Bad Friend: 1.

By Fknotkf

10.8K 610 124

Just another Firskhao >< More

21. (Ending)


2.3K 48 6
By Fknotkf

Happy reading!!

First Khanapan and Khaotung Thanawat, two best friends made because their parents live close to each other, opposite each other to be exact.
But while they are good friends, they didn't grow up with the same personalities.
First was known as the bad student at school, while Khaotung was better known as the diligent kid who was kind, smiling and lazy to walk.
First even had a gang, which Khaotung said was a bunch of teenagers with no future.

Although Khaotung wasn't with First all day at school, there was always time when First would come to him to chat about things.
The two had really bonded like brothers.
Khaotung would also often come to First if he felt like he was going crazy in school. Seeing First during such stressful times always managed to get Khaotung's spirits back up.
If he didn't study hard, then his life wouldn't be as useful as First's, Khaotung thought.

"Hey, Khao. Did you bring your drink?"

Today was gym class. As usual, after learning a few things the teacher left the rest of the class time for the students to enjoy as free time.
The students chose to play soccer including First, while Khaotung who was too lazy to sweat chose to sit and watch his friends chase the ball in a group. Stupid people.

"I'll kill you if you dare to finish it."

First immediately stopped drinking, even choking on Khaotung's threat.

"It's just water, damn it." First immediately returned the water bottle to Khaotung, instead of thanking him he told Khaotung to chew the water bottle First's beer didn't come to ask for it again, then he ran back to the center of the field.

"Son of a bitch, he thinks sitting like this isn't tired." Khaotung cursed as he saw the water bottle was now low on content, First was really planning to finish it.

"He drank from yours?"

Khaotung turned his head, looking at Joong, their class president who apparently didn't play soccer either.
Joong then sat next to Khaotung, he was bored after walking around the field.

"Across there, there's Neo who's carrying a drink bottle almost like a big gallon shape."
But First chose to run to Khaotung instead.

"When will he look for something easy," Khaotung muttered.

"Ah, why don't you come play soccer?" He asking.

Joong then showed the wound on the tip of his foot which was wearing a bandage. Khaotung just realized that Joong was not wearing shoes at this time, his minuscule eyes thought Joong was wearing new shoes.

"Damn dunk, he kicked it and broke my finger."

Khaotung just laughed, it must have happened during extra class. As far as Khaotung knew, Joong and Dunk had entered the soccer class together, including First.

"He's crazy, that's why he's in the First gang."

Joong nodded in agreement, he also wondered why Dunk was in First's gang. He used to be a quiet kid like Khaotung, but when he started hanging out with Neo, Dunk seemed to turn into a talkative human being.
But don't worry, First and the gang aren't the kind of kids who always get into trouble.
They were just kids who knew how to find happiness after deciding not to study as hard as Khaotung and Joong.

"We're going home after this, right?"

Joong nodded his head, he managed to persuade his friends to demonstrate to the homeroom teacher not to do a lesson whose teacher was absent.
It was appropriate that the whole class agreed to elect Joong as class president.


"Tomorrow, Louis's friend enters this school, you know. In our class." Neo started his gossip after Louis left for home first using an online motorcycle taxi.

"Our class will be smaller then," Khaotung said.

"He hates all his classmates," Neo retorted pointing at Khaotung's face which was immediately met with a hard slap from the owner of the face on his hand.

The school parking lot was also one of the places where they chatted uselessly like this.
Neo belonged to First's gang while Louis was Neo's friend but sometimes refused to admit it if he met new friends, too embarrassing he said and Khaotung also often did it to First but First always proudly showed off if Khaotung was his best friend.

"What was his name just now? Mad? Mac?" First asked confused, the field was too noisy and Louis had a small voice.

"Marc," said Neo in his British accent.

"Louis said he'd fit into our gang, First."

Neo had already devised a plan to get Louis' one-time friend into their gang.
Khaotung didn't even want to prevent it, looking so eager to make someone useless, Khaotung didn't have the heart to ruin Neo's plan.

"Where did you go first?"

Neo had already left, now only First and Khaotung were still in the school parking lot.

"The bookstore, I need some new books," Khaotung replied.

First got his motorcycle from his mother, so he was used to riding Khaotung to and from school like this.
The motorbike was like a shared possession, Khaotung, who couldn't use it yet, often called First to take him to various places.

There was a moment when First left Khaotung at school because he came home late to do his last lesson, but when he returned his mother immediately told First to return to school and wait for Khaotung.
Their friendship had reached a stage where First's mother loved Khaotung more than him.

"Don't be long," First ordered, the two had just arrived at the bookstore.

"Where are you going?" Khaotung asked as he took off his helmet.

"Nowhere, just going to bed."

