you, you know?" The Queen informed.

"She was?" He asked tentatively.

"Indeed. She saw that man tarnish your heart and your image and spread dirt around your name. She did not care about monarchy, yes. But she did care about her family. She couldn't just let that man snatch away your reputation. That's when she had to get me involved. You would have done the same if someone did this to her, right?"

Jungkook couldn't answer that. Because no, he wouldn't have done the same. He would have ended that person with his bare hands if someone ever did this with his sister. So he kept quiet. His restless silence prompted Taehyung to slide close to him. He could see Jungkook's chest heaving rapidly as he tried to control his intense emotions, and instinctively, Taehyung started rubbing comforting caresses right over Jungkook's heart. It made Jungkook turn his lost gaze towards the scientist, making him look deep in his eyes. Which was reciprocated with the same intensity by the other. For a second, the queen's words turned into a white noise, as his hand automatically reached the scientist's face, plotting fleeting touches on his face, absentmindedly. And the way Taehyung closed his eyes, accepting that touch made Jungkook's mind go blank.

"... Jungkookie?"

"Umm… sorry…" Did you say something,  grandma?" He asked, averting his gaze from the brunette, but the fingers stayed put.

"I think you are lost somewhere. I can understand it's a touchy topic, but I think you should talk it out. You owe this to Tae, don't you think?"

"You are right. That's exactly why we are here, gran. We are talking!"

"That's wonderful! But take another one of your oldie's advice,  will you?"

"Of course! What is it?"

"Don't let this solitude be focused only on the talk. Let the love bloom in the absence of the judging, scrutinising eyes."


"Don't take me as a fool, jungkook-ah. I see the way you look at him when you think nobody is noticing. And I also have seen your oblivious genius do the same. The way he got anxious when you weren't home yesterday, says a lot. He is different. You know that, right? He would never consciously hurt you."

"Oh, but he is a pain in the behind sometimes…" the prince chuckled, pinching the bread cheeks in front of him. But the scientist was so lost in his touch that he didn't hear the prince's teasing remarks.

"Stop it, Jungkookie. We both know that he is just hungry for love. Just see how he turns from a feisty tiger to cuddly bear in just a matter of seconds when you give him that affection. Give both of you a chance at love, will you?"

"I will try. See you on Monday, grangran!"

"Oh, is this how you youngsters tell people not to disturb you on your romantic getaway?" The queen teased.

"Ugh! Goodbye!"

"Take care. And have fun!" The queen sing-songed!

When he switched his phone off, shifting his attention back to the man on his side, he saw Taehyung already looking at him!

Jungkook tucked away the stray hair from the scientist's face and said,

"Tae, please don't look at me like this…." His eyes shaky, shifting from the other's eyes to lips every other millisecond.

"Like what, Kook?" Taehyung questioned, tilting his head a little.

"With those hooded eyes and parted lips. If you don't stop, I am going to kiss you now..."

"But why? There is no one here, watching us..." Taehyung asked innocently.

"Would it be bad?"


"If I start kissing you even when no one is watching us?"

Taehyung gifted him with silence. And the moment when he thought he should step away because of the silent rejection, Taehyung leaned in wordlessly, claiming his lips.

🔞 minors DNI

This kiss was unlike their prior ones. When they kissed for the first time or days after that, it would always be a pretence. Something they did either for the show or to tease each other. There was no heat or emotions until the last few days.

In these few days there was a weird pull between them. The stolen glances and unnecessary touches got frequent. But still, there was uncertainty, a hesitation.

But this kiss had everything they described as a perfect kiss in those romantic novels. It stole both their breaths. Lying on their sides, Jungkook now had cupped the other's nape and the other hand was holding onto his waist in a tentative grip. But in the next few seconds, Taehyung had managed to hold the prince by his neck and had managed to turn themselves around. Jungkook now lay flat on the bed while Taehyung lay on top of him. To Jungkook, this slight weight felt too good. He craved more, much more.

They both did not know where this kiss was leading them, they were just acting on instincts. So when the scientist tried to deepen the kiss, the prince suddenly pulled him fully up to straddle his own body. Their tongues mingled in a messy kiss. Both were trying to gain control of it but at the same time, both wanted to lose it. If that makes sense.

In most of his past hookups (even that was a rare instance), Taehyung never allowed anyone to kiss him. It was too intimate for him. His inhibitions never allowed anyone else to be that close to him. Even while having sêx his mind would always be distracted by different things. It was just for a quick release with faceless people. They mostly happened when he was too out of it. Drunk frustration or desperation. When things didn't work his way. When his data didn't turn out the way he expected, when someone else got the project grant instead of him, or when he lost a scholarly argument. All rare instances. So it was always a temporary distraction from something more significant. something to get over with.

But with Jungkook, Taehyung felt more, craved for more. Jungkook was not a faceless person. In fact he had the face that Taehyung had turned to like. He had a face that Taehyung would see right after he woke up and right before he slept. He had a face that Taehyung wanted to keep seeing all his life. Jungkook was somebody who mattered.  Somebody he wanted to share his pleasure with. He was someone Taehyung trusted. So it was different.

