Cries of Gold, The Despairs o...

By GrimthaDragon

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 8

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By GrimthaDragon

 Ghale would be jaw dropped. "You're just.. Inviting a random girl to be your apprentice? Just like that?" Dreg would shrug. "I guess it's not a good idea, but when's the last time you've seen a female Rogue? I certainly have not seen one in my life. Would be a pleasure to train the first!" Ghale would then realize that he wasn't wrong. It seemed as if there weren't many female figures in groups of large power or wisdom. He didn't know the reason for this, but he did definitely start to question it. "So, what are we doing first?" Kyrie would ask excitedly. "I wanna see if you're trained with that sword of yours first. Fight me in battle. I won't hurt you, I just need to see if you know the basics so I know where to start." Kyrie would oddly salute. "Yes Sir!" Dreg would give her a slight look of disgust. "Don't call me that. Now follow me, first test. Speed." Dreg would immediately start running, leaving almost a puff of dirt behind him. Ghale would follow suit, almost more than half the speed Dreg was going. Ghale would then soon realize Kyrie was almost catching up to Dreg. Ghale would be caught off guard and trip on himself, face planting into the still grass. "Ow.." Ghale would mutter, getting back up to pat himself down. Ghale would then run towards them both, already finished. "I'm surprised, even though I'm an apprentice!" Ghale would exclaim, panting. Dreg would nod, agreeing with Ghale. "You are clearly skilled. It makes me wonder who you really are.." Kyrie would stretch. "Nope! Just an ordinary girl!" Dreg would clear his suspicion and unsheathe his sword. "Now for the real skill test. Fight me in battle, but don't actually stab me, please." After Dreg spoke, Kyrie's expression would surprisingly turn serious. She would unsheathe her sword from its holster and hold a stance Ghale has never seen before. Ghale would assume Dreg was thinking the same thing. Kyrie would run up to Dreg, but instead of attacking, she waited for Dreg to hit first. Kyrie would wait and then move almost immediately out of the way, kicking him in the back instantly. Before he could recover, Kyrie would spin her sword, summoning a type of spell. It would summon a pure white orb, humming beautifully. She would then whisper something and it would explode, blinding both Ghale and Dreg. After both their senses came back, Kyrie was gone. "Two can play at that game. Lightborne." Dreg would say while summoning his ability. Dreg would then attack midair, hitting Kyrie with the stub of his handle. Kyrie would grunt in pain and surprise, falling down to the ground. Dreg would then put his sword right to her neck before she could get up. "Very very nice." Dreg would say, seething his sword while getting back up. Kyrie would get up as well, seething her sword. "Why, thank you! I had to train for two weeks to be able to even get down here!" Ghale would jaw drop again. "That's the same amount of time I trained! Are you super human or something?" Kyrie would laugh. "Of course not! I just- I had no breaks. But hey! Look at me! A skillful apprentice!" Ghale would stare at her with a surprised expression. Kyrie would notice him. "Hey, it's not that surprising. Where I lived, our elders are very strict without training! If one of you came across a warrior of one of ours, you'd be toast!" Dreg would straighten his cloak and hat. "Let's get a move on now. I want to atleast get around half a quarter there before nightfall." Ghale would look up to the sky and see it was almost midday. Kyrie would then tilt her head. "Where are we going?" Dreg would then remember Kyrie has no clue what they are doing at all. "Ah, yes. We are going to the Shadow Domain to get back home." Kyrie would ask why, and Dreg would tell her about the cure and rabid citizens back in Saetl. Kyrie would be weirdly fascinated by all this. Weren't there alot of cursing problems back on the Shun Sands? Ghale heard very little stories about the other Continents of Anarch Sea, but tried to piece together everything he could. Since he never went to any school, He always read as much as he could between stops Dreg took him. Ghale figured out that the Shun Continents is a continent notorious for having the most crime rate ever, despite having a supposedly god - like queen. He didn't know much of this queen either, but he did find it interesting that she was the only queen ever to rule on the Anarch Sea and Lock Sea. Dreg would pick up the supplies he had bought from the Merchant shop and give some of it to Ghale. In the middle of all of it was a small backpack. "That cost me a lot more coins than I would've wanted to give, but you can hold on to all this stuff and the stuff you already had with you alot better now. Put everything I just gave you in that backpack as quickly as you can." Ghale would thank Dreg and immediately started to put everything Dreg gave him into the pack. There would be a leather bag with dried meat in it with some type of hard bread. The other items would be essentials like water canteens, wood, and flint. The last item was at least 40 feet worth of rope. Despite being very long, it was only around 5 centimeters wide. Ghale wouldn't question the reason why he would buy something so useless and would put it into his bag with everything else. Ghale would tie strings to close up the pack, and then he would put it on his back. Ghale would see Kyrie was wearing a small leather pouch on her waist which Dreg had given her. He was originally going to use it for himself, it seemed but Ghale guessed that Dreg gave it to her so she could hold a few things herself. Dreg gave her a few more tiny things, like the smaller sticks of the wood and smaller flints. Dreg would pick up the last few things, which were two camping tents and a few cut sticks to be smooth. Ghale would be surprised when Dreg was able to fit all of this into his cloak, not filling it up at all. Dreg would adjust his cloak and start walking South. "Come on now, let's not waste time." Ghale would quickly follow suit, Kyrie following right behind them both. 

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