Khaotung just chuckled, he would spend a lot of time choosing books. If First wanted to go first he could, at most he was told to come back here by his mother to wait for Khaotung.
First was really annoyed with Khaotung's attitude, he really treated First like his personal driver.

"Oh man, careful."

A teenager in a different uniform from First suddenly dropped some new books from his hand.
First got off his motorcycle and helped the teenage boy to collect the books.

"Why aren't they in plastic?" First asked confused, this many books but not put in plastic or anything like that.


"Let me ask the cashier," said First then stood up and entered the bookstore.

"Why, I just chose," Khaotung said, thinking First had come in to reprimand him.

"Do as you please, shorty." First walked back out of the bookstore after getting a black plastic bag from the cashier.

Khaotung then walked to the glass wall and watched First helping the teenager put the books into the plastic.
The teenager had also met Khaotung at the cashier, it was strange why he didn't want to be given the plastic when the cashier was ready to put the books into the plastic.
First and Khaotung had reached the street of their house, but because there was a guest car at First's house he chose to park his motorcycle in the parking lot of Khaotung's house.
First even went inside Khaotung's house, he was lazy when told to greet guests by his mother.
Typical teenage boy indeed.

"First, you have guests at your house, why are you here?" Khaotung's mother looked surprised to see her neighbor's son carrying school shoes into her house.

"Auntie, I'm lazy." First then put his shoes on top of Khaotung's clean shoes, the boy would be furious later.

"You're like Khaotung, so lazy to meet guests."

First walked into Khaotung's room while texting his mom that he had just gotten home from school, but since there was a guest he would stay at Khaotung's house as long as possible.
Khaotung didn't go straight to the room, he decided to take a shower while First preferred to lie down immediately after taking off his dirty clothes and changing into Khaotung's clean boxers.

It was strange that First was that close to using Khaotung's room and clothes like that.
No matter how many times Khaotung got angry and hit him for using his clothes, First kept repeating the same thing until Khaotung got tired of cursing and hitting him.

"Bastard, I want to use that boxer." using his wet towel, Khaotung hit First's body hard.

But First only moaned once and went back to sleep, and Khaotung was already looking for another boxer to use.
While drying his hair with a small towel, Khaotung went to his bedroom window to see who was in First's house.
Unfortunately, Khaotung could only see First's mother chatting with two other people, and a teenage boy in a school uniform.

"Hopefully they'll be home before nightfall," Khaotung muttered.

Khaotung was so lazy to have First stay over, he was so noisy when slept!
Seeing First sleeping so soundly made Khaotung want to take a nap too.
Even though his intention was to immediately do the assignment from school.
After slightly pushing First's body that controlled the bed, Khaotung slept next to First.


It was already lunchtime, Mrs. Thana was seen walking towards Khaotung's room to ask him and First to have lunch first.
But when she opened the door, all she saw was First and Khaotung sleeping together.
Mrs. Thana just smiled and closed the door again as if she didn't want to disturb the two who were fast asleep.

Just as Mrs. Thana was about to return to the kitchen, a woman walked into her house with food in a bowl.
It was First's mother, Mrs. Thana.
She was going to call First to come home for lunch. But since Mrs. Thana said First and Khaotung were taking a nap, the two women decided to go to the kitchen to chat while Mrs. Khana, who had come there to give her a souvenir from her friend.

"Who are they?" asked Mrs. Thana, then accepted the gift from First's mother.

Apparently they were a family, friends of Mrs. Khana's from Chonburi. They had recently moved to Bangkok and had sent their son to school, but apparently their son didn't feel at home and decided to ask Mrs. Khana for a good school recommendation. Obviously, she immediately mentioned First and Khaotung schools as good schools, although not very popular Mrs. Khana praised how the school environment was very healthy for children.

"First and Khaotung should get to know him then," said Mrs. Thana.

True, it's a pity the children aren't good at socializing with strangers.
But it's okay, they'll meet him at school tomorrow too.
After all, her friend's son had also been told by Mrs. Thana the range of First and Khaotung.

"I have to go back to the house to clean up," Mrs. Khana said, not forgetting to ask Mrs. Thana to ask First to go straight home when she woke up from her nap.
As usual, First came to school with Khaotung.
But this time with an angry mood, First accidentally dropped his drink on one of Khaotung's notebooks.
Even though the two had been persuaded to forgive each other by First and Khaotung's mother, but it was obviously different at school, First just died.

"I told you I'd copy the notes!" First was afraid that Khaotung would get angry, he hit him no joke! He was sure that his back currently had a blue scar after being hit by Khaotung at the dining table at Mrs. Thana's house earlier.