As for Jungkook, Taehyung was his first real kiss after his heartbreak. Jungkook always had some on and off hush-hush relationships before that. And after Hiroshi turned his life into a laughing stock, he lost all the will to invest his emotions in anyone. But he didn't have to be careful around Tae. With him he was allowed to be just 'Jungkook'. Taehyung didn't care what his position was, what he brought to the table. He was okay just with the comfort  Jungkook offered him. He just needed his attention, his care. Jungkook was sure that if he decides to step down as a prince and live as a commoner, Taehyung wouldn't even bat an eye, right? Or would he… The sliver of doubt made him lose his focus.

"Tae…" He asked, pulling away. Which made Taehyung whine at the loss of contact.

"Ugh… why do you talk so much?" He said diving back into the lips. But seeing a rigid shift in the prince's body language, he pulled back.

"What is it, Jungkookie?" He asked, holding the prince's face in his palm.

"If tomorrow I step down from being a prince, would you take the baby with you and leave me?" He asked with glossy eyes. Glossy with tears that he didn't know where they came from.

"What exactly is this about?" Taehyung asked, sitting a bit upright on his knees, which were caging the prince's torso between them.

"I don't know. It's just a doubt. People have always seemed to be too focused on my title. And you are in this whole mess because of the monarchical pressure. If it wasn't there you wouldn't have to share the custody with me. I would have no right to ask you or the baby to stay…"

Taehyung hopped off his body and sat beside him with a deep scowl. Jungkook was sure that this was it. He had successfully implanted a doubt in the scientist's mind, and the relationship they were about to start would never bloom.

"I don't know what you imagined in that little head of yours, but I am not Hiroshi, okay? My hyung taught me better." Taehyung stated thoughtfully.

"Taehyung, I didn't mean to offend you. But I know we are not in this relationship with our own will, there's no love to hold us together. You cannot blame me for being a little unsure." Jungkook sat up too. With both their backs leaned on to the headboard. None of them was ready to look at each other.

"I am not blaming you, but you need to understand that it doesn't matter how the relationship started, what matters is where we are at, now. Back then, I never thought I could be with someone. I didn't have any relationships because I couldn't open up to anyone, except for my hyungs. I never felt comfortable. But the last few months we spent together in this forced proximity, I learned that I could get used to this, to you."

"Oh, I am honoured!" Jungkook scoffed.

"Hey, don't hold it against me that I am not good with words or people for that matter.I know there is no love in this relationship, but there is care. I care for you, Jungkookie."

"You do?" This time, Jungkook dared to look at Taehyung's face. Who was still looking down at his hands picking the non existent lint from the sheets.

"Do you think I would get a panic attack with the idea of any random person leaving me? I hate people. But a thought of you leaving? I hated it more." Taehyung asked, with a voice only a little above whisper.

"I am sorry for that. But you don't need to panic. I am not going anywhere.," Jungkook assured him.

"Well, you better not. Because in the last few months, I got used to the idea of having a partner while raising this baby. I don't even know what I would do alone because I don't even know how to change the diaper. It was you who mastered that prenatal training, remember?" Taehyung teased.

"Oh, so you are only keeping me around just to change the diapers?" Jungkook acted in offence, and gave the scientist a look over.

"I mean not just that. You are also very hygienic. Easy on the eyes. I don't mind looking at you. And you being a good kisser could be an added bonus." Taehyung dared to smile cheekily at his now-fuming fiancé, who pounced on him to tackle him.

"I don't think you will get any of those anymore." Jungkook said, manhandling him to put him into the place. And then he started with his infamous tickle attack which he would use every time Taehyung acted like a brat with him. The uncontrolled giggles filled the room. Taehyung was laughing because of the tickles and Jungkook because Taehyung's giggles were just so contagious. He slowed down to catch his breath but Taehyung took advantage of it and swiftly turned their positions. He pinned the prince down with his hands trapped above his head and leaned in to capture the lips that were too tempting to be away from. And maybe Jungkook also had the same thought, because he gave in with an equal eagerness.

The kiss soon turned heated when the scientist's lips started to stray from their current position. He kissed the prince's jaw along the line, slowly tracing his throat with his wet kisses. While he was nosing the prince's neck, the prince moaned in ecstasy.


"Hmmm… which cologne are you using? It's so nice…."

"Actually, I am not. I am sensitive to smells. It's my natural smell." Jungkook said, trying to suppress a bubbling laugh.

"What? You mean I liked the smell of your…"

"Sweat! Yeah, right!" The prince couldn't hold back his laugh after seeing the scientist's disgusted face. But he calmed himself shortly.

"Tae, you are an Evolutionary scientist. You know it's a common primal reaction to be attracted to pheromones." He only meant to make the scientist go back to continuing their make-out but he might have actually ignited something very primal in the scientist when he used his science talk.

"I find you immensely sexy when you speak my language" the scientist stated with his eyes getting darker.

"That's some motivation to study science! We should have met in high-school then. It would have saved Jo from doing my science assignments!" The crinkle in his eyes lured Taehyung in, but before Tae could proceed further, a sound of something heavy falling on the ground alerted them. The sound seemed to be coming from the backyard.

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