"What right do you have to tell me to stop being upset!" Khaotung was ready to throw another punch after getting off the bike, he hadn't even taken off his helmet and neither had First.

"You idiot, it's breakfast time and you're busy studying!" First repeatedly dodged Khaotung's punches.

"You wouldn't understand being a smart student."

Khaotung continued to chase First around the parking lot, he thought it was fun to tease the angry Khaotung.
Khaotung was so angry that he didn't realize that a motorcycle was about to enter the parking lot, but fortunately First knew so he immediately pulled Khaotung's arm to avoid being hit.
Both of them were equally surprised, including the teenager riding the motorcycle.

"Ah I'm sorry, are you okay?" Khaotung who was playing in the wrong parking lot immediately broke free from First's grip.

"Of course it's okay, you're the one I almost hit. Is that okay?"

Khaotung quickly shook his head, he was fine and apologized again for startling the teenager.
First saw that this kid's uniform was different, it looked like the new student Louis and Neo were talking about yesterday.

"Khaotung Thanawat?"

Khaotung looked confused, but then realized that his name was on the name tag of the school coat.

"I heard your name from my mom's friend, you're in 2nd grade right? Me too."

The teenager then turned to First, and smiled in greeting. "Well if it's First Khanapan I hear it more from my mom's friend than Khaotung Thanawat."

Ah, First just remembered that this morning his mother told him that a friend's son transferred to his school and it looks like the person Louis and Neo said was this kid, what a small world.

"Do you know Louis? So your name is, Marc?"

Marc nodded his head, that was his name. Also Louis, he shot him quite well because both of them were in the same Housing complex, besides his mother First who suggested him to go to school here, Louis also intervened to make him sure to go to school here.


Khaotung who was still angry decided not to join First and his friends who were discussing Marc.
Marc didn't go straight to class with First and Khaotung, he had to go to the teacher's room first.

"Go back to your seats you bastard, teacher Nan is on his way."

Joong had just arrived, late and already cursing.
First immediately ran from Neo's bench to the one adjacent to Khaotung, he had been busy copying Louis' notes for Khaotung, not all of them yet but he would probably continue during recess.

"Today there are two new students," Joong said, coming up with new information.

Before Joong had gotten far with the information he had gotten, the homeroom teacher had walked in with two teenagers in different uniforms.
Their school is for boys only, by the way.

"That boy..." First still remembered the boy he helped yesterday at the bookstore.

"Boys, I brought a new friend for you."

Marc came forward first, introducing himself with his name, place of residence and previous school.

"That's the boy you helped yesterday, right?" Khaotung asked, addressing the boy who was waiting for his turn to introduce himself.

"Hem, right."

"My name is Pawin, I'm from Pattaya and moved here because my father was recently transferred in his job."

After that, the two were both told to go to the empty bench next to each other, not far from Khaotung and First.
During this break, First took Khaotung's new notebook and Louis' notebook to the cafeteria, where he would copy the notes while eating and chatting with his friends.
Dunk also invited their two new friends to eat together.

"Stay here First, you poor thing." Joong laughed as he saw First carrying a book around today as if he wanted to be smart.

"You already know Khaotung is cruel, you still make mistakes." Dunk pitied and cursed him.

Neo then told First to be grateful because he still had Louis who was willing to lend his notes to be copied, Joong was smart but stupid in writing notes so he didn't help, try If there was no Louis maybe First would be hung in front of the school gate by Khaotung.

"Khaotung is the one sitting next to you, right?" Pawin asked with his sweet smile.

"That's right, he's First's best friend but more often looks like First's bully." Louis introduced Khaotung quite rudely.

"Why are you doing the notes?" Pawin asked again.

But before his question could be answered, Khaotung came back from the teacher's lounge.
Khaotung was in a monster mood, so the classmates treated him like an employer.
Neo immediately got up from his seat so that Khaotung could sit on the already full cafeteria bench.

"You're really reliable, Neo." Khaotung also enjoyed the infrequent treatment well, making Pawin look at him a little badly.

"Work until tonight, if you don't finish I'll kill you."

Khaotung got up again and chose to leave the cafeteria. He had only come to the cafeteria to buy food.

"Is he the boss?" Marc, who had been silent, only dared to speak after Khaotung left.

Hearing that question made First laugh, what boss.

"I'm the boss," Joong said. "But he's the creepiest."

"He's not always like that, I piss him off so he is." First explained more about Khaotung's attitude. "He's actually as cute as Louis' puppy."

Pawin and Marc looked very curious about Khaotung, it was like Khaotung  their center.

"Want me to help?" Bargained Pawin, it was a pity for him to see First eating while writing.

First who really needed help nodded, he gave Khaotung's notebook to Pawin and let his new friend continue writing notes.